62 LBS Lost-Love of Fitness Found (pics-before and current)



  • spurby123
    spurby123 Posts: 14 Member
    Just amazing! Congratulations on all your hard work, it shows!thanks for the updates, it sure helps us all to keep motivated :)
  • sanifr
    sanifr Posts: 41 Member
    Fantastic job! Congrats to you
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Wow! What you've done is so impressive and inspiring! I want to be a 50 something version sometime in the future. What I especially like (aside from the results) is the calories you took in--they seem reasonable--I can't go too low or I'll binge
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Wowza. Looking great.
  • silkyb1
    silkyb1 Posts: 49 Member
    Wow you look awesome! I have been reading all the love everyone has been giving to you. You have accomplished something a lot of us strive to want to do. How did you finally figure out what meal plan and exercise works for you? I'm 5'6 215 pds and it's a struggle for me to find far as eating and working out what works for me cause you can work out all day everyday and if you can't get your eating right it just won't work.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    Great job you look amazing!
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    Amazing! You're my "she"ro!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    silkyb1 wrote: »
    Wow you look awesome! I have been reading all the love everyone has been giving to you. You have accomplished something a lot of us strive to want to do. How did you finally figure out what meal plan and exercise works for you? I'm 5'6 215 pds and it's a struggle for me to find far as eating and working out what works for me cause you can work out all day everyday and if you can't get your eating right it just won't work.

    Thank you!

    You are absolutely right that you can work out all day everyday and if you can't get your eating right it just won't work. Diet was definitely the key to my weight loss success. I developed what works for my diet completely based on trial and error. I tracked my calories until I found my maintenance level and then set a modest deficit to average about a pound a week loss. I started tracking how different foods made me feel. I tracked things like my satiety level hours after eating or if I had high or low energy for my workouts or if food made me feel sick and bloated. From this I set my macros and then adjusted them once a month until I found the makeup that allowed the weight to come off the fastest while leaving me feeling full, healthy and energetic (high fat, moderate carb, moderate protein).

    As far as figuring out exercise, it was kind of a fluke for me. I had seen Crossfit on TV and was amazed at what the women could do so when I saw a Groupon for one in my neighborhood I bought it. I knew I needed something drastic to get myself in shape. I actually waited until the very last possible day to use it because I was SO scared. I really hated Crossfit. It hurt so bad but I promised myself I would commit to at least three months and eventually I started to love it. More specifically I fell in love with Olympic Weightlifting. Then to get more mobile for lifting and crossfit I started doing yoga and realized how much I love yoga. Exercise just became part of my daily life from that point. I think the key to sticking to an exercise routine is really finding something you love.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Amazing! You're my "she"ro!

    Ha-ha Aww thanks!
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
  • coloradokat78
    coloradokat78 Posts: 268 Member
    You look amazing! Do you mind if I ask you weight and body fat now? About how many grams protein do you eat a day? I have always follwed the .8 of ideal body wreight.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    You look amazing! Do you mind if I ask you weight and body fat now? About how many grams protein do you eat a day? I have always follwed the .8 of ideal body wreight.

    I presently weigh 143, I'm not sure what my body fat is, I've never had it checked. I just kind of go by measurements and visuals for progress checks.

    I've been trying to eat around 135g of protein a day recently as I was coming out of a little bulk and eating at a deficit. Usually I eat around 120g of protein a day with the difference added in as fat.

  • grrupp
    grrupp Posts: 159 Member
    How did you start lifting? I hear about heavy lifting but dont know where or how to begin. I am really out of shape right now but would like to start weight training. Any tips, how to's or what to avoid?
    Thank you and you look incredible, very femine and strong. Congrats on your sucess!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    grrupp wrote: »
    How did you start lifting? I hear about heavy lifting but dont know where or how to begin. I am really out of shape right now but would like to start weight training. Any tips, how to's or what to avoid?
    Thank you and you look incredible, very femine and strong. Congrats on your sucess!

    Thank so much! My #1 tip for any lift is to start super light and practice form to reinforce movement patterns a million times before you put any weight on the bar. I started lifting through crossfit. It was a great way for me to learn because it took away the anxiety of having to try and figure things out on my own in a weight room which would have been super intimidating for me since I had never even squatted with a barbell before. CrossFit also introduced me to Olympic lifting which is my real love. Most gyms around me don't even offer the option to OLY lift let alone have trainers that can show you how to lift properly. Some CrossFit classes at a GOOD CrossFit gym could be a good option to learn the movements. You could always switch to a regular gym once you've learned. You could also hire a trainer for a few sessions to show you the basics (squatting, strict press, deadlifts,bench and misc other lifts such as rows, curls, tricep in and outs etc.). There are plenty of tried and true lifting programs online (and I'm sure they've been mentioned here over and over again like strong lifts). YouTube is a great resource if you don't have the money to pay a trainer. Don't be scared to ask others around you who look like they know what they're doing how your form looks though, most people are super happy to help other gym goers out and it's a compliment (at least to me) when someone asks for a critique. If you have any specific questions feel free to shoot me a message.

  • LynnBBQ72
    LynnBBQ72 Posts: 151 Member
    I saw a post from you on another thread and it referenced this thread. All I can say is WOW!! I WANT TO BE YOU WHEN I GROW UP! Thank you for posting the pics and hints. You are an inspiration.
  • 75poundstogo
    75poundstogo Posts: 99 Member
    WOW GOALS. Great job. I am 13lbs down in my journey hoping to lose 75 total. We have pretty similar starting weights. Hoping to look as good as you.
  • Liftheavylovehard
    Liftheavylovehard Posts: 5,393 Member
    Wow that's awesome! Congrats on your success!
  • gracimusic
    gracimusic Posts: 5 Member
    excellent! :-)
  • Great job girl

  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks @blb85! As far as diet I ate about 1700 calories Monday through Friday and 1900 calories Saturday and Sunday to lose the bulk of the weight. As far as workouts for the first 6 months I did whatever workout was scheduled at my crossfit gym 3 times a week and maybe a light run or golf one day a week.

    Now I eat about 2000 M-F and slightly more on the weekends and days that are cardio intensive with a 40P/30c/30f macro split. Most of my food is made up of protein, full fat dairy and fruits and veggies, I have a hard time digesting wheat so I tend to avoid it. My workouts now consist of 4 or 5 days a week with a strength component and a crossfit WOD and 2 days a week of additional lifting (sometimes on the same day as the CF workouts). I rest at least 1 full day a week and often have a 2nd active rest day.

    When I work out my tdee it gave me about 1200-1300 cals a day. I'm wondering if I should up my calories or at least eat back my exercise calories? So much to learn!!!
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