

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Southernsue, welcome...the best way to find seated exercises that will work for you is to Google seated exercises and see what you find....you'll will know what works best for what your body is able to do.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    At the airport
    Morning peeps
    Stat for the day
    Spin- 87r 101w 15.2mi 10-14g 35.31min
    285 total cal
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Penny, indeed you were gorgeous, as you are now! I never looked like that in my life. lol

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Geez, I was gorgeous back then (not to mention how gorgeous my husband was)! Why on earth did I feel fat?
    /Penny, plugging on at the North Pole[/quote]

    I often have that exact same thought about myself!


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2016
    Happy birthday, Mary. Have a terrific day. My birthday is Saturday, I'll be 67. :)

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    KJLaMore – I don’t think I have ever heard that description about ‘the girls’ before; I go for the smash and grab session each April. Finally, told GYN, that his technician was usually rough and I did not like the entire deal. He looked at me and said, ‘Mmmm, that is the 2nd or 3rd comment one of my patients have said today. She was not there after that. With the modern 3- and 4-dimenstional machines they now have, it isn’t unpleasant and you don’t have to stand on your tippie-toes and place them on a hot, sticky plate to be mashed until they are flatter than a ‘crepe’. I had told him once, that before he said to a patient that it did not hurt, he needed to put his “Johnson” on the plate and then answer that one for himself. I remember years ago, he had to be in the hospital for a week. One of my friends was his nurse; and, she said he could be pleasant enough; but, not a really good patient. I figured as much; but, that was a humbling experience for him, too. Two sisters who are survivors of BC make me ‘handle’ mine whenever in the shower. If I feel a lump; then DH is able to also feel it; I call early the next AM and they will usually work me in. Thankfully, not had to do that in a while.

    Mary from Minnesota – HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tomorrow is DH’s 75th!

    I remember once after having my first son; the OB/GYN told me he wanted me to weigh a certain amount; I told him I had not weighed that since I was first married. I weighed even less in HS - 116llbs fully dressed, soaking wet with tennis shoes on. But, I knew when I was about to top 200lbs; I needed to do something drastic quickly. Then same OB/GYN came up with a more 'reasonable' goal and I am now 7lbs away; it gets harder the closer I get to it.

    Need to get off and go check CaringBridges.org to find out how DBnL is doing today.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Unlike some of you lovely ladies I've never been skinny, I've been ok, strangely I was quite slim after first baby but that didn't last as had second soon after.

    Was quite naughty yesterday, DH and I go to town, meet friends and drink, so had wine (won't say how much) and had 'chip butties' bowl of chips (fries) and 2 slices of white bread

    Back on track today 30 minute cardio this morning plus my physio exercises then trip to town shopping so am over 10,00 steps already. Healthy evening meal, chicken, lots of veggies 2 small potatoes followed by small jelly which is only a few calories

    Has anyone used slim noodles or pasta made with konjac flour?

    Kate UK ❤️
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    Happyyyy bdayyyyy!!!!!!
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Carey - Thanks! It's been a long time coming. I have been a smoker for 40 years (yes, that means I started smoking when I was 10) and have tried everything from the gum, patches, prescription meds like Chantix and whatnot, all to no avail. Then I found the herb Lobelia and it worked! It made it soooo easy! This is my 10th time quitting and this time I think it will stick. I have no cravings anymore! I love being smoke free! Everything smells better, including me, and everything tastes better!

    Sherry in "dry but cloudy" Portland
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Carey - Thanks! It's been a long time coming. I've been a smoker for 40 years (yes, I started smoking when I was 10) and have tried everything. This was my 10th attempt and I think this time it will stick. I found an herb called Lobelia and I started taking it and within a week I was done with cigarettes. I no longer have cravings for them either.

    Sherry in "dry but cloudy" Portland
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Caught up on reading! As you can tell from my earlier post, I was having my mammogram done this morning. Got home had time to make myself a cup of coffee, and some zucchini noodles with hollandaise (lite version) and a side of cottage cheese and the kids arrived already fed and ready for crafting. Whoosh! They are napping now and the house is quiet. I love all of the pictures of the Halloweenies. We usually get no trick or treaters, which is disappointing for me. I am using the candy that I bought as a treat for the kids. If they are "helpers" during the day (good sharers, toy picker-uppers, meal time clean up, etc.) they get a star on their star chart AND a piece of candy. They don't really need it, and I don't like to give it, but between six kids being helpers; my day is less stressful, toys get picked up at the end of the day by some one other than me, and the candy will be gone/eaten by the end of the week (by some one other than me)!!
    Welcome new girls!
    November goals for me:

    *Get back on the high protein diet
    *No "treats" for two weeks
    *plan all meals and prep for them
    *stick to the diet
    *log everything
    *walk/exercise 30 min daily

    Having the crud for four weeks wasn't good for me. My eating was everywhere! I ate what I felt like I needed or sounded good because I didn't feel good. Unfortunately, when ever I feel sick I turn to "comfort foods" which tend to be rich and creamy. Time to make some soups, tomato, chicken soup with beans or wild rice, butternut squash, mushroom soup, vegetable beef (with pot roast leftovers). I find it easier to stick to good eating habits if I can fill up on soup.

    Heather- The house looks and sounds ideal. And yes, to agree with Allie, a coat of paint will go a long way!
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Oops! That's kinda strange! I thought I lost that other post! But there it is! WTH???? Sorry about the double post ladies!

  • carsonmom4
    carsonmom4 Posts: 21 Member

    My name is Judy from Wisconsin and I am new to MFP. I started about a week or so ago. I am taking it slow trying to accomplish one goal at a time to get healthier. I recently had knee surgery and to reduce the stress on my knees I decided to try to find an affordable way to become more healthy. Yes, I have been on numerous plans before with success just... well... didn't maintain it.

    I needed a program that didn't have a cost but was easy to understand and navigate since I am using my phone knowing that I am not tech savvy...AT ALL, :). Also I needed a program that wasn't too restrictive with the types of food or times to eat.

    November goals are:
    Consistently drink water, at least 1 gallon a day with Lime and Lemon
    More veggies instead of meat during the day
    No eating after 8pm (current MFP challenge)
    Lose 5+ pounds for November (current MFP Challenge)

    Looking forward to the motivation and meeting everyone.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Oooops! Mary- Happy birthday darling girl!! How fun to wake up and be surprised by your DH surprising you!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    edited November 2016
    Mary from Minnesota.
    Happy Birthday!!