

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    Damnit yes they have toes in them
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all!
    This is the 4th time i've tried to post this. First 3 times were on my phone. Now i'm home and can do it on the computer so hopefully I won't use it this time!

    So many of us seemed stressed and upset by so many different circumstances. Let's do a big group hug. Ready?
    1-2-3 ((((((((((HUG)))))))))) That made me feel better.

    I have really enjoyed the pictures so many of you have posted.

    Pip - thanks so much for telling us about the race. You and Kirby are a match made in Heaven!
    Kim - so sorry you felt so blue. You sound a little up beat now. We love you and are here for you.
    Sharon - you asked what we are reading. I suggest those who wish to participate post there current "read".

    I like historical fiction, biographies, and mysteries. Just finished "The Innocent" by David Baldacci (sp?) and am now reading "The Lady Elizabeth" by Alison Weir and "Thank You Power" by Deborah Norvel.

    Toni in dry and smokey Tennessee (no fires near us I hope but very worrisome)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    NY Karen What a fun sand sculpture. They did a fantastic job.

    DJ I am glad you enjoy the flowers. They do soothe my soul.

    Tomorrow i call for estimates on the window. We had an estimate for a different window the same size through Anderson Renewal. $3000 for that window. I did forewarn the owner it will be at the cheapest $1500 and the most $3000. We have big windows in our home that we love but they are expensive to replace. Unfortunately they will have to take the awning on and off to replace the window and that too wiil add to the expense. The neighbor was not intentionally shooting at us. He is a hunter and did not think anything of shooting rabbits and squirrels. He didn't account for the fact he misses and that our houses are close together. He is leaning a very expensive lesson.

    :heart: Margaret

    Toni thanks for the group hug I needed that.

    :heart: Magaret
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary from Minnesota – When talking about ‘medical marijuana … since we don’t have it in Georgia, and probably won’t for some time; or at least, I don’t think so. What does high CBL and lower THC mean? Not that I would try it because of the bipolar meds I take, since I cannot take any OTC meds unless the MD says it is ‘ok’.

    Heather – I think we are spending out ‘retirement’ as much as we can, we’ll have land to leave; but, 2 sons will just have to hire attorney to do the deeds to separate the 2 tracts we own, and I don’t believe they’ll have any trouble equitably or equally dividing anything else. I won’t be here to see if the squabble; and, I don’t think they will. If I need long-term care (which I hope I won’t have to) then, maybe I won’t be ‘aware’ enough to know it. I’m not worried about the future; lady at the Women's Retreat I attended this weekend who read a quote by Curt Kobain (dead singer) who said that he thought during his/this generation that we would elect an outsider who would change this country [for the better] (that is not a direct quote, just something to the effect). This was done back in 1993. He even said that he thought it would be a businessman mogul, like Donald Trump. That’s a comment supposedly made almost a quarter century ago. Now, of course, the Snopes and TruthorFiction search engines are saying they don’t exist; but, … it is still interesting that they have jumped all over it a few days after the election, nothing about it before. I, quite honestly, do not put much faith in what either search engine says … they are also, political in nature written by someone who has an ‘opinion’. I had to laugh when my sister emailed me (and posted on FB) as a response to something my DOGD said about not worrying about the future, that she did not put her faith in man, she put it in God. Sister said that she was ‘in mourning’ and wore black the next day. But, then she said that she would just ‘wait and see’. Makes one wonder why we are having protests and rioting when we did not have it back in 2008 or ‘12. I’m sure there were some very unhappy people back then, too – but they put their big boy/girl panties on, and waited another 8 years to elect someone that was thought to have no chance. I believe in God and I think he will protect and watch over us; and, that ‘nothing happens’ that goes against His Will, or without His knowledge.

    KJLaMore – You used an emoticon that I can see if I am writing a PM; does it down up under the ‘faces’ on the actual thread? That’s wonderful news about your DD and her BFF being pregnant at the same time. Really encouraging that a couple who have had fertility problems were ‘successful’ … I’m praying for the same thing for my DYS and DDnL#2. They are both 38; this is DYS’s first marriage. DDnL#2 said, before her grandmother died a couple of months ago, that she told her that ‘she should take care of that baby boy’. Did she know something that the rest of us don’t … not even DDnL#2? I’m praying for that … maybe her Grannie will have the opportunity to ‘talk w/God’. I went off this weekend (for a Women’s Retreat) and the potty light took me by surprise when I got home. I had forgotten about it. You’re right, the boys would be aiming [no pun intended] to see who could ‘hit’ it, in the dark. But, hey, might be an incentive to train. Under proper supervision. I think it also actually works when the lights are on, just not quite as bright.

