Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    edited November 2016
    @Heathermetoo I think the best plan is actually leftover management. Even if you just stuff yourself, there's a fundamental limit to your capacity on one day. But if you stretch those fatty or carby leftovers over the next week, then it becomes real problem.

    I'm solving that by skipping turkey in favor of deli ham, a baked sweet potato, a big spinach salad, and the real indulgence, chile con queso with tortilla chips for afternoon snacking.

    Monday check in- I've been gone several weeks, mostly because I pulled a muscle in my hip, which meant I wasn't going to the gym, which meant I didn't have any food discipline, and I didn't want to talk about it. (and I always get moody during November). But always and again, back on the horse.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Monday check in. I'm not doing what I need to do and I'm making excuses. I still feel lost, in limbo, waiting for a surgery approval. Had a bad weekend flu like symptoms but mild. Wife had a horrible migraine and cried in the dark all weekend. Ate poorly no exercise . I've got to focus on the things I have control over. Diet exercises and myself. The rest will take care of itself in time. Easier said than done!
  • AaronTheMyth
    AaronTheMyth Posts: 1 Member
    pneschich wrote: »
    Monday check in. I'm not doing what I need to do and I'm making excuses. I still feel lost, in limbo, waiting for a surgery approval. Had a bad weekend flu like symptoms but mild. Wife had a horrible migraine and cried in the dark all weekend. Ate poorly no exercise . I've got to focus on the things I have control over. Diet exercises and myself. The rest will take care of itself in time. Easier said than done!

    You can do it man. I was as goin through tuff times when I first tried to lose weight I'm only 21 an weighed 390 in mid June an gave up on losing weight. I decided to try again mid July an I have been pretty sucessful I've lost 119 lbs. So I believe if I can do it anyone can. I ain't very good sayin these kinds of things but I hoped this helped a little!
  • AaronTheMyth
    AaronTheMyth Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2016
    pneschich wrote: »
    Monday check in. I'm not doing what I need to do and I'm making excuses. I still feel lost, in limbo, waiting for a surgery approval. Had a bad weekend flu like symptoms but mild. Wife had a horrible migraine and cried in the dark all weekend. Ate poorly no exercise . I've got to focus on the things I have control over. Diet exercises and myself. The rest will take care of itself in time. Easier said than done!

    I was Goin through tuff times in juNE I weighed 390 an I'm only 21 I tried losing weight that month but wasn't very successful so I decided to give up an a month later sometime mid July I decided to try again an as of this mornin Ive lost 119 lbs. I know times get tuff but ya just gotta pick yourself up. I ain't to good at this kinda stuff but I hoped it helped! Best if luck!
  • AaronTheMyth
    AaronTheMyth Posts: 1 Member
    pneschich wrote: »
    Monday check in. I'm not doing what I need to do and I'm making excuses. I still feel lost, in limbo, waiting for a surgery approval. Had a bad weekend flu like symptoms but mild. Wife had a horrible migraine and cried in the dark all weekend. Ate poorly no exercise . I've got to focus on the things I have control over. Diet exercises and myself. The rest will take care of itself in time. Easier said than done!

    I was Goin through tuff times in juNE I weighed 390 an I'm only 21 I tried losing weight that month but wasn't very successful so I decided to give up an a month later sometime mid July I decided to try again an as of this mornin Ive lost 119 lbs. I know times get tuff but ya just gotta pick yourself up. I ain't to good at this kinda stuff but I hoped it helped! Best if luck!
  • Heathermetoo
    Heathermetoo Posts: 22 Member
    Monday check-in. Lost 2.5 and I'm down a total of 20lbs! Woo hoo! I'm feeling strong for Thanksgiving.
    @badnoodle Thanks for the advice. This will be a good week for both of us.

    Have a great week, everyone. Enjoy the week and let's not be too hard on ourselves.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    This is probably horrible but one way I manage thanksgiving is managing how long I'm at my mom's house. I don't leave home until Wednesday afternoon and we come back Saturday. I can't go for a full uncontrollable week. There is just too much food, too much snacking, and too much dessert.

    My plan while I'm there is to remember that it's about family and not food. Thanksgiving dinner is just one dinner not a week long binge fest. As long as I can hold to that and track during the weekend I'll stay on track with my Holliday goal; get under 200 and stay there until January. I've accomplished step one and I've been good with part two. There are days I bounce above and then I work back down. I'm good with that. My plan will make sure I don't gain the typical holiday 15 this year!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    I know for most people this week's goals are all about Thanksgiving and not overeating on all that holiday food. That's not going to be an issue for me as I'm not going to be a guest nor am I inviting any to my home ...

    This is be the first Thanksgiving in several years where it's not a holiday feast occasion for me. I do have a small (11 lb) turkey in the freezer, and my plan is to prepare it sometime before the New Year, but probably not until the small freezer on my fridge has been cleared up of other stores. Then I'll make some of my favorites to enjoy as prepackaged dinner plates (they take up a lot of freezer room). For this week's holiday dinner I'm actually planning on having a steak and broccoli stir-fry served with cauliflower rice, and a fruit Kissel pudding for dessert.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pneschich ... this is for you ... from a thread about how many pounds to go to reach 199 ....
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    When I began in Jan 2013 it was 177!

    SW 376 pounds, age 65 joined WW.
    2013 lost 61#
    2014 lost 31#
    2015 lost 16#
    2016 lost 35# so far.

    I have six Weighs Ins left. Last January I rebooted myself to lose a pound a week, Worked for eight months, then had knee surgery.

    I WILL get to 199 in 2017 at age 69!

