September (2016) Running Challenge



  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @lporter229 Sorry about the hamstring. Hope it heals quickly! That was interesting about your running faster uphill. I always do and my husband thinks it's so weird how fast I can run doing hill sprints compared to how slow I am at all other times. I don't know why, but it is when my form feels most comfortable. Maybe it's my hamstrings?

    @skippygirlsmom Wow, scary stuff. I have had a few animal encounters while out running - I can't imagine having to worry about crazy people with guns. Yikes. And that's so awful about the train. Those poor runners.

    @cbro70 Congrats! That's wonderful!

    @MNLittleFinn Ha, I'm sure you'll be fine. But just in case, maybe stock up on zinc lozenges. I always take them at the first sign of a sore throat and I never seem to get a cold.

    Sep 1 - 2.98 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 2 - 2.1 miles (short intervals)
    Sep 3 - 2.13 miles (recovery)
    Sep 4 - 11.67 miles (long)
    Sep 5 - rest
    Sep 6 - 3.39 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 7 - 2.65 miles (long intervals)
    Sep 8 - 6 miles (aerobic)
    Sep 9 - 2.84 miles (short intervals)
    Sep 10 - 4.01 miles (recovery)
    Sep 11 - 9.94 miles (w/u, alternating miles by pace goal/heart rate, last mile fast finish)
    Sep 12 - rest
    Sep 13 - 5 miles (2 middle miles @ tempo pace)
    Sep 14 - 2.56 miles (recovery)

    Total: 55.27 / 100 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @lporter229 Good luck on your registration! I'd be baskets and have to to do it ASAP.

    The inspiring option poped up yesterday afternoon during the magnesium/poop/ cramp chat.

    @Stoshew71 @kristinegift You aiming for Boston? Anyone else? Good luck to all getting accepted! @MobyCarp I know your in.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited September 2016
    @ariceroni I got them from runningwarehouse (EU) because they were on sale. I just checked and they do have some funky prints for women too. The brand is BOA

    @juliet3455 Budgie Smugglers? I had to google that...


    September 1 - 12.8km - Tempo&Reps/4:20, 3:30
    September 2 - 7.7 km - Easy/6:00
    September 3 - 6.1 km - Easy/6:30
    September 4 - 17.2km - MP/4:35
    September 5 - rest
    September 6 - 8.0 km - Easy+ST/6:05
    September 7 - 8.9 km - Easy/5:40
    September 8 - 17.2km - Tempo/4:25
    September 9 - 9.1 km - Easy+ST/5:40
    September 10- 5.9 km - Easy/6:23
    September 11- 18.5km - Progressive Long Run (6:00-4:20)
    September 12- rest
    September 13- 8.8 km - Easy+ST/6:00
    September 14- 12.0km - Tempo&Reps/4:15, 3:30


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k) 48:28
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    9/4 - 3.67 mi
    9/14 - 3.72 mi

    Total 7.39 mi
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @lporter229 Sorry about the hamstring. Hope it heals quickly! That was interesting about your running faster uphill. I always do and my husband thinks it's so weird how fast I can run doing hill sprints compared to how slow I am at all other times. I don't know why, but it is when my form feels most comfortable. Maybe it's my hamstrings?

    @RunRachelRunnn - I really can't say for certain whether that has anything to do with you hamstring. I have never been particularly fast on the downhills and I have always attributed that to my short stride. Today I could feel my hamstring pulling on the downhills so I knew I was running even slower than normal (also confirmed by Garmin). Today's average pace for my run was 9:12 and my avg cadence was 195. Compare that to my run on Sunday which was an average pace of 8:25 with a cadence of 196. Quite a bit of difference in the pace, but very little change in the cadence. This tells me that I was definitely altering (shortening) my stride length to compensate for my sore hamstring. I didn't necessarily feel it on much of my run, only that it was tight and lacked the usual mobility. I am going to work on stretching (I've been neglectful), foam rolling and also some icing.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    @juliet3455 Budgie Smugglers? I had to google that...

    Oh my some things just can't be unseen LOL
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for September
    9/1 9 miles - 9
    9/2 5 miles - 14
    9/3 18 miles - 32
    9/4 REST DAY
    9/5 10.5 miles - 42.5
    9/6 9 miles - 51.5
    9/7 6.2 miles - 57.7
    9/8 10 miles - 67.7
    9/8 6.2 miles - 73.9 << Daily Double
    9/9 6.2 miles - 80.1
    9/10 18 miles - 98.1
    9/11 REST DAY
    9/12 8 miles - 106.1
    9/12 5 miles - 111.1 << Daily Double
    9/13 9 miles - 120.1
    9/13 4 miles - 124.1 << Daily Double
    9/14 5 miles - 129.1


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    @lporter229 Holy cow that cadence! I've been working over the summer to improve my cadence. Started at 157 and now it's around 163 and takes active thought throughout much of the run to improve it.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited September 2016
    @BetterMike -Yeah, others have mentioned my unusually high cadence before. Honestly, it's not something I ever really worked on, it just sort of developed over time. I think it's because I am really short (5'0'), so I am limited in my stride length. If I was going to get faster, it was going to be by increasing my cadence.

