Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Gem: I’m glad this group is a motivation to you! You girls and onderland!! Love it!! Go ladies!!!

    Jdelaroy: Hope the knee is feeling better! Here’s to onderland!!! You can do it!! Great NSVs!!

    Rachel: Love fur babies!!!

    Joy: No snacking at Costco… that is a NSV! Have a great weekend!!

    Janetay: Amen… couldn’t agree more… I get so angry with myself when I am negative and moody! Life is so much better with a smile on your face!! December is creeping up fast! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Work day is almost over! Bring on weekend!! I need it! Really looking forward to relaxing and hiking in the woods… The banquet was fun and entertaining… Lexi has a great team and coach!! My exercise this weekend has been limited but I am maintaining so I guess that is better than gaining! Hop eyo all have a wonderful weekend! Stay positive! ;)
  • mariharris1
    mariharris1 Posts: 1 Member
    New to the group and I'd just like to say good luck everyone! I have 50lbs to lose and this will be my 4th go at losing weight. All of my previous weight loss journeys were successful But I put the weight back on :( ugh im po at myself for doing that but here we go again and I need lots of motivation.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @shycush6 How was the hiking? Maintaining is a huge win this time of year!

    @mariharris1 Welcome!

    @gemwolf110 Amazing progress, you had a busy weekend!

    I spent the most the weekend on the couch trying to get over this bug. Why is it that when I feel like crap I eat like crap? I hate that I'm entering the holiday season already not exercising and eating like garbage. I really need to kick both this bug and my constant inhalation of food. Today is a fresh start, right? I baked a bunch of lean protein and planned out my meals this week to get me back into gear and I do feel good enough to go to practice tonight. I'm just worried about next week because the Thanksgiving holiday for me is spread across 3 states, 3 families and is a week long event. I basically gain weight no matter what, it's just trying to mitigate the gain at this point.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    I am so far behind, so I will read everyone's posts. I'm here! I've just been obscenely busy with life, and not eating well, but I didn't gain any weight this week, so that's a plus. TIme to get back into gear.

    Good vibes to everyone here!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Hi girls. I'm still here. I will take me forever to catch up. I hope everyone is doing great. I'm sure u all are.
    I have been watching what I eat. But am starting back to the gym tonight. It has been forever.
    First the head cold and kidney stone. Then better for two days and then I got broncocial pneumonia had that for a month. I could do anything without coughing. And then of course once I started coughing then it was all about peeing. Being a girl sucks. Still have a little cough every once in a while but screw it time to focus on me again. I will check in tomorrow. As long as the gym doesn't kill me.
    I miss you guys. Talk to you later
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel: Hope you are feeling better! I always eat crappy when I don’t feel 100%.. it’s like junk food will make me feel better… NOT! =(

    Gem: Looks like quite the project to burn some calories! =)

    Nicole: Oh no… hope the gym is nice to you tonight! We’ve missed ya! It does suck being a girl when you have any kind of coughing cold… Hope you get back on track soon!

    I had a great weekend… Friday night we went out with friends… it’s a usually Friday night thing with him bowling every Friday, then the whole group stays out… sometimes too late! Not this week though… Home by 10… not bad. Saturday we headed to the cabin… We hiked back and forth to my husband’ tree stand and to all the nephews and uncle’s stands as well. It was a great family weekend. Only a few of us stayed over night and sat around the bonfire most of the evening… It was kind of chilly! Not ready for that but we have been lucky it’s been this warm for som long in Wisconsin! Got up this morning and did my elliptical in the basement… In a step challenge with my sister today so biking my butt off under my desk at work!!! I did gain a lb. this weekend… so bad about soda and beer at the cabin! =(
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Well just finished up at gym. Have hello legs but feel the blood miv by and it feels good. Learned lesson. Use inhaler before gym. Coulghing started back up. When I was done.
    Shy enjoy step challenge w ur aister
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Nicole - welcome back! Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time - hope that is it for you now and well done for not letting the gym kill you!!

