Black Team Challenge Week 4



  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Morning all!!
    So, this morning I went into the bathroom and I went to my normal spot to look for my scale like it would magicly appear there! no such luck!:grumble:
    Something is wrong with our thermostat. I don't think it's used to running the heat like it has been. After awhile it starts blowing cold air. yesterday morning it was 25 degrees when I went to work and our house was at 66 and going down!! This morning the house was at 69 and blowing cold air so we turned it off. It is supposed to get into the high 60's today so we should be ok. it's like we have to turn it off for a couple hours to give it a break. glad this house isn't up north where we really want to be.

    Hope everyone is keeping with this challenge!

    Amanda forget about your misstep and start fresh!
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Yuck. I hate cold. Are you going to get your thermostat looked at Bohlon??

    Have a good day girls!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Morning all!!
    So, this morning I went into the bathroom and I went to my normal spot to look for my scale like it would magicly appear there! no such luck!:grumble:
    Something is wrong with our thermostat. I don't think it's used to running the heat like it has been. After awhile it starts blowing cold air. yesterday morning it was 25 degrees when I went to work and our house was at 66 and going down!! This morning the house was at 69 and blowing cold air so we turned it off. It is supposed to get into the high 60's today so we should be ok. it's like we have to turn it off for a couple hours to give it a break. glad this house isn't up north where we really want to be.

    Hope everyone is keeping with this challenge!

    Amanda forget about your misstep and start fresh!

    One time that happened to us & it was the oddest thing. We changed the filter & it was working fine again. Odd. Do you have gas or electric? If it is gas, make sure the pilot light is lit. Good luck! That stuff gets pricey. :grumble:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Morning all!!
    So, this morning I went into the bathroom and I went to my normal spot to look for my scale like it would magicly appear there! no such luck!:grumble:
    Something is wrong with our thermostat. I don't think it's used to running the heat like it has been. After awhile it starts blowing cold air. yesterday morning it was 25 degrees when I went to work and our house was at 66 and going down!! This morning the house was at 69 and blowing cold air so we turned it off. It is supposed to get into the high 60's today so we should be ok. it's like we have to turn it off for a couple hours to give it a break. glad this house isn't up north where we really want to be.

    Hope everyone is keeping with this challenge!

    Amanda forget about your misstep and start fresh!

    One time that happened to us & it was the oddest thing. We changed the filter & it was working fine again. Odd. Do you have gas or electric? If it is gas, make sure the pilot light is lit. Good luck! That stuff gets pricey. :grumble:

    We have electric and I think we need to change the filter. I think we are going to try that and see if it works and then go from there. we can't afford pricey right now. I have been giving all my extra money to my mom to help her pay her rent. She is only oncall at her job and hasn't worked in over a month. she has one day next week so that won't pay her bills.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ugh. That's hard, Sam. I hope she picks up hours soon! :frown:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks, I will start fresh today, but I will do one of the exercises to pay for my screw-up. :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks, I will start fresh today, but I will do one of the exercises to pay for my screw-up. :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Sam, I am sorry to hear about your heat and your mom. Hope the filter fixes the heat and your mom is able to get some more hours soon. (((HUGS))))!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Sam, I am sorry to hear about your heat and your mom. Hope the filter fixes the heat and your mom is able to get some more hours soon. (((HUGS))))!
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    When I weigh myself, I do it first thing in the morning, after I go to the bathroom, before I eat. Any other isn't "accurate" to me. So I've been eating breakfast as soon as I wake up so I won't want to weigh-in and get a "wrong" number.

    LOL That's funny to me b/c I ran down the stairs this morning & ate my yogurt first thing for the very same reason :laugh: Scale can't get me now! Although, I do peek throughout the day b/c I'm mildly insane, but I beat it for the "offical" one! YAY!

    Haha ... I won't get on the scale in the morning if I have had even *ONE* swallow of water ... so right as I get out of bed I chug down some! I really wanted to step on the dang thing this morning though!! Oh well ... I can do this, I CAN do this...:grumble: :huh: :tongue:

    About Monday I am going to have to earn a scale peek, though... :noway: :laugh:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Come on folks-- do or do not-- there is no try.

    Back away from the scale-- !!!

    Have a great day!!

    Marla ... CUTE CUTE CUTE pic in your AV!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I put my scale in the closet...
    see no evil, do no evil!

    Well ... hmmm... it won't fit on the floor of my closet ... the shelves? .... nope!

    I wonder if it would hang on a hanger ...

    :noway: :noway: :noway:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Come on folks-- do or do not-- there is no try.

    Back away from the scale-- !!!

    Have a great day!!

    Marla ... CUTE CUTE CUTE pic in your AV!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Thanks-- that's my Caleb-- he's my dollbaby!!
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Come on folks-- do or do not-- there is no try.

    Back away from the scale-- !!!

    Have a great day!!

    Marla ... CUTE CUTE CUTE pic in your AV!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Thanks-- that's my Caleb-- he's my dollbaby!!

    Well, he's really cute, too ... but I was talking about YOU!!! You look like a teenager! :happy:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Thanks, I will start fresh today, but I will do one of the exercises to pay for my screw-up. :laugh:

    Yeah ... drop and give us 50 there Missy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sam ... I'm sorry to hear about your mom & her work situation ... I pray that will get better really soon, and that the filter fixes your heat issues! :heart:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Thanks, I will start fresh today, but I will do one of the exercises to pay for my screw-up. :laugh:

    Yeah ... drop and give us 50 there Missy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously ... don't beat yourself up ... I probably would've done the same thing!!

    Sam ... I'm sorry to hear about your mom & her work situation ... I pray that will get better really soon, and that the filter fixes your heat issues! :heart:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Thanks, I will start fresh today, but I will do one of the exercises to pay for my screw-up. :laugh:

    Yeah ... drop and give us 50 there Missy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously ... don't beat yourself up ... I probably would've done the same thing!!

    Sam ... I'm sorry to hear about your mom & her work situation ... I pray that will get better really soon, and that the filter fixes your heat issues! :heart:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Ugh, I've been up for several hours working and I haven't eaten yet, so I'm gonna go find some brekkie before I fall over! Have a great day, Black Team!!

    We ROCK!!!

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    we both work in the resort/hotel business and fortunetely I work with kids full time and unfortunetely for her she is in housekeeping and times are slow so she isn't getting any hours. work may not get better for awhile. She is getting them from us though.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I really hope your mom's hours pick up soon. Hope the the new filter works for you.
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