    Cute doggie, BTW.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    9/1 - 1 hr walking, not all at once
    9/2 - 4 mi run, 35 min strength
    9/3 - 2.5 mi walk
    9/4-9/10 - NOTHING. Huge break.
    9/11 - 3 mi run, 2 miles walking
    9/12 - 45 min Fitness Blender lower body strength/HIIT workout, 3 mi walk after dinner
    9/13 - 1 hr indoor cardio/upper body
    9/14 - .5 mi walk/3mi run/.3 cool down = 3.8 miles

    Goal: Not be in pain

    Alarm went off at 5:10 this morning and I spent the next 18 mins telling myself to just get up and do it. LOL Hubby was sound asleep and it kills me to get up before him. But I really wanted to get going earlier. Of course by the time I was dressed and filled my water bottle and made coffee (not for me, I don't drink coffee!) I was 6:02 getting started with a warm up walk. I think it stayed pretty dark until 6:30 or so. I set out running a few minutes later and I could tell I was running faster than Sunday and I decided to just go with it and hope I didn't tire out after a mile. So I ran 9:56 then 10:10 (I had a tiny calf cramp that mile) and then 9:04. It felt so GOOD. I couldn't have run much longer like that but I felt like my old self and enjoyed it.

    Okay, I won't be googling budgie smugglers.....I'm afraid....

    @cbro70 Congrats on the progress! 6 miles three days in a row is impressive.

    @RespectTheKitty Good job getting out there and fighting the snot :-D

    @lporter229 Good luck with the hamstring.

    @MNLittleFinn 35? THIRTY-FIVE?! Are we even on the same continent? It was 67 and muggy here this morning.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @greenolivetree it gets to -30 here in the deep winter. That will make running more "interesting"
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Got a question for the Garmin experts here: I use the vivoactive (with a strapped HRM), and have rarely attempted to use it for training, just for tracking. Decided to give it another try today, because I've added a HM training plan that starts in a couple weeks, and I want to get accustomed to it before the plan starts up.

    I set it for a Pace Alert at 10:20 to 10:40 (fast/slow), and it seemed to work for me well (averaged 10:37 for the run). I was able to keep it between those times pretty consistently once I'd warmed up and gotten into it, reminding myself to slow down over and over. I was actually able to keep a running pace for the first mile plus some.

    But I noticed that after that, which is about the point that I took my first walk break, AND I turned around to finish the course, either it never got back on track, or my pacing went entirely to hell.

    I was ALWAYS either too fast or too slow - never hit the groove again (it seemed), even when I was doing my damnedest to duplicate the pace feel of that first mile. And I'm talking too fast like 8:11/mile, not just a little bit.

    Here's the page: Am I just that bad at pacing (answer: yes!) or is this a Garmin issue, and I need to not worry about it, and just work with it until I absorb its idiosyncrasies into my training?
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @RunRachelleRun - I really can't say for certain whether that has anything to do with you hamstring. I have never been particularly fast on the downhills and I have always attributed that to my short stride. Today I could feel my hamstring pulling on the downhills so I knew I was running even slower than normal (also confirmed by Garmin). Today's average pace for my run was 9:12 and my avg cadence was 195. Compare that to my run on Sunday which was an average pace of 8:25 with a cadence of 196. Quite a bit of difference in the pace, but very little change in the cadence. This tells me that I was definitely altering (shortening) my stride length to compensate for my sore hamstring. I didn't necessarily feel it on much of my run, only that it was tight and lacked the usual mobility. I am going to work on stretching (I've been neglectful), foam rolling and also some icing.

    @ lporter229 That is a super impressive cadence - wow! I just got a new Garmin that shows cadence, so I'll have to track and see if there is much difference on hills vs flats for me. Hope the extra hamstring attention does the trick for you!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @9voice9 Your heart rate and cadence were going up and down in the same pattern as your pace, so I'm thinking you were having trouble controlling your pace :) I haven't used the pacing feature much on my vivoactive. But I think you have to hold the pace for a bit to get an accurate reading. In other words, you aren't getting instantaneous readings and may be over-adjusting instead of giving yourself time to settle in and hold a pace.

    @MNLittleFinn LOL Yeah, I get it. You're tough!
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member


  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I know @Ohhim is doing the Chicago marathon in a few weeks. Is anyone else? Reason I ask is because that's in my neck of the woods. Too bad I'm nowhere near ready to run a marathon.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Weather here is very hot and humid, and between that and very high anxiety levels I'm shattered . every part of my body was saying 'don't run, just sit down on the sofa', but I didn't listen because I know I'll feel better for a run, mentally and physically. As is often the case the first mile felt rubbish and I thought this would have to be 3 miles rather than the 5 we planned. Mile 2 felt better and was faster, mile 3 we started talking about one of my anxiety triggers, which of course makes me anxious and knocks my breathing off so we slowed, mile 4 we settled back into a good rhythm but running partners watch had a hissy fit so we lost track of distance and thought we needed to dogleg to reach the 5 so ended up doing 5.5 miles rather that 5. I was struggling with pins and needles in my left leg the last half mile but we made it in 56 mins.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @Ohhim -Hooray for running the Rocky steps! So cool. Sounds like you had some pretty nice running in Philly. I love running in new places when on vacation!