Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • Okay another mile behind me today. . . . . feeling good :bigsmile:

    Veronica, I can wait to hear all about the midnight sun run next year.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Excellent job Kimberly!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    I will be spending today (and probably many days in the future) moving furniture, packing boxes, and lots of other movement in order to get a new classroom set up. I was transferred to a new school this year and as a 2nd year teacher I don't have much stuff, plus I am a bit of a minimalist. If I don't use it, I don't need it. However, the room I am moving into has been used as a classroom/storage room for 20+ years. It is so full of stuff that it is ridiculous. It is stacked tall and deep, and every horizontal surface is covered!

    So, after this long explanation, I was wondering what everyone thought about logging the calories burned (using my HRM of course) for this. I never log cleaning, cooking, etc. but this is out of the ordinary for me. Plus, I am worried about getting my regularly scheduled workout in as well.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I will be spending today (and probably many days in the future) moving furniture, packing boxes, and lots of other movement in order to get a new classroom set up. I was transferred to a new school this year and as a 2nd year teacher I don't have much stuff, plus I am a bit of a minimalist. If I don't use it, I don't need it. However, the room I am moving into has been used as a classroom/storage room for 20+ years. It is so full of stuff that it is ridiculous. It is stacked tall and deep, and every horizontal surface is covered!

    So, after this long explanation, I was wondering what everyone thought about logging the calories burned (using my HRM of course) for this. I never log cleaning, cooking, etc. but this is out of the ordinary for me. Plus, I am worried about getting my regularly scheduled workout in as well.

    I would log those calories. It is not a regular thing that you are doing, and moving boxes and stuff is hard work. Have fun setting up your new classroom!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    I agree,I would log it as well and definitely keep a good supply of motrin on hand, bet your muscles will be yelling at you!

  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Great job Veronica!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Veronica, so what is your puppies name?
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Friday 1.12 mile
    Saturday 2 hours
    Sunday 1.25mile
    Monday ##
    Tuesday 1.25 mile
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Our little girl is named Sookie. She's a year and a half old and completely spoiled rotten. We lost our 14 year old Mini Schnauzer this past Feb., so she's the only dog (although our cat THINKS she's a dog- comes when called, drinks out of the toilet, begs for food.. she's ridiculous, LOL). Sookie is definitely not a practical choice for our area. She HATES cold weather and cries when she has to go out to do her business once it gets below zero. And, we have to watch her like a hawk out there because we have a very large owl that lives in our area and I'm sure he'd love to have a 9 pound dachshund snack!

    There is another mini dachshund who looks JUST like her around the corner, but is about 3 times as round. My 16 year old calls him a Bratshund, haha. Sookie is a little anorexic. It takes her forever to eat her food. I think she's convinced she's gonna get a nice human food treat, but not sure where she gets that idea as we never feed her our food.
  • I also agree, Dorothy. Log your calories burned from moving all the boxes. That is hard work. Be careful . . . . work safely . . . . bend at the knees.

    Veronica, Sookie is adorable! My brother has a dachshund. She is mean as can be. She will not let you get close to by brother. This little tiny dog protecting a big ole guy . . . . too funny ~ well funny until the pooch attempts to take me out. I have to tell my brother to put the visious little monster in another room while I'm there.

    I walked another mile today. I also drank 10 glasses of water.....usually I can barely choke down 6 cups. Truthfully I probably would have stopped at 8, but I missed counted and didn't realize I drank 10 until I logged the last time. :laugh:

    Meeting up with a friend tomorrow to work out, so hopefully tomorrow I can walk another mile.

    You are all doing outstanding!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I had to laugh about your work safely statement. The classroom I am moving into had these horrible paper cubbies that are about 6 feet tall and then they are stacked on a cupboard that is about 4 feet high. Well, I wanted them out of there because realistically, who can reach up 10 feet to get papers, especially when I work with K-2 grade.

    Being the independent person I am, I problem solved and stacked a chair on the cupboard, then dictionaries on top of that to stand on so I could reach to get the papers out. I thought the custodian was going to have a heart attack when he walked in and saw me standing there. I agree, not my most brilliant moment, but it needed to be done.

    So now, I am banned from climbing on anything higher than a single student chair on the floor. Ha Ha!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My mile is in for the week + some but I did not monitor or measure all of it so not sure how much additional I walked. The additional was not planned so I did not have my HRM with me. I feel great today. Went on a 5 hr fishing adventure with my hubby and burned lots of calories (our fishing trips include walking, hiking, and fishing. We are not just get of the car and step onto the dock kind of fisherman, No adventure, no fishing :). No luck catching anything but burned a fair amount of calories for the day and my hubby landed in the lake....was comical though he was not happy about it so I didn't laugh (out loud). Anyway, felling good and burning calories in many ways this week/month.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Great job on your power challenge this week! Your fishing trip sounds like a blast. I don't enjoy fishing per se, but my hubby and son love it. I am content to join them with a good book. I do enjoy being in the outdoors though, I am packing up the trailer for camping this weekend so we will be headed out as well.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Idahogirl, good job on getting your walking in. The fishing sounds like fun!

    I got more miles in last night..2.6 miles jogging, plus .3 warm-up/cooldown walk

    Have a great day ya'll! Let's see if I can go shopping today and not pick up more fresh fruit, it all looks so good right now I just keep ending up in that section. We definitely have enough fruit and I need to finish what I have!

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I know what you mean about all the fresh fruit right now. I just bought a pineapple, strawberries, mango, and raspberries to clean and cut up together for a fresh fruit bowl to take up with us camping this weekend. Hopefully it will help me stay away from the Double Stuff Oreos that is a staple for everyone else!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    This week's NSV -- actually happened yesterday after my fishing trip. My grandmother, though she tries to encourage me on this journey, is also my biggest weakness and downfall. When I am with her we always go out to eat and she knows I LOVE fast food. Normally I will eat fries because those are my absolute favorite food. We went to Wendy's yesterday and though she sat and ate fries and a milk shake (also my fave combo....love to dip the fries in the shake), I had a side salad with low-fat dressing and a diet coke. My entire "snack" was 40 calories. she kept offering me fries, but I remained strong and resisted. I am very proud of that accomplishment even though later in the day I ate two cookies. I know the cookies were way fewer in calories than any of my fave foods at Wendy's would have been :drinker:
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    I had a side salad with low-fat dressing and a diet coke. My entire "snack" was 40 calories. she kept offering me fries, but I remained strong and resisted.

    I love it! Congrats on your "sweet success". Wishing you many more of the same!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    . I am very proud of that accomplishment

    You should be proud, that is awesome!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    My NSV, I am noticing a change in my face and my arms. Pretty excited about that!
  • You guys are doing so great and I love keeping up with everybody. Here's my NSV for this week: I only work a few days a week right now as I am in grad school and really need my master's to get a good job. I was off last week and when I went back on yesterday not one, not two, but three differnt people made comments about my losing weight. So why is this an NSV for me? In the past I have been known to duck and run when people make comments, positive or negative, about my weight. Not this time. I stood there and accepted them all. I know I am nowhere near my goal, but I am working hard and making progress.

    Walking Challenge:
    Friday - .5 miles
    Saturday - .5 miles
    Monday - .5 miles
    Tuesday - .6 miles
    Thursday - .5 miles
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