

  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    Morning all, I've been mia and missed you all
    Life has been a complete ball of stress health issues and emotional eating
    But now that we're finally getting answers, I can deal better with the food thing
    I hope to be around more instead of just logging my food/ exercise and a quick peek st the boards
    See ya around!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,243 Member
    Cbabie. How about you reframe the rules to make them work for you. As I don't like the word rules I like to think of it as structured or boundary walls.

    Jackie. Good to see you. I figured everyone gets real busy this time of year. I'm glad you are getting some answers. May not be what you want but you can deal with it that way.

    There was a phrase I heard that said Do I want it most or do I want it now. Then you fill in the It. The most is your goal. The now is the thing stopping you from getting the goal.

    So for me. Do I want to lower my blood sugar most or do I want this piece of pie now.

    Tracked under cals and carbs
    Goals exercise not met. Tracked dinner on time. Met

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    @gemwolf110 - Way to go on being active!

    @trooworld - Yes, I think DR would be pleased that you got the book from the library. Was the Pattie cake awesome? I have read about it and have wanted to try it.

    @theslightedgeforever - Good job on the carbs yesterday. How did you do today? I think your boats look tasty.

    @cbabie - I hope you had a better day today.

    I got my hour of exercise in and I am doing well on the eating. So overall a good day. :)

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2016
    My day yesterday was much better, I did not head for the ice cream...I checked my nutrition and saw I needed way more protein, trying to not eat more sugar or carbs, but Know that I need the I went for my protein shake, but put a banana with strawberries in it and the banana killed my goals, still needed to eat more protein, so I chose a handful of nuts...I wanted to go back for more nuts as I LOVE them, but sat on the couch...didn't go. So not where I need to be, but way better than I have been.

    @mysticlizard Great job on your is going to pay big bucks...:)
    @theslightedgeforever that is a good question.. what is in the picture of the food? cleaning uh? that was my Friday..
    @jjansen39 Glad to see you here..agree with slightedge, my mother always had a saying..forewarned is forearmed.

    okay gals busy morning, gotta love someone who needs picked up at 4am

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,049 Member
    @theslightedgeforever yes we can! Your dinner looks really good. Is that butternut squash?

    @cbabie I'm glad you were able to turn your anger around and set yourself up for a good day. Yes, it can be very challenging to work for a corp, 20 sets of eyes need to look at something before anything gets done, everything is soooo slow, I know you know what I am talking about!!! Thanks for the article, I'll read it today.

    @jjansen39 welcome back!

    @mysticlizard it was pretty good but I was able to resist it yesterday (there was still some there)

    Well I just have to say that I am struggling so much. Not with my eating or exercising, but in my mind. I've been tracking and exercising and eating well for 36 days in a row now, and I've actually only lost 1.7 lbs in that time. It's frustrating and I'm angry about it and it's hard to be motivated to keep going. I'm sure some of it has to do with me lifting weights, I'll take my measurements this weekend and see if anything has changed, but to see the scale go up and up is frustrating (it goes down and then goes up...I weigh daily but average it out over 7 days).

    On top of that, I'm having a weird health issue that I am worried about: I have pain in the back of my leg reaching to the side of my calf/shin so bad that after sitting a while, it hurts to walk. I am going to call the doctor today and see if I can get squeezed in, I shouldn't have done this but I did a "symptom checker" on WebMD and got the crap scared out of me: blood clots, etc

    Well have a good day everyone!

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Count me in!

    Anyone aware of a crosswalk between MFP and the online WW? I don't know if I can manage login everything twice... I like this app much better.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,243 Member
    edited November 2016
    mysticlizard I stayed under my carb goal again today. Looks like you had a good day too. We are awesome.

    cbabie Nice article. I could set up a cravings board on my Trello and then columns for sweet, salty, etc. That way I could later go back and analyze which events are triggering cravings. So I can make a plan to deal with and eliminate them. Plus I can find a healthier alternative to the snacks. You are starting to show some control over your nighttime eating. The food pic was butternut squash. I hollowed out the middle and baked them. Then I filled it with a mixture of rice, black beans, corn, salsa, and taco seasoning. Next time I will use cauliflower rice instead. Friday I'm going to use the hollowed out leftovers and add some Craisins and feta cheese for a side dish.

