Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Joy: Hope you had fun at the wedding and did enjoy that salad instead of high cal. aps! And we know you behaved yourself at the bar! LOL! ;) Sounds like a interesting Monday lady… so something I would do!! =) I am with you… always something… we just have to be good and enjoy the events… yes, over eat a little but change another couple days to help make up for it… squeeze in an extra workout… You got this!! Homemade pumpkin pie is amazing!!! I did that a few years ago, as my parents grow pumpkins too! Yummo!!! Way to go on the loss!! That’s so funny… you heard the same thing that motivated me!! This is not the thinnest I will be… they can not put me in that corner… =) You are so my sister.. we have to be related down the road somewhere! LOL!

    Rachel: Nice on the 90 minutes of free personal trainer… score! Glad you enjoyed time with mom!! No regrets for a great weekend!! You rock girl… Love all your new challenges!! Meeting new people and putting yourself out there!!! So happy for you!! Don’t let the work get you down.. things happen and if you’re juggling that much it is bound to happen! Shake it off… you got this! Love your meme… you are awesome!! Sounds like you had a super fun weekend!! But yes… alcohol can bite back… ugh! I know you will get right back and into things… you are too busy not too!! Great job at roller derby… that’s awesome!

    JenHul: I’m not looking forward to indoor walks… I love walking outside! =(

    Gem: Great job at the gym! You are rocking it!!! Hope all your winter clothes are too small!! =) Awhhh! A new puppy!!! Jealous!!! Bring on the weekend…

    Janetay: Sounds very busy! I have a very hard time falling back sleep after 4-5 as well.. Now that my hubby is working in Milwaukee his 4am alarm is going to suck! =( This morning I was worried he didn’t hear it so I laid there making sure he got up! Sounds like you had a great weekend!!

    June: Your sea kayaking trip sounds amazing!!!! Acadia looks beautiful… on my list for vacation…. Sorry to hear about your BF’s job situation… I know with my sister-in-law it was depression that hit really… She had good intentions, but just was depressed and had a very hard time overcoming it! Sounds like it would be hard to get a job in that field not living in an area that it relates too. Hope things turn around for him!

    Nicole: Hope you are doing better! Doesn’t sound like a fun… The volleyball season is wrapping up.. so sad to see it go… Great NSV… I would do the same thing!! Go out there and splurge!! =) You deserve it! Hope you are feeling better… New jeans will be in your future soon though! I had the head cold before we left for Florida! Yuck.. no fun! And a kidney stone on top… isn’t your lucky week… Hope you are up and running soon!

    Jdelaroy: Where all did you travel in FL? I stayed in Orlando and traveled to Daytona Beach, St. Pete Beach and Clearwater Beach! Fun! Your trip sounds awesome!! I hate pushups… I suck at them! Great job with the challenge though! Fun idea! Great job keeping on task! And go out there and win some fun stuff!!

    Jessica: Welcome!! Post often!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Gem: a new puppy! My last pooch was a husky shepherd with one blue eye and one brown. She was awesome. Now we have a love sponge, golden retriever who thinks she is a lap dog! I love dogs!
    Shy: yes we are twins for sure! I heard that on the news and thought no effing way am I going to gain 5-10 this fall! So I'm on a mission to lose 10 by New Years! Sounds like your trip was awesome besides the one day. Fun for you to get away!
    Nichole: i can't believe you have a kidney stone now! What else can go wrong this year?? Good grief girl, you need a break, and a vacation to Florida!! I hope things turn around fast for you and you feel better soon. Def take another day or two off!!
    Rachel: sounds like you are doing awesome at the roller derby stuff! Good for you! I have total faith that you will make that team, and I'm sure that it won't take that many months!! You are doing great!
    I better get to bed, did spin class after work and then walked the dog for over an hour over some big hills! I'm pooped. Spin and sculpt class tomorrow after work! Yikes!
  • being_camille
    being_camille Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in!! I don't have as much to loose but I love encouraging one another to be healthy and love ourselves to reach our goals! (Big self love fan here!!) so encouragement is something I love to give and receive!! ❤️❤️❤️ also trying to cut down on sugar (big sweet toothe) and I don't believe in cutting out dessert! Haha- but I have found that baking healthy chocolate cookies (stevia and honey as the sweetener) really has let me have my dessert in the evenings but not the mega calories! Yay for healthy dessert
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 a 2 hour personal training session in roller derby sounds great. Be careful it is addicting. LOL I bet yu will be fantastic.

    @ngolden3320 Whine away! Sometimes you need to. A cold and a kidney stone with a loss of gym time sounds like good reasons to me. I hope you feel better soon.

