30 Day Shred start date 7/10/2011



  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    I took a bunch of measurements right before I started Day 1. I took a couple pictures but then my camera decided to act up so I'm hoping there will be a big enough difference at the end to tell in the two that came out okay.

    After doing Day 4 today I feel like the cardio is a cake walk and so is the abs. Can't do more than a few regular push ups without dropping to my knees though and those lateral raises and side lunges get me every time. The only other problem is the soreness in my quads isn't letting up, making the lunges and squats a little more difficult to keep deeply into. I'm hoping 2-3 more days of level one and my legs will be used to it.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Good Morning! Jillian and I had a date At 5:30 this morning! Level 1 day 2 down! Feeling a little more encouraged! Did better with my pushups! I had both 2lbs and 3lbs weights handy. I started with 3lbs, ended with 2lbs!. I am planning to stick with level 1 for 10days, I'll see how that goes!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    I'd like to join too! I started last month and did 3 days and got sidetracked. I'm going to start today and take new measurements.
  • M12e31g
    M12e31g Posts: 38
    I started the 30 day shred this morning, so I'm a day late, but would love to join! I had tried to start this last month, but with vacation, didn't keep to the 30 day challenge. This time nothing is stopping me, I need to see these results!
  • Abbietara
    Abbietara Posts: 30
    We now have 31 people who have joined our group. I hope we can "Freind" each other so we can support one another. This 10 minute limit for adding friends is a pain. I HAVE SENT REQUEST TO ALL EXCEPT THE LAST 5 SO FAR, I will send those when MFP allows - if you did not get one from me PLEASE send a request my way!!!!
  • jcaa2011
    jcaa2011 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in! I bought it about the middle of last week and haven't started it yet, time to get on it! Can't wait!!!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I am starting it tonight, and would love to participate. It will be my first time with 30DS, so the support would be great! And it's always fun to see everyone else's progress.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Can I get in too? I actually started this yesterday but didn't see the group for it.

    L1D1: I completely wimped on the jumping jacks and butt kicks. My legs were rubbery for 3hrs after.
    L1D2: Still wimped on the cardio but I got 1 or 2 more in before I did. Was dead tired before it, now my mind is wide awake but my body is jello.
  • Karaboo
    Karaboo Posts: 38 Member
    Day 2 down & my calves are so sore!! Probably didn't help that I cleaned the pool yesterday too!
  • javame
    javame Posts: 146 Member
    Hey, guys, count me in too. Just joined MFP yesterday, started 30 Day Shred about 10 days ago then went away for about a week. So I restarted today Day 4, Level 1. Can't even imagine with L2 must be like...:-(

    @jaeone - I am using 2 lb weights, and yes, those side lunge arms-out-front things are a killer!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'd like to join in but I always take a break during the week...too old to exercise every day or at least that is what my joints keep telling me. I did Day 1 of Level 1 this morning.
  • Starting this evening!!! hopefully I can join too xxxx
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 Completed. Yeah!
  • I just finished RI30 and starting the Shred today. I can't wait!
  • ljacksn3
    ljacksn3 Posts: 32 Member
    D3L1 complete! Today was a little difficult for me. Went out last night for a drink after work. Then someone had the bright idea of shots... Only had two, but since I don't drink much my body was angry at me this morning when I insisted we exercise :)
  • Abbietara
    Abbietara Posts: 30
    D3L1 complete! Today was a little difficult for me. Went out last night for a drink after work. Then someone had the bright idea of shots... Only had two, but since I don't drink much my body was angry at me this morning when I insisted we exercise :)

    Good for you to work through it!!!!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow, finally went out to get the DVD today. Looking forward to seeing the results at the end. Will get my starting stats tomorrow as well.
  • lnforner
    lnforner Posts: 29 Member
    i'm in, i got a ilttle off track because of some shin splints/pulled muscles.
  • ljacksn3, I feel ya. I had a few too many last night and today's Shred was not pleasant, but I'm glad I did it anyway.
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