Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness?



  • SkinnyTim55
    SkinnyTim55 Posts: 1 Member
    The vibration of the floor forces your body to respond in order to stay standing. It helps develop and condition your balance muscles as well as increase blood and lymph circulation to clean out your system. I tried it today for the first time and noticed my low back had stopped hurting. We'll see how it goes over time.
  • Leila02124
    Leila02124 Posts: 4 Member
    rogerOb1 wrote: »
    I LOVE Planet Fitness and I have lost 120 lbs with their help THIS YEAR.

    Its only March!

    She wrote that in December 2013, duh. *rolls eyes*
  • Leila02124
    Leila02124 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been using the Total Body Enhancement for a little over a week now and I got to PF five days a week but only use the TBE 3 days a week and it is definitely work the time for me. I fractured my knee cap two years ago due to a tumor in the lower half of my femur and since the operation and recovery I have been having soreness in that area; the vibrating plates help with the circulation in my legs. I recently developed a blood clot in my leg that traveled to my lungs and i suffered a pulmonary embolism. Circulation in my legs has been a problem for me since the injury.

    I instantly feel better after my 12 minutes in. I go in completely naked and do Program 3 for High Intensity vibrations. It has also help with my skin, which just feels softer since using it and i don't even need to use lotion as much. I will definitely continue using it, if nothing else then to help with the circulation in my legs.
  • Lurreth
    Lurreth Posts: 1 Member
    Okay, my first post ever in a forum.
    I joined Planet Fitness about 2 weeks ago. I saw a flyer in the gym about body enhancement and was curious, so I tried it.
    I went twice my first week and have gone 3 times this week. From what I've read, results can take up to a few months if you're going as often as recommended. I have noticed a reduction in cellulite from my bum and thighs but I'm sure that regular exercise is also a contributing factor. Mostly so far, I just like the relaxation from the vibrations. I feel that has made it easier for me to push myself every day.
    Side note, I am also a member at Mountainside Fitness. I feel SO much more comfortable using equipment at Planet Fitness! I don't constantly have that insecure feeling that I am being judged by anyone and everyone around me!
  • MaryElizabethIrvin
    Minus all the dumb answers this helped a lot! When I asked the staff at PF what the difference was between the stand up tanning bed (which I use) and the Full Body Enhancement I was told "Its like the tan you get when you go to Florida for the weekend with natural sunlight VS. the fake tan you get with tanning beds". WTF? Thanky everyone!
  • T2244
    T2244 Posts: 1 Member
    Help's with puffy eyes. Balance and pain relief in just a couple day's I noticed an improvement
  • ConfessionsOfAChubbyChick
    All the haters are too funny. They're mad because these are the kind of jerks PF doesn't allow at their gym anyway. Meanwhile the rest of us are working out and vibrating away the fat having a good ole time.
  • mattbrunsvold
    mattbrunsvold Posts: 1 Member
    Too many haters in the world. It works, and here is your proof
  • BurnBabyJ
    BurnBabyJ Posts: 1 Member
    Developed by NASA, not l'evel.
  • Do_you_ill_do_me
    Do_you_ill_do_me Posts: 1 Member
    I love the TBE machine.
    Beauty Angel RVT30 (12 Minutes) Red Light and Vibration Therapy

    About the Beauty Angel RVT30

    The BEAUTY ANGEL RVT 30 is NOT a tanning bed and does NOT use UV light. It is instead a skin and body therapy bed. It uses a combination of red light therapy and the patented Vibra Shape platform to deliver a powerful combination of results.

    Connective tissue cells are stimulated by 30 high-performance Beauty Light lamps to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluron quite naturally. Small wrinkles are reduced and the skin becomes visibly tighter and smoother. Improved cell production also increases the muscles' ability to regenerate. The results of photo bio stimulation (stimulation of the body using light) are complemented by the fitness training given by the vibration plate.

    Thanks to Vibra Shape the BEAUTY ANGEL RVT 30 offers not just an innovative light treatment, but also a healthy training effect. The patented seesawing function simulates normal walking, which means the patented vibration plate is a 100% physiological training method. It trains all of the muscles from the legs up into the abdomen and back. At the same time weight loss is encouraged by increased calorie consumption, and cellulite can be prevented thanks to the tightening of the connective tissue. The improved circulation also has a positive effect on the photo-rejuvenation results.

    Regardless of whether you are young or old: the four individual Vibra Shape programs will help you to achieve your goal quickly. In the total privacy of an enclosed booth, naturally. What's more, combining training with collagen generation is a method for protecting joints that is highly recommended, even for athletes.

