Weight loss is 90% food, 10% exercise?



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I don't buy those extreme percentages.

    The fact is you can exercise off your calories ...but can you keep that up forever? some do... Look at the Biggest Loser show..that is what they do..and they prove it works. Yet most if all of them gained back..because who can work out 6 hours a day?

    Cutting calories alone does work too.. I've done that.. Many balance the two to suit their live style.

    I read the best advice here on a success forum. a guy at goal said he has learned to control his eating because he doesn't have to out exercise his calories any longer. At first he exercised a lot to keep at a deficit..but for the long term it wouldn't have worked for him, so he'd rather just control his eating more at this point.

    So...balance the two for your life, personality, what would be sustainable for you for the rest of your life.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    The fact is you can exercise off your calories ...but can you keep that up forever? some do... Look at the Biggest Loser show..that is what they do..and they prove it works. Yet most if all of them gained back..because who can work out 6 hours a day?

    They lose on the show with a combination of extreme exercise and starvation diet...and, depending on who you believe, street drugs.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Weight loss really is 100% food, but are any of us really here for just weight loss? I know I want to be able to do more, have better blood test numbers, be more healthy in my old age and look better. In short be healthier. Exercise is a huge aid in all of this goals as well. For my weight loss I have to focus on my food, for my health I have to ramp up my exercise. There is the added benefit that exercise gives me a modest amount of calories extra to eat and still lose weight, but I wouldn't equate a candy bar as worth an hour or two of exercise. That hour or two is worth it though to eventually be able to play tennis well again.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I would say....

    weight loss is 100% diet

    fitness and strength is 100% exercise

    both are equally as important to the overall package that is you.

    I saw the title and popped in to say that trying to quantify it with percentages is pointless and meaningless, but this one I agree with 100%. ;-)

    OP, if you've been exercising for fitness and eating the extra calories you burn (with an overall deficit from maintenance) then you are doing it right. Arbitrary percentages people put on exercise vs. diet doesn't change the fact that you lose weight by eating less than you burn and if you exercise you burn more. Someone who exercises hard and has an uncontrolled diet likely won't lose weight (although some will). But similarly, someone who exercises hard and eats at a deficit based on a pretense that they don't exercise at all will be eating too little and probably burn out hard.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Trying to nail down the percentage of diet vs exercise is a rather nebulous exercise. They blend together to create the final outcome so it's really irrelevant in practical terms, but we can say that diet is the over riding factor since it's the one that is the easiest to control for most people. When I was at my most active I was burning over 21 calories/pound per day, meaning I was doubling my BMR in activity and exercise so I could eat a lot more and still lose quickly. For a person who is only moderately active they have to be more aware of what they eat.

    Overall, I really do like the idea that diet for weight control and exercise for health because it indicates that exercise is more than just a weight control tool that you stop doing when you hit your goal weight.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited September 2016
    Also, the saying "you can't out train a *kitten* diet" exists for a reason. Just ask every powerlifter walking around with a pack of hotdogs on the back of his neck, and a wheeze when he walks.

    I'm a powerlifter and can run 10 miles in under 90 mins so you can't just stereotype everyone based on the super heavy division. Most underclass powerlifters I know could easily be mistaken for body builders.

    Of course, I may be misreading your post and you are only talking about the tanks of our sport.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Also, the saying "you can't out train a *kitten* diet" exists for a reason. Just ask every powerlifter walking around with a pack of hotdogs on the back of his neck, and a wheeze when he walks.

    Almost spit my coffee at the pack of hotdogs image. EW!

    Some things are better not to think about! :lol:
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    It may be way more than 90% even. It's all about what you eat. I burn around 300 calories during my gym workout. Doesn't account for a lot overall.
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    It may be way more than 90% even. It's all about what you eat. I burn around 300 calories during my gym workout. Doesn't account for a lot overall.

    Yea, it takes a lot of work to exercise-off calories. If you are already good at keeping your calories within a good range, then exercise can help you maintain your deficit if you slip up a bit.

    For weight loss it is mostly about the food. For long-term health and looking awesome, exercise figures much more prominently.
  • Bjws13
    Bjws13 Posts: 8 Member
    I have heard that losing weight is heavily down to diet and I am a strong believer the abs are made in the kitchen.
  • dccardew
    dccardew Posts: 11 Member
    That is true. I constantly exercise but couldn't seem to lose weight as I would eat too much. Then I started to cut down on my food intake and that combined with my exercise meant that I now have an amazing body at 47 and a half years old
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    edited September 2016
    For me it was probably 40/60 in favour of exercise - I really struggled to keep down to my calorie limit on exercise-free days, but only ate part of my exercise calories on days when I was cycling for up to 2½ hours a day. My "comfortable" number of calories is probably around 2-500 above my daily calorie limit - no problem when I'm exercising, but otherwise - problem.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Bjws13 wrote: »
    I have heard that losing weight is heavily down to diet and I am a strong believer the abs are made in the kitchen.

    Yes and no on the abs. You need to get below 15% bf as a man to get abs and full six pack comes in around 10% but there are people with low BF who don't have the visible six pack because they don't have enough development to see them.

  • themetz3838
    themetz3838 Posts: 21 Member
    Thx for all the replies! Lots of great info in there. I've been trying to keep a calorie deficit whilst eating much healthier along the way. At the same time I've really upped the activity levels but like many have said here, MFP or my iPhone is clearly overstating my steps/activity. I'll chalk some off this score in my head and overestimate my food intake, this will then be a truer reflection of my day and help me achieve my goals sooner
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Has anyone else heard the phrase weight loss is 90% what we eat and 10% what we do, ie exercise? If this is true, then I've been placing way too much emphasis on exercise whilst wrongly thinking I could eat more

    Weight loss and weight management in general is about energy (calorie) balance. Exercise and weight management can/do go hand in hand...but exercise doesn't mean you're going to lose weight or even maintain weight.

    I cycle quite a bit and when I was training for my first century I was up to about 150 miles per week...I ended up gaining weight whilst doing that...you know why? Because I consumed more energy (calories) than I was expending. You can't out-exercise a *kitten* diet...it all comes down to energy balance.