40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Tough track workout last night. 4 miles done as continuous 400's, alternating between 5k race pace and marathon pace at each quarter mile loop. Struggled to maintain pace after first 2 miles, but I lived through it.

    Rest day today was all fun. Took the dog out pheasant hunting on a beautiful fall day.

    Long run tomorrow and then a recovery paced run on Sunday.

    Have a great weekend all.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2 P.A.P. Upper"=Done!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    HIIT class done. Was suggested I should start trying heavier power sled. Yikes!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2 X2 Recovery + Mobility"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2 P.A.P. Lower"=Done!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Managed to get a 9km walk in. Chilly but good.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    19 running miles done this weekend. 75 minutes on bike trainer this morning.
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    19 running miles done this weekend. 75 minutes on bike trainer this morning.

    Wow. That sure beats my 160min of watching kids play soccer in the rain :)

    AOS Providence done.

    Question for the group. I have been taking BCAAs a bit before workouts and ran out a couple of weeks ago. I have found the workouts tougher since but can't help thinking its in my head. Does anyone else take BCAAs and if so do you find they help your energy and tiredness?
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    21DFX Power Strength Extreme...DONE! Yes, I've given up on P90X. It really is a boring program to me. I guess it's time to take all of the programs I have and create a calendar filled with my favorites!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    @tojo_73 Thanks for the information. We have a few places here to choose from. My biggest challenge my job. I work nights, so I need a place that's open during the day. I've run into this problem before and it's why I no longer take martial arts classes and why I can't try any pole fitness classes. Maybe I'll just open my own gym!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    Hi new folks!!

    Ugh, had a bad week last week...sick all week after my race (did at least get in a gentle 4 mile walk on Thursday, but it kicked my butt)...still not feeling great, but hit the gym today and got some other workouts done for one of my challenge groups. I'm hoping to get back on track working out this week...so over being sick and tired...but I'm sure my body appreciated the long break since I had been pushing myself harder than normal prior to my race. Hoping to try out and then put my tabs on my new race board this week...got paid and have the cash set aside for it. Looks like the weather should be improving later in the week to take it out for a spin. :sunglasses:
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    tojo_73 wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    19 running miles done this weekend. 75 minutes on bike trainer this morning.

    Wow. That sure beats my 160min of watching kids play soccer in the rain :)

    AOS Providence done.

    Question for the group. I have been taking BCAAs a bit before workouts and ran out a couple of weeks ago. I have found the workouts tougher since but can't help thinking its in my head. Does anyone else take BCAAs and if so do you find they help your energy and tiredness?

    @tojo_73 - My wife and I have spent our share of time on the soccer sidelines when our kids were in school, so I'd guess that your cheering duties may have been tougher than my cardio work, lol.

    Regarding BCAAs, I don't take them pre workout, but I try to take in a whey protein/carb source (including BCAAs) post workout to aid in muscle repair and overall recovery. This is especially true for endurance workouts that exceed 3 hours in length, since they deplete not only glycogen, but may cannibalize 50-60 grams of lean muscle protein as well.

    Lately I'm much more focused on endurance than strength work (5/6 times vs 1 time/weekly), but if you're working hard, you may be feeling the effects of your cumulative training load. Perhaps a look at recovery fueling might be helpful, or maybe a recovery week of lesser volume would be in order?
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Shortcut to size: Chest, Triceps, Calves done!
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I am taking this week off of lifting. Three weeks ago I developed plantars faciitis in my right foot from pushing hard on the treadmill (I usually lift then treadmill for 45min to an hour). I stopped the cardio and kept lifting to allow my foot time to heal (it still hasn't). Today, I discovered a wonderful pulled muscle in my upper left thigh and hamstring. :( I think my body needs some time to heal for a bit. So this week, I will find out just how good CICO works without exercise b/c I've done mfp since the beginning of the year with exercising almost daily during the week. A bit nervous about this, but my body is screaming for a break. :/
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I am taking this week off of lifting. Three weeks ago I developed plantars faciitis in my right foot from pushing hard on the treadmill (I usually lift then treadmill for 45min to an hour). I stopped the cardio and kept lifting to allow my foot time to heal (it still hasn't). Today, I discovered a wonderful pulled muscle in my upper left thigh and hamstring. :( I think my body needs some time to heal for a bit. So this week, I will find out just how good CICO works without exercise b/c I've done mfp since the beginning of the year with exercising almost daily during the week. A bit nervous about this, but my body is screaming for a break. :/

    Sounds like you definitely need a break! I've learned the hard way that "pushing through the pain" just leads to more injuries and prolonged recovery times. That flawed thinking on my part led me to miss 8 weeks of training during the summer racing season a few years back due to a nagging injury that was not allowed to heal. NOT a good strategy.

    Regarding your PF and thigh/hamstring issues - two of my training partners are battling the same issues currently. Both women are in the early weeks of our marathon training and both have seen medical professionals to get a diagnosis and treatment plan. For PF, there is no substitute for rest in the short term. Otherwise the inflammation never goes away. As you start to feel better, you may find that substituting some cycling, elliptical or other low impact aerobic work would let you maintain cardio fitness while still allowing your injuries to heal.

    Best of luck with your recovery.

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    am circuit training done. 10 x 800's on the track schedule for tonight.
  • jkquinn13
    jkquinn13 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey folks, Jeff from Ontario...just reading the posts and love hearing about all the fitness!
    I'll be back to comment and join in more later