    Carol – Have you thought that maybe that is why we will have a ‘businessman’ as our next POTUS? On the outside[r]’s chance that he can also make changes to budgets?

    DJ and barbiecat – I [and Carol] grew up in a small town [in a county with a lot smaller little towns]. I can remember going up to the Courthouse Square where they posted numbers of ballots, counted by hand, and literally brought to the courthouse to be counted, in locked boxes; and they would count them and mark them, in chalk, on a HUGE blackboard (green actually), from surrounding areas. Election Night(s) were a ‘big deal’ and also a ‘family event’ … I can remember sleeping on the grounds of the courthouse square while my parents waited to find out the results about elections. I don’t know how they found out about state or federal elections, other than, at the time I was young, I never knew our home without having a TV in it. I do remember going to our backdoor neighbors’ house because they got one of the first TV’s and they probably had one of the first ‘color’ TVs. However, I do not think we lived there long enough for me to know. I remember watching Roy Rogers & Dale Evans on our TV, that particular time was MY time to watch TV. I ‘loved’ Roy Rogers … he was my childhood hero, right behind my Daddy. No, DJ, DH was ‘not’ driving. DOS was, as DH has gotten older, it takes less alcohol to make him start ‘feeling it’. He stops at one; but, they are ‘big ones’. Small size is in a big glass.

    Margaret – Oh, that is scary that it came though the awning and the window with that big of a hole in the window. In most places it is ‘against the law’ to shoot a gun (even a BB gun) inside the city limits. Your cactus is beautiful. I’m hoping that repotting mine, will make them bloom. Guess I’ll see, if so I will post them. I’ll have to post the ‘strawberry pot’ I just repotted.

    Pip – Hope that Kirby feels better after having leg cramps.

    Glo in WA – Our DYS’s ‘nickname’ was “Bruiser” because of how he walked and held his arms. He was such a cute little kid, always a smile on his face and into ‘everything’. He had a shirt with “BRUISER” in big white letters across his shoulder blades. He was not ‘fat’, just very stocky. Sorry about your neighbor, especially with 2 little children. I know this has to be upsetting to your boys.

    Michele – I’ll have to get my DOGD or DMGD to take a picture of me so I can post it. Then, I will be able to see just how far I have come, so far, from when I started (199lbs.). Before and After (soon-to-be hopefully).
    Talking about rioters and protestors; they need to do what they do down in Panama City, FL on Spring Breaks (college and HS) [one week each]; they build or bring in dog ‘cages’ to put them in, about the size of a porta-potty. They get charged with whatever offense – mostly DUI’s … then, they have a DUI charge filed against them, and it is forwarded to the respective location where they live. They get picked up and arrested every day of Spring Break, they have that many charges filed against them. When it ‘hits’ their pockets, or affects their insurance, or puts them on a ‘driving restriction’ … they’ll think a bit more about being ‘publically intoxicated’.

    Sherry – That is a great mantra. We’re going to get a subscription to the National Geographic for Children for our DDnL#2’s daughter [DGD#4] for Christmas. She loves to read; and, we think she will enjoy them. I love National Geographic; but, don’t have (or should I admit, don’t make) much time to read through them. But, we have a huge stack of them. I get a lot of inspiration from them for paintings and drawings. Gee, after all that ‘troubled’ neighbor drama, I think I would be demanding a new spot; or move my little house to a ‘new’ place. I don’t think I would let my ‘fur baby’ out in a neighborhood like that, without me going out and standing with her. Sherry if you have access to YouTube; go look up Jeanne Robertson, good clean comedian bases her little stories from things that actually occurred in her life. Very uplifting that you don’t have to listen to any curse words or see dirty gestures. Maybe they will make you LOL! That is good medicine.

