

  • mamatigerj
    mamatigerj Posts: 106 Member
    edited October 2016
    Barbie ~ Thank you for the thread and the "Discipline is..." at the top.

    Barbie & Janet ~ Praying for your health & healing!

    Heather ~ Wishing you happy & safe travels.

    Allie ~ Can't do without my tea in the morning either. This morning i brewed some chai, and while it steeped i warmed up some unsweetened cashew milk with a bit of pumpkin butter whisked in, stirred it all together and Voila: my very own "Welcome October!" treat with only 55 calories.

    Katla ~ Love your resolution to "Have fun every day." and especially love that you do it!

    Jane ~ Prayers for your sweet grandbaby (and you)!

    Michele & Dana ~ WELCOME!

    Blessings to all.

    Central TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Juanita~ that sounds yummy, I have a tea box full of different tea's If I find one I like I pick up a couple of boxes...
    trying to make a grocery list for tomorrow.. Faith has been ultra hungry today.. so have been trying to keep her well fed...
    it is nappy time for her..
    Tom was a dear, and brought up some tea bags, my truvia and 1/2 and 1/2 .. just a cup of tea or 2 so far...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Not a good nights sleep last night but at least I did get some so I am grateful for that. Was thinking about to much last night. Finally did some hunting for contractor to work on Charlie's bathroom. He has other priorities to start with but since he isn't doing anything to get them done, well I'm not either, I decided to work on his bathroom. He has his ileostomy supplies in my small bathroom, it really has quite an odor when he empties it which I know he has no control over. But it takes a while for him to empty it, many times I am really needing to get in there, like first thing of the morning. But just thinking about ALL the work that needs to be done just sent my mind whirling. What is best for us?????? Give in and let an auction house take the whole thing and hope for the best and sell it as is? Work on the house and sell it knowing that the money we spend on working on the house is going to cut into what money we need to buy a new house. We own our house, no mortgage payments for years now. We have no ideas what our medical bills are in the future. It was my intense desire to be able to give this house to Michelle when we died. But I know we can't let that guide what we are dealing with.

    So I sent a facebook message to our girls. I have several message groups and just my girls and I are one of them. Michelle immediately wrote back supporting me in that we need to think of ourselves only right now. I knew Christina being in a different time zone was more than likely in bed. So when I get up, there are messages from her. She has a completely different thought. Fix the house up, hire a cleaning service and a lawn service. No matter what we do, I still need to get in my office and bedroom, clean out those shelves, etc and go through them and purge.

    Charlie was texting one of his Karaoke buddies. This guy was going to take about a 50 mile drive to sing at a local VFW. So he texted Charlie to let him know his wife said no so Charlie texted OK back. 'OK' was the only thing he texted but he did it. So now our girls and I will expect more from him. Yesterday while he took his walk down to our local wonderful river walk he took some pictures and a video and was so proud of himself. When he came home he asked me to show him how to zoom in and I did that. Last Christmas when I gave him this more expensive phone he was upset but the camera was the main thing I wanted for him. He doesn't play games or anything. He plays Pandora a lot now and many times with a head phone and now can add text and photograph to that. The plan is a tracphone and that is enough for him.

    Now Barbie, you got home and created the new page for us but you didn't say anything about how you are. We need to know how you are, not that you created the new page. How are you and Jake, your dogs, etc. Hope you had a good night and knowing you were up bright and early.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    JanetR~just saw a very interesting article on Facebook on a place called LittleThings
    now this poor woman broke out in hives spots, and got nowhere in 7 yrs of going to Dr's she went on the show the Doctors.. and they finally came up with something. Urticavial vasculitis .. I dont know if that will help you out . but check out Little Things.. if you have facebook , if not google it, and hope this will help you on your quest..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    Thanks Barbie glad the surgery is behind you!

    Heather Yum!

    Janetr the fact steroids work makes me think it has something to do with your immune system. Are your doctors working with you to strengthen it. through diet,, exercise, and sleep? Steroids are anti inflammatory.

    Goal for September was to log my food.

    Majority of September I did.

    For October my goal is work on speaking up for myself in an assertive way. Recently family and friends have made insensitive comments that blindsided me. I either reacted with anger or was so shocked I changed the subject.

