Annoyances at the gym!



  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited December 2016
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited December 2016
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited December 2016
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    Bookmarking this for the next time someone says "no one is paying attention to you" to a newbie worried about being judged at the gym.

    What bothers me are people. I workout at home and I still get bothered by people.

    I go to a "no judgment zone" gym. I don't like needless stress and high pressure and love the low key atmosphere. ETA: no lunks allowed

    Using derogatory terms and then claiming others are judging, yeah no hypocrisy there.

    Look, that's Planet Fitness's (very successful) business model. No need to bash a poster who's a member and simply restating the policy. In addition, there's plenty of PF bashing threads where people complain about this business model to their hearts' content.

    I find it problematic to have as a business model. Essentially they are pushing the idea (and trying to convince people) that if they go to other gyms (which might well have more and better equipment and more opportunities to really learn how to lift) that they will be made to feel uncomfortable, that people who take weights seriously are bad and scary people. Basically spreading divisiveness and fear. I think it's disgusting.

    I am not saying I wouldn't use a PF if it were the only thing I thought was reasonably priced for what it provided around me or if it were the most convenient thing -- for me convenience in a gym is paramount and I have very specific things I want and if it provided those I'd hold my nose and put up with it, maybe, if the corporate policy were not so apparent in the particular branch. Happily, for me, it's not an issue, as there isn't even one convenient for me at all (apparently my neighborhood and where I work are not in their preferred demographic, which is kind of interesting). But I am troubled when people (not you) use the negatives about the chain as promotional things, and I think it's unethical enough to profit off such a model that I'd personally think twice about joining even if it were otherwise the best choice and I would continue to speak against the business model when it comes up.

    Some women feel more comfortable working out only with other women, and establishments cater to that. Some people don't feel comfortable working out with people vastly more experienced than them, and PF caters to that. I think it's great if PF can get people in the door who would otherwise never set foot in a gym.

    Years ago, I did a 6 session "Women on Weights" small group class at the Y. The goal was to get us enough general experience that we would feel comfortable walking into any gym, and it worked. If PF gets people in the door and if they outgrow it and move on to a more serious gym, that's wonderful.

    I find the PF "I lift things up and put them down" commercial hilarious and am waiting to hear back from my favorite powerlifter whether this offends him or not.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    getcharley wrote: »
    What is. crop dusting?

    When you walk past a group of people and drop a fart, so that you may have moved on, but it lingers.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    Google it and freedictionary is literally the only dictionary site with that definition. Not a single other one has it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »

    I think you're getting a taste of the history Planet Fitness threads have at MFP. The players are always the same. Just a mere mention of "Plantet Fitness" or "PF" sets them off. The threads go on for pages and pages and pages and for weeks. Until they get cleaned up or shut down, so generally, they're not searchable.

    I've lurked message boards dedicated to the discussion of topics such as childhood starvation, unjust imprisonment and the selective treatment of catastrophic diseases where certain subsets are denied. And the fervor, the passion, the righteous indignation doesn't come close to those expressed on one of MFP's Planet Fitness threads.

    Which is why MFP forums are, hands down, one of the most hilarious forum havens on the net and the entertainment value alone is priceless.

    I believe a major part of MFP is getting upset about things that are of relatively minor import. And I say that as someone who genuinely is irritated by the fact that PF bases a marketing strategy around the idea that people who don't usually exercise should be intimidated by those who do, and that those who do are scary and likely to be rude. I think it is divisive and that's really not something we need more of these days, and encouraging people to think that if they have to go to a regular gym or some other entirely non intimidating chain that they will be sneered at or otherwise not fit in.

    But it's true it's a good marketing strategy.

    It actually would discourage me from joining but I'm sure they don't care, they don't even have one in my neighborhood, as I mentioned.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited December 2016
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    Bookmarking this for the next time someone says "no one is paying attention to you" to a newbie worried about being judged at the gym.

    What bothers me are people. I workout at home and I still get bothered by people.

    I go to a "no judgment zone" gym. I don't like needless stress and high pressure and love the low key atmosphere. ETA: no lunks allowed

    Using derogatory terms and then claiming others are judging, yeah no hypocrisy there.

    Look, that's Planet Fitness's (very successful) business model. No need to bash a poster who's a member and simply restating the policy. In addition, there's plenty of PF bashing threads where people complain about this business model to their hearts' content.

    I find it problematic to have as a business model. Essentially they are pushing the idea (and trying to convince people) that if they go to other gyms (which might well have more and better equipment and more opportunities to really learn how to lift) that they will be made to feel uncomfortable, that people who take weights seriously are bad and scary people. Basically spreading divisiveness and fear. I think it's disgusting.

    I am not saying I wouldn't use a PF if it were the only thing I thought was reasonably priced for what it provided around me or if it were the most convenient thing -- for me convenience in a gym is paramount and I have very specific things I want and if it provided those I'd hold my nose and put up with it, maybe, if the corporate policy were not so apparent in the particular branch. Happily, for me, it's not an issue, as there isn't even one convenient for me at all (apparently my neighborhood and where I work are not in their preferred demographic, which is kind of interesting). But I am troubled when people (not you) use the negatives about the chain as promotional things, and I think it's unethical enough to profit off such a model that I'd personally think twice about joining even if it were otherwise the best choice and I would continue to speak against the business model when it comes up.

    but the 70 year old lady that was in there last Wednesday doing snatches doesn't really fit that bill...yet she'd get the buzzer at a PF.
    God bless her :).