    @shycush6 I am so happy you are safe and had an overall good vacation. Great job getting back in routine. It took me a few days after I got back. I am totally with you. I have a new goal for the end of the year. It is going to be a huge stretch, but even if I don't make it, I do not plan on gaining weight. My fat can BITE ME. It has been given its eviction notice, and its time is limited. We stayed with family in a small town just north of Tampa Bay. We visited Clear Water Beach. It was so beautiful, and all 3 of my kids fell in love with the beach.

    @gemwolf110 Sounds like a great weekend. I had a husky when I was a teenager she was so mellow, and beautiful. I miss her.

    @bluepoppies777 Welcome back, it is so great to see all the motivation you have. You are going to rock the rest of the year. I bet you make you 10 pound goal. Mine is 19.

    @camille426 We love have new friends join us on this thread. Please share your chocolate cookies recipe!

    I walked over 24000 steps yesterday. Most of it was pacing the house. I was aiming for 20000. I reached that goal, but the BF had more steps to make his goal, so I joined him in pacing the house. I also did 25 flights of stairs. I hate stairs so this is amazing to me.

    This has not been a good week in the BF department. I have fought with him every single day since Monday. I feel like I am always walking on egg shells, and have just gotten sick of it. Apparently all I want to do is fight, and I make all the rules in the house. I wish I had known this, there would be some changes. Sigh, hopefully this passes soon. I see a bunch of walking in my future today.. Or a trip to Mom's house for the evening.

    Anyways lets kick some butt today!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy 24000 steps is amazing! It sounds like you are funneling your relationship frustrations in a positive way. Some weeks they can be so frustrating! I hope you two are able to work things out quickly so things go back to normal

    @camille426 Welcome! I'm a fellow dessert person who is all about body love, you've come to the right place!

    @bluepoppies777 You are killing it in the exercise department. I bet that 10lbs is going to fly back off of you!

    @ShyCush6 I'm so glad the hurricane didn't get in the way of your vacation! I agree that there's no reason we have to be a statistic. As long as we're mindful in the upcoming months we'll be off to a great start come new year!

    @ngolden3320 You are allowed to whine as much as you want with a kidney stone, ouch! I hope it passes quickly, it stinks not being able to go to the gym

    @gemwolf110 Congrats on the new puppy! I love puppy photos and would love to see one of your fur babies once she's home :) How many fur babies do you have?

    @JessicaT1299 Welcome! Great quote, and a great reminder to get us through tough days

    @wishfuljune great job avoiding that muffin and recognizing that you were about to eat your feelings instead of to fulfill hunger. That's something I still have to work on every day.

    According to my landlord, the workers should be done working on my downstairs today so we can finally move our furniture back in! This has been a long 3 weeks post-flood, but it will be nice to have new flooring and professionally cleaned carpets so at least there's an upside. Plus now my significant other and I won't be living on top of each other navigating around our furniture in our upper floor. It was starting to really grate on him and he was starting to get pretty crabby! I hope everyone is having a great Thursday!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Joy: I love golden retrievers…and huskies… I think our next dog will be a golden… Great job on spin class!!!

    Camille: Yay! Welcome aboard! Please post often! And you can share that cookie recipe anytime! =)

    Jdelaroy: I’m with you there… This fat can kiss my kitten bye bye! My daughter loves the beach as well but she did not go with us since she had homecoming and didn’t want to miss it…soooo we put her picture on a stick and took her with… she has lots of pictures at the beach! =) LOL! It was a great conversation item! Way to go on your steps yesterday!! Rock on!! Hope the BF front gets better… we all have those days!

    Rachel: Glad your downstairs will be fixed! That is hard when you are living on top of each other and your stuff is not where you want it to be! Hope you didn’t lose too much in the flooding.

    Well, today I was not as good at getting up and exercising! I'm working a longer day today and then off to volleyball tonight... I think I will leave v-ball right after Lexi's game and skip the varsity game so I can get home and do the elliptical. It's better than nothing! I cooked a lasagna last night so it will be good for warming up for dinner... Bad at snacking today though... Ugh!! I will beat it!!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,418 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    I read a quote the other day that said "Chin Up: This Is the Lightest You'll Weigh This Entire Year
    Once you gain those holiday pounds, it'll take about five months to lose them" I am going to prove that quote wrong!! Who's with me?! I hate when someone tries to tell me how it's going to be...
    Time for me to catch up reading! Hope all is well!!

    I'm with you. I may be boycotting Thanksgiving this year anyway and rarely have much holiday it is not going to be that way for me, either! Apparently I have a different kind of spirit!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Woo hoo for new flooring. I am glad it will be done soon. Living with chaos is very stressful.

    @ShyCush6 Way to make a plan, hopefully you made the elliptical.

    @gemwolf110 Those are some beautiful pups.