    Santeeshimmy – A lot of us, open up a word processing program and minimize both of them so that they are side-by-side on the computer screen, so you can run through several pages of postings. One thing you CANNOT do is start posting something and then go ‘back’ to a previous page; if you do, you will lose some or all of it. It you want to go back and forth you will either need to do this; or you will need to actually ‘post’ your comments; then, post another separate one. Also, we like people to post what they would like to be called, and a location – either specific or general, that way we can get to know you better. I’ve been off site all weekend, but welcome … tell us a little bit about yourself … married or single, widowed, divorced, in a committed relationship, hobbies, family, pets, etc.?

    KarenE – Cracker is a shelter adoptee. She was turned in as a stray when she wandered into a BBQ party being held in a public campsite. She was estimated to be 4 months old when we got her last October. When she had been with us a couple of days and realized that we were always going to come home and be with her, she got over her skittishness. She went into the crate on command, she’d ‘sit’, she’d walk at the edge of my left ‘heel’, and was easy to potty train. For a while she’d ‘piddle’ if our son or any of our granddaughters came over, she just got ‘too excited’. I finally told them to NOT come off the kitchen floor until she stopped piddling. She still gets so ‘excited’; but, has control over her bladder now. She is so stinky, smelly, spoiled rotten by me (and her Daddy tells her so all the time); and, is such entertainment for me because I am retired/disabled. So basically, we figured that ‘someone’ had just ‘lost her’. Their loss, our gain! I got her on a Thursday, before they were going to have their 4th Saturday Adopt a Pet Day at the tractor company in town. She would have been chosen very quickly because she is so cute. Such an expressive face and she knows how to use it.

    Sharon – Thanks for the compliment. My DH is my ‘rock’ … love the ‘daylights’ out of him. Some of the ladies at the Women’s Retreat this weekend said that “Hackshaw Ridge” was an excellent movie. Can’t wait to see it.

    NYKAREN – Cool picture! Where is that located? Little Cottage?

    Katla – Doesn’t it feel great when things ‘outgrow’ you and you get to go to the next size down or more?

    I went to a Women's Retreat this weekend. Great time; and, I won a raffle prize every day; last day it was the 'grand prize'. First night won a pair of earrings, very nice, because I had not put my in before we left home; next night got a 'journal', today the First Prize was a beautiful small cross with a <3 in the middle of the cross. Was told that I could 'exchange it' if I wanted to; but, I can't think of anything better than this. I was so HAPPY!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    How great that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you....finding a friendly like minded neighbor. I read your whole long post and smiled as I read it.

    <3 Barbie
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Sherry – what a drag! But privatizing is probably a good idea, no matter the neighbors, Do you have a bit of space around your RV? Could you (in time) get a couple of big pots fill them with dirt and plant something like a rose bush or other thorn filled item to discourage the walking via your space? Later So glad you met the nice neighbor – love the idea of gardening and BBQ/fire pit area!

    Pip – I think you should contact these companies and offer to be a beta tester you would be great at it, and that way you could always have a new free one to test!

    I wrote my Christmas letter today – will take it to get copied in the next few days and will work on the cards. I also found out the holiday boutique that I participate in is cancelled, this is good and bad! The good is I had not gotten enough ready for it yet, the bad is I have a lot of items purchased waiting to be embroidered and this is a $300+ day of profit for me, but the good is I am going through those items to see what can be used as gifts for my peeps… it will end up being a win… just an adjustment.

    November Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of 10 Minute Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class. I really, really wish they'd start the class on time. They always end on time.

    Tere - one problem I find when putting my feelings down on Facebook (or the Internet for that matter) is that there is so much chance for miscomunication. Something you might say in jest could easily be construed as a harsh statement. Emotions just don't come thru.

    janetr - for the first time this year, when I went outside to get the paper there was frost on the ground (no comments from those up north...lol)

    KJ - I always take something to new neighbors. When the people across the street from us (FINALLY) had their house built, I took them a spinach/feta quiche. when the other people moved in (they're renting the house) across the street, I took a chicken casserole for the parents and some chocolate chip cookies for the son. That's just me. But I only do it for people who are on my street. For the first time ever we played Cards Against Humanity at Jess'. Her reaction? MA!!!!!!!!

    Anne - what about a walking DVD for your mom? That's low impact and you can do it together.

    renee - welcome! We moved to NC from Kennett Square.

    katy - I've always wanted to do bellydancing. I tried a few videos, but I could never get it down, and there's no one near me to teach me.