    trooworld yes on the butternut squash. I sprinkled it with cinnamon first. Sorry about your struggles. I can identify. Twice I have proven I lose less weight eating strictly healthy food over long periods of time vs adding Doritos and dessert. After gall bladder surgery I couldn't eat fats for 6 weeks and I was religious and perfect. I was excited as I knew I could drop 10-15+ lbs during that time. Big whopping total of 1.5 lbs. So now I'm shooting for 1 lb a week. Sometimes I make it and other times no. I'm learning to cook differently. Are you eating enough calories, points, etc.? I had a friend who was doing 1200 calories and couldn't lose. She moved it up to 1500 and started losing every week. I like to look at this as an experiment. All the numbers we track is just data. As a scientist we need to know our magic formula that gets us the results we want. Maybe you have sciatica.

    @lentigogirl Welcome to the group. Mark this thread as a favorite so you can find us again I had to quit tracking both and now just use this site. I'm prediabetic and need to track my carbs.

    I am loving my Trello boards. Just now I was on MFP home and there was a blog showing a recipe for chicken meatballs. I could send it immediately to my Mealplans board for the day I wanted to cook it. Then at night when I plan the next day, I just go to my mealplans board and see what is on the menu for Thursday for instance and copy that card to my Today board so I know what I'm fixing and can defrost the chicken or whatever. Meal planning has always been the hardest for me and why I don't usually cook much. Today I made Sweet Korean lentils over cauliflower rice. It was so good. Easy too since I had left over lentils from the other day. You can use regular rice or pasta even but I'm trying to lower my blood sugar.

    Another little trick I just started doing on Trello is using the checklist feature for items that I just don't seem to be able to complete. So I had to break it down into steps. I just focus on one step at a time and if that's all I have time for that day I achieved something and get to move it to my Done list. Then tomorrow it goes back for Step 2. Salad in a jar is an example of this. I've been wanting to do this for a while but it just doesn't get done. I need something I can just grab and is healthy. Otherwise I'll be eating some Doritos or a bag of popcorn for lunch.

    This was my list.Next week I will be eating my salads.

    Find and clean jars (I have a box of jars in my storage room)-Done
    Find recipe-Done
    make lentils
    Make dressing
    Assemble all ingredients
    Fill jar

    tracked under cals and carbs
    Goals: exercise Met tracked dinner on time Met
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning gals: I had an emotional day yesterday for various reasons, woke up with my eyes hurting...I guess no rest causes that..but the good news is..I didn't eat when I got home from church. I did have a mini cupcake yesterday, we had a celebration at work yesterday and I didn't want to be antisocial..that's what they call me.LOL
    Over all I feel I had more control over for sure was not in control, but I didn't go binge.

    @trooworld I for sure know how you feel..I have been trying to lose the same 15 lb and now it's 20 lbs. Instead of losing I am gaining. I am trying to find my perfect storm.LOL :) Hang in there, I am a firm believer in it all pays off somewhere down the road. I would rather die knowing I tried than dying knowing I did nothing.

    @theslightedgeforever I love what you are doing on those boards. I will have to sit down this weekend and figure this out. I am using it sort of..but don't know the features well enough to use it to it's potential. I love the new recipes. I want to know how you linked the recipe. Sounds like this is your tool!!

    @lentigogirl WELCOME, this board varies with people coming and going, but we are here for support, encouragement, ideas, laughter, etc. I tried tracking both too and I am very busy and it just didn't work for me. I love the data base and I love knowing my nutrients, so I use MFP. WW started tracking the nutrients, but no reporting, etc. This is MUCH better for me.

    Okay gals, I have to get ready for work and get my day going, my goal is to work my arms again today and walk. I have gotten my 10K steps in 2 days in a row want to keep the momentum. :)

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    I know I don't post here often, but I do check in and read through for ideas. While I am on here daily and log daily, most days I am a person of fewer words.
    Doing good with losing and I just adjusted my macros to optimize the weight loss and muscle gain. Going for more protein. I am seeing changes in my body from the weightlifting and weight loss, which is encouraging. Hope to be down another size by Christmas
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,049 Member
    @theslightedgeforever it really is an experiment, isn't it? I *think* I eat enough calories, I used an online calculator and my maintenance cals are 2,100. I eat about 1300-1400 a day. My diary is public, you can look at it if you want, I'd love some feedback! NOTE: yesterday was a bad day and I ate fast food for lunch so just ignore that day! Coincidentally I lost 2.something lbs since yesterday. Maybe I'll try moving it up to 1500 cals and see if that makes a difference. You sound like a really good cook!

