
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    edited December 2016
    Lenora-I thought so but whew!

    The thing about dogs is they are always learning, but maybe not what we intend them to learn. Learning is ALWAYS taking place.

    When training dogs, you have to realize they don't rationalize like we do. If the dog runs away and doesn't some when you call, then does 5 other things and you grab her and wack her, she has no idea why you wacked her. You think you are punishing her for not coming when you called but she has no idea why you just wacked her. Unlike a human child who we can tell them why they are being punished hours after the fact, (you are grounded today because you didn't do your homework yesterday) we can't do that with dogs. When we try to rationalize with them the way we do with children, we confuse them and lose their trust.

    Invisible fences. We installed one also because our yard is not conducive to a physical fence either. We got a SportDog fence. If you install one, realize you will have to put in the effort to train your dog 3 or more times per day on that boundary, where it is, how to avoid getting shocked so she never pops through. If you don't put in that time, she will run around and sometimes get shocked and not understand what it means and she could become afraid of the yard OR, break through the fence and not be able to get back in. Also realize it won't keep other dogs or coyotes out so don't leave her out there unattended.

    Running off to visit another dog down the road is a natural doggie thing to do. She is doing it because she is curious about the other dog or maybe wants to play. She is doing it because she just wants to have fun not because she is trying to be a bad doggie or to displease you. That behavior has nothing to do with you. Her not coming when you called is because she hasn't yet been trained on the recall enough to be solid. It isn't trained to the point for her to come even when there is something interesting to go see.

    Training a solid recall is one of the most important things you need to do for her safety and your sanity.

    You will need lots of yummy treats and/or toys she likes. A helper when possible.

    Start in the home
    1. Simple recall- In your home, call her and reward every time she comes. If she does not come, no punishment, just end of play time-back in the crate for a bit.
    2. Once she gets good at recalls in the home add enticements. If you can get a family member to help, even better. They can entice with a toy or treat and you call her. You have BETTER treats to give her if she comes. If she doesn't come when called, your helper simply closes their hand so she can't the treat or makes the toy disappear and be neutral-BORING. The only way she can win is if she comes to you when you call then you reward her with the best treat or toy play. That will make her WANT TO COME when you call.
    3. If you have no helper, put her favorite toy or some food out that she can smell and see but can't get to and call her off that. If she comes, HUGE party with the treat or toy she wanted.
    4. Once she is good at that, take the recall training outside but use a long line for safety. Start with no enticements but always reward--have a party when she comes to you. You want coming when she is called to be the greatest thing in the world to her.
    5. Once she is coming every time you call add distance or enticements--same process as inside
    6. Once she good at that in your yard, take her to other places and work on it the same way.
    7. /list]

      It takes time and effort, but so worth the investment. If she ever gets loose and is running toward a street with a car coming, you call and she spins and comes back, you will be glad you put in this time.

      Often training a solid recall is more than most dog owners want to do so they use fences and leashes instead.

      I hope this helps. .
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, everyone. I'm jess, and I live in Maryland. I'm 59, a divorced mother of a 27 yr old, engaged to be married, a type 1 diabetic (insulin required to stay alive), and work full time as a software development project manager for the army. right now I work from home 2 days a week.

    I have about 100 lbs to lose, and am gearing up now to start hard in January. We're moving into an old farm house which is not quite ready (ie, there will be no kitchen for the first few months), and I see this as a huge challenge. I will have a refrigerator plugged in somewhere probably in the first week of the month.

    I just bought a new fitbit, and I'm going to start wearing that tomorrow. I have a lot of medical issues that keep me from moving as much as I need to, but if I start slow, I can build.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and getting and staying motivated.

