
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
    Hello ladies: Cleaning house this morning. It has warmed up and now we are back to mud in the pasture. DH had a doctor's appointment this morning. He is to monitor his blood glucose and BP for one month and then see the doctor again to decide what to do about his diabetes and BP. He is currently off the meds he was on before the kidney episode. A neighbor came over to cut some pine and holly from some of our trees. She is going to make us a horsehead wreath for our front door in exchange. That will be fun. Last year she made us a table centerpiece.

    Re - I am with you just trying to maintain through the holidays. I think it is a good plan and so far is working for me.

    Kim - It is so nice that you are smaller and feel more comfortable getting into the ceiling crawl space. Yeah for you!

    Rita - That is a lovely shelf.

    Heather - Bea seems like such a happy baby.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Janetr… I LOVE your before and after photos! You are amazing!

    Becca … I’m stealing your December list … all except for the tapioca food group thing …

    Soup comments … I love soup anytime of the year, but especially now. Cabbage soup is one of my favorites and made with a chicken stock and tomato base, it is very friendly on the calories. Turkey and rice soup. A sausage and lentil soup is DH’s favorite, along with multi-bean and split pea and ham.

    Husband comments … While I realize some of you have very special and trying situations, no relationship is perfect. My favorite quip … “somedays you’re the bug and somedays you’re the windshield.” My DH and I are in a place where we’ve become more thoughtful and caring. More tolerant, less impatient. I love him and he loves me … both of us with our faults ... it’s enough.

    Christmas Lights … I loved seeing them as a child and I love them still. If I want to make my 19 year old son’s eyes roll … I say “ohhh” everytime we go by an extreme display!!

    Katla … foot chains/ice grippers … because I found them extremely difficult to put on shoes, I put them on one pair of shoes that I keep in the car and use when needed. I just slip the shoes or boots im wearing off and slip the prepared shoes on! I need them especially when I get to work … we have a problem with black ice in our parking lot.

    Katla … perfect solution for the wreaths!

    Penny … the photographs speak volumes … beautiful …

    Sherry … glad to hear you were able to deal with a bad day … and especially glad to hear that you’ve since had very good days!

    Kim … putting in insulation deserves a pat on the back in my book!!

    Meredith … what kind of work takes you to Nigeria with such long hours?

    Heather … all three of your grandchildren are beautiful (I do believe little boys can still be called beautiful), but that Bea is an another category … so precious!

    NYKaren … is your daughter home from Geneseo? How did she do?

    Today was my younger son’s 19th Birthday. We decided to do a birthday lunch at a local restaurant and that suited me fine … ordered a very nice Mediterranean Chicken Salad. Baked a birthday cake earlier in the day and limited myself to a small piece this evening.

    While I have not lost any weight the last two weeks, I have also not regained any of week one’s 7 pound loss so I’m very happy! Learned today that my mother’s cancer is stage one and she has a few surgical options to consider. Nothing will be done until after the new year so we’ll just enjoy the holidays and deal with it later.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am up walking!!!!!!! Carefully and gingerly but am up. But when we were in doctor's office this morning, husband said he had a tummy ache. Now he is puking his guts up and having diarrhea. He is not running a temp. Diarrhea through an ileostomy is a new thing to us both. He is afraid to go to sleep because of how fast his ileostomy bag fills up. But I am glad I did not need him to fix my supper tonight. All he is drinking is Ginger Ale but it's diet. I have tried to get him to eat some crackers but no go.I hope tomorrow I will have the energy to make my big pot of vegetable soup.

    Heather, what are those small colored structures in your picture? Are they like cabanas for people to use while at the beach?

    Joyce, walking in Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth, thank you so much. Today I'm not feeling so amazing so your thots are much appreciated. <3

    Janetr okc
  • pamwix
    pamwix Posts: 16 Member

    While I have not lost any weight the last two weeks, I have also not regained any of week one’s 7 pound loss so I’m very happy! Learned today that my mother’s cancer is stage one and she has a few surgical options to consider. Nothing will be done until after the new year so we’ll just enjoy the holidays and deal with it later.

    Beth near Buffalo


    HI Beth congrats on keeping the weight loss off. Very good... in regards to your mom, I am constantly researching cancer and ways to help prevent it... aka eating fresh food for one thing. Recently I learned about Ty Bollinger. He is promoting alternative ways to treat and cure cancer. He is on Facebook #The truth about cancer. Or he has videos on YouTube. I have been amazed at all the options available and the success stories. I wish the best outcome for your mom. Peace from Pam in sunny south florida.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 48.51min, 5.8-7.0sp, 138ahr, 157mhr, 9.46ap, 5mi = 484c
    fitbit- 182mhr, 487c
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    God help me, it's the week of Christmas. WHY does everyone in the company send gift baskets to the boss? I am awash in fruit, nuts and candy....

    thinking nothing says "I don't have a clue what to get you but I feel obligated to get you something" needs to be changed to a simple Christmas Greetings card in Houston.
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now....