    @cbabie that's great that you felt more control. Gives you a boost for today, doesn't it? I think you are right, if I just hang on and be consistent and maybe play with my cals, I'll be okay (and so will you!).

    @shellyld2016 I'm glad you found the right "cocktail" of macros to lose...I need to do that! I started lifting about 35 days ago and am looking forward to the benefits. Good luck!

    Well, I ended up going to urgent care about my leg problem...the thought of dying from a blood clot scared the heck out of me. They thought it might be a blood clot too, so I had to get an ultrasound. Turns out that it is probably a pulled muscle. Now I'll probably get a bill for a copay for the ultrasound. grrrrrr but at least I'm not dying, right? :open_mouth:
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    @slightedge.. The Pork Chops and Veggies look very tasty. I loved the advice about "Do I want it most, or do I want it now." You stated you were going to make salad dressing, do you have some good recipes you would like to share?

    @gemwolf110.. Nice looking steps you all built and great on all your exercice and getting your steps in. It makes me tired just to look at what all you have done. Lol.

    @trooworld.. I know what you mean about your weight. It seems like I have been trying to lose weight half my like.

    @mysticlizard.. Congratulations on meeting your goals. That is awesome.

    @cbabie..I too, have problems with snacking at night, especially if I have had a stressful day. I don't know why I think that gives me a free ticket to eat. It only makes me feel worse. Sometimes we just blow it though. One thing for sure, we can all pray for each other.

    Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I hope I don't completely lose my mind and eat everything in sight. Just kidding!! It is so hard to lose weight around the holidays and I it seems like I am always trying to lose at these times. My goal is to try and maintain or not gain over two pounds over the holidays and maybe do extra exercising. I have a Doctor's appointment in January and that will be my motivation for now. Lol. Has anyone else set any goals for the holidays?
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    Hubby unexpectedly came home Tuesday night. Good thing, the pickup battery died. I glad he came in or I would have had to change it myself. But he hosed my Wed. morning not leaving until 11. So I ran to catch up in the afternoon, shopping for much of the Thanksgiving meal stuff. Then it was off to church where the older daughter and I run the kitchen on Wed. night while the youngest helps teach the third graders. I did not get my exercise in. After I got home and the house settled down I started snacking. It was o.k. at first, then I remembered that I bought a can of french fried onions to go on top of the green bean casserole. I ate 9/10ths of the can :s I did log it.

    Aside from being annoyed with myself, I think I am seeing a pattern. When I do not exercise, I tend to snack more or make poorer food choices. I have not figured out if my body being well exercised does not send me signals to snack as much or if I am more vigilant because I don't want to undue the perceived gains I have made. Do any of you have thoughts on this?

    I hope everyone has a lovely day <3
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning Gals:

    I had a terrible food day yesterday. The one thing I see is we are all coming to recognize what is derailing us on our journey. Mine is structure..I had to go to lunch with a person from our MN office yesterday and she is all about getting our name out there in our new place and team and bla bla she wanted to try this new place and nothing on the menu was on my I ate with her..that led to my well I have already went off my plan to now there is no coming back from this!!!!

    Now that I realize I have to be so strict, there is no grey in my life..oh trust me there is but I don't do well there. So AGAIN today is another day.

    @shellyld2016 glad you are reading even if you aren't posting. hopefully one day I will get it right.
    @trooworld keep us posted on how your experiment works might help me. :)
    @lore11a I have a motto on the holidays. everything is okay to eat, but in moderation. :) I might trade off something I really don't care about to have a little more of something I REALLY like and want.
    @mysticlizard oh those DH, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. Great job on tracking..I didn't track..I fell so far off I don't even know what I ate.
    @gemwolf110 hooray for you!!! great job on the loss. yes our jobs effect us sometimes with change..but you seem to be handling it well.. Good for you.

    okay gals gotta run.

