September (2016) Running Challenge



  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    I have a question for the group. There's a 5k the night before one of the Half Marathons I am hoping to run next year. That HM will NOT be one in which I am going for a PR. If I sign up for both, I can skip the lottery for the HM and get in automatically. Is this something that is doable?

    Considering our city's Army Run did both the same day (considered the Commander's challenge), I don't see a problem with having a night's sleep in between races.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have a question for the group. There's a 5k the night before one of the Half Marathons I am hoping to run next year. That HM will NOT be one in which I am going for a PR. If I sign up for both, I can skip the lottery for the HM and get in automatically. Is this something that is doable?

    Yes. There is a race series here on new years eve that has a 5k beer run at 4:00 pm, then a 5k at 11:45 to run in the new year, followed by a half marathon at 8:00 am. Most of the people run easy for the beer run and new year run, then a bit harder for the half. Few however race for a PR on any of them. For you with a 5k you'd probably even be ok with racing the half if you ran the 5k easy.
  • tparascandola
    tparascandola Posts: 5 Member
    Will there be an October Running Challenge??
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I have a question for the group. There's a 5k the night before one of the Half Marathons I am hoping to run next year. That HM will NOT be one in which I am going for a PR. If I sign up for both, I can skip the lottery for the HM and get in automatically. Is this something that is doable?

    IMO, even if you were going for a PR on the half, the 5K the night before, run very easy, wouldn't hurt a bit if you have the training miles to back it up, which you do. I like to run a couple easy miles the night before a long race anyway, stretching it to 3.1 is not a big deal.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    End of month question:

    - Complete a sub-2 HM
    - Continue to build my base mileage
    - Really nail down the 'science' parts of my training (determining my lactate threshold pace/HR, VO2max, HR zones, etc.)
    - sub-25:00 5k at the least (I know I have it in me, the first time around when I got into running a few years ago, I PR'd with ~22:00)
    - Successfully train to be ready to run (no walking) a full marathon by the end of 2017/beginning of 2018
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 @5512bf @7lenny7 Thanks for the input. Registration opens Saturday at 10:00, so I'll sign up for the 2 of them right away.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 @7lenny7 @WhatMeRunning There was a Strava request by aka emptydog that does not appear to be linked with this group. I'm out of town, on mobile and have not approved nor denied the request. Maybe it's a lone wolf?

    I know another mfp user had issues with a person on Strava and don't want to allow that or any other disruptive person to view our runs/activities.

    I wonder if we should request an MFP PM or post here to join the group. I joined the Strava mfp cycling group and such request was made to keep the group honestly MFP.

    If anyone is harassed by another on Strava through this running group, please let Stan know. Or me, or Lenny, or Chris, but it's Stan's group, He's The Man.

    I am pals with emptydog on MFP. He was telling me he journals (in an actual book) all of his runs and asked me how I tracked mine, so I told him about Garmin and Strava and the MFP group on there. Sorry, didn't know you'd need a heads-up!

    You should encourage him to actually drop in and say hi to the group. :)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited September 2016
    9/1: 4.3 miles
    9/2: Rest day
    9/3: 9.4 miles
    9/4: 5.7 miles
    9/5: 6 miles
    9/6: 6 miles
    9/7: 4 miles
    9/8: 3.2 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/9: Rest day
    9/10: 5.3 miles
    9/11: 13.1 - Via HM
    9/12: 3 miles with the Coffee Crew!
    9/13: 7.9 miles
    9/14: 4.3 miles run commute home
    9/15: 7.3 miles run commute to work
    ........: 6.2 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/16: Rest day
    9/17: 8.1 miles with the Saturday crew!
    9/18: 11.3 miles (am) + 4.7 miles (pm)
    9/19: 6.1 miles
    9/20: 4 miles
    9/21: 8 miles
    ........: 4.9 miles
    9/22: 6.7 miles
    ........: 6.4 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/23: Rest day
    9/24: 18 miles
    9/25: 12 miles
    9/26: 6 miles
    9/27: 5 miles
    ........: 5 miles
    9/28: 10.1 miles
    9/29: 8 miles

    I made it through this run by the skin of my teeth. My legs are so tired. I just wanna take my coffee, get into bed, and sleep some more... not go to work. But Adulting must commence!