    *jess from maryland
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    well its tough but someone has to do it, i rode my bike to the pool, and found out Tom went off with our noodles for the pool in the car, so I walked in the pool for an hour.. couldnt count it because I couldnt wear the fitbit, but then hung out in the pool and hot tub and then came home, will get quite a bit over 10,000 today and gonna get in the shower now..
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Congrats to you Sherry!!!!!!!! Lets get up and do the happy dance shall we?? You are doing so great, proud of you!!!
    To some of you ladies that are dealing with the stresses that come with the holidays, ((((((hugs)))))))) and sitting with a cuppa of something wonderful and just breathe. The holidays shall pass, and January will bring renewed promise.
    We used to have to transfer during Christmas times. I never understood why, but I suppose having my sons home, (no school) and trying to make a new place a home, it was a time to restart myself. With January coming, I could re-invent myself, try new things, and put the past behind me.
    I send Christmas cards to people that I really only connect with at Christmas time. They are friends that I haven't seen in years. It's crazy to think that I have friends I have been apart from, longer than we were together. I have a girlfriend that I knew for 3 years in Japan and haven't seen her in 30 years. I have a friend in Denmark that I was friends with for 2 years in Pleasant Hill CA, and I haven't seen her in 20 years. Just today I was going thru some Christmas cards and found the pile of cards I have gotten from a Japanese gal that was my sisters exchange student. We met in Oregon, when I was home visiting, (my home was in Japan then). We met up in Japan for lunches, and she sent the most beautiful cards to me, after we left Japan. Then we lost touch, so today I reached out to her on Facebook. Hopefully the message I sent to a Yoko Maze, was the right person, and I didn't embarrass myself.... For some reason I wanted to know that life was going well for her.

    I think I will have a loss tomorrow when I have my TOPS meeting. I have been drinking a lot of peppermint, and sleepy-time teas lately. I also have been making oatmeal every morning for breakfast. Hoping that will keep me fuller longer. Eating that for a month, and see how I feel.

    (hugs ladies, have a great day!)
    in clear blue crisp air skies in

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited December 2016
    Ann262 - Right on about dog training! They will train you if you don't instill training with them.

    Had several Goldens over the years and started positive training from day one. My last Golden had a hard time with recall but would butt plant on a sit command in mid-air and not move. Also say it like you mean it, not like you are asking.

    Used his name as the first word (to get his attention), followed by SIT, then Good Boy!! and finally with Come!

    He thought he was just the best dog ever because I would make such a happy fuss. He wanted to come to me once I could get his mind off of whatever it was fixated on. The SIT command seemed to be the one word that worked every time - immediately. Sadly he passed this past February at age 4 1/2 yrs due to an aggressive cancer. I'm not ready for another yet.

    Also did positive training with our horse and it works like a charm. He was the only horse who would come running to his owners when we called. The herd was pastured in a 40 acre field and playing 'catch me if you can' with a horse is not fun.

    Charleen in Colorado (cleaning the house today)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lenora - My Mom also passed December 15th. It's been nine years this year and I still miss her like crazy. I still love Christmas though and I know she would be sad if she thought I didn't due to her death. She too loved Christmas. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now......

    Good morning.......errrrrr, afternoon that is......lol.....slept in a little late today, up till the noon-day siren that blows every weekday at exactly noon here.....not sure what they use it for or if that is just a test everyday or what.....will have to ask around what the purpose is.....the siren is big and is on a pole about two blocks from here, it sounds kinda like an air raid siren from back in the day......it's not annoying or anything, just kinda loud, thankfully they don't play it very long, just kinda curious thing to do out here in the middle of nowhere.....there is probably a very good reason for it......

    Heather - on the subject of you waking up and being terrified of going to sleep and feeling like dying.....welcome to my world hun....... I go through exactly that when I have night terrors from my PTSD, only add screaming to the waking up part and there you have it.........so I know just what you went through and I wouldn't wish that on anybody ever......my heart goes out to you and I hope it doesn't happen very often and that maybe this time it was just a fluke.....it can be a very scary thing to experience......and I truly hope your DH's family trauma resolves tomorrow as hoped, whatever it is, I'm glad to hear that those involved are now behaving like adults......as for your fear of piped-in music, if it's anything closely like my absolutely insane fear of any and all bugs then I can completely understand not wanting to go shopping in ANY store.......does your fear extend to wearing earbuds or other headphones and listening to your own favorite music on an mp3 player or an iPod?? If it doesn't maybe you can do that while you shop in a store.......just a suggestion.......and you are allowed to be grumpy sometimes, no need to apologize to me, I don't speak for anyone else here but I don't mind if you get a little grumpy.......heck, we all do from time to time.....just remember, all this too shall pass.....love and hugs to you and yours.....

