Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • TheRavenne
    TheRavenne Posts: 9 Member
    Just for today, I will stick to my planned meals and do a 10 minute kettle bell workout.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    New week, new start!

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks outside meals (I mean none - don't be influenced by colleagues who want me to eat so they can feel less guilty about their own eating!)
    - Stay within calories
    - Exercise class after work

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Don't allow myself to get upset by report issue - work with colleagues to find a solution
    - Equally, don't spend all day finding a solution! Focus on other priorities too and get things done
    - Listen to music to boost mood

    Have a good week everyone!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Urgh, yesterday was awful. In summary, met only one of my commitments and ate like a complete pig! >:)

    Struggling quite a bit at the moment, combination of coming up to Christmas meaning lots of food around and things at work getting stressful again meaning my willpower is low to resist it.

    However I really do not want to go backwards... I've made good progress and really don't want to wreck it!

    Think I need to perhaps stop being so hard on myself and accept that over December it's going to be hard to lose weight so I should focus on maintaining my current weight - maybe losing weight very slowly if I can - and then try to lose weight again in January.

    Aiming to maintain rather than lose should in theory give me an extra 3500 calories a week to play with, which in theory should be more than enough for a bit of indulgence! (Should probably not assume that it will actually be this much - maybe around 2000-2500).

    Let's see how that goes... with that in mind, today's commitments are:

    - Log everything I eat so I know how many 'extra calories' I've used up
    - No snacking this morning, even though there is a box of tasty chocolates in the office
    - At lunch, keep amount of wine drunk down
    - At post lunch drinks, have G&T only
    - Overall, have one water for each alcoholic drink (same volume, not smaller!)
    - No snacking on crisps etc in the pub or on way home - wait till get home and have a piece of toast
    - Leave pub by 9pm LATEST

    - Before leaving for lunch: don't faff about, work things calmly and with focus
  • kateowp
    kateowp Posts: 103 Member
    Just for today I will log and not go over my calories
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    I will focus on what I'm grateful for. I will remind myself that this time of year will pass. I will stick to my eating disorder meal plan. I will praise myself for things accomplished. I will try To get good sleep tonight! I will come here and reads these again!

    Have a great day!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited December 2016
    Gosh, I find that I miss you guys when I miss a few days! Good luck today with your goals, everyone! This is probably the most difficult time of the year to lose weight!

    J4T - Tuesday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan
    2. Journal every bite
    3. HYDRATE
    4. 30 minutes of ACTIVITY tonight!!!
    5. Finish ALL my WWD tasks today so I can have next week off. Do NOT let colleagues sidetrack you today.
    6. Earbuds in with music on. Do not allow the stress and negativity at work right now affect your day. Nobody can take away your joy unless you allow it!
    7. After work, stop at Walmart for tinsel for the tree and look for some Christmas presents for the grandkids.
    8. Start baking for Christmas. At least bake the banana bread!
    9. Pay bills.
    10. Start writing Christmas cards.
    11. One hour before bedtime, unplug and read or journal.
    12. One random act of kindness.

    Long list today but it's that time of year!!! :smile:
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2016
    Just the board I need. I have a rare day off from work today since I worked this weekend, so I'm going to take advantage of my day off to take care of me!
    1. Do my 5x5 SL workout today
    2. 20 min cardio after
    3. 10 min mobility work -upper back and shoulders are tight
    4. Fold laundry
    5. Overachiever bonus item: wash 1 load of laundry
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I've been dealing with illness for the last month, but I am feeling better, so it is time to start setting daily goals again:

    1. Plan and track exercise for the week.
    2. Start doing meal planning and food prep for the week.
    3. Under 100G carbs for the day
    4. 10+ cups water
    5. Do one weight circuit and an hour of intense Zumba
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat so I know how many 'extra calories' I've used up :| I haven't done this yet but will do it by end of today
    - No snacking this morning, even though there is a box of tasty chocolates in the office :| Shared a mince pie with my colleague as wasn't going to get lunch till 2.30 - needed something!
    - At lunch, keep amount of wine drunk down :| Was ok but could have been better
    - At post lunch drinks, have G&T only :) I did do this!
    - Overall, have one water for each alcoholic drink (same volume, not smaller!) :| I did have quite a bit but probably not as much as this. However no hangover today! :):):)
    - No snacking on crisps etc in the pub or on way home - wait till get home and have a piece of toast :| Had a very small amount of crisps - not too bad
    - Leave pub by 9pm LATEST :| 9.30....?

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat (including yesterday's food)
    - ABSOLUTELY NO unhealthy snacks
    - exercise class after work
    - no alcohol
    - Stay within calories with mini deficit

    - take a lunch break - go shopping for Christmas party stuff (going to buy tummy holding in pants! - stay upbeat despite the rubbishness that is this week - listen to music if necessary
    - work calmly through things one at a time; stay focused
    - this evening, prepare for CBT tomorrow
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    1. Don't play Toy Blast at work
    2. Do NOT stay late at work
    3. Do one intense cardio workout
    4. Bedtime at 10:30
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Tuesday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan :)
    2. Journal every bite :/ Missed a few before bed things but will add them today.
    3. HYDRATE :) Did okay, but can do better!
    4. 30 minutes of ACTIVITY tonight!!! :( Worked late again, so didn't get it done. Did get my steps in on my FitBit though, so it's something I guess.
    5. Finish ALL my WWD tasks today so I can have next week off. Do NOT let colleagues sidetrack you today. :/ didn't get them all done but will continue working on them today. My goal is to have them all done by the end of Monday.
    6. Earbuds in with music on. Do not allow the stress and negativity affect your day. Nobody can take away your joy unless you allow it! :)
    7. After work, stop at Walmart for tinsel for the tree and look for some Christmas presents for the grandkids. :( Again, I worked late so went straight home, had dinner and pretty much crashed.
    8. Start baking for Christmas. At least bake the banana bread! :/ See above excuse. TONIGHT I will bake the breads.
    9. Pay bills. :/ Wow, I really failed yesterday. Gave myself too may goals and then worked too many hours. This will be done today.
    10. Start writing Christmas cards. :/ Ummmm....see above?
    11. One hour before bedtime, unplug and read or journal. :) I did this. This has become a nice habit. I get all my thoughts and frustration out on paper and then I sleep much better.
    12. One random act of kindness. :neutral: Gosh, I can't remember! Dang. These long work days are not fun.

