October (2016) Running Challenge



  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Yesterday's 'short' long run. Had my HR monitor chest strap on, but forgot to attach the transmitter, ugh. Also didn't dress warmly enough for how gray and raw it was out! Need to start relearning how to dress for fall running, lol.


    Debating whether I want to do the 5k or 7.5 mile race below for my November race. I'm also planning on hiking to the top of Storm King Mountain afterwards, since I'll be in Cornwall for the race, which is right nearby, and I've been meaning to hike it for ages, so that might be a determining factor in which distance I go for, lol.

    South Nyack 10 Miler – 9/11 – 1:43:24
    Adirondacks Distance Festival ½ Marathon – 9/25 – 2:09:58
    Sleepy Hollow 10k – 10/22
    Fall Harvest 5k or 7.5 Mile Challenge? – 11/13
    Christmas-y run???
    Run for the Wild 5k (Bronx Zoo) – 4/29/17 (3rd year in a row, love this run!)
    Bay of Fundy ½ Marathon – 6/25/17
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @skippygirlsmom and @7lenny7 - You should both be very proud of your daughters. It takes a lot of courage at that age to decide what is right for you and persue it regardless of what you think others want or expect of you. Sounds like you both have raised lovely young women.
    7lenny7 wrote: »

    She joined her college's club volleyball team halfway through her freshman year and is loving it. Yesterday they played a national tournament and made it to the championship game before losing to Penn State.

    Also, just had to give a shout out to my alma mater...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    But anyway, my major gripe of the whole experience - NO MEDAL. I mean, seriously?! Who plans a HM with no medal? Apparently it was not advertised with one so they weren't having any of the multiple complaints, but a lot of people were returning runners like me so never thought to check as we have always had one in the past. I'm glad that wasn't my first HM today, as it was 2 years ago, as no medal would have really upset me. Today, I'm just annoyed that I paid £28 for a race where all I had to show at the end was a 330ml bottle of water. Not even a banana. The goodie bag had nothing but leaflets for local stores and a copy of the local newspaper. So, I won't be running that one again.

    Am I right to be annoyed about this? Has anyone else ever run a HM and not got any race bling of some sort? This surely can't be ok, I mean, have the organisers ever MET a runner before?! WE LOVE SHINY THINGS MEDALS

    Edit - it says on the website that you do get a medal, so WTH?

    @louubelle16 - I would be super annoyed too! Also can't believe there was no food after you ran a HM! I would think all those hangery runners would have revolted with no food and no bling!! I have not had that happen at a race but at my last 10k they ran out of medals for the 10k runners, apparently the volunteer kids were handing out the 10k medals to the 5k runners... But they ordered more and mailed the medals to us!
  • rachel780mpg
    rachel780mpg Posts: 83 Member
    Going to try for 70 miles in October. 3 miles, 3 times a week. I want to be able to run my next 5k in full!!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @skippygirlsmom tell skip that's she's thinking like a mature adult (there must be some great parenting going on there...) It's great that she realizes that the recruitment pressure is making things less enjoyable. Running shouldn't be work, and if that's what it will be, she's totally making the right decision. You're doing great with her, and her presence of mind shows it!
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    BetterMike wrote: »
    Setting goal at 55 miles. 25 less than last month to recover from yesterday's first 1/2 marathon.

    13.27 miles done yesterday. Saw a friend that I had no idea was going to be in the race and ran with him for a good portion. It really made the miles fly by. As for my performance... I ran a good 10 mile race at about my goal of 9 min/mile but the last few miles kicked my butt. Uphill for about a mile and a half but paces were Mile 11 at 10:11, Mile 12 at 10:48 and Mile 13 at 11:32.

    If it had actually been a 10 mile race I'd be very happy but even though I know the common refrain is that since it's my first it's my PB, I still am disappointed by how much I crashed at the end.

    My knees are quite sore today. Any idea how long I should take off?

    Congrats on your 1st HM @BetterMike !! I had my 1st on Saturday too. Miles 12 and 13 were also super tough for me, but miles 10 and 11 were my fastest. It took all my will power to keep my legs going for that last 1/2 mile. Lol!

