Hurtful comments towards my appearance.



  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    It's helpful to understand where people are coming from when they comment. If someone is used to you looking a certain way, if your look changes it feels out of place to them. You would look "too thin" compared to the look they are used to. I experienced this myself sometimes with friends and family who lost a lot of weight. If they were obese they look good when overweight, but once they are out of the overweight category into normal they start to look too different. I never comment because I know it's all in my head. Don't take it to heart. Have you ever known a man with a moustache or beard who then shaved it? How did you feel about their look? How did you feel after you got used to it? Keep that in mind when you hear such comments. It's human nature to want things to look familiar.

    Give it time. They will get used to your new look.

    This video was heartbreaking! Yet, really cute at the same time!
  • NicoleLynn0112
    NicoleLynn0112 Posts: 26 Member
    When I was 260 pounds no one told me I was fat. I knew I was and others knew I was, but no one made fun of me. Now after losing 110 pounds all I get is skinny shamed 24/7. I have never been picked on more in my life now that I weigh 150 pounds. I constantly get rude, snarky and smart comments about what I eat and how I look. If someone calls me a "Skeleton" or "Skeletor" one more time I think I'm going to lose my *kitten*. I actually have started feeling ashamed about my body now because of people and their comments. How messed up does that sound to you guys?!?! Pretty damn messed up if you ask me! I know the people who say this stuff to me are projecting their body hate on to me but come on! I have feelings too and I worked so hard to get where I am right now. I shouldn't be punished for taking my heath seriously.
  • NicoleLynn0112
    NicoleLynn0112 Posts: 26 Member

    I took this photo July 13th 2016.

    Today a couple of co workers told me that I looked Sick and Gaunt.
    I had to google what that word meant as i had never heard it before.
    They told me that my cheeks were thin and my eyes were sunken in and that i didn't look healthy.

    I am 5 foot 3, 139.2 pounds and at my goal weight.
    I cried after i was told this.. Losing 113 pounds, i feel very self conscious still about my body, as far as loose skin goes, etc, but i didn't think i looked that bad?

    Please be honest, do i look ill?

    I think you look great!! I constantly have people telling me that my face is "too thin" and I look "sickly & nasty". It bothers me and I catch myself looking in the mirror and scrutinizing my appearance. We both just need to remember that those people saying rude things to us are projecting their insecurities onto us.
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    Are they fat?