    Ann262 - I know that post on dog training was addressed to Lenora but I learned a lot from it too.....thanks!!!.....now I know how to train my dog to come on command if I ever get another one.....I wonder if that logic would work for cats too.......I would love to teach Missy how to walk with me in a harness and leash so I could take her everywhere, lol.....

    Penny and Pip - love the pics!! Keep them coming.....they help with my "couch travelling", lol.....

    Rita - geez girl, I hope you get over all that soon.....and I thought I had a lot of MD appts.....I second your sentiment, thank God for insurance!!...I don't know what I would do without mine....

    Holy cow!!!!....I just noticed the time!!....I started this post just after 12 noon and it's now 1:30!.....I've been sitting here poking at this thing with my "one-finger wonder" typing method for an hour and a half......YIKES!!......time to get moving and go for a walk, go check my mail, hit up the little market for the cream cheese and cottage cheese I forgot at Safeway when I stopped for groceries on the way home from Portland yesterday....I always forget something dangit.....heck, I'm still in my nightgown!! Lol.....time to get busy, so later peeps!.....

    Sherry in "storm's comin' " Dufur
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary from MN: I am so glad you were able to post. February seems like a long time to wait for a medical check up, but it gives your current medication a chance to get the job done. That makes sense to me. (((HUGS)))

    Rita: I had a UTI in the long ago past and it was a tough thing to get rid of back when antibiotics were more effective than they are now. I finally conquered it and have been lucky to never have it again. These days too many infections have become resistant to antibiotics. I hope yours goes away and stays gone. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I am so sorry you're having a tough time just now. This season seems to me like a double whammy--high stress and short days without enough sunshine to keep our moods stable and positive. Your DH's family drama adds to the challenge for the two of you. I begin to envy my cousin who has become a snowbird in AZ. The stresses are still there no matter where you go, but at least they have more daylight and chances for natural Vitamin D from sunshine. I think they have also avoided some of the day to day worries of their adult children. :ohwell: (((HUGS)))

    Penny: I love the photos of your grandchildren. Leo is quite the chef. :heart:

    Ann262: I love your advice on dog training. Our guy is 9, very healthy, and a real gentleman. I hope he lives to be very old but expect that someday there will be a pup in our future. I don't want to be without a dog in my life. :heart:

    Jess: Welcome to a great group. I can't imagine eating out every meal. Perhaps you can get a microwave/oven and a crockpot. They'd give you a more control over your meals while your kitchen is under construction. Good luck with the remodel. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: Your Pom is a cutie.

    I started the day with a walk with my former neighbor, and it was a real pleasure. She's one of those friends with whom I can talk about anything and everything. It was a good time. We're supposed to be Tuesday/Thursday walkers but she's traveling on Thursday and we need to take that day to go to the cemetery with wreaths for my parents. It is a long drive and will take all day for the round trip. I like to go at Christmas time and Memorial Day.

    I've finished Christmas shopping for my daughter and grandchildren except that I think I have one too few gifts for DGD as compared to her little brother. I'm brainstorming solutions but it isn't a very good storm yet and hasn't produced anything useful. She's 5 and in kindergarden.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Charleen-Yes, I use positive reinforcement in all my training. I have trained two Labradors to Master Agility Champions and Utility Dog. It is the only way to go as far as I am concerned. I LOVE goldens and they are the top pick for Obedience competition. I can't tell you how many times my Hartley is the only black dog surrounded by goldens during group stays in Open Obedience. Black Gold!
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Peach-Your Pom is beautiful! He would be easy to spoil!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I finally got my charger for my iPad so I can use it. It was down to about 15% and was reluctant to use it.

