Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Pam – so glad to have you back with us. You’re our rockstar! I know you can get back to things, but I also know how hard it can be. Look at how many times I’ve had to re-start. Maybe you need to change things up a bit? Anything I can do to help you out?

    Cbelli – welcome to the group! I totally understand baby fever – I’ve been there for years! Also, I understand being in a position to start from scratch – I’m in the midst of that myself. I left the military recently and now I’m in nursing school (graduate in 1 year). We’re here anytime you need us :smile:

    Peggy – welcome back! Good luck with 30DS.

    AFM: Well, today was no better than the previous few days had been. Went to a 2 year old birthday party, and got asked repeatedly about babies. So. Much. Fun. So we took ourselves to see Bad Teacher tonight to cheer me up. Pam – we just decided to renew our vows – when in Vegas how do we not go to a chapel? That is, ofcourse, if I can find a dress!
    That’s all for me tonight.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Jalara - I think the key is to make sure I'm doing the baby steps again. I'm going to stay away from the big nono foods (chips, ice cream, etc.) get back up to 14 glasses a day and try and get the dogs to their walk at least nightly (and not let DH do it on his own). I think those three small goals should help set me up again. Oh yeah, and taking my meds properly again. What a great plan. You got me thinking about the vow renewal again.....since this will be our 10th anniversary and hopefully a "new start" for us. In October, we should be pregnant.....I was thinking about inviting friends and family to our private beach and doing a quick ceremony there, but we're already poking holes in the thought (like my in-laws will already be in town twice this year, I should have thought about this before they came down this summer - it's not fair to make them put up that money again). So now I'm thinking something way more private. Just he and I - waterfront, sunset and candles.....My "niece" came over last weekend and she is just two and I am still considering putting a little Pam flag on her head (like they do on the moon to claim it). Luckily, I don't get those questions anymore....LOL My family probably thinks they get too much info from us (I update everyone 2x a month by email with status.....LOL That way I don't have to see them and they dont' have to ask questions).

    Hi Cbelli - lots of people start to get knowledge of what it means to TTC for a while before actually TTC :) It's a great idea to start getting healthy now - it'll make the process so much simpler!!!
  • Mindy2475
    Mindy2475 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey...can I play here?

    My name is Mindy and I am 35 years old. My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy on June 10. Sadly, he passed away on June 13. We are trying to get our lives back on track and I need to get my health on track. I gained 30 pounds during the pregnancy...but I was quite a bit overweight before I got pregnant. Trying to lose a bunch of weight to be in a healthier place when we decide to conceive again.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer. I hope to make new friends here to motivate me to a healthier lifestyle! :)
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    sorry... didn't realize I posted this in the june thread.... so I am going to post this here now and edit my other one. sorry!!

    Don't know much about the meds or anything but I have a question... I don't get my TOM on my own (need to take Prometrium once every 3 months to bring it on)... if I was to use an ovulation monitor, would the Prometrium affect or skew the results in any way? I know because of the PCOS I don't ovulate on my own... so Am I wrong with the assumption that the Prometrium will allow me to ovulate?


    i would assume that too, but i would call the prescribing doctor's nurse and ask for clarification.

    ty for the advice. i think i will call.

    Prometrium, if I understand it correctly is a synthetic progesterone. If this is the case, it doesn't induce ovulation, it tricks your body into thinking that ovulation occurred. If you are ovulating 2 of the 3 months on your own, and have regular cycles it is possible that you ovulate in those months, but know that ovulation prediction kits are unstable at best for people with PCOS, because we have so many other hormones raging in the body that it throws the kits off.....

    i did not know any of that. thanks for the info. :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey...can I play here?

    My name is Mindy and I am 35 years old. My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy on June 10. Sadly, he passed away on June 13. We are trying to get our lives back on track and I need to get my health on track. I gained 30 pounds during the pregnancy...but I was quite a bit overweight before I got pregnant. Trying to lose a bunch of weight to be in a healthier place when we decide to conceive again.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer. I hope to make new friends here to motivate me to a healthier lifestyle! :)

    Mindy I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish I knew of something better that I could say, but all I can offer is my condolences and the promise of support.
    Hopefully you'll find what you need in this group. We're always happy to meet someone new. Welcome to our little can-share-all place. :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Mindy - Welcome. So sorry for your loss :( This group of women is incredibly supportive though :)

    phshhh - :) Yup....I've done the provera thing many a time and was so excited that it was like the pill for regulating without the nasty side effect of not being able to get pregnant. This link talks a little about how low progesterone is thought to contribute to many of the side effects of PCOS (acne, hair in funny places, weight gain, etc). This particular blogger, I've found, really sources out medically sound information before stating an opinion. She's reversed her PCOS naturally through food, exercise and natural treatments. I like that she posts weekly PCOS friendly menus (although I haven't been brave enough to try one yet).
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm taking the plunge..I'm joining the group!

