Feeling unattractive?



  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    I think we all have those days.
    It's my job to be fit and confident - does that mean I always feel confident in how I look? No!

    I have off days the same as everyone else.

    What matters is being kind to yourself and realising that you're the most perfect version of you out there!
  • Christina7796
    Christina7796 Posts: 1,811 Member
    Oh I'm feeling this today for sure. ..
  • hulkfitdonuts
    hulkfitdonuts Posts: 31 Member
  • micayla75
    micayla75 Posts: 219 Member
    In my heart, I know I am not an ugly person. However, my brain goes through many of my faults on a daily basis. It is the small things that add up like seeing my large pores in the mirror, noticing new wrinkles, catching myself in a window and seeing my stomach protrude, having to make sure I have something covering my upper arms at all times, or trying to fit into clothes from a year ago. While none of those things are a big deal in reality, they can certainly wreak havoc on my confidence.
  • Former_chubby_momma
    Former_chubby_momma Posts: 686 Member
    It depends. If I do my hair and makeup, and don't eat much (so I'm not bloated) I feel good. But most days I feel awful about myself.
  • micayla75
    micayla75 Posts: 219 Member
    It depends. If I do my hair and makeup, and don't eat much (so I'm not bloated) I feel good. But most days I feel awful about myself.

    It really is a battle to combat those negative thoughts in our head. It is always easier to believe the negative than the positive about ourselves.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    micayla75 wrote: »
    In my heart, I know I am not an ugly person. However, my brain goes through many of my faults on a daily basis. It is the small things that add up like seeing my large pores in the mirror, noticing new wrinkles, catching myself in a window and seeing my stomach protrude, having to make sure I have something covering my upper arms at all times, or trying to fit into clothes from a year ago. While none of those things are a big deal in reality, they can certainly wreak havoc on my confidence.

    I could've written this myself. I'm my absolute worst critic.
  • LJ16MFP
    LJ16MFP Posts: 124 Member
  • Linlou125
    Linlou125 Posts: 1,620 Member
    edited October 2016
    Others see beauty in me but I have a tough time believing them.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    There are times I feel unattractive but I know that I have so many wonderful attributes. I try to focus on the things that make me feel more secure about myself. My self confidence is more attractive than I will ever be physically.
  • aneedforchange
    aneedforchange Posts: 75 Member
    In the past.. but I think feeling physically unattractive has more to do with how you feel about yourself as a person and I was at the time in alot of bad relationships with guys that wanted to break me down and I let them. I suspect they wanted to keep me fat ... To keep me and thinking about it now it's scary how low their self esteem must have been because I'm insanely loyal..ugh bad times. You need to raise that confidence girl!
  • Lone_wolf46
    Lone_wolf46 Posts: 2,711 Member
  • Christina7796
    Christina7796 Posts: 1,811 Member
    Sure do
  • Lyds8585
    Lyds8585 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes... hopefully that will change as I lose weight...
  • ASAPStocky
    ASAPStocky Posts: 51 Member
    I have good and bad days...been leaning heavily bad as of late
  • LJ16MFP
    LJ16MFP Posts: 124 Member
    cdiller77 wrote: »
    Sure do

    No reason too Hunni .. attractive lady
  • 31Nightmare
    31Nightmare Posts: 14 Member
    edited October 2016
    low self esteem/self worth/self image coupled with an overactive mind means on the rare occasion i am given a compliment i always question the motivation behind it; even amidst the knowledge that doing that is a result of LSE. I'm sure many others are in the same boat.

    We all seem to want to rebel against societal norms regarding what is good/is not good and how we see ourselves, but we are just as quick to forget that when making judgement of others.

    I wish I was in the same boat as you ;)

    There may or may not be motivation behind that
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    LJ16MFP wrote: »
    cdiller77 wrote: »
    Sure do

    No reason too Hunni .. attractive lady

    And how, mister! and how.

    I would write a bad check or two, I damn sure would.
  • 31Nightmare
    31Nightmare Posts: 14 Member
    edited October 2016
    Im not feeling unattractive, I know I am ugly. Talk all you want, no one looks on the inside, it shines- it might actually be kind of a filtered light, a bit crazy and female.
    Always have been always will be. To top it off, going through a divorce, back to school after 11 years, and being ditched doesn't help. At least if i was attractive, I dont know .. it'd be something.
    maybe I wouldn't have held on to a emotionally abusive husband as long, maybe I could go out and laugh with friends because id actually have some, maybe my mom would be happier to call me her daughter, maybe my form would improve because i could actually stand to look in the mirror when lifting.
    Being ugly has its benefits, and perhaps that's all that matters- how we use who we are to make this world a little better. I'd rather be ugly and alone yet be able to empathize and help someone feel better about themself, than be beautiful. I know what it's like and maybe I can help someone so they don't have to struggle. And maybe so I dont have to always struggle alone.