Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member

    1. Log all food and keep carbs in check - :)
    2. Get my 10,000 steps, even though I'm going to a meeting tonight :)
    3. Drink at least 2L of water! :/
    4. Read my positive affirmations and reach out to a friend that needs support :)
    5. Cross off at least 3 projects on my work to do list :) I think I did like 5!

    1. Log all food and try to stay under calories (today is employee appreciation day so there is breakfast, pizza, etc.)
    2. Get my 10,000 steps in.
    3. Drink at least 2L of water
    4. Enjoy time with a friend this evening.
  • elopez1998
    elopez1998 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you for today...just for today
    1. Drank 1 can of coke
    2. Rejoined a gym

    Can not wait to post tomorrow's commitments...
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks except for at friend's house for dinner where I allowed a VERY SMALL amount :/ Restricted snacking to friend's house but had far more than I intended to! Crisps are evil....
    - At dinner eat sensible portions, including of dessert :)
    - one water for every alcoholic drink :/ Didn't have any water at all, and am suffering today as a result...
    - do not exceed calories :/ Er, no.... mainly due to the snacking and the alcohol
    - make time today for writing up my PERSONAL objectives, not just the urgent work :/ Didn't manage this as I left my notes on these at work... will make sure I do early next week
    - Don't get distracted by daydreaming / unhelpful thoughts :| Was ok on this

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - No alcohol
    - Healthy dinner
    - Stay within calories

    - Update to do list
    - Appreciate spending time with boyfriend
    - Meditate
  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member
    JFT I will plan and organize for a healthy week
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello ladies. I am determined to kick my butt and make commitments. So here I am.

    Just for Today

    1. I will record all I eat
    2. Get in 30 minutes of exercise

  • elopez1998
    elopez1998 Posts: 40 Member
    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Eat 1200 calories
    3. Go to the gym
  • Mountaingirl33
    Mountaingirl33 Posts: 80 Member
    JFT I will weigh and log everything, work out, and be nice.
  • joshuacurtispdx
    joshuacurtispdx Posts: 4 Member
    - Logged calories
    - Did an hour of yoga
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    Just for today, I will:

    Stick to getting my long run in today despite the weather.
    Drink at least 2-3L water
    Log my calories
    Commit to simple meal prep in anticipation of a crazy work week.

  • elopez1998
    elopez1998 Posts: 40 Member
    Just for today
    1 eat less than 1500 calories
    2 log my food
    3 went to the gym
  • brahmergirl
    brahmergirl Posts: 84 Member
    Today, I began back again where I had worked so hard a year ago to accomplish. I am back 25 pounds heavier, have not ran in six months and feel terrible about myself. But today, I stepped on the treadmill, ran a little, drank my water goal, kept below my calories for the day and took care of me...
  • MAB547
    MAB547 Posts: 8 Member
    Just for Today:
    1 Stay below 1200cals
    2 Workout twice
    3 Eat better

    Yesterday wasn't so good, I strayed over my calorie goal and disn't manage to work out.Hope today will be better.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited November 2016
    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - Lunch under 400 cals
    - Healthy option at dinner
    - One water for every alcoholic drink

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Don't panic about new project, work through the challenges calmly
    - watch out for temper rising in tricky meeting later
    - listen to music to stay upbeat
  • wendybird69
    wendybird69 Posts: 4 Member

    -I will log everything I eat.
    -I will abstain from added sugar foods.
    -I will eat every 2.5 to 3 hours.

    First day today, nervous but determined.
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member

    First day today, nervous but determined.

    Good luck, my friend, you came to the right place. Change begins right here one little bit at a time!

  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member

    Walk or bike
    Stay within calories
    Write an invoice ( hate paperwork so much)
    20 mins work on the junk room
    Check back in!
  • weezbagy
    weezbagy Posts: 40 Member
    Just for today, I will:
    •Do 20 mins HIIT and strength training on my lunch break.
    •Drink 2 litres of water.
    •Avoid sugary snacks.
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member
    1. log all food and eat on track
    2. Drink at least 2L of water
    3. Get my 10,000 steps
    4. Read out my positive affirmations
    5. Make Cake Decorations for fancy B-day Cake
    6. empty laundry bin!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Not a good day yesterday - something slightly upsetting happened and as a result I ended up comfort eating. Back on the wagon today!

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks :'(
    - Lunch under 400 cals :'(
    - Healthy option at dinner :'(
    - One water for every alcoholic drink :| Not applicable - didn't drink
    - 30+ minute lunch break :)
    - Don't panic about new project, work through the challenges calmly :)
    - watch out for temper rising in tricky meeting later :/ Forgot about this one and as such did get snappy when rude colleague talked over me
    - listen to music to stay upbeat :)

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - ABSOLUTELY NO unhealthy snacks
    - Lunch under 400 cals
    - No alcohol
    - Stay within calories with mini deficit

    - Meditate
    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Put yesterday's event out of mind in order to focus
    - Except for lunch where take the time to consider how to deal with it
    - Focus on report and get it done - no faffing or perfectionism!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been away because I've been sassy....and well, just plain old lazy. Four days off work and I feel like I went into a zombie-like state...or maybe a slug would be a better word for it. I'm so mad at myself. I have to weigh in today and it will not be pretty. So embarrassing.

    Soooooooo, just for today/Tuesday:
    1. Pack my breakfast and lunch for work and stick to what I packed
    3. Hydrate. This does not mean coffee...this means WATER.
    4. Get out and take a walk today at lunch time. Get out of the basement I work in and see the sun. Get away from colleagues and just rejuvenate.
    5. I will not listen or partake in office gossip today. I will walk away. Everyone has their own story and I really don't like listening to people judge others. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
    6. Earbuds in to tune out negativity in office if it starts again today. Kills my joy.
    7. Weigh in and take the advice without feeling defensive. I blew it. That's it.
    8. Gym tonight after work for 30 minutes activity, tanning and massage chair. (This is a maybe if I don't work too late).
    9. Go to bed one hour early to get some quiet time and write in gratitude journal and read a few chapters out of novel.

    Have a great day everyone! Hope it's a good one!