    @melaniedscott Well if you boycott Thanksgiving send me your pie! LOL, Don't do that, then I would feel obligated to eat it.

    Yesterday, was a weird day, I ate a whole bunch of crap, but did a lot of walking. So somehow I made it under my calories. I am counting that as a win. I didn't feel good yesterday so I didn't make dinner. BF brought home pizza including a smore pizza. I really wanted a second piece, but I said no. It is still sitting on my counter calling my name. Also, I ran out of oatmeal at work. I was going to boil some eggs to bring with me, but I was behind schedule this morning. Decided to stop by McDonald's on the way to work. They were closed... The one by my old house was 24 hours. So now I am at work with nothing for breakfast but dry cereal. :(
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    edited October 2016
    @ShyCush6 - Way to go! Hope you made the elliptical last night. :)

    @gemwolf110 - They are so beautiful and fluffy!! I love that photo of your puppy. :)

    @melaniedscott - I agree! Let's tell that quote it's wrong and that we can continue to lose weight this year!!

    @jdelaroy - That's definitely a win! Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well yesterday. I hope that you feel better today! At least it's Friday!!

    My sisters are coming to visit this weekend, so I'll have to try and make some good, healthy decisions, when we go out to dinner/brunch this weekend. There's this amazing pumpkin display that happens in the zoo, so my boyfriend and I are going to take them to see that.

    The BF and I are getting a "free" training session with a personal trainer today in our gym. He saw us doing standing military press and suggested that we do seated military press (my shoulders definitely feel it today), and then asked us if we were doing personal training. We said no because it's too expensive in our gym, but he said he'd squeeze in a free session and then see if we can do a discount of a "buy 1, get 1 free" kind of deal if my BF and I workout together.

    This may sound weird, but I'm strangely proud of the program I've put together for my boyfriend and me, so I'm not sure I want to give that up. We'll see how this goes today. Our program is lifting 5 days a week, spin class 1 day a week, and I do yoga 1 day a week.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gemwolf110 My heart is melting, they are soooo cute! And she's so tiny!

    @ShyCush6 Were you able to fit the elliptical in amidst the craziness? Luckily nothing was lost in the flood. Our neighbor woke us up at 1am so we were able to move the furniture in time

    @jdelaroy I've never seen a McDonalds closed, bummer! Is there at least a vending machine that you can grab peanuts from or something with a bit more staying power to get you through the day?

    @wishfuljune It sounds like you've done a great job being your own personal trainer! Who knows, maybe he'll have some tips you can integrate into your current plan?

    I got the news last night my dad is unexpectedly coming into town Thanksgiving week, so now I'm trying to juggle my Mom, my Dad, and my in-laws across 3 states all within a week. Sadly that was the only time I could request off work so we're going to have to make it work, but I'm exhausted just thinking about it. So much for a calm holiday season this year!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • redwolfpack04
    redwolfpack04 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Just happened upon this Feed and you all sound so friendly I thought I would try this out! I am Just starting on this Road to Healthy living and I got to say its not all Rainbows and Sunshine. HA!. I have about 40 lbs to lose so we shall see how this goes. I think being in a group like this will really help me to keep motivated. I already have motivation at home but this will keep me logging in and updating my food diary. I hope it also helps me motivate myself to work out too. Look forward to all the comments and I hope I can help be a motivator for some of you as well!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hey everyone, If you are looking for a friendly, competitive challenge that is interactive, a little different, and not boring come check out the Amazing Race_ Fall challenge.

    The concept is fairly easy. Each week we race from one destination to another simply by counting our exercise minutes. Each minute equals one mile. You are on a team and you compete against other teams for points. There are also 3 mini challenges each week, which points are awarded individually for.

    The two lovely people who run it, do a fantastic job. Each week there is fun information, videos and workouts to help with the journey. If you want to join they are looking for more people. It starts this coming Sunday. If you want, you can request to be on my team (my feelings won't be hurt if you don't) I am on team 2. So come count all that hard work you are already doing in a fun and interactive way.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    OMG Gem! That little pup is cuteness overload! Love the other ones too, dogs are the best! Do you have a name picked out already? Makes me want a new puppy too, but the hubs says no, one at a time!

    Jen, that made me laugh! My fat can bite me too! 19 lbs for you, and 10 for me is definitely do-able, we just have to stay focussed. I did a spin and sculpt class after work yesterday - holy cow was I sore after! Haven't done that class in six months probably, obviously should do it more! Ended up eating dinner and then sitting on the couch and ate wine gums and had a hard cider! LOL! Snuggled with my dog... was SO sore! Even today I am!

    Anyway, back on track today. Behaving and walking lots. Tonight we have a 25th wedding anniversary party to go to, but it is at a coffee shop (cool idea). They rented it and everyone can just order whatever coffees they like and have some chocolate cake. I'm allergic to chocolate, so that's good for me! Don't need that. I'll have a chai tea and call it a night!

