November 30 Day Fitness Challenges



  • Naija82
    Naija82 Posts: 345 Member
    Well done @agirlgoneprimal , I hope to one day be near my goal weight. I'm the same do lots of running but not much toning/strength size exercises so need to start doing these
  • Naija82
    Naija82 Posts: 345 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt Yes all 3 exercises for the day, if it gets to much you can break it up throughout the day, maybe some in the morning and some during the evening.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge but will focus on the Abs and legs challenges.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Welcome @Odessak17 and @energyseeker!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
  • Kimmylaviol
    Kimmylaviol Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join all of you on this adventure!! Hoping maybe this will help me stay on track and not lose focus!
  • smithjazmin93
    smithjazmin93 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in
  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    i'm sorry but going 10 calf raises won't accomplish anything.

    It might do something for people just starting out, people who arn't as active as they should be. I don't think it's appropriate to knock down this fitness challenge. Just because you may be fit enough that 10 calf raises won't do something for you, doesnt mean it won't do something for someone else.

    Positive vibes to all of you guys doing this challange :) good luck!

  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member

    @CranstonJ2016, we just ignore the haters . . .


  • rieson
    rieson Posts: 16 Member
    This is much needed ... I'm in
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    rieson wrote: »
    This is much needed ... I'm in

  • kauai56
    kauai56 Posts: 3 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    You may join at any time @kauai56, we're glad to have you!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Signing up! :smile:
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    Signing up! :smile:


  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Good morning everyone! As we mentally prepare to help our bodies get stronger, I want to take a moment and remind everyone to please be sure to watch your form when doing these or any exercises! Above all, protect your back!

    Be sure to review the images that have been posted for proper form & technique. As @gojaqs reminded us, warm-up before attempting these exercises.

    I will always post visuals & other information about the movements beforehand. If you are unclear about an exercise, use Google to find additional information or ask a trainer or your doctor for help!

    We want to have a successful November, completely injury free!

    1) Warm-up.
    2) Use proper form.
    3) Protect your back!
    4) If you feel any pain, stop immediately.
    5) Let us know about your progress!
    6) Have FUN and enjoy building a healthier, happier you!

    I am not a health or fitness professional, I'm just trying to get myself together, like you - INJURY FREE!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    How to Do the Pilates Roll Up Exercise
    By Marguerite Ogle
    Updated March 27, 2016

    The roll up is one of the classic Pilates Mat exercises. Roll up is a great challenge for the abdominal muscles, and is well known as one of the Pilates flat abs exercises. It has been said that one Pilates roll up is equal to six regular sit ups, and is much better than crunches for creating a flat stomach.

    Lots of people have trouble with the Pilates mat exercise, the roll up. Issues like trouble getting up at all, rolling up but having the feet fly up, and coming up with momentum (a jerking motion) instead of strength are common frustrations.

    But with these instructions and tips, you can learn to perform the Pilates roll up with great form to strengthen your core.

    Step-By-Step Instructions for the Pilates Roll Up
    Lie on your back on the floor with your legs straight. Let your belly drop down toward the floor and make sure your shoulders are relaxed and away from your ears. Take a few deep breaths as you check your alignment and tune into your body.

    When you are ready, leave your scapula anchored in your back and your ribs down, as you bring your arms straight up over your head and back so that your finger tips are pointing to the wall behind you. This will be your beginning position.

    This first move is the Pilates Arms Over.

    Inhale: Leave your scapula down as you bring your arms up over head. As your arms pass your ears, let the chin drop and the head and upper spine join the motion to curl up.

    Exhale: Continue in one smooth motion to curl your body in an "up and over" motion toward your toes. This is the "moment of truth" for many. Pull in your abs in and deepen the curve of the your spine as you exhale. That's what gets you up (not momentum).

    Finally, keeping the head tucked, the abdominals deep, and the back rounded, reach for your toes.

    Ideally, the legs are kept straight throughout this exercise with energy reaching out through the heels. However, a modification would be to allow the legs to bend, especially as you come up and reach toward the toes.

    Inhale: Bring the breath fully into your pelvis and back as you pull the lower abs in, reach your tail bone under, and begin to unfurl, vertebrae by vertebrae, down to the floor.

    The inhale initiates this motion until you are about half way down.

    Note: Be sure to keep the legs on the floor and don't let them fly up as you roll down. Check that your shoulders are relaxed and not creeping up.

    Exhale: Continue to set one vertebrae after another down on the floor.

    Keep your upper body curve as you roll down slowly and with control. The arms are still outstretched and following the natural motion of the shoulders as you roll down.

    Once your shoulders come to the floor, the arms go with the head as you continue to roll down to the mat.

    The roll up is one continuous, controlled and flowing motion. Try to synchronize with the breath.

    What's with My "Flying Feet?"
    One frustration of the roll up is when the feet and legs want to fly up off the mat in response to the upper body lift. The reason for this is that some of the muscles that help the upper body bend forward are also muscles that flex the hips, the infamous hip-flexors.

    Abs in, ribs down and in, and a big curve of the spine are crucial parts of roll up; and that is what the transversus abdominis does. The transverse muscle compresses the abdomen and bends the trunk forward in flexion. It also helps close the ribs toward the midline. Other abdominal muscles will be working in the roll up. But if you focus on the action of the transversus abdominus, it will help take the focus off the hip flexors and result in less "flying feet."

    Stabilize Your Pelvis
    One of the most tempting mis-alignment of the pelvis is the overly tucked position. If you do tuck your pelvis though, it will make it much harder to get up in a roll up. All your energy will be directed down into the lower part of your body and your feet will probably want to fly up off the mat instead of your upper body!


  • Queenie_O
    Queenie_O Posts: 65 Member
    @MiamiSeoul I'm a little (ok, a lot!) intimidated by the glutes schedule, but count me in!
    Schedules are printed and ready to be checked off every day.