    My knees feel fine, but my calves and hamstrings are super tight. I'm doing yoga and running this week, but taking it super slow and easy.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    NicoleL874 wrote: »
    Ok! Going to come back and read this thread, but wanted to post first!

    I'm very new to running. Last October I started walking and went way too fast and far and ended up with insertional achilles tendonitis. It still bugs me, but at this point, it's just tight. So...I decided to start running, well, trying to.

    Let's back up, please no negativity about my decisions on how to lead my life. I did have weight loss surgery and know people's views differ on the various procedures. I'm not here for criticism on that. It's done. That being said, I've lost 159lbs since August of last year. I hit the gym pretty hard for weights and needed to find something that gets my cardio up. Spinning and stairmaster did it, but the classes don't match my schedule and who wants to spend all that time on the stairmaster? So, I found a 5k to run in December (a Santa Dash, including a Santa suit) and started a C25K program.

    Today, I run Week 3, Day 2. My goal for the month is not distance related since I'm a total noob and the mileage varies based on the program and my ability that day. My goal is to stay on track with the three days a week, and try to stick to the C25K schedule without having to rerun anything. If I end up repeating, so is life. I just really need people to help keep me accountable and keep my motivation up!

    I'm glad I found this post, it's perfect timing for me!

    @NicoleL874 You won't find judgey types here! If you hadn't said anything about your weight loss surgery, no one would even know, let alone criticize you for it. Congrats on the huge weight loss, and welcome to the challenge!

    Wow Skip hit me with something while we were in the airport, she doesn't want to run in college. Could have knocked me over with a feather for 3 years it's all she has talked about. She said now that she's a junior and Coach is putting "recruiting" pressure on her races and practices it isn't the fun it used to be. She said I want to finish running in high school, but don't want the pressure to get recruited for college. Also I might want to do other things in college and not run, maybe I want to join other clubs. I told her, you do you, do what you want in life. She was crying "are you upset with me". OMG little girl Mommy is proud of you for not just being carried along in the wave of something you don't really want. She said I'll join running clubs and do races but for fun, not because my college money depends on it. Carry on girl!

    @skippygirlsmom Go Skip! I went to a school that didn't even offer athletic scholarships, so all the athletes at my college were in it for love of sport, not because their scholarship depended on it. She's probably making an excellent decision, but if she ends up going to a smaller/less competition driven school, she might find a team atmosphere to be a good way to ease into college life: a strict schedule to work within, upperclassmen to teach her the ropes, etc. But at a big school, athletics is too much a job rather than a joy.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I thought you all would get a kick out of the PRs my Garmin congratulated me on this morning... someone got a glitch and/or left her GPS watch on in the car...

  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    edited October 2016
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom and @7lenny7 - You should both be very proud of your daughters. It takes a lot of courage at that age to decide what is right for you and persue it regardless of what you think others want or expect of you. Sounds like you both have raised lovely young women.

    Amen to that!

    @kristinegift 's college running advice might be a great fit for Skip - - to be able to still participate & compete & run for the joy of running, without all the stress of getting recruited or running on a top team.

    @Elise4270 High five! PT power!

  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    Got 80/20 Running coming in the mail today. I'm thinking that I'm going to take like the first 3-4 weeks of one of the HM plans as a schedule rotation over my off season. Have to see which plan looks good and not too hard/easy

    I'm gonna do the same - read through the training plan chapter last night for a half - still haven't decided between 80/20, Higdon or Hansen...
  • pasewaldd
    pasewaldd Posts: 24 Member
    I would like to do this challenge and then more months to come. I am going to have to start slow (hurt my back at work) so I will start with a slow walk... But will bump it up to running. So I will say walking : 20 and running 20. Maybe next month I can set it higher.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Well I love the PT. It's the best kind, massages!