    Shy - sounds like a lovely weekend and I'm sure all the hiking will have helped offset the soda and beer a bit :)

    @wishfuljune - good to see you back - life does get in the way sometimes. I saw your 7lbs in 7 weeks comment on my newsfeed - it may be ambitious for me but willing to give it a go.

    Rachel - hope you are feeling better. I hate that when ill health strikes, I reach for all the unhealthy stuff and I know that it doesn't do me any good in the long run. I don't envy you with Thanksgiving in this respect - I find just getting through Christmas hard enough. Although we have our own extra challenges in December now with birthdays and anniversaries and stuff - all opportunities to eat too much!

    @gemwolf110 - those turkey meatballs sound good. I've got a good meatball recipe at home but haven't made them for ages - this may be something for the weekend.

    @mariharris1 - welcome!

    So, I'm feeling good about the week at the moment - after far too long standing still, I finally logged a 1.4lb loss at the end of the weekend - whoop! Now to continue the good work and keep up with my better eating and more mindful approach. Mind you, I'm really struggling with breakfast at the moment - not sure why but I'm just failing to get to it at the moment. We had a mad Sunday with the toddler birthday party - nice birthday cake and a glass of champagne which was lovely. Alistair ate lots of cake, played with all the other kids and their toys and then collapsed in an exhausted heap that evening. As did we a couple of hours later! Currently trying to arrange a 'child sitting swap' with friends so that we can go to the cinema to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - they babysit Alistair (nearly 2 years old) then in return we 'supervise' their 13 year old girl for the evening. Not sure who gets the harder deal with this one!

    Anyway, enjoy the day all - going to get a cup of tea then back to work :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 Congrats on the loss! That's fantastic! I love the "swap" idea, especially since you definitely get the easier end of the bargain ;) Let us know how the movie is

    @gemwolf110 Sorry to hear you had to take time off for chores. Talk about a great workout though!

    @ShyCush6 Sounds like your killing it in the exercise department. The weekends get me too!

    @ngolden3320 So glad to hear you're finally doing better! The first day back at the gym is always the most brutal. You got this!!

    @wishfuljune Great job maintaining, keep up the great work!

    I was finally healthy enough to go to derby practice last night. It felt great to finally be back on point with eating and get a good 2 hour workout in. Tonight I'm going to try to do an exercise DVD too to keep the ball rolling.

    With the sickness and eating too much I was feeling really body negative. Today, I woke up a little early to blow out my hair and put on my most attractive work dress. It's amazing what a little primping and a great dress can do for your mood. I feel so much better!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Rachel. Glad to hear you are feel by better also. Derby sounds like so much fun. I don't think they have that around here.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Sorry to have disappeared on you guys. It looks like I was hit with the hectic schedule for a few days too. Glad to see everyone is starting to feel better.

    Yesterday, I ate chili cheese fries. They sounded so good when I ordered them. They were just okay when I ate them. :( So not worth the 550 calories. Which meant I had to have a smaller dinner then I had planned. Now I am starving this morning. Oh well I managed to stay under calories. At work yesterday, I noticed the shirt I was wearing had a couple of stains on it. I asked the BF why he hadn't said anything this morning. He responded with your shirts are getting too baggy to tell. Today I decided to wear some nice clothes to work to make up for the stains yesterday. I put on a pair of slacks that are normally tight on me. The only thing that isn't loose on me is the elastic holding them up. The BF says he needs to take me clothes shopping.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ngolden3320 You might be surprised. I didn't know we had one until about a year ago

    @jdelaroy I always hate that when splurges end up not being as good as expected. It sounds like clothes shopping is definitely in your future!

    I've got a busy week coming up! Tonight I'm going out to dinner and a play with a good friend. Tomorrow I've got a all day Leadership training and derby practice. Friday we're having a bunch of people over for pizza and board games. Saturday I'm heading to my Grandma's to start the Thanksgiving madness!

