November 2016 Running Challenge



  • lavender624flood
    lavender624flood Posts: 30 Member
    November Whole30-Paleo AIP & 6K - 8k/Day

    Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

    Getting in exercise/moving more (6k-8k/day):
    Staying under carbs
    Staying under calories
    Logging and measuring
    Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
    Getting enough water
    Planning ahead

    And FitBit users, message me this month if you want to join a Work Week Challenge, Weekend Challenge, or a One Day Goal Challenge on

    Lavender ^.^
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    November! This is my birthday month (Friday) so I'm going to use that to inspire me for the month. I can accomplish much more now than I could a year ago, and certainly more than years before that! Like a fine wine, as they say.

    I will set a goal of 75 miles for the month of November. That's 2.5 miles/day. Maybe ambitious for me given the colder weather, dark evenings, and holiday, but I'll give it a shot.

    Upcoming races:
    11/13 Burn Run 5k or 10k, E. Syracuse NY (still a maybe, not signed up yet)
    11/24 Turkey Trot 5k, Cedar Rapids IA
    12/3 St. Nick Shuffle 5k, Syracuse NY
    1/22 Chilly Chili 5k, Cazenovia NY

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Might as well ask my first November Question now, before the month starts for real....I'm reconsidering my choice to make this week a cut back week. I'm not really feeling like I need one, I just scheduled it because I had 3 weeks of building mileage. What's the thought on cutbacks? Should I continue with it since I planned it, or just go back to my 6 milers? Feeling kind of conflicted on this.

    @MNLittleFinn - How hard were you working those mile building weeks? If it was all easy miles, it might be reasonable to just hold the mileage constant for a couple weeks instead of taking a cutback week. (I'm assuming you're more in a base building phase than a hard core training for a target race phase.)

    The goal is to give your body a rest from the continual push to do more; there are various ways to accomplish that, and what works best is a matter of personal taste and how your body, specifically, responds.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp it was all easy miles, Average HR for the runs were in the upper z2 range, and felt pretty easy.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I finished October with 16.83 miles, but I didn't run at all for half that month. I'm still very much injured, and recovery is a priority. So, for November:

    Nominal Goal: 30 miles, average a mile per day. (There will be rest days, so this implies some longer runs.)

    Real Goals: Continue recovery. Complete Race with Grace 10K on Thanksgiving without setting recovery back, even if I have to walk most of it.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    I'm going to throw a goal of 70 miles out there and see how I do. This is my first monthly challenge as I started in the middle of October, so I didn't really set a goal. I'm hoping 70 miles will be a low goal for me. I ran 79.2 in October and that included a marathon, however that also included 17 rest days. I knew between tapering and recovering from the marathon and a few other things that popped up that I took more days off than planned but I didn't realize it was that many! I guess I'll see what November brings!
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    Week 4 day 1 of couch to 10k complete, 3.1 miles (including the walking intervals) :)
  • BigK007
    BigK007 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in!! My first challenge going with 150 miles...

  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    @k80flec It also included the 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down so that might be why mine's higher. Also I'm not sure if I'm following the original couch to 10k or just one that someone made up, I found it online. Today was run 5 mins, walk 3 mins, X4 :)
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    edited November 2016
    November is starting with a rest day for me, but being a new month gets me thinking about things I want/need to change to keep my progress going. As my distances get longer I just wanted to ask if anyone has any particular foot-care routines they swear by? (Edit: Wondering about both general routines, and specific pre/post-run routines)
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,143 Member
    01/11 3 miles - lovely bright morning, long may it last

  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member


  • crhinshaw29
    crhinshaw29 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in, I'm going to go for 50 miles on my first monthly challenge.

  • jules12182
    jules12182 Posts: 1 Member
    Im in. My first challenge. 30 miles
  • francescacoscia16
    francescacoscia16 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! Going to run about 84 km (52 miles) this November! Hope I'll keep it up since I have a long trip at the end of the month, but I'll try.
    Still trying to figure out how the ticker works, so bear with me :sweat:

  • francescacoscia16
    francescacoscia16 Posts: 20 Member
    I know this is slightly OT, but I was wondering... am I the only one having trouble with TickerFactory? I created my ticker, but when I go back and try to update it, adding my current cumulative value, it just doesn't register and my little runner girl stays on the "0" value :disappointed:
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Tapering the first week, then Ironman recovery the second, and no idea what races to put on my calendar after that (as it'll depend on how much I hate life after racing 140.6 miles), so with about 40-50 miles the last 2.5 weeks, I'll get up to about 140 on the month (my lowest total since January). Bit of a shame to cut back given the nicer running weather here in Florida, but I'm not looking to rush back too fast after 2 marathons in 2 months.

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25 - 4:43:56
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9 - 3:04:57
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13