    Run was slow today because the first hour of it was in the dark, my headlamp needs to be replaced with a brighter one, and everything was slick because it has been raining since 1 am (on and off). I kept yelling at cars who were driving with their brights on because COME ON, WE'RE IN TOWN. And I yelled at a guy who did not move over for me on a no-traffic back road, at which point I had to jump over into some wet, icky grass to avoid him. Many *kittens* did come out of my mouth. But seriously; I was wearing a reflective vest and a head lamp... y u no move, car? There was no other traffic, he could have moved to the other lane without issue. So I yelled some choice phrases and then muttered about it for a while. Legs were pretty dead from the Yassos last night, but not sore or achy. I am really looking forward to tonight's group run because that means TOMORROW IS REST DAY!!!!


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11 LVHN Via Half-Marathon 1:54:54 (for fun; too hot to race)
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k (Goal: 21:30 or better)
    10/16: Halloween Half-Marathon (Goal: 1:38 or better)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Goal: 3:30 or better)

    Your "brave woman" post on strava cracked me up this morning. Hey person ahead with a dorky vest and headlamp on. LOL

    Me and this guy Scott in my group always *kitten* about the same thing. There's a 2 lane highway with no one else on the road, and they all insist on taking the inner lane past us. If they do move over, it's like at the last second and by then you are already leaning up on the curb.

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Question: I keep seeing that people are using Strava. I use a Garmin watch and view my data on Garmin Connect. I don't really know anything about Strava. Can anyone share the benefits of using Strava in addition to the Garmin environment? Additional stuff you can do? Etc?

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Will there be an October Running Challenge??

    @tparascandola I will post it later today or tomorrow morning. Just keep checking in this thread. I usually post the link in this thread and the group page on the last day of the previous month (or the day before).

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Sometimes things don't go as planned.

    I had a 5.5k trail race last night but after several nights in a row with 4 hours of sleep, I was just too wiped out and wasn't up to it so I skipped it, deciding instead to take Kody out for a short run.

    That part went as planned. He and I had a nice 3.7 mile run around the local pond. But...I was feeling great so I dropped him off at home, fed and watered him, then went back out. I chose a route that could easily be stretched out for more miles if I felt up to it, and at every possible turning point, I was still feeling great, so I kept going.

    Including the 3.7 with Kody, I ended up with 13.1 miles all run at an easy 10:20 pace (At the very bottom of Zone 2, for you data junkies, sometimes even dipping to the upper end of Zone 1). This is the longest mid-week run I've done.

    I made a mistake by wearing my nearly retired ASICS Cumulus shoes. I did have some dull pain in my knee which hasn't been there in a long time but it would come and go and feels fine now. More concerning, after finally making the turn around, my lower right calf muscle...recently strained...started barking at me. Not crazy about that. I had run 11 miles two weeks ago, and 8.6 hilly trail miles last weekend, both without incident, so didn't think 13 would be pushing it.

    I have 16.5 miles left of my 100 mile goal. If my calf cooperates I'd like to do 6 tonight and 10.5 tomorrow morning. Family weekend at my son's college this weekend and we'll be too busy for me to get in a run.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I have a question for the group. There's a 5k the night before one of the Half Marathons I am hoping to run next year. That HM will NOT be one in which I am going for a PR. If I sign up for both, I can skip the lottery for the HM and get in automatically. Is this something that is doable?

    probably doable and sounds like fun.

    If I asked someone if signing up for 4 half marathon races on 4 consecutive weekends was a good idea, I probably get a lot of not a good idea responses. But it was fun, got 2 PRs out of it, got a chance to see some new territory (Knoxville, Jack Daniels Distillery, and Cumming Georgia) and the honor to earn a Jupiter moon in Half Maniacs.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Question: I keep seeing that people are using Strava. I use a Garmin watch and view my data on Garmin Connect. I don't really know anything about Strava. Can anyone share the benefits of using Strava in addition to the Garmin environment? Additional stuff you can do? Etc?


    I think GC has improved their site to the point that they are now very similar in capabilities. I just have gotten used to strava more as a social platform and GC as a necessary middle man in getting my data off the watch and automatically over to strava. I don't even check my GC account no more because mostly everyone I know is on strava and communicates on that one instead. I track my shoe mileage on strava because GC used to not be able to do that, but GC did add that feature not too long ago.

