

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mary ~ Have fun at the wedding!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Mary ~ Have fun at the wedding!

    Thanks! I am definitely looking forward to it! And of course I am bringing my Kettlebell! I know there will be a lot of food and drink and I need to make sure I can get my exercise in!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: We all fancy the home just above our price range because it has features we want. The biggest asset is usually location, space, or both. :flowerforyou: I am sending good thoughts for your DH and his family issues. I hope he is able to keep them from overwhelming his happiness. :heart:

    Mary: Enjoy the wedding! :smiley:

    Today we're on a mission to see whether we can find better poles to support our Halloween ghost.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    LOL (Not!) I've decided I look like Alfred Hitchcock from the side. Caught sight of myself in a mirror at the car wash and just hated what I saw.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-25X7X 40
    Week four, day three of transitioning from the 35-40 pound kettle bell.

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    3 miles


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    @GRITSandSLUTS - Wow that is quite the story - it should be published!
    aka Wickglamgirl
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Morning All - Melanie here - Happy Thursday - for those who work a regular work week, 1 more day to go!

    I honestly have come to the realization that my other half really doesn't want me to lose weight. He tries to sabotage me almost every day. In some way, shape or form. It is very frustrating - especially when I'm saying NO all the time. But I am saying NO. That's all there is to it. I've even said to him - You're my lovely sabateur! so STOP IT! - he's getting better but I feel like I am in a battle of wits. him: - you sureeeee you don't want a glass of wine tonight? me: - Oh no thanks (very cheerily) - him: (later on) - oh I brought pie for dessert - me: ooh what kind? and I cannot have any anyway as all my calories are gone for the day.

    What gives with people like that? or I should say some men? I know he likes it when I'm in shape and thinner but at the same time - he doesn't seem to care? Or, alternatively I think he is constantly TESTING me - which I HATE!

    So there's my Thursday Rant!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, how was your walk last night and how are you doing today??? Hope they have good pain control and physical therapy. I trust that DrKatie is also doing well.

    Well just like night before last, when I woke up in the morning I felt at least decent but the more I use my head and neck and arm the pain set in. So I have hope in the mornings! Have to get to get to Sams today and pick up my prednisone and sedative for the MRI. Charlie had some leftover prednisone from his ulcerative colitis, was not out expired, and I went ahead and took a 30mg dose. That is usually what she starts me on. Charlie had karaoke last night right after supper and both he and i didn't want me driving.

    DJ, I am not looking forward to cold weather but I love my sweatshirt weather. I am already wearing my midweight jacket because I am so cold and I feel kind of weird wearing that heavy of a jacket when some people are still wearing shorts. So I look forward to doing that. I join you in not liking the cold weather, heavy jackets, gloves, biting wind, snow, ice. The list goes on and on.If we would move one thing I would want is a direct pull in 2 car garage. Just taking groceries from car into kitchen sounds wonderful. And Charlie's gait is not improving. I don't want himto fall in that weather when he clears ice and snow.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    hugs jane
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I am pooped, close to 12,000 steps ,Mowed the lawn, 2 loads of laundry and made meatloaf for Tom for dinner, have to pack some stuff up for the weekend.. and will be back here sometime sunday afternoon.. up there gives me time to chill and not have to do much , except feed Faith and make sure she takes her pills... thats doable..
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Beautiful day for golf today.
    So happy that Barbie Is out of surgery and posting. Katie so happy your procedure went well.
    DJ - thanks for your comment re my struggles. I put in the info and MFP says I should eat 1530 calories. I don't always weigh and measure. I didn't go to WW because I was awake all night worrying about going. Decided I don't need the stress. Will make a renewed effort to measure.
    SueBDew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    Melanie a/k/a Wickglamgirl – I did have a colorful upbringing. We did not get everything we wanted; but, we got everything we needed.

    My mother was a HS English/Lit/Grammar teacher until we were involved in a bad wreck when I was 3 years old. She was the only one in the car who saw it coming and we got "T-boned". She had to wear a neck brace that held her head up at a 45°; my Daddy was just an old country lawyer. Back then, you did not have to go to 'law school' to become a lawyer. All you had to do was pass the 'bar exam'. He clerked for an older attorney in town for 5 years; he met my mother and it 'love at first sight' for both of them. It was always obvious how much they loved one another. They enjoyed the same things and she was 16 and he was 26; but, said he was not getting married until after he passed the bar exam. Passed it the first time. Both of them were voracious readers. As a child I really did not like reading; but, as a adult I have a book all the time. They married the next year.

    I've got 2 older sisters; and, I was a "Daddy's Baby" and was the 'baby' of the family for the longest period of time. My 2 sisters thought that I had planned on giving Daddy his first grandson. DOS would watch where he stepped and hop from one place to the other. We would laugh that if Daddy ever stopped suddenly; Trey would be right up his fanny.

    Reminds me of the time I was teaching my boss how to play racquetball. He did not want to wear the 'sissy glasses' and I told him to stop turning around when I was hitting the ball to the front wall. One day I hit him in the eye. He sported a black eye for a week. Of course, the courts were open to the gym upstairs so they could watch us. Everybody laughed so hard at him, the next day he had the 'sissy glasses'. The he was hunched over waiting for the ball; and, I literally hit him in his @$$-O! We had a big audience that day. He never let me forget that, either.

    I write long post because I try to paint that picture that some can say in a 1000 words.

    We're leaving in the morning with sister and brother-in-law to meet our other sister and a friend at the beach. This is the first time I have seen either of them in 2 years.

    Well, need to have my evening coffee and then make sure I have everything I need. I'll have to get my C-pap in the morning. Last thing to pack.

    Have a great weekend!