    I'm Jessica, 22 years old, married to my husband Josh. A family is what we've both always dreamed of. We're not in a super big hurry (though we catch baby fever every once in a while) but we're being proactive.

    I started my journey at 326 pounds. Once I get down to 275 we're going to actively begin trying. For now we're just doing this together, getting healthy for our future little one. Other than my weight, we are both very healthy and excited to get started.

    I hope joining this group will give me someone who can remind me why I'm here each day. Some days I just don't care, and my ultimate goal is forgotten. I hope to find a friend in a similar bracket as me to walk this journey with me!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Elizabeth, don’t worry to much about the insemination, I’ve gone through two IUI’s this year (one of which was medicated but with Femera instead of Clomid, and both had the HCG shots), the insemination itself is fine, the constant u/s during your follicular stage is a little annoying, but worth it if it works. Fingers crossed that this will be exactly what you guys needed.

    Pam, I’m sorry to hear that you’re in a rut. We’re here to help in any way we can! I understand the feeling of when one is on hiatus the other inadvertently goes on hold too. Hugs!

    Jalara, I’m glad you’re feeling better, I had that same reaction after swimsuit shopping as you did after dress hunting, shopping is a b!tch when you’re not happy with your size. I’m sure you’ll find something that you will be happy with, it just usually take a little more work. Oh and hugs for having to go to a kids b-day party, those are never easy!

    AFM, I had a great weekend of mostly good food, but I definitely stayed in my calories! I did a lot too, got some running in, some hiking, and about six hours of kayaking (arms were on fire). All in all I did good and my weigh in reflected it, last week I was at 145.6 and this morning I weighed in at 144.0! I didn’t log it here because it was already at 144.something and when I had gained a couple weeks ago and didn’t change it hopping that I would take it off soon, and I did! So now for another week of eating well with lots of water and exercise so that I hopefully loose another lbs for next week!
    On the TTC front, I’m on CD6 and am getting ready to start another cycle of BD every second day with OPK’s and will be trying Robitussin too.

    Baby dust to all that want it!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 18: 228.2 lbs (-2.6lbs)
    Week 19: 227.7 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 20: 226.0 lbs (-1.7lbs)
    Week 21: 230.1 lbs (+4.1lbs)
    Week 22: 232.0 lbs (+1.9lbs)
    Week 23: 231.5 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 24: No Weigh In
    Week 25: No Weigh In
    Week 26: No Weigh In
    Week 27: 233.2 lbs (+1.7lbs)

    Okay - so my official restart weight is actually a little lower than I was expecting....I thought I was back over the 235 mark....My goals this week are to get at least 8 glasses of water, half the protein as carbs, take all of my meds, take my dogs for a walk every day and track everything I'm eating. I'm sure I'll still need to do some of the bad stuff since I'll be detoxing.....but I'd rather do it slowly vs. fast and feel like crap.

    My boss asked last week if I'd be interested in working from home more regularly or even going remote completely. I'm really leaning towards complete remote.....My team isn't in the same country and the folks I sit with in the office tend to use me as a crutch (I used to support them...they still come to me for a lot of things). Plus I'll get my docking station and monitor to bring home, making me more efficient at home.....I think it's a good solution! Plus I'll have the opportunity to go in once a week still and have lunch with my sister. Get my chores done during my breaks instead of after work and have something slow cooking in the oven instead of panicking when I get home because I still have to cook.

    Ash - Good luck with the BDing!!!! What happened with the guy and the commute to work?
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    ELIZABETH, Good luck with your decision making process. If you're comfortable with it, please keep us posted on what to expect as part of the insemination process. That's probably the next step for us after I hit my weight goals (assuming we're not lucky in the meantime) and there's a little apprehension here too. My hubby's mindset is probably with yours, he thinks we just have to BD more! LOL!
    JALARA, Glad your hubby finally realized you need a little pampering! Good luck finding a dress. To you and PAM, I really like the private vow renewal idea. Weddings are always so much about everyone else, that it is nice to reaffirm with just the two of you. We're a year and a half from our 10 year and I'm thinking we might do something very similar at that time.
    PEGGY, Welcome back from your work trip - 9 days is a stretch! Just my 2 day trip this week threw me a little out of whack. Oh & you go girl on rd2 of 30ds!!
    MINDY, Deepest sympathies on your loss. You are very welcome here, collectively, this group of ladies has really bravely faced a lot of challenges and we're glad to share whatever we can to help.
    ASHLEY, So glad for you that you had such a good (& active!) weekend.
    ALL NEWBIES, Welcome!!! I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with all the names just yet. Please stalk all you want or jump right in and start posting.

