August (2016) Running Challenge



  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Sorry for the late update, just back from hols. Reckon 25 miles run and 150 miles biked last month. This included my 10k race and a 100k bike ride. So proud of completing both events, loved the 10k but the ride was by far the hardest thing I have ever done and I certainly wont do that one again. The weather was awful, hills endless, and I did need some medical attention at the end. I hadn't practiced enough long rides. Right time for September ....

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Couple days late, but I'll post this anyway to wrap up my running month. This week was rather busy, but I still managed to get some runs in Mon-Wed, so I actually made my goal. It was WAY TOO HOT most of the time, so most of the distance was really, really slow, but I included a bit of elevation to make up for that. I read somewhere that hill running is another form of tempo training, and running fast wasn't happening in the heat, but I started to enjoy the mountains more and more. And I got the Strava badge to proove it B)


    August 2016: 260km (of 250km goal) done
  • jodilynnsanders5104
    Well Friday is a rest day for me as Saturday will be my long run so tonight was my last run of the month.

    If you'll recall I'm a newbie. Started the beginning of August with a goal to run 30 minutes without stopping. Next goal was to run. 5k without stopping, then a 10k...check and check! Note I referee ice hockey so it's not like I was C25K...I simply had no previous staying power with running.

    My mileage goal for September was initially 40km, but I blew past that early on and upped my goal to 80km. As you can see I finished the month past my revised target. Pretty pumped!

    I am now registered for a local HM for the first week of November. The running store group I've been running with think that this is a manageable target, especially since it is a fast course (7Km of it is downhill). Right now I run 4x a week, cross train 2x a week, and strength train 2x with 2 rest days (so yes a couple days each week are double workouts. Four my four runs I've been doing one long run, one easy run, and the other two I vary between hills, interval, tempo, progression and fartleks.

    I'm open to any advice from this group as I move into these next 6 weeks. I have no timing goal for my first HM...I want to finish without walking...that's my only goal.


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @jodilynnsanders5104 You must of had an old link for August.
    I think you wanted to post this in the September Challenge group.