    My point being, 'son', don't give up on your efforts. just slow them down a little have already made great strides in your first year of active weight loss efforts. Just focus on maintaining your weight until the end of the year and then start with a new concerted effort after you have learned how to stay at your current lower weight. It takes time to lose weight .... it's harder to lose it than to gain it .... Happy Thanksgiving.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @Nikion901 I think my problem is goals and accountability. I had a fixed goal, complete my program schedule the surgery. My accountability was external to me, monthly appointments, with consequences. I'm currently having and have typically had difficulty with self accountability. I haven't done anything stupid crazy and have maintained my weight. I'm struggling with foot pain and an inability to walk. I can't seem to force myself into the gym even though I've got a plan and the time. Just lack the willpower to overcome the fear inertia. Silly for a grown man but it is what it is.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,953 Member
    You dont have to workout in a gym. What do you like doing? Kayka? Walk the beach? Basketball with kids? There's a million activites! Be accountable to us. We are watching. If you cant make it, then I certainly cannot. Thanks for being my inspiration and keeping it real. :+1:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach ... sometimes when a person has pain it's very hard to do anything physical that makes that pain go 'ouch' ... I have a very bad back and years of babying it have resulted in less inability and more pain! ... Now I have bad knees and bad feet ... meaning they hurt a lot and sometimes I need to use a wheeled walker or a cane, even in the house to get from one room to the other. Most days I need to 'hang on' to the walks or furniture to help me get from the bed to the bathroom and back again ... I swear I know how many mini steps it takes to go from point A to point B with my eyes closed! ... I think you know all about pain and how debilitating it can be. ...
    BUT ... one think I have learned is that the pain usually feels better if I can make myself do some activity with it. If it hurts to stand, I can do some movements laying on the bed or sitting in a chair. They don't feel like 'real' exercise because I'm not puffing on a treadmill, lifting heavy weights, or huffing up a hill on a long walk ... but they do work my muscles and ligaments. And they do burn more calories than just sitting there!

    There are wonderful exercises on YouTube for anyone who needs to do them sitting down. And believe me, after a 30 minute session following along, i do get a workout! ... the problem I have is making certain that I do them! ...

    So, @pneschich , I also have a problem with goals and accountability .... I can make the goals, but I don't follow through nearly often enough! ... Case in point ... I have a goal of eating up to 1660 calories a day ... and as of yesterday, which was day 326, I have only only 141 days ... and that's only about 43% of the time ... still had I not tried I probably would have overeaten on all of the days. :smiley:
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach Thank you for your faith in me, I believe you can and will make it.
    @Nikion901 I like a target. Even if it's going to be difficult to hit. I like black and white outcomes. Success or failure. I think that is my problem now. An unsatisfactory outcome, kind of mushy as outcomes go.

    Trying to unwind. Brain won't stop. I just got home from the hospital my mother in law fell and broke the head of her femur. Wife is staying the night with her. Tomorrow she will get transferred to MD Anderson in Houston for an eventual hip replacement. Please keep her in your prayers. Not going to be the holiday we planned on having we will all still have each other and for that we will give thanks.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,953 Member
    @pneschich I'm sorry about your mil's hip and the stress it is causing your family. Coincidentally, my oldest sister is one of the many people who design and test replacement hips. I am so proud of her! Anywho...
    I am so excited for Thanksgiving ... Really craving that stuffing! Thanksgiving is the only day I get it because 1) its not healthy to me, 2) I tend to eat too much of it and too quickly, and 3) my husband doesnt like it so... I went a little carb crazy last night ... Crackers (and a little cheese) for dinner!?
    A friend told me, "Don't try to be good; Try to be better than before" I don't think weightloss can be black n' white. You have to work from where you are. Someday, when I am at or near goal, I will eat about 1200 cal, but if i did that now, I'd never lose any weight; I'd starve! And some days I can't go for a walk, but if I do something, such as clean house or preplan my meals for the next day ... Always looking to get better, always improving! The sky's the limit! Don't hold yourself back to a black n' white goal; go for the green and keep moving forward!
  • 1229swansong
    1229swansong Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all, just found this inspiring group. I am back at it after taking several months off (and gaining too much back!) Like many people before me, losing the weight when I reached my 60's has been difficult. At this point I am at 239 (from a high of 260) and my goal is to reach onederland. I have lurked this thread for a while and love all the support you are giving each other.
    I guess I am really wanting to find an MFP home away from home. I am also hoping to be an inspiration to my adult daughter who has PCOS, lots of weight to lose, and is discouraged.
    I live in Disney country and would love to get back to feeling like I can walk for hours around the theme parks without having to stop and rest so much.
    Enough of my rambling. It's nice to be here with you folks. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Not going to overeat today. Waiting for MIL to come out of surgery. If you have cancer you must come to MD Anderson in Houston. Thankful for family today. Thankful for the last year committed to losing weight and the results .
    Happy thanksgiving
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,953 Member
    I am thankful for this group and for mfp. I am thankful for my health (dispite my obesity) and youth. I am thankful to have a house, car, job, ... wine, pets and husband. We had a delicious lunch and the leftovers should last a little while. :wink:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Piping in to post the Thanksgiving Prayer I read in the newspaper today ...

    Oh, Heavenly Father, We thank Thee for food and remember the hungry.
    We thank Thee for health and remember the sick.
    We thank Thee for friends and remember the friendless.
    We thank Thee for freedom and remember the enslaved.
    May these remembrances stir us to service, That Thy gifts to us may be used for others.

    The day, thus far, has gone as planned and I thoroughly enjoyed the beef and broccoli dinner I cooked for myself, instead of turkey ... which will be on my menu sometime in December.

    @Morgori ... it was great to see you post a greeting, hope all is well for you and yours.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Friday fitness up early with my youngest to, @MermaidPrincessRach