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @cbabie you will. We all have those same struggles. I have learned to carry veggies with me everywhere I go and a fiber one chocolate bar just in case I just need chocolate. That way if I know we are going out I can be satisfied with eating half of my meal or less. It has been a lifesaver as the places we go are very limited on healthy choices.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning all!! Yesterday was so gorgeous outside, a little windy, but around 80 degrees. Today, it is 50 degrees and very windy. For this time of year that is still not bad. I went shopping a couple of days ago for our Thanksgiving Dinner. It doesn't seem like it should be that time of year yet, but it is. I have been horrible about not exercising lately, it just seems like I have been so busy. It has also been hard to stay within my calorie goal. I just had a birthday and with all the going out to eat and the birthday celebrations, it has been challenging. When I finish typing this I am going to walk on my treadmill, I am determined!!!

    @shellyid2016.. I don't post a lot myself, but I like to read everyone's post. There are lots of ideas and motivation.
    @trooworld..I am glad you did not have a bloodclot in your leg. Getting it checked can be expensive but the peace of mind is so worth it.
    @cbabie..Thanks! Good advice about the holidays.
    @theslightedge..I tried Trello. I don't quite have the hang of it yet. It was a little confusing to me but I am not too Computer Savvy sometimes. I think it will be good once I figure out how it works.
    gemwolf110..Good job on losing the pounds and amazing getting so many steps in.

    Okay, the treadmill awaits!!!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,049 Member
    @lore11a my goal is to not eat leftovers for more than 2 meals, not gain more than 1 lb, and just stay sane! :)

    @mysticlizard I seem to eat better when I exercise as well, I think exercising in the morning just puts me in the right frame of mind for the day.

    @gemwolf110 congratulations!!!

    @cbabie I will keep you posted. I just changed the calorie goal up to 1580 yesterday, so we'll see! I'm sorry you had a terrible food day yesterday. I fail miserably when someone/something throws a monkey wrench into my plans.

    @lore11a wow, already shopping for Thanksgiving? That's great! I'm not going to have the money to shop for the day until the day before lol. I like your determination!

    Well, so far no loss. In fact, I gained a lb since yesterday (don't worry, I don't pay too much attention to the daily fluctuations, I average it out at the end of the week). I'm just going to stick with it, try 1580 cals a day, and see how that goes.

    We are going to my sis-in-law's for Thanksgiving. This is good because that means there will be less leftovers. We are bringing roasted brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and a dessert. She's making this dressing that I hate but they all love, so I'm glad I won't have the carb overload from the dressing.

    Well, have a good day everyone!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    @gemwolf110 - Yay on the weight! I am using the same strategy for Thanksgiving as well.

    @cbabie - I kept doing that most of the summer. I would over eat at lunch or supper then say well I will start again tomorrow. Now I am trying to stay the course after the meal or snack that didn't fit. I am telling myself I may still be over from what I planned, but I am still going to stay on track. So far it works about half of the time for me. :/ But every little thing we do gets us a little closer to our goals. You knowing how and why you went over at lunch is small victory, that gives you the information you need to do better next time. You are moving in the right direction.

    @lore11a - I envy you your nice weather. We are getting our first snow here in southern MN. I am grateful it did not start snowing earlier. Belated happy birthday.

    @trooworld - Do you do any thing special with your brussels sprouts before you roast them? They are one of my favorite veggies. To make sure I don't have a lot of the higher calorie left overs, I am going to send them home with my oldest daughter and her boyfriend who are coming for Thanksgiving. They live in two separate houses so I can get rid of twice the left overs. :)

    Winter is officially here in MN. It was kind of neat to watch the snow fly while I was working out today. I did get an hour and a quarter work out in. My eating is a bit off, hubby was home for the day and wanted Indian food so we went up the street for lunch. I asked for a box with mine and put half of it in the box right away and over estimated calories so I should be ok.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,243 Member
    Cbabie. To link a recipe in Trello just add as an attachment to your card It's easier to do from your phone. You can just send it straight to Trello and whichever board you like if you were sending something to FB what's app etc.

    Shelly. I'm glad you are finding something that works for you. How's your son

    Trooworld the trick is finding the right combination of calories macros and exercise I think tailor made for your body. that's why it's important to go back and analyze your data to see what's working and not working maybe try bumping up 100 cals at a time or adding in more protein make small tweaks

    Lore I am just learning to love salads. No good recipes yet for dressings. But I will pass them on when I find them

    Hubby needs me. I'll check in tomorrow
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    Crazy day yesterday Finally got
    To sit and relax at 930 last night
    And another crazy day today.