Weight loss is 90% food, 10% exercise?

Has anyone else heard the phrase weight loss is 90% what we eat and 10% what we do, ie exercise? If this is true, then I've been placing way too much emphasis on exercise whilst wrongly thinking I could eat more


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I've been swimming + acquagym for over 20 yrs. I cannot tell you how many women come on board because they plan on losing weight. If they're not watching their diet, they usually gain and are very disappointed.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Also, the saying "you can't out train a *kitten* diet" exists for a reason. Just ask every powerlifter walking around with a pack of hotdogs on the back of his neck, and a wheeze when he walks.
  • Longevity100
    Longevity100 Posts: 84 Member
    Has anyone else heard the phrase weight loss is 90% what we eat and 10% what we do, ie exercise? If this is true, then I've been placing way too much emphasis on exercise whilst wrongly thinking I could eat more

    You'll hear derivatives of this statement a lot with a range of 95%-60% nutrition depending on who you ask. Both are important. Most people focus a lot more on exercise than nutrition so their exercise grade is in the A-B range and put very focus their nutrition which result in them receiving an F. If your objective is to be Healthy, Perform well and Look Good its a good idea to follow a good strength & conditioning program as well as a good nutrition program, that way you maximize both fronts.
  • Raptor2763
    Raptor2763 Posts: 387 Member
    I'd say 85% diet, 15% exercise, or maybe 75-25, but close enough for government work. Bear in mind - you can't out exercise a bad diet.