    My scope this afternoon didn't show anything helpful so my family doc will have to go back to the drawing board as to finding cause of anemia. All it showed was gastritis and hiatal hernia. Will more than likely go home tomorrow but I am still not able to sleep flat and that concerns me. I hope starting tomorrow all this clot, or whatever it is called inside my nose will come out easily, safely and soon. That is a big reason why I can't lie flat. Oh, the scope. Wow Because of the pneumonia the doctor putting me to sleep couldn't give me the usual stuff. So he gave me Ketamine. It can cause dreams. I call them horrific trips. When I woke up, I was on a very fast merry go round inside a snow globe that was. Wing very fastest and quickly shaken. I was terrified. I told the nurse I thought it was be LSD although I have never been on an LSD trip to compare it by. When. Looked it up on the Internet, it has a lot of street names! Kids love this!!!!!

    Heather and Allie, I haven't read back to see what is going on but I am story and hope you the best. Sherry, you are the bomb!

    Well, time to look at the menu and call. That one thing about this hospital, whenever you want. Food, just call down. Want French toast for supper, ok, just say so.

    Joyce, still coughing. In Imdiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good evening ladies.
    Joyce- take care, so sorry you are still in the hospital.
    We did some last minute shopping and I got some new jeans (down one size). Almost ready for our trip on Thursday.
    Not much going on around here so I will check in tomorrow
    SueBDew m TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    sue new Jean size that is awesome!
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Gals, Gals... Sheesh!

    My work is crazy busy, and I hardly have time to think, much less post with my peeps. I got a random assignment today that was like somebody was passing a hot potato... er, we don't know what to do with it - HEY! Let's give it to RE... She will figure it out!

    LOL - not so much - but, I have to finish explaining what I can and giving them the next shove on the list.

    And, of course, it's for a meeting they are having with upper management TOMORROW... way to plan ahead, people.


    I have been reading - I hope all you sickies feel better and Whoot! for smaller pants and walking wonders.

    Keep the pictures coming! (Even if I can't see them until I get home.)

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbie – Fasting is not good for anyone. My mother was a teacher and she could tell which kids ate breakfast and which ones did not. Breakfast … “Break Fast”. Eight to ten hours at night (sometimes long after your supper has ‘gone down’ can be a long time for most people. Even now, I always eat ‘something’ as breakfast. If I don’t I usually have a ‘migraine’ or get ‘dizzy and nauseous’.

    Janetr OKC – My Mother (and my Daddy) loved Christmas. They’d decorate a tree that brushed the ceiling at 11’ … had to be ordered by A&P; but, every year was more beautiful than the last. Then after we all left home, she got a more manageable artificial tree; one year she decorated one with nothing but crotched snowflakes and white lights and another one in the foyer with colored lights and colorful decorations, a lot of them hand-painted by her. I got her macramé tree she made; and, that is what we use for our Christmas tree for the past 2 years. Doesn’t take up any room and still relatively easy to get into the bedroom when we need to.

    Sherry – It could be a ‘tornado warning’ siren. I know we have them in various places around this area … not one real close to us; but, within a certain range … you can definitely hear them. Yes, they do sort of sound like the ‘air raid’ sirens. How we hated those things during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Laying in a ‘fetal’ position, on newspaper until it was over. Like that would do us any good. I remember one family (with a child in my grade) made a huge fuss about having an underground shelter built. My Daddy just laughed at it. Would not be anything around if we got hit, why bother? I did not understand why Daddy would not build us one; but, now I do.
    I’ve had ‘night terrors’ and mine usually are brought on by my medications getting ‘out of whack’. I will usually bolt upright screaming at the top of my lungs. It takes DH a little bit to calm me down. I always have a ‘fear’ of someone I love dying … almost like I have heard the phone ring in the middle of the night. I tell DH sometimes, “Sweetie, please talk me down.” I sometimes have an ‘aura’; but, have the ‘same sort of aura’ when I am about to have a seizure, too. So it is a little scary all the way around.