    J4T - Wednesday
    1. Stick to food plan and journal every bite.
    2. HYDRATE. This means water, not coffee!
    3. Work efficiently and effectively. Get tasks done and mark off at least 3 things on your list.
    4. No negativity today. Ear buds with music if need be.
    5. Run to store during lunch hour and pick up a few gifts and office supplies
    7. Exercise tonight. Leslie Sansone DVD.
    8. Bills
    9. Unplug one hour before bed to Gratitude Journal and read.
    10. Show appreciation to at least one person today. Put a smile on someone's face with a compliment.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Followup on Tuesday
    rypstorm wrote: »
    1. Do my 5x5 SL workout today :)
    2. 20 min cardio after :)
    3. 10 min mobility work -upper back and shoulders are tight :) While catching up on Game of Thrones
    4. Fold laundry :)
    5. Overachiever bonus item: wash 1 load of laundry :):):) Washed 3 loads

  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2016
    JFT Wednesday follow up:
    rypstorm wrote: »
    1. Don't play Toy Blast at work :)
    2. Do NOT stay late at work :)
    3. Do one intense cardio workout :/ treadmill, definitely not intense because it was right before bedtime, but did a full 30 min
    4. Bedtime at 10:30 :/ 11:02

    JFT Thursday
    1. Don't play Toy Blast at work
    2. Don't stress
    3. SL5x5 OR Yoga
    4. 10:30 bedtime

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Wednesday
    1. Stick to food plan and journal every bite. :):/
    2. HYDRATE. This means water, not coffee!
    3. Work efficiently and effectively. Get tasks done and mark off at least 3 things on your list. :)
    4. No negativity today. Ear buds with music if need be. :D
    5. Run to store during lunch hour and pick up a few gifts and office supplies :(
    6. DO NOT WORK LATE TONIGHT. LEAVE ON TIME. YOU HAVE A LIFE. :) I worked late at the office, but I did not bring my laptop home and work more so it's a start!
    7. Exercise tonight. Leslie Sansone DVD. :/
    8. Bills :)
    9. Unplug one hour before bed to Gratitude Journal and read. :)
    10. Show appreciation to at least one person today. Put a smile on someone's face with a compliment. :)

    J4T - Thursday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal every bite
    2. HYDRATE with decaffeinated drinks, not coffee!
    3. Finish working on handouts today and begin build of Rusk patient
    4. No negativity. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Ear buds or walk away. I choose not to live my life that way.
    5. Get my hours in and no more. Leave on time.
    6. Bake banana bread tonight and wrap the ornament exchange gifts.
    7. Exercise tonight. Leslie Sansone DVD or go to the gym
    8. Unplug one hour before bed. Read and journal.
    9. One random act of kindness.

    Happy Thursday everyone! :smiley:
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2016
    rypstorm wrote: »

    JFT Thursday
    1. Don't play Toy Blast at work o:)
    2. Don't stress :) considering the day I had, I did pretty well
    3. SL5x5 OR Yoga :( 15 hour day. Going to bed
    4. 10:30 bedtime :)

  • Melawesomes
    Melawesomes Posts: 17 Member
    j4t Friday:

    I will not drink alcohol
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Thursday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal every bite :smile:
    2. HYDRATE with decaffeinated drinks, not coffee! :(
    3. Finish working on handouts today and begin build of Rusk patient ;) Finished most of handout work.
    4. No negativity. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Ear buds or walk away. I choose not to live my life that way. :)
    5. Get my hours in and no more. Leave on time. :)
    6. Bake banana bread tonight and wrap the ornament exchange gifts. :s
    7. Exercise tonight. Leslie Sansone DVD or go to the gym :s
    8. Unplug one hour before bed. Read and journal. :)
    9. One random act of kindness. :)

    J4T - Friday
    1. Get water in today. Need to hydrate better
    2. Use standup desk at work 50% of the time
    3. Finish handouts, create CHDA comprehensive exam (use same for CTs), build Rusk patient
    4. Run to Walmart on lunch hour and look for tinsel for tree and a few birthday cards
    5. 30 minutes activity or one Leslie Sansone DVD
    6. Make someone smile
    7. Remain grateful for all that is, not negative over what is not

    Happy Friday!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks - and I mean NONE
    - Lunch less than 450 cals
    - Stay within calories
    - Exercise class after work

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Focus on one thing at once and be efficient
    - Be pleasant and professional to colleagues, even if I don't want to be
    - Leave office by 8pm and switch off (leave laptop in office)
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2016
    Happy Monday!
    1. >250 steps every hour on Fitbit from 9-4:00
    2. Cardio workout tonight
    3. Stay within 3% of my macro goals
    4. Start cleaning up at 4:25 so I'm out the door at 4:30
    5. No Toyblast at work - even in the bathroom
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    Monday Dec. 19th
    Complete food diary
    Do some stretching