    I'm in love with the therapist. She's Indian (from India). My latest obsession is Indian food so she pointed me towards a market for spices and such that I can't get here. Veggie Korma for supper! Just gotta find someone to cook it.... :innocent:

    I asked about piriformis syndrome/deep gluteal syndrome being a thing in runners. She agrees it is, although not exclusively, I've personally spoke to non-runners with PS diagnosis/surgery. We're weak, the firing order is off, then take on an activity that uses every muscle. I don't know where or how I could have interrupted this issue. I did have an inline skate fall on that side that could have contributed.

    Just want to share to newbies and anyone experiencing hip/rear/low back pain to stretch, get regular massages, every 30 miles or something! And find a good sports doc/PT before you need a surgeon.

    I spent almost 4 years undiagnosed/misdiagnosed, the 6th doctor was open to the suggestion of piriformis syndrome and sent me for testing. Then he had no idea where to send me. The 7th was the hip surgeon.

    Be patient with your miles. I did cross training, HIIT classes and took 2 years off running to focus on cycling. No idea where I could have caught this sooner.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @Elise4270 Sounds like you were doing everything possible to prevent it. That sucks. I'm glad your pt is going well!

    @shanaber Yay! What a proud mom you must be. That must be so exciting for you to have seen your daughter complete her college and move into real adulting today (poor girl). Hope she had a wonderful first day!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @Orphia - love the sunrise pictures! Absolutely beautiful!
    I like to treat myself with a massage after a certain goal is reached in my running or my husband will set me up for one. I will also hold out to but a new running shirt or pants until I am at an expo or after a race or sometimes just because :) I do have on my list though a running necklace. They seem to be pretty expensive but I am thinking both my birthday and Christmas are coming up :wink:
    My daughter got me an awesome 'rack' to hang my medals on last Christmas but I haven't been able to get my husband to help me install it. He is worried about the weight of the medals pulling the bolts out of the wall as the studs aren't close enough together to actually use them.
    It also could be fun to have one of those books to put your race bibs in.
    @BetterMike - Congratulations on your 1st Half Marathon!! I too am struggling with those last 2-3 miles of my long runs/races. This was not a problem for me in my earlier HMs but in the last year it has been a real issue especially in my HMs. I am hoping I can correct it before my next HM in November but I am not really sure what I need to change. As far as recovery is concerned I think it is a very individual need. I like to get in a recovery run within a day or two of the race but others will take off a few days to a week. I guess it just depends on how beat up you feel.
    @Elise4270 and @Stoshew71 - I remember when @SonicDeathMonkey80 took his detour through McDonald's. So funny!
    @BeeerRunner - Congrats on your 1st HM!
    @cljoe7 - Happy to see you back even if you aren't running yet!
    @HonuNui - Love the picture of Akami herding! We had an Australian Sheperd mix who wanted to herd anything and everything - kids included. I can't imagine an Aussie/Border Collie mix!! Those herding instincts must be through the roof! Also most of the Border Collies I have met are nuts. Very smart but crazy wound up dogs! They make Hobbes the Vizsla look like a slug :smiley:

    So great to see so many new runners joining us! Welcome!!

    I had a great run this morning! I got up early after being out late last night to a concert and needing to run before a full day of meetings. I ended up running a fast (for me) 5 miles. All of my splits were under 10.5 and mile 3 was at my 5k PR pace.



    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half Marathon
    02/20/16 - Divas Half Marathon - Temecula
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    08/21/16 - Tiki Beach 10k, Huntington Beach
    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle

    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    RunTimer wrote: »
    Hey yall!
    Had been out for 2 months with a broken fibula :( I just got the okay from doc to lace up

    (well, not entirely true, but if you don't tell him neither will i)

    so put me down for 25miles (starting small..with the hope of underpromising and overdelivering)
    halloween-icons.gifOCTOBER mini-graphics-halloween-355262.gif

    03 - 4.2 mi


  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    edited October 2016
    Last month's goal was 50 miles, finished 53.4 miles. Goal reached. This month doing 60 miles. I ran 6.2 miles yesterday and it felt really good. Longest run so far is 7 miles. My 1st 10K is this Saturday and HM Nov 26th. I'm giddy excited and nervous
  • starkiller8885
    starkiller8885 Posts: 47 Member
    Ran again today, .95 miles walked 3.4 miles