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  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    edited November 2016
    Syneea wrote: »
    I'm a "RUNNER" nowwwww (I think, lol)Learning to run has been on my bucket list for quite some time now, but I never really committed! While on vacation this past weekend, (and away from all of my cardio classes and Dumbbells) I elected to TRY to run with my sister and asked her to please keep My slow pace, if she didn't mind... Well she didn't have to slow down for me and we kept an EASY jog for 41 mins and FOUR miles! I wasn't winded or even ready to stop when we made it back to the beach house!! For a beginner runner, I thought this was pretty darn good!! I've never been able to run with any of my family members and it made me a bit emotional. I guess all of the cardio classes and body weight..(and recent dumbbell weight training) has More than conditioned me to run!! :-)

    This is awesome. Good for you.

    Please don't read this as me raining on your parade, but as a runner I'll just share a bit of advice if you don't mind. A rule (of sorts) we runners go by is that when you first start or restart after an injury, is that your cardio system improves almost immediately. Then, pretty soon afterwards, your muscles get on board. But last -- and very much slower than the other two -- your joints and tendons and bones get stronger and ready / used to handling the stress of running. So, a lot of people get running injuries because they feel awesome and go for it. Everything is great for weeks, even months, and then -- wham! -- you get an injury. Yesterday you feel awesome, and then the next day you've got a stress fracture or runner's knee, shin splints, etc. Sometimes you can tell if something is coming. But for some things you're great until one day you aren't. And recovery can be months. If you want to run, check out a beginner's program and get fitted for shoes at a real running store.

    Anyway, again, go you! :) And I hope you don't mind me sharing something most runners go by as you start out.

    Thanks for the advise!! So, just to give a bit more background; I've been doing at least 4 to 5 cardio classes a week (mainly because I love them and the way they make me feel) with two strength training classes a week, for the past year (since July 2015). This regiment hasn't conditioned my body enough you think, in terms of the joints and muscles being acclimated?? Something like the couch to 5k regiment is like a "must do" before jogging full out for miles to stay safe? Thanks!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    avskk wrote: »
    Some proposed explanations for this are minor weight retention after pregnancies

    wow. my kid's 26 . . . that's some tenacious-*kitten* water right there :tongue:

    thanks for explaining, people. curiosity would have driven me mad otherwise.

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