    AFM, weigh in day. I don't know why we always eat Chinese on Sunday nights. I do ok with portions and watching the calories, but the sodium always gets me. I wanted to have a good (i.e. not bloated) weigh-in this morning, so I drank soooo much water last night that I ended up having to get up twice in the middle of the night! :tongue: Sorry, probably TMI! Anyway, I think it worked, because I weighed in right where I was hoping to be - yay, out of the 180s!

    I'm expecting a tough week at work. Two of my team members are in the hospital, so we have to figure out a way to divvy up the work. Definitely going to need some high intensity workouts this week to push through the stress.

    SW: 211 (March 2011)
    Calendar week 19: 193.6
    Calendar week 20: 189.8 (-3.8)
    Calendar week 21: 189.2 (-0.6)
    Calendar week 22: 187.4 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 23: 186.2 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 24: 184.0 (-2.2)
    Calendar week 25: 184.8 (+0.8)
    Calendar week 26: 183.4 (-1.4)
    Calendar week 27: 181.4 (-2.0)
    Calendar week 28: 179.6 (-1.8)

    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member

    Ash - Good luck with the BDing!!!! What happened with the guy and the commute to work?

    Thanks, and he's been taking the train instead of the bus! I guess he talked with the other guy I often take the bus with and was told he needed to cool it with the comments. There's a pretty big cultural difference between the two of us and although he thinks its fine to treat his wife and daughters like they’re second class citizens, I don’t! So apparently he bothered to listen because another guy told him to cool it whereas he didn’t bother to listen to me because I’m a girl (and we’re just overly sensitive all the time and not worth listening to, or at least that’s what he told the other guy!), so now he emails me if he need to speak to me at work even though we’re three desks away (not that I mind). I’m happy with the new arrangement!

    I’d love to work from home, lucky you! I don’t know how productive I’d be (with all the distractions) but I’d love to do at least half and half. Enjoy! Oh and your goals sound great, you can do this!
  • Mindy2475
    Mindy2475 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the welcome ladies! Hoping to get to know all of you. :)
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    pam - thank you for the link. very interesting article! omg... i could not imagine being on prometrium 2 weeks of the month.. i'd be so sick! but i totally understand where the article is coming from. I think I am going to take a bit to my doctor about this. :)

    Good luck to everyone doing some BD'ing this week!!

    AFM - been down in the dumps so bad the last few days. find it hard to not cry when left alone with my thoughts unoccupied for a certain length of time. I keep trying to tell myself that there are people experiencing worse things in life than me. That I should be grateful for all the things I have. But it's so hard!!

    Been off the wagon for a while... we haven't even been working out as much as we were... mostly because we were doing it after work and it sucks not getting home until 2am 4 nights a week. Makes for a very long day. So today is the start of our before work workouts.... very excited about that! I just need to start getting up earlier in the morning so that I can accomplish some work around home before having to leave to pick up my co-worker. Also, going to start 30DS on the 15th. So I am looking forward to that a bit.

    Been reading a book recommended to me by a friend. Her boss has PCOS and used the 'The Insulin Resistance Diet' book to help her lose weight and regulate her insulin a bit. She managed to get PG while doing it, so I am going to give it a shot, starting TODAY. I am so sick of trying to lose weight and nothing budging! I take my metformin the way the doctor prescribed and I've been on it almost a year. I thought the metformin would help regulate things a bit? Still haven't had a period on my own without medication aiding me. Kind of discouraging. Anyway, I like the sounds of what this book is saying. It talks about pairing your carbs with a protein each meal because "mixing a protein with other foods counteracts insulin's reaction to those other foods." Another quote from the book I found interesting "... protein is an important ingredient needed by the body to make dopamine, a chemical messenger in the brain that tells you when you are hungry or full. Your dopamine level is important in maintaining feelings of well-being. Without adequate protein intake you may not be able to make enough dopamine, you will feel depressed, lack energy, and have significant food cravings. Cravings for chocolate, caffeine, sweets, and fried or salty foods are symptoms of low dopamine."

    Well I guess I best go make myself lunch as my hubby will be home for lunch soon and I want to spend some time with him. Was busy busy this weekend with a 30th bday party for one of my girlfriends and then a BBQ with some other friends the next night. Didn't get a lot of alone time with the hubby.

    Good luck to everyone this week, and happy BD'ing to everyone! :)
    *baby dust*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hey...can I play here?