    I think cats are ‘in a world to themselves’. We have taught our boy how to give us a “High 5” in order to get food. He has allergies and his nose will run and then he loses his voice for a week. It is funny because he ‘opens’ his mouth like he is meowing; but, nothing comes out. I think you have to really start very early with a cat. Their personality is sort of like, ‘if you want to pet me, you’ll have to come over here’. They don’t normally come ‘on command’.

    If I did not have insurance … I’d probably be in ‘long-term care’. One of my medications I take is $1200 without insurance. We could NOT afford my total medications. Something would just have to ‘give’. I have not checked into what Medicare would cover under their Part D coverage; or if they would pay some and then insurance would pay the remainder.

    I have to laugh when someone talks about 1-finger typing. I took typing in HS after I told my Trig teacher (an unemployed engineer) what I ‘thought about his ‘teaching technics’ and walked out after dropping my closed book from head level. That got his attention. He’d turn around after calling roll, open up a newspaper, put his feet on the chalk board eraser tray and ignore us completely. Since 8th grade AP Algebra … I had all the 4 math credits I needed to graduate. He asked me where I thought I was going. I told him to transfer to typing because AT LEAST I would be able to always get a job. Counselor really wanted me to take Latin or French. NADAH; won’t pay the bills. I can type and look at the TV at once, once I have my ‘fingers on the home keys’. I can’t do squat when it comes to typing on my cellphone. I hit the wrong keys all the time. I hate it. Typing for me, is extremely relaxing – as most of you can probably tell; that, and I ‘like’ to talk.

    Katla – I had a seizure in August of this year; and my appointment is this Thursday. Try to top that. Worst seizure I have ever had … and they could not work me in. I am not particular happy; but, I guess if I showed up at the ER, they’d come see me. Maybe. I don’t remember anything after the seizure. I know that 3 ambulances got sent, 2 of them got stuck. I was probably already at the ER by the time the third one showed up. Could not even ‘cancel’ the call. They ‘had’ to come see about me, never mind that my DDnL#1 had called and canceled it (probably about the time they were sending them out the 3rd time). Has something to do with ‘liability’. Next time, if it is raining or has been, they’ll be told ‘how’ to get here and not depend on their GPS for the ‘closest’ way to get here. Doesn’t do you any good if they cannot get to you.

    Rita – Cranberry Juice

    Katla – A ‘simple’ puzzle (wooden) … easy but still a bit challenging. Five-year-olds are sort of hard to buy for. A book, one that can be read to her now; and, maybe start a series about now. Like “Nancy Drew” or that type of series. My Mother always gave her grands a ‘book’ at Christmas. Books-A-Million or Barnes & Noble also have good things for presents other than books.

    Ann262 – My sister, in Miami, on a very busy street with a sidewalk (but a lot of traffic and fast) finally took her Brittany Spaniel to obedience trainer. She could not even walk her without being dragged. The teacher was a former Marine Drill Sergeant. He got her attention; and, by the time she finished the class, she could walk her without a leash and not worry about her running after anything or into the street.

    Joyce – Sorry that you had a LSD ‘high’ that was unpleasant. “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” (a song in the late ‘60’s, early 70’s – about drugs and tripping out on them). I’ve never taken street drugs, never been addicted to Rx’d drugs; but, I have had ‘some trips’ … some I would not even ‘take to Jesus’. I can usually tell pretty quickly what is interacting with my other meds. I can’t take any OTC drugs or vitamins or supplements unless my PsycheMD approves them first.

    Watching the Finals on “The Voice”. Four really talented individuals (well, maybe 3); but, they are going to have a close, close race … I am sure. Just when I ‘think’ I know who might win, somebody just bowls me over. All 4 of them are great! It is going to be a ‘nail biter’. Ten more minutes.