    Goal is to do things that strength my sense of worth so when insensitive comments come I can put them in perspective or if I need to speak up for myself.

    To strengthen self worth.
    1. Work on trusting myself to make good decisions.
    2. Take care of myself through diet, exercise, sleep
    3. Say no when appropriate
    4. Say yes when appropriate
    Remember "Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite."

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allie, thanks, I'll check it out.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2016
    Margaret, yes you are correct and because I don't want to be an alarmist or scare myself for no reason, I've not said much, but the doctor has twice mentioned lupus due to breakout in my mouth, etc. That's why he has referred me to the doctor I will see on Wednesday. My mother actually had a type of lupus that affected her muscles and was in a wheelchair the last 10 years or more of her life. He's thinking this may be a type that attacks the skin which is less serious than some.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you, Barbie!
    Heather, thank you for explaining about semi-detached as that was something that Bouquet/Bucket snobby lady was always concerned about on that Keeping up Appearances show! It has turned into a running joke at our house...that and riparian entertainments, meaning something embarrassing was going to happen with a boat and well-dressed people. In America I think semi-detached is an end-unit.
    Just tried to get a ride in before it rains and it was so windy I did not go very fast, but it must have been extremely aerobic!
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,352 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Our leader is an awesome woman to get off the ferry and think of getting the new thread going. Barbie, so happy you are home where you can really rest and heal.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I wan'tfinished yet!!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ok better quit multi-tasking.
    DJ - thank you for your thoughtful comment. I have thought about what you said and I agree. If I report my WEIGH-In to ya'll will I have to pay everyone $12? Lol
    Melanie- so glad you are progressing on your home recovery.
    Heather - enjoy your holiday in Spain. We moved 18 times while in military so I hate to move. We have been here 19 years and have accumulated a lot of stuff". We lived in Essex County and could go to Braintree and take a train to London in an hour. My English neighbors couldn't believe I would do that by myself. Probably wouldn't now though.
    Janet - so sorry about the rash. Couldn't be associated with the preparation for your extended trip could it? My parents came to England while we were there to see their first granddaughter and my Dad broke out in a rash all over. The local English doctor had him put calamine lotion and wrap Saran Wrap over it. Don't know how but it went away.
    Need to get outside and walk. Enjoy this beautiful fall day.
    SueBDew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    stat for the day:
    jog outside, from Y down ruston loop and back- pst time 120min, 144ahr, 162mhr, est 10.0ap, 11.19mi = 1162cal

    i fell at about 2.5mi, both my knees got it. got up and finished running the rest of the way. knees are swollen. oh well, gotta keep going
  • wlk4fun647
    wlk4fun647 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm Julie (Julianne) from sunny Las Vegas, NV. I am just starting on here, having been on the Transformation carb restricted diet for the last month. I managed to lose 15.6 lbs, and am now on maintenence while my body readjusts to adding new foods again. I have one more round of the diet to go next month.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    Swollen knees

  • spiffel42
    spiffel42 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi, I am a 63 year old trying hard. I have a lot to lose, and have lost 28 pounds this year. Struggling to stop feeling sore and achy. Walk a lot, love to try zumba, (operative word try), and on the search for a new dog. Married 39 years, 2 boys. Goals for October, to lose 5 pounds and to hopefully get beyond the soreness.

    San Antonio, Texas
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    hey everyone typing one handed so please excuse the lack of capitalization

    janet - thanks for the good thoughts and concern.

    my surgery went well. i got in the surgical room about 2 pm and was home around 7 that night. i did not have any bicept tendinosis so my recovery will be about six weeks in the sling and PT. my post-op dr visit and first PT session is monday. i think the worst thing was removing the pain pump catheter and my excezma flaring up from the tape. i had the pain pump for 3 days. today I got a glorious shower!!!!!!! lol pain is only really bad at night so i soldier through the day using relaxation and breathing avoiding the pain pills.

    my daughter came out each day and made me lunch. this week i will be on my own. i am going to go out and attempt driving tomorrow to see if i can handle it. thankfully i dont have a manual transmission car anymore.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,352 Member
    OK All ~ I had to reset my computer to an earlier date and all of a sudden I am 1948CWB. I'm really peachstate1948. I don't know what Chrome is doing but twice this week I have had to reset my computer because of the garbage that was showing up.