    Nothing heavy mind you...but she was doing them, and form was solid.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    There's some evidence of people incorrectly associating bodybuilding with low iq's and I understand that PF's use of the word "lunk" perpetuates that myth, and can be considered offensive, but I would argue that if we were to try to measure who was on the lower rung of our social ladder, obese people or bodybuilders, I'd say it's easily obese people. If you could convince obese people to come to a gym without slamming bodybuilders, so much the better, but if calling bodybuilders "lunks" gets more obese people into the gym perhaps the end justifies the means. Bodybuilders have broad shoulders, figuratively speaking,
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    Bookmarking this for the next time someone says "no one is paying attention to you" to a newbie worried about being judged at the gym.

    What bothers me are people. I workout at home and I still get bothered by people.

    I go to a "no judgment zone" gym. I don't like needless stress and high pressure and love the low key atmosphere. ETA: no lunks allowed

    Using derogatory terms and then claiming others are judging, yeah no hypocrisy there.

    It also means "a brawny and sexually attractive male".

    I think you're confusing lunk with hunk...the definition of lunk is a slow-witted person.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »

    I think you're getting a taste of the history Planet Fitness threads have at MFP. The players are always the same. Just a mere mention of "Plantet Fitness" or "PF" sets them off. The threads go on for pages and pages and pages and for weeks. Until they get cleaned up or shut down, so generally, they're not searchable.

    I've lurked message boards dedicated to the discussion of topics such as childhood starvation, unjust imprisonment and the selective treatment of catastrophic diseases where certain subsets are denied. And the fervor, the passion, the righteous indignation doesn't come close to those expressed on one of MFP's Planet Fitness threads.

    Which is why MFP forums are, hands down, one of the most hilarious forum havens on the net and the entertainment value alone is priceless.

    You're a hoot.

    Hyperbole can be good humor.
  • MarilynCurves
    MarilynCurves Posts: 25 Member
    Groups of alpha-male dudebros who stand around one machine, leaving bottles and phones on the machines around them (so you can't use any of them, grrrrr!!) pointing out the girls in hushed tones and laughing like they're at a prom.

    Conversely, groups of Mean Girl-looking 19 year olds who move in packs and take selfies instead of getting their sweat on.

    Other than those two groups I tend not to notice others, I'm too busy trying not to fall on my face
  • Ni_La82
    Ni_La82 Posts: 16 Member
    People who sit on the machines and text longer than the standard break between reps. People who scream very loudly while working out (I always look to see who dropped a weight on their foot and it's usually just some person who picked weights that are too heavy.)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Wow are you judgemental on the people in group classes! And I say this as a former dancer. I'd rather have all of those unco-ordinated people in my class giving it a go. Key here is dance fitness, it's for all comers. It's hardly pro level ballet and a beginner rocks up (which by the way, the dancers would just work around in the class anyway).

    I workout at home. So my lard *kitten* boy cat plonking himself in the middle of my space as I'm about to get going would be my annoyance!

    LOL i can kinda understand where's she's coming from. I had the opposite problem, and this one woman still sticks in my mind years later. She used to stand up the very front of the class, her moves were like 10 times faster than the instructors, she didnt do any of them properly or even close, she reminded me of an orangutan flailing her arms and legs about. Why she came to a class with an instructor showing you moves confounded me, she just did her own thing to her own special beat of the music.
    It was incredibly off putting standing behind her, and you could see the other people in the class behind and around her getting all uncoordinated, and god forbid if you stood too close as you would get a hit in your face or a kick in the shins. Everyone gave her a wide berth, she will always hold a special place in my heart, she really did give those classes her all.

    It is the lack of self-awareness astounds me. Why do people like this not stand in the back where they have plenty of space and won't be so distracting? If you KNOW that you can't dance (and who, by adulthood, doesn't generally have a sense of this?) and you can't even begin to keep up or understand the timing, why would you pick this kind of activity? My observation is that it is often people who are young, thin and injury-free who are the most annoying in these kinds of situations--it's not that they make a few mistakes, it is that they are ALWAYS going in the wrong direction. They have no excuse for not being able to do the activity well, particularly when someone like me (older, larger frame, injuries/disabilities) can do it just fine.

    If you know that you really don't have a propensity for a certain activity, why wouldn't you choose something else?

    I honestly don't care that much as long as I don't have to risk getting smacked by someone. I injure very easily due to medical issues, and having to worry about getting run into by someone who is not trying hard enough isn't cool.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    So glad I don't go to the same gym as you, you sound like the kind of person I was worried about when I started going to the gym.
    It's a long freaking list.

    -people who wait ON the machines - Where do you want them to wait? Seriously confused with this one, not that I use machines other than lat pull down and assisted pull up

    How is this confusing? Get OFF of the machine if you are not using it.

    Stand in between machines, do a lap around the room, step aside, whatever makes sense in the particular space. What you do NOT have the right to do is to slow down someone else's workout for no reason.

    If you spend 30 minutes sitting on a machine taking up space and checking your e-mail, you may be preventing me from finishing my circuit and being able to go home. If you need a chair, go find an actual chair somewhere else in the gym. Weight areas are not meant for sitting.
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