    I pre-tracked my food today so I know I'll be on point and I plan on making good decisions at the training tomorrow. My Grandma has lots of healthy options and I made vegan chili to share...but her chocolate chip cookies are my downfall. Wish me luck for the next 2 weeks since I'm off of my regular routine!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Rachel - hope your round of Thanksgiving celebrations go well - good luck with the chocolate chip cookies :) Pizza and board games sounds like fun - hope you have a great time!

    Jen - welcome back! such a shame - chilli cheese fries sound like they should be so good - like Rachel says it's so disapointing when your spluge doesn't live up to exepectations!

    Yesterday was a bit of a bust for me - started well but was stupidly busy at work and got home absolutely shattered - and dreaming of sticky toffee pudding :smiley: So I'm afraid I caved and blasted through my calories for the day! Working from home today so should be able to get back on track - and I've finally found the charging unit for my fitbit so can get back to wearing that! Hope the day treats you all well.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @janetay01 sticky toffee pudding. Sound yummy. I hate when work throws everything off. Don't they know we have us priorities and they are screwing things up.

    Jen. Sorry your chili cheese fries were a disappointment.

    Made it through 3 days at the gym. I don't think there is a muscle that doesn't hurt. But this hurt feels good.

    I am not looking forward to the holidays. My dads birthday would have been the 27 right after thanksgiving. I really wish I could just go to sleep now and wake up on January 1. I guess I will just have to suck it up
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I'm at an all day training but I wanted to check in and say hi! Ive been doing great on food choices (avoided the cookies and pasta and chose chicken and my protein bar instead). I'm proud of myself for setting my week up well so I can go strongly into the weekend!

    @janetay01 sticky toffee pudding sounds amazing! Glad you're right back on the bandwagon today

    @ngolden3320 I'm so sorry. The first holidays after a major loss is rough. We're here for you if you need us!
  • fehribachf
    fehribachf Posts: 1 Member
    I have a hard time self disciplining
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Sounds like you are going to do awesome this week. Your Friday night sounds wonderful. If I was anywhere close I would tell you to invite me. I love game nights.

    @janetay01 So glad you found your charger. I love my Fitbit. It definitely helps keep me motivated.

    @ngolden3320 3 days is great! This holiday season will be a little rough. I am here with cyber hugs and well wishes to help get you through.

    @gemwolf110 Enjoy second shift while you can. I am more of a first shift kind of person. I love the early hours, and works better with the kids.

    @fehribachf I also have a hard time with self discipline. Practice makes it better. All you can do is keep trying.

    Well my son was sick yesterday, so I hung out at home with him. Plus I was super stressed, I had chocolate chip cookies for lunch. Way better than the chili cheese fries. I did manage to do 30 minutes of light dancing, and 30 minutes of walking. It finally snowed yesterday! Our first snow of the season. Usually we get 1 or two storms before Halloween. 18 degrees right now. Brrr
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Oh and I forgot to mention, with all the lovely cold and snow we got yesterday, I decided to wear my favorite blue sweater. It makes my eyes look amazing. I put it on, and I was swimming in it. Looks like it is being retired to the back of the closet. Instead I am wearing a grey one my mom got me last year that was uncomfortable to wear. I am rocking it.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Another busy day at the office today. My boss is driving me crazy. I just wanted to check in today and say hi. Eating is still going well and I got a fantastic workout at derby last night. I'm hoping to keep this healthy eating momentum into next week for Thanksgiving (eek!)

    @jdelaroy Another amazing NSV! Way to rock that sweater!

    @fehribachf Self disciplining is tough. I set up habits so I don't have to focus on day to day discipline. Example) I prep my lunches on Sunday so I never have to think about what to eat for lunch.

    @gemwolf110 Glad the new shift is working for you, keep up the great work!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member