    Shy, that is the funniest thing, bringing a pic of Lexi on a stick to Florida! HA!! Love it. When our youngest was little, he went everyone where this bunny stuffy. So we have tons of pics of "bunz" all over - like bunny selfies at the golden gate bridge, at disneyland, in Banff etc. It was a thing for a while, taking pics of this stuffy (none of us in the pic even). :)

    Rachel - glad to hear the flood saga is coming to a close. What a relief! And yes, new flooring will be worth all the trouble in the end! It's my dream to live in one of those cute little tiny houses, but my hubs says no. LOL! When I'm really honest with myself I think we'd probably kill each other if we had to live in small quarters permanently! So I totally get why your SO is getting itchy! :)

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I want to set a goal this weekend to keep me on track, so it is one hour a day of exercise, doesn't matter what it is. At this point I'm so stiff it may just be walking! haha! Have a good weekend everyone!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Morning all - sorry for my absence, life is running away with me at the moment. Spent the weekend up north with my husbands family - lots of fun but it's a 4-5 hour drive so somewhat tiring and it's good to be home!

    @gemwolf110 - gorgeous photos, she looks a real sweetie :)

    Jen - I'll have a look at that challenge group tonight - is it too late to join now?

    Will catch up with everyone properly later - just finished my lunch so back to work!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @redwolfpack04!

    @gemwolf110 She is so adorable!!! Cuteness overload!

    @bluepoppies777 Did you make your weekend goal? How was the party?

    The weekend was great! We were able to move all of our furniture back and we were able to visit and catch up with some friends we haven't seen for ages. It was hard coming in to work today, it's a dreary day here and I just want to curl up with a good book.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @bluepoppies777 My fat is fighting the eviction notice, so it might be a long few months. :) I will get there eventually. All those classes sound like fun. An hour of exercise a day is great. Make sure you do one or two light days and don't over do it.

    @gemwolf110 What an adorable little dog. Makes me a little envious. Sorry you missed your walk, but it was probably a good idea to be careful if you have asthma too.

    I had a busy weekend with lots of errands and household chores, went over calories Saturday and Sunday. I managed to stay under maintenance. I really need to get better about my calories. I recalculated my allowed calories based on the weight loss. I get 100 calories less. For some reason this is hard for me to adjust too, even though I usually ate under my allotted calories before this.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 You were posting the same time I was. Family time is usually great! The teams are full, however they do a wait list, so if you want to get on the wait list you can. The last challenge they ran, I was on the wait list just for a week. There are always people who drop out/forget about the challenge.

    @Rachel0778 Woo hoo for getting your space back. I understand not wanting to go to work and a good book. I would pick that option 98% of the time. :)
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    Welcome @redwolfpack04!

    @gemwolf110 - she is so adorable! I hope your cold will subside soon! Pasta Fagioli is a great soup to make, especially this time of year. :)

    Don't worry about being absent @janetay01 - so long as you had fun this weekend!

    @Rachel0778 - Glad to hear that you were able to move the furniture back into your home! Dreary days always make me want tea and a good book too! Are you reading anything you'd recommend these days?

    @jdelaroy - Better to stay at maintenance even on busy weekends than go completely over though!

    My BF and I decided to sign up for the personal trainer. He kicked our butts with a 15 minute intense HIIT workout followed by a 15 minute HIIT ab workout. My calves are still sore from three days ago. The only thing I'm kind of iffy about is he told me I should be eating at 1200 calories. I'm not sold on that, mostly because I have tried 1200 calories and I was practically starving every day, and then I would binge. I also lift weight (and I'm assuming I'm going to continue doing that), as well as cardio and yoga. I don't think 1200 calories is sustainable for me to eat and continue to workout that much.

    I've lost weight eating 1500 calories (so long as I don't go crazy over). He also suggested I get to 16% body fat, which would put me at 130 lb or so, whereas my doctor wants me to get to 150 lb. So we will see how this goes.

    On another note, I do want to push through the holidays, so I am going to try and lose 20 lb by the end of December. That's 11 weeks to lose a little less than 2 lb a week before the end of the year. I'd be happy to get to 15, but I wanted to give myself that little extra push.

    I might create a Google spreadsheet and share it if people would also like to keep track of the year-end push to lose weight. :)
  • donnamt2016
    donnamt2016 Posts: 8 Member
    i started in Feb. i had over 110lbs to lose. i find i dislike myself more now im trying to get healthy than when i was happily drunk every evening but my little victories are keeping me going. i have got my blood pressure down into the normal range and I am so very pleased with that. also my fitbit keeps me moving, i currently live for that green dashboard lol