    My name is Mindy and I am 35 years old. My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy on June 10. Sadly, he passed away on June 13. We are trying to get our lives back on track and I need to get my health on track. I gained 30 pounds during the pregnancy...but I was quite a bit overweight before I got pregnant. Trying to lose a bunch of weight to be in a healthier place when we decide to conceive again.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer. I hope to make new friends here to motivate me to a healthier lifestyle! :)

    that is so sad. i am so sorry for your loss and the pain you must be feeling. hugs!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    playing the waiting game. can't take a pregnancy test until the 29th. it is the only thing on my mind, of course. :) i just want this so badly.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Jessica (Mrs Smith), welcome to the group! We can all understand baby fever and we’re pretty good at supporting each other too:flowerforyou:

    Abeare – so glad to see you! Great job on the weekend and congrats on the loss! I haven’t done the Robitussin in a while, so maybe I’ll throw that into this cycle too. Also, glad to see that the work creep has backed off – what a nutcase!

    Pam – I’m glad things weren’t nearly as bad as they seem to be. That’s not a bad gain at all! Are you still doing the Aquafit on top of everything else? Also - working from home sounds like an awesome opportunity! I’m not sure I’d be disciplined enough to do it, but I would love to have the chance!

    Sdavis – congrats on the loss! Plateaus suck! I hope you’re 2 coworkers make out okay at the hospital. Also, while looking at your loss chart it’s awesome how far you’ve come!

    Godblessourhome – the testing wait sucks. I hope it goes quickly for you!

    Has anyone heard from Luki? She disappeared from the Harry Potter challenge and I haven't seen her around anywhere.

    AFM – I’m down 1.8 this week, putting me at 219.2 – out of the 220s since for the first time since last fall! I’m so happy about it! My wedding weight last year was 219 so I’m there!!!!! I’ve also lost 2.4 points off my BMI! I’m so glad I finally found something that works for me. My weigh in at my meeting this week should give me my 5% mark, and I’m super happy about it!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Pshh - I think the cream is a much lower form of pregesterone than the pills. Plus that is what your body is supposed to be getting used to ;) That just shows how far off we really are. I remember the first regular cycle my DH said to....crap is this what normal is supposed to be like and I remembered when I first started getting AF and I was completely crazy for two weeks and then realized the crazy had melted away as had the regular cycles. Not that the crazy is good, but it is a sign that the hormones are back in the right strengths. Good luck on the before work work outs....I am definitely not that strong :) Protein and Fibre will both mitigate the sugars/carbs you consume. That sounds like a really good book - certainly in line with my philosophy of IR and weight loss that has worked so far (knowing and doing are two different things). That's why my goal of eating at least half the number of carbs in proteins (so I should eat 60g of protein if I eat 120g of carbs - not so much about restricting the carbs although I try and stick to non-refined sources or I used to)

    GBOH - It's like that commercial where the woman is looking at everything and seeing pregnant bellies. The 2WW is definitely the worst part of TTC!!!

    Jalara - *happy dance* Good job!!!!! So glad you're finally seeing the results you deserve!!!

    AFM: Day 1 back on the wagon has been an interesting day. Still craving like no one's business and I figure that's going to be a few weeks to get rid of. Still doing aquafit and my next door neighbours have opened their backyard pool so I've been in there a few times this week (but that's not exercise, more like standing in 80F water which is great for cooling off and keeping the body at an even temperature)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey everyone! I have an idea. Do you remember when we shared our wedding pics with each other? I was thinking it might be fun to do something like that again. I was thinking
    - pics of us at our lowest weight
    - pics of people/figures that inspire us weight-loss wise
    - before/during pics we take now
    - a book/movie recommendation (with pic)
    - fav song? (we can provide link to youtube so everyone else can enjoy our pick)

    That's all the ideas I have right now. What do you ladies think?
  • phshhnet
    phshhnet Posts: 12
    jalara - congrats on your loss! :) And I think the 'sharing' picture idea is a great one. I'd be up for any of those ideas. It seems like a few of us are a little discouraged/bummed out as of late... so maybe posting inspirational ppl pics might give some of us a boost?

    godblessourhome - good luck on your 2WW. If you feel like you're going stir crazy with anticipation do something small to take your mind off of it for a few minutes. Like 20 jumping jacks. Or have a drink of water and a short walk around the block. I know if I get antsy I take the dog for a short walk. Usually helps me. :)

    pam - if you'd like the name and authors of the book it's..... The Insulin Resistance Diet by Cheryle R. Hart, MD and Mary Kay Grossman, RD.

    AFM - my night went not too bad. workout before work wasn't as strenuous as I was hoping it to be... there were a few too many ppl around we couldn't pop in a DVD to do some Jillian or Tony Little. Ended up just a 20 min walk/jog on the treadmill and upper body weight training. Felt real good aftewards! But I just feel bummed we didn't get to do cardio AND Jillian. Oh well, maybe tomorrow! :)

    good night everyone!
This discussion has been closed.