    Heather - happy early anniversary

    Carol/Peach - sending you a blanket

    DJ - went outside this morning to get the paper, and I could smell smoke. However, later we went to WalMart and the smoke wasn't as bad (thankfully). I wish I could tell Vince to do just a little bit at a time and then everything will get done. But that's not him, he'll work himself like crazy and then be sore as can be (wonder why?)

    Sherry - that's wonderful about your neighbor. What a lovely man he must be

    Michele in NC
    who is trying to get caught up on episodes of "Timeless"
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    grits - thankfully, they were just muscle spasms, they didn't hurt at all
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sherry, I was going to say to please not let one son and daughter isolate you in that lovely park. That makes them win and it will go on and on with some one else the next time. But then I see a neighbor stepped in. Just be careful of some one as friendly as he is that doesn't even know you except for watching (stalking?) you since you moved in. He is already offering to share his picnic table and space with you. I hope I am an not an alarmist here. You are a single woman, he is an older gentleman. Maybe you can ask the park manager if this man is OK. I just want you to be OK and happy there.

    My Mom loved to can. When we would take a weekend and go see them. One of my first stops after getting in the house was to go down to their pantry in the basement and go 'shopping'. But that is how a couple who lives on small fixed income live. Enjoy! I remember when they first parsonage, one of the ladies hired for Mom to have a designer some over and help Mom give designer touches to the parsonage. Of I remember correctly, ha ha, The house was kind of Victorian/ It had 3 floors plus a basement. Mom couldn't afford anything this lady was asking her to buy. And the lady knew it, was just one of those busy bodies in a church who think they are helping. Well Mom went to Goodwill, bought several pair of cheap sheets and Ritz die, same home, dyed those sheets. and made beautiful drapes for the beautiful windows. she was a very crafty lady and could make something beautiful out of nothing. As a preacher's wife she knew she had to.

    I kind of did something I was told not to. As I have said before, my arthritis makes Sundays terrible. Sitting in Sunday School, going to the choir rehearsal room, walk up two flights of stairs to the sanctuary, sit in the pew in the choir and then the sanctuary. I am crabby all day because I am in a lot of pain. So this morning I took 2 Aleve and I have felt good all day long, no pain. I will only do this on Sundays. I take Protonix which should help my stomach if the Aleve does bother it.

    Katla, good job on the smaller pjs.

    Michelle is coming over tonight to work on our commode. She has changed the 'innards' of the tank on a commode before so she is going to help us. Charlie didn't think he could do it and he and I don't work well together when he gets strained. Michelle knows how to handle him better than I do. I think he surprised himself by getting the cabinet in front of the commode of the wall, and taking some of the stuff out. He might even be able to do it all himself by me reading the directions. She was supposed to be here at 2 PM but she called and said she went to bed at 8 AM and had just woke up at 2 so she will be here around 8 PM instead. I was hoping it would be fixed.

    I sent a message to both my girls asking if they wanted money for Christmas or gifts. Last year I gave Michelle gifts and she really loved it. So did I. This year I had even picked out something for Christina and her husband. Our pastor jsut got one of those things that you put out in your room, hook it up to your wifi and ask it to do anything like turn on the sprinkler or play music or order something from Amazon. It's called Alexa. With my BedBath and Beyond 20% off coupon, I can buy that plus give them money that they will put towards t heir vacation next year. He has a birthday in December and I can give him money for that. So Christina answered me back that they wanted money for everything. But when I told her what I had planned, she said he might change his mind. He is such a techie, I figured he might really love it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Lenora - thanks for the information, I will go look her up on YouTube. I can always use a good laugh and giggles! You are right, it's good medicine! I think that's awesome about the National Geographics. I remember reading them as a kid. My grammy always had a subscription for them and every month when a new one came in she would have me over and I would spend hours on the living room floor reading it. It was her way of getting me away from my abusive alcoholic mother and she knew it was a way for me to escape to another time and place. My Grammy was my only emotional support when I was young, and I miss her now that she is gone. Yay for National Geographics!

    Pip - how did I know your socks would have toes in them! Lol!

    Barbie - I feel so much better now that I know I have at least one nice neighbor! And again, thanks for reading my long posts *blushing*. You rock!!