    Combination of red light and patented Vibra Shape training. Visible anti-aging and fitness effects. Stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluron naturally. Weight loss by burning calories. Tightens connective tissue and prevents cellulite. Improves circulation for the skin. Training for your whole muscular system
    Increases your fitness level and makes you feel better. Particularly simple training method, gentle on the joints. For a glowing complexion and firmer skin. Visible effects that you can feel in a very short time. Non-UV lamps suitable for any skin type.
  • sandrawilliams37201
    i joined planet fitness 2 weeks ago and i use the total body enhancement every time i go after my workout. it is not relaxing while you are in there but when it stops it is the best feeling. like it shook all the stress and everything out of there. i feel so relaxed. my vericose veins are smaller and i have some scarring that is also a slight bit lighter. as far as toning muscle its hard to tell because you work out also so dont know which is doing what, but in my opinion any little bit helps so i would recomment it.
  • Shelbl
    Shelbl Posts: 4 Member
    Wow. First time in the forums and the dickheads that feel the need to troll people have totally turned me off. Nice job, enjoy your sense of moral superiority that doesn't actually cover how insecure and pathetic you are. You're not fooling anybody.
  • Pitzi
    Pitzi Posts: 1 Member
    Hmmmm does it actually tan you or what? If it tans you then I will know to avoid it at all costs. I do not tan. I only freckle. I really hate freckles. I also hate the idea of going into any kind of cancer booth. If its just normal red tinted lights then I guess its ok.
    Hmmmm does it actually tan you or what? If it tans you then I will know to avoid it at all costs. I do not tan. I only freckle. I really hate freckles. I also hate the idea of going into any kind of cancer booth. If its just normal red tinted lights then I guess its ok.

  • madman3054
    madman3054 Posts: 1 Member
    The gym argument is getting old. I was a world gym member, it got bought out by 24 hr fitness in my city. Then Golds gym here went to a private "fitness" center. (Blue Moon fitness) Then the last "muscle" gym. turned into Bob's Fitness center. So everyone talking about PF get over it. Fitness is what people want and the way things have changed.
  • myoung445
    myoung445 Posts: 1 Member
    Obviously, this machine isn't going to take you from a 50 year old size 12 to a size 2 that looks 20 but it does have some benefits.
    It seems that some of you need to get out of the gym and read a little... It's a shame that the most ignorant people are the most vocal and confident; offering up your uneducated opinion, then stating it as fact. You have the nerve to list your certifications, like it's some sort of higher education. Bahahaha!
  • Kathtg61
    Kathtg61 Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have a rapid and irregular heartbeat that has been tracked to lymph and digestive issues. It also led to migraines. I'm not making claims but I go to a trainer and keep my Planet Fitness membership solely for this Total Body thing. It does something that stops my migraines from coming on, and if I go regularly, my heart episodes have minimized. I dont know if it is moving lymph and circulation to keep things moving but I notice a difference when I dont go, and track fewer issues. This is simply what I have noticed for me. For those bashing without a clue, it is silly not to investigate and try for yourself and know what sonething does for yoyr own body.
  • TheGimp
    TheGimp Posts: 15 Member
    I joined Planet Fitness recently and have liked it so far. I also was wondering about red light thing. I get the vibro-plate stuff. I used to use a non-enclosed one for making a few exercises more intense, or to help massage muscles.

    With the red-light thing, I would want to use that for my back acne but I don't know if it's one of those things you stand in fully clothed or if you can remove clothing covering parts that have zits. What do others who do use it do?
  • Swestleyj60
    Swestleyj60 Posts: 2 Member
    So, I've been a PF member for several years now, after I got tired of terrible service at my local YMCA gym. Anyway, a couple of things: First, the Black Card is worth every penny to me because I travel = It seems that there's a PF wherever you go & their reciprocity agreements really do work. My PF card gets me into any PF anywhere, which I really, really like. Second, not being a professional athlete but only an amateur one, PF has all the equipment I need...some locations are better than others, but still. Third, I dig the 24-hour locations. I like getting up super-early, and I love not having to wait for the gym to open. Lastly, I tried this TBE machine this morning, for the first time. Granted, I didn't know I was supposed to disrobe for the machine to have maximum effect, but nevertheless it struck me as a little silly. It's blindingly bright in there and the vibrating floor feel weird. I didn't feel bad after having used it, but although I'm really pleased for the people for whom it's had the desired effect(s), I think I'll stick to my lifting and cardio regimes...
  • ronniann70
    ronniann70 Posts: 2 Member
    I just upgraded my membership to the black card and was told about this "program" that is offered at my PF and I was wondering the same thing.... here's an article I found online about whole body vibration:

    Basically, they are saying from studies done it does seem that it could help muscle strength, circulation, bone density, etc... but that is in ADDITION to a regular workout routine. So... if you think you can just sit in this machine for 10min/day and skip the workout think again.

    I might try it for a few weeks and see how it goes (if I feel any better post workout etc)

    And the red light is also good for you: