I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • TylerWhiite
    TylerWhiite Posts: 108 Member
    What would be your best advice for someone looking to get to 9-10% body fat? Count calories?
  • aki7861
    aki7861 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I want to lose body fat and gain muscle any suggestions ??
  • Gotrek1
    Gotrek1 Posts: 64 Member
    Good job man, I just started the same path but now I see I should hit the weights right away. I've just been walking/watching what I eat 325 -> 273 right now. I was planning on getting back on the dumbells later then sooner :)
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    What would be your best advice for someone looking to get to 9-10% body fat? Count calories?
    The best advice I can give is to make sure you have built enough lean muscle mass to support a low body fat first. While calorie counting and eating in a caloric deficit will certainly take anyone to a low body fat level, many people find well before they reach their goal that they are not going to look like what they had in mind. I have met very few individuals who were happy with the result of achieving single digit body fat and never undergoing a few "bulking" cycles in order to build lean mass. This is goal dependent and if your goal is simply the number a calorie deficit will work. If aesthetics are the real motivation for the low body fat then I would approach it differently. I would lose enough fat to be relatively lean (ambiguous term I know but I feel like most people know when they are "relatively lean"). At that point I would do a slow and controlled muscle gaining phase of at least 6 months, possibly an entire year. A calorie deficit can be reintroduced after that to achieve the low body fat percentage goals. It's a very lengthy process to achieve single digit body fat and gain the appropriate amount of lean mass to look good there. A quality weight lifting routine that focuses on progressive tension overload is needed throughout the entire process.
    aki7861 wrote: »
    Hey I want to lose body fat and gain muscle any suggestions ??

    Pick one goal to focus on. Trying to do both at once usually leaves people spinning their wheels. Most people will benefit from fat loss first unless you are naturally lean. To lose fat you must eat in a caloric deficit. Keep protein relatively high and use resistance training to maintain muscle mass. If gaining muscle is your goal you must eat in a small calorie surplus. Protein can be a bit lower but should still be moderately high. Attempt to gain around 2 lbs a month in order to keep fat gains at a minimum. Again, a lifting program that focuses on progressive tension overload is necessary in order to build muscle. Alternate these two phases and the net result is muscle gained and fat lost. I usually never do a muscle building phase lasting less than 12 weeks, though I typically stretch them out to about 6-8 months. Fat loss phases can be as long or as short as they need to be to achieve the desired level of leanness.
  • siemonbk
    siemonbk Posts: 1 Member
    Im on a similar journey. But i have been lifting heavy the whole way so far. I mix it up but focus on gaining strength. Or at least maintaining strength. I try to measure my calories in a weekly basis and if i have a super weak day i will add in a little more calories. Im losing 1.8lbs a week average since march 2016. Last 2 months i started a one meal eating style and it has really helped me with calories and snacking.

    I have 77 pounds to go to reach 200 down from my starting weight of 328. Its a long road, wish i could fast forward a bit. Trying to find some more entertaining outlets as i go.

    I post my results on facebook and then i will post a delicious recipe. People comment that they thought i was dieting and couldnt eat that haha. Its all in moderation. Once you break the calorie code and learn to weigh everything its super easy plus, eating once a day has really opened my mind to what my body needs and doesnt need.

    So here is a question. Any entertaining hints to keep you distracted as you journeyed? To help the year go by. And what was your average weekly loss over the whole period? Wondering how much it will drop as i close in on my goal weight.

    Last thought if you wanna lose fat lift weights, if you wanna look skinny and loose do cardio. Lifting weights will not make you look bulky just 100% more sexy.
  • TylerWhiite
    TylerWhiite Posts: 108 Member
    Now when you say controller bulk, would you advise I go about 200 cals above TDEE?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    siemonbk wrote: »

    So here is a question. Any entertaining hints to keep you distracted as you journeyed? To help the year go by. And what was your average weekly loss over the whole period? Wondering how much it will drop as i close in on my goal weight.
    This is actually a really good question. Eventually you reach a point where pretty much everything is locked in. You understand the process, you have your diet and training in place, and you must simply put in the time. There really isn't a way to accelerate the process beyond a certain point. At my heaviest I probably lost weight around 3-4 lbs a week and it slowed to 2, then finally 1 lb a week as I got closer to my goal. While eating in a huge calorie deficit could have made the process quicker there is also the chance that it would have been to difficult to maintain and that I would have gotten off track. I basically try and stay busy. When staying busy also means staying active, it's like a double bonus. Do things you enjoy. I loathe formal cardio but I love hiking. Staying busy around the house and yard was also a good way to pass time and stay active. These days I'm working, in graduate school full time, and I have a 7 month old so busy isn't a problem!

  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Now when you say controller bulk, would you advise I go about 200 cals above TDEE?
    To start, yes. You may find that your TDEE rises a bit in a calorie surplus so try and target in a 2lb a month gain in weight. You may find that you need to add calories as the months go.

  • StrongGirlFitGirl
    StrongGirlFitGirl Posts: 183 Member
    Have you ever tried Lyle McDonald's RFL, or any kind of PSMF plan?
  • Jezreel12
    Jezreel12 Posts: 246 Member
    edited October 2016
    Congratulations Vismal !!
    You're a dad ! Welcome to a new life of raising a child. It's rewarding.
  • r_rana7
    r_rana7 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Vismal,

    I've been following ICF since May, on a cut as I am skinny fat. Since September, I have began a bulk, gradually increasing my surplus to 500 above my maintenance and ensuring I hit my macros. I have increased pretty much all my lifts since the bulk began but seem to have hit a plateau over the past 10 days. Since my bulk began, I have gained 2.5kg, presumably muscle.

    My question is how long would you suggest I continue ICF for before moving onto an intermediate lifting program? Also, the plateau I have currently hit - should I be concerned? (Or increase my surplus?!)
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    doggerland wrote: »
    Have you ever tried Lyle McDonald's RFL, or any kind of PSMF plan?

    No. I've read the book and understand the diet but Lyle himself will tell you how difficult the diet can be. It's safe, the science behind it is sound, and if you can adhere to it, it works. I would struggle greatly with compliance. I think after the first few days I would no longer be able to keep up the steep calorie deficit and I'd either binge or abandon the diet. That's not to say someone else wouldn't be able to have great success with RFL.
  • butcher494
    butcher494 Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on your success you look incredible I'm on a journey myself to get lean I have been in the past but then I met a man and got comfortable relaxed my eating and training slowly iv gained 20lbs!! over 1 year I was always able to eat what I wanted and stay lean however iv been over eating due to meals out ect and drinking more wine than I should with less exercise. I want to ask you, do you think when it comes to fat loss it's calories that matter most? at least untill your below say 20% for a woman? iv got a decent amount of muscle and don't really need to gain any for the past two weeks iv been doing body weight cardio/ plyo with ankle and wrist weights on to make it harder will this help me shed fat? Thanks from Hannah
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    butcher494 wrote: »
    Congratulations on your success you look incredible I'm on a journey myself to get lean I have been in the past but then I met a man and got comfortable relaxed my eating and training slowly iv gained 20lbs!! over 1 year I was always able to eat what I wanted and stay lean however iv been over eating due to meals out ect and drinking more wine than I should with less exercise. I want to ask you, do you think when it comes to fat loss it's calories that matter most? at least untill your below say 20% for a woman? iv got a decent amount of muscle and don't really need to gain any for the past two weeks iv been doing body weight cardio/ plyo with ankle and wrist weights on to make it harder will this help me shed fat? Thanks from Hannah
    Calories matter most no matter what your body fat percentage is. The only way to lose body fat is to consume fewer calories per day then you burn. Paying attention to things like macronutrients and micronutrients are also important but if a calorie deficit is not in place, you simply will not lose fat.

  • butcher494
    butcher494 Posts: 5 Member
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    Just found this thread. What an opening picture! I have just hit 250 and don't want to keep creeping up to 300+ like you were. Time to reinstall that 5x5 app!! Also congratulations on the new child :)
  • Pa0Le
    Pa0Le Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Vismal, I just found this thread today after coming back to MFP. Firstly congratulations on becoming a dad, I hope the baby and mama are both doing well.

    My question to you is, if I'm not planning on joining a gym but would like to do some form of weight based exercise to help prevent loose skin, would it be enough to have and use weights under 8kgs or does the weight being lifted, need to increase in order for it to be more effective?

    Also, are exercises like push-ups and sit-ups considered to be muscle or cardio type exercises?
  • Oh. Wow. Good for you, man! No questions, just admiration, lol...
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Pa0Le wrote: »
    Hi Vismal, I just found this thread today after coming back to MFP. Firstly congratulations on becoming a dad, I hope the baby and mama are both doing well.

    My question to you is, if I'm not planning on joining a gym but would like to do some form of weight based exercise to help prevent loose skin, would it be enough to have and use weights under 8kgs or does the weight being lifted, need to increase in order for it to be more effective?

    Also, are exercises like push-ups and sit-ups considered to be muscle or cardio type exercises?
    Any lifting is better than no lifting though the prevention of loose skin isn't really the reason you should do it. There isn't really any evidence that lifting prevents loose skin. The idea that you will gain enough muscle mass to fill in the areas of the body where fat is no longer present is very much overstated. Muscle is much more dense then fat so even if you could gain as many lbs of muscle as fat you lost (which you cannot) it would not fill the void. Additionally the place most people have loose skin, the abdomen, is not a place where you will add a terribly large amount of muscle mass.

    That being said, lifting weights helps maintain muscle mass while in a calorie deficit and this will ultimately yield a more aesthetic physique once the weight has been lost even if it won't do all that much to prevent loose skin. The key to weight lifting is progressive tension overload which means lifting more weight as time goes on. With a limit of 8kgs you'll quickly begin to struggle with this. Again, any lifting is better than no lifting, but it will be far from optimal and will limit the benefit you can hope to achieve. I would strongly encourage you to join a gym.

  • craigmc1960
    craigmc1960 Posts: 20 Member
    This deserves to be bumped
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