    Kim - I really like the idea too! It will be nice to have someone here I can socialize with. He said he wants to foster a "community" feeling here and I agree with him. Maybe our combined efforts will rub off on people around here if we set a good behavioral example for others. It's never too late to be kind to each other. We are all human and we all bleed the same color of red when we are cut, no matter what color we are on the outside.

    Toni - I love the group hug!

    Sherry in "I feel better!" And "we don't tolerate haters here!" Portland
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Michele NC I thot of you today. Jack and I were in the car driving to Walmart amd I saw a Lowe's Foods. I told him how when you talk about going to Lowe's you have to say "food" or "hardware" as most of us were not familiar with Lowe's Foods. We are just outside of Raliegh right now, Jack's long time Air Force buddy is coming to visit tomorrow. Then we will leave Monday or Tuesday to head back to his Mom's in southeast Missouri for Thanksgiving, then on home after that. By the time we get home we will have been out on our trip for right at 12 weeks.

    We leave December 27th to spend January and February in Arizona.

    Love you ladies <3

    Janetr okc
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    How bout them Cowboys? That's what Jim Johnson (former coach of the Cowboys) would say. Had a surprise visit from my DD who lives in CO and my Dgd. They were only here over nite but it was good to see them.
    I did catch up on the posts and feel a sense of pride in this group. Everyone is so supportive of everyone.
    Had a long walk this afternoon and feeling good about my progress.
    My WW leader ask us to make a plan for the next six weeks and solutions to all the eating pitfalls. I discovered that I have two eating parties the first week, two the second week, three the third week and then we leave for Disney. That is a problem......
    My plan is to take it one day at a time and try to eat lite before the events.
    Hope to do better at responding.
    SueBDew in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Thank for the suggestions for the exercises my mom could possibly try. I am not sure what to do with her most days. She has been getting more difficult in the activity department. More difficult in general really but I am not giving up. Lol.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    edited November 2016
    Joyce - Thanks for your concern about him. Try not to worry, i will foster a neighbor relationship with him but will keep him at arms length until I get to know him well enough. I think he was just watching me move in, in the hopes I would be better than the last people in this site. He has kept to himself until that ruckous happened to me yesterday. He knew I am disabled because he saw me using my two canes to get around while I was hooking everything up once I got parked. I will keep an open mind but because of my past I trust no one. Trust has to be earned with me, and it's all in how you treat me. The manager has told me before I moved in that he was a nice guy, so we will see. I am very wary after the last toxic/abusive relationship I was in and do not want to continue that cycle anymore in my life. That is why I now live alone and will continue to do so, for as long in the future I can see for now. But I need new friends (I lost all the ones I had because the man I was with chased them all off) and cannot ignore the possibility of an opportunity to make a new friend. Life is too hard without friends for support and to talk to. So try not to worry, I will be careful. Besides, I would watch my new neighbors as they moved in too, just to try if I could learn what they are like. You can learn a lot by "people watching" so I don't blame him for being curious. People always show their true colors in time, and I'm sure he will show his in time too. I love you for being worried though and I'm glad you brought it up. I hope you will continue to be a voice of reason for me, I really do appreciate it!

    NYKaren - what an awesome pic! I love sand sculptures, I think the people who created them are very talented. I am artistic, but have never been able to do more when it comes to sand than make a lopsided sandcastle that ends up getting too dry and falling apart! Lol! We have a "sandcastle" contest every year at Cannon Beach on the coast and I try to go every year. There are always so many cool interesting sand sculptures and I marvel at how they are able to keep them stuck together!

    Have I said it lately??? You all are sooo awesome!

    Sherry in "Yay for the ladies of MFP!" Portland
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    This weekend went well! That Bazaar i was helping at came and went. NSV didn't sample any thing ! dill pickles help me I would eat one didn't want any thing sweet. :) At the bazaar stayed away from all of junk had a fairly healthy lunch there.
    I made several pounds of fudge plus other goodies. My husband was my taste tester he must have done great because we sold out. Yay cause I was determined that nothing was coming home with me.

    Today cleaning house! Getting ready for the week still on leave from surgery. Trying to use the time productive!

    I did get to see the scale go down by 4 pounds.

    Tomorrow taking my daughter to the dentist. I was able to read everyone posts. Will respond tomorrow!

    Caldwell, Idaho