Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • bwaits07
    bwaits07 Posts: 150 Member
    Add me as well.. I love motivators and supporters
  • terrinicolefit
    terrinicolefit Posts: 99 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have IG as well! @terrinicolefit & @terrinicolefitness
  • jordiblu
    jordiblu Posts: 145 Member
    Add me I love sharing my tips and have open diary
  • peaches183
    peaches183 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me. Need more support and a little push when those days come and I feel I can't
  • Aydeejai
    Aydeejai Posts: 26 Member
    Friends? Yes, please!
  • davidson4029
    davidson4029 Posts: 9 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Always looking for help and motivation.
  • Boogie_on_woman
    Boogie_on_woman Posts: 11 Member
    Hey There! Just getting back into logging meals and buckling down before the holidays. I've always done the MFP thing on the down low with no "friends". This time, I thought I'd try it by adding some like-minded folks to keep me engaged and accountable. Thanks! :smile:
  • jmaine252
    jmaine252 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello friends!

    Have you done something already today that has made you better? Do you plan on doing something today that will make you better? What can you do RIGHT NOW this very second, that will better you? At work? Can you stand and type? In the car? Can you change the dial to a better, less vulgar for of music? What everyday decisions that are made by you consciously and unconsciously can you perfect? I currently choose to meditate with my time and space. Meditation my friends through years of empirical evidence has increased patience, relieves stress, and allowed a real time perception of reality through, " real time, truth" as opposed to " real time, appearances" what is your bettering decision going to be? Please add, like, comment and share your choices, thoughts and actions! Looking forward to speaking with you soon!!!
  • lmbenard
    lmbenard Posts: 3 Member
    Sure I can always use more motivation!
  • treezy83
    treezy83 Posts: 121 Member
    Add me. I need more friends
  • skibum18
    skibum18 Posts: 8 Member
    Caswhiito wrote: »
    zachduden wrote: »
    I'm always accepting friend requests from motivational and inspirational people, so feel free to add me! Also, leave a comment below if you would like others to add you! :)

    Yes... Positive, Motivated and inspiring stories are always good to hear. . Anything to keep me from loosing sight again! Xx

    Just starting again could use new friends
  • _BrewingAZ_
    _BrewingAZ_ Posts: 252 Member
    Sure, feel free to add me!
  • landscapearch
    landscapearch Posts: 3 Member
    Sure, I'm a noob.
  • danny7305
    danny7305 Posts: 24 Member
    feel free to add
  • FitNSassy1111
    FitNSassy1111 Posts: 54 Member
    Add me as well
  • mdonsbach
    mdonsbach Posts: 102 Member
    Add me. You'll get a bunch of likes from me and probably a witty comment or twelve.
  • MariaManeval4084
    MariaManeval4084 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there I could really use some motivation and support from others my work schedule is about to get busy each week nd I would be glad to provide feedback to anyone who wants to hear how I'm doing I want to lose about 40 pounds and gain Len muscle while taking on 2 jobs a volunteer job and playing and practice music and learn g piano. Wow it sounds like a lot I know but I have more than I goal in mind for myself . If I could make some friends on hear and have so.e great support that word be really great I will promise to give updates of how I'm doing g
  • tfc32
    tfc32 Posts: 3 Member
    I could use some friends. I have a lot to lose and would really appreciate the motivation.
  • akwilliams89
    akwilliams89 Posts: 4 Member
    I need more friends!!
  • mrbullfrog
    mrbullfrog Posts: 54 Member
    Getting to our goals is always more fun when you have friends with the same motivation to help drive you and each other. I've added a few of you in here and Anyone else can add me too if you like.