    There are the groups on strava as well. GC has the capability, but MFP LDR has a strava group, this thread has a strava group, WeRunHuntsville (local organization in my town) has a strava group, and my running group has a strava group. None of which are on GC. Plus I track some of the elite runners that are on strava like Sage Canaday.

    Most of the course records holders and leaderboard participants on strava are people that I know or familiar in person who they are. So it's fun to try and beat them or gage how close I do a certain stretch to our local elites.

    I guess it comes down to preference. It's so easy to synch your GC account to strava that the question becomes, well why not do it?
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    @elise4270 my three main goals:

    1. Run my first Ultra (planned for late April, a 50K trail race)
    2. Finally get to my goal wait after stagnating the last 12 months.
    3. Running smarter and not getting injured (that's the tough one)

    Regarding Goal #1, I've been waffling of late. I have maybe eight 5Ks, two 10Ks, one HM, and one full marathon under my belt. Should I really be going after an ultra? Probably not but I'm going to anyway, and that may be in direct conflict with Goal #3.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Question: I keep seeing that people are using Strava. I use a Garmin watch and view my data on Garmin Connect. I don't really know anything about Strava. Can anyone share the benefits of using Strava in addition to the Garmin environment? Additional stuff you can do? Etc?


    I think GC has improved their site to the point that they are now very similar in capabilities. I just have gotten used to strava more as a social platform and GC as a necessary middle man in getting my data off the watch and automatically over to strava. I don't even check my GC account no more because mostly everyone I know is on strava and communicates on that one instead. I track my shoe mileage on strava because GC used to not be able to do that, but GC did add that feature not too long ago.

    There are the groups on strava as well. GC has the capability, but MFP LDR has a strava group, this thread has a strava group, WeRunHuntsville (local organization in my town) has a strava group, and my running group has a strava group. None of which are on GC. Plus I track some of the elite runners that are on strava like Sage Canaday.

    Most of the course records holders and leaderboard participants on strava are people that I know or familiar in person who they are. So it's fun to try and beat them or gage how close I do a certain stretch to our local elites.

    I guess it comes down to preference. It's so easy to synch your GC account to strava that the question becomes, well why not do it?

    Ok cool, thanks!

    I like the social aspect of it so I'm gonna give it a shot.

    I just requested an add to the MFP Monthly Running Challenge group. Hopefully you recognize my cat face over there, lol, name is Katie Schwinn
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    Well (comes to no surprise) my first and main goal is to BQ and earn a spot for 2018.

    Until the above happens, any goal planning (even next year's race calendar) is in disarray.
    Heck that goal has kept me motivated so much with my running that I fear I will give up running all together once I make it (doubtful I actually quit but definitely will lose a carrot to chase).

    I may go for a sub 20 5K. Actually I haven't even actually signed up for an official 5K race yet.
    Volunteer more. Look into getting my RRCA running coach certification.

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    3 miles this morning and a scary experience :/ Less than a mile in, I was running along peacefully when suddenly I felt something grab both my heels :o No sooner than I could think "what the crap, am I gonna die?" I saw a huge black dog at my hip. Lord have mercy! I didn't hear it running at me so I think it was lying in its yard and grabbed my heels as a warning. It didn't chase or bark or growl. Whew! I guess I just couldn't see a black dog in the darkness. Now I'm thinking about carrying a spray or alarm or get a light so I can scan yards. But geez. Can't I just run in peace? :'(
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Wow ... short month that started on a rest day and will end on a rest day. There were times that the stretch goal (100) looked a little out of reach!

    Congratulations to all you athletes participating this month, and an extra fist bump if you hit your goal!! See you in October!
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Sep  1     0.0      0.0 
    Sep  2     6.5      6.5 
    Sep  3     4.3     10.8 
    Sep  4     5.1     15.9
    Sep  6     4.3     20.2
    Sep  8     5.1     25.3
    Sep 10     8.2     33.5
    Sep 11     5.0     38.5
    Sep 13     4.3     42.8
    Sep 15     5.1     47.9
    Sep 17    10.8     58.7
    Sep 18     5.1     63.8
    Sep 20     4.3     68.1
    Sep 21     5.1     73.2
    Sep 22     4.3     77.5
    Sep 24     6.2     83.7
    Sep 26     5.1     88.8
    Sep 28     6.3     95.1
    Sep 29     5.6    100.7

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    @greenolivetree Grabbed by a black dog in the dark?! I'd have passed out and I'd still be out.