Does anyone else weigh themselves everyday??

I weigh myself everyday, is that good to do? HELP!!


  • Spook_Skywalker
    Spook_Skywalker Posts: 180 Member
    Well it's not bad. I weigh myself almost every or every other morning when I wake up.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    i do it.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I weigh every day too.
  • rhauser44
    rhauser44 Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I correlate the changes in my weight with how I'm feeling. I know now how I feel those daysmy weight swings positive and how I'm feeling the days my weight decreases.
  • RosezMuse
    RosezMuse Posts: 1 Member
    No, not daily... there's too much fluctuation. I also don't count my weight by the pound. I judge my goals as I'm in the high 250's, mid 250's, low 250's, etc. That takes into account bobbling up and down and doesn't distract me from the fact that I am losing.
  • PhilHarrison1
    PhilHarrison1 Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2016
    Nope. About once a month [or when I see the doctor]. I tend to use measurement instead. It's more accurate than weight because weight can fluctuate because of a lot of reasons even if you weigh yourself first thing in the morning before breakfast or drinking anything and after a bathroom call. The only time that scale got daily use was when the other half was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and that weigh in became mandatory.
  • JudyAnn1982
    JudyAnn1982 Posts: 16 Member
    almost everyday wearing the same thing
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    I've been weighing myself just about every day since I was in my late teens ... and I was in my late teens about 30 years ago.
  • katsushii
    katsushii Posts: 31 Member
    No, but I feel like I should be measuring myself (with string/tape measure) every day, because I work out everyday, and my goal is to lose fat, but not necessarily weight.
  • 2048Bit
    2048Bit Posts: 27 Member
    I wouldn't say I do it everyday, but i do probably four days a week. I always go for it, for better or for worse. I'd rather know where I stand so I can fix it if Im unhappy with the results. I've learned that when I weight I'm typically seeing my choices, for better or worse, from two says ago.
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    I weigh myself daily and have for the past 5 years - while I was losing and for the 2+ years of maintenance. Keeps me honest with myself. If the scale fluctuations freak you out - as they used to do to me - use a program that trends the weight for you, as someone suggested above. I use Happy Scale (app) and it really keeps things in perspective.
  • SaritaWolf
    SaritaWolf Posts: 61 Member
    I tend to weigh myself daily or every other day. I was told not to do that, so I went to once a week. That did not work for me at all. I lost motivation. I find for me, weighing myself often is a good thing.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I don't want too because it fluctuates but I do. I was also occasionally checking at night but I stopped that as I tend to gain almost 3 lbs overnight but by morning its gone so I think its mostly water retention. Now I stick to morning but I log my weight only 1x per week to be sure its gone.