    Whew!!....what a busy day!!...kinda ran into a snafu today though, I am going to have to put off being the blog updater for Dufur as my cheapo android tablet is unfortunately not able to handle the task very well, the webmaster I met with today suggested I invest in a decent laptop if I really want to do this, he said I could find a good one used for $200 to $300 and told me what to look for.....the thing is though is even that much is a lot of money to me for something I would only use for the blogs and not be reimbursed for....so I am in a little bit of a dilemma.... and I need some input from you all....what do you ladies think, should I make that investment for something I may only use once or twice a week for maybe a couple hours worth of work??....or should I skip it, bow out gracefully and put that money away as a start toward my Subaru I want to get that would be more useful to me??? It's gonna have to be one or the other, not both....I can't afford both....so if you have any ideas, thoughts, solutions, snide comments (lol!!) or what have you....please let it fly......doing the blogs would give me something to do with my life, but the car would serve me better and get me around better out here than my current itty bitty little 3 cylinder POS that can only manage to go 45 mph up the rolling hills here (I really think these cars were meant for "flatlanders").... I'm kinda leaning more toward the car but would feel bad for backing out on the blogs after I volunteered to do them....HELP ME!! I'M STUCK!!!....the people out here are super nice and would probably understand completely if I went with the car....but I would still feel bad....decisions, decisions....I know it's ultimately my decision to make, but maybe one of you can help me think "outside the box"....thoughts anyone??....

    Re - I don't blame you for takin' it easy for the rest of the year, I would too....I know what it's like to be super busy at work, when I was drivin' 18-wheelers professionally my regular work week was 80 hours behind the wheel each and every week, not including hours loading and unloading and all the time I spent waiting to get a warehouse door....I was on the move constantly and did it all on 6 hours of sleep a night....but I was younger then (by 11 years) and I am kinda glad to be disabled now and forced to retire early....it's forcing me to slow down and not burn the candle at both ends anymore, lol....I just thank the good Lord that I found the awesome long-term disability insurance that I did and paid out the nose for (the kind I got was very expensive but well worth it) cuz that is what I am living on now until my Social Security Disability is approved (I'm still waiting for the Admin. Law judge to make her decision) and kicks in....I just hope the decision will be made before the new "president elect" (I'm not even gonna speak his name or call him what i want to, lol) destroys the SS system for everybody....and yes I love the jammies, so fuzzy and warm!!...

    KJ - girl, it's a deal!! If I ever get out that way I am definitely gonna come play with your play-doh, lol!! Boys!!! Snowman poop, lol!!!! I would have made reindeer and reindeer poop, but that's me, I'm a girl!!! Lol.....

    Becca - I can't say this emphatically enough to make what I'm gonna say hit home anymore than anything anybody else has said about the matter but GIRLFRIEND YOU NEED TO ALERT THE POLICE AND DMV about her driving....I have such immense respect for the elderly but she has become a serious threat to herself and to others and she needs to be stopped before she hurts herself or someone else....it can be really hard to cause an elderly person to lose their mobility, but the next thing you know she will stomp on the gas thinkin' she is using the brake while she is trying to park and run right smack into the side of a building, you see it on the news all the time....so don't feel bad for "narcing" on her, just remember that you may just very well be saving someone's life........I honestly think the department of motor vehicles here in Oregon and all the other states as well should test people over a certain age every 6 months to a year, all 3 tests too, driving/written/eye....as a professional driver who has driven over 2 million miles during my career it is my honest opinion that every single person who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle of any kind should be well within their full faculties....and she is not.....remember, the typical car weighs anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 pounds and is a machine capable of causing death....OK, no more harping....

    As a professional truck driver for over 14 years I just want to say to everybody.....please be careful around big trucks on the highway any time you are out there....if the driver can't see you in his or her mirrors then they don't know you are there....don't hang out in their blind spots.....when you pass one do it as quickly and safely as you can....don't hang out in the next lane by their trailer tires as most companies use what are called "re-caps" for trailer tires and are prone to the tread peeling off and can fly through your windshield and decapitate you or your passenger....I know I sound like an alarmist but I have seen that very thing happen....please have an immense amount of respect for that 80,000 pound rig that absolutely cannot stop quickly....they are like huge freight trains....just be careful during your travels and please take what I say to you about big trucks to heart, it might just save your life one day....OK, that's my public service announcement for the day....lol...AND DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE DANGIT!!!....

    Ok, I gotta go eat dinner you all....now that I've done my nagging, lol....be back later....

    Sherry in "MFP's Vehicle Safety Director" Dufur
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Oh yeah....

    Lenora - thanks for the post on all the different names of the generations and whatnot....I learned a lot, like I am apparently a Generation Xer when I thought all this time I was a Baby Boomer....oh well, they say X marks the spot!...lol...I love Latin and have always wanted to learn it since I was younger and went to a Mass that was delivered in Latin....I think it's a beautiful romantic language.....if I had a choice between learning Latin or Spanish I would go with Latin....Spanish might be more useful these days but it seems everybody speaks it now....Latin is rarer and more beautiful I think...

    OK, back to my dinner....

    Sherry in "does Rosetta Stone do Latin?" Dufur
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sherry, Is there a computer at the public library that you could use to do the website work?

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Barbie - I've just learned yesterday the library here in Dufur is on the high school campus, don't know how big it is or if they have any computers for public use but I did find out they have free Wi-Fi....so I will have to go check it out, I know the Multnomah County libraries in Portland have public computers but they have a daily time limit on them....don't know if Wasco County is the same way....will have to investigate....good idea though....will definitely look into it....I love the little computer emoji!!!...he's cute with his little glasses!!...how are you and your honey and your fur babies doin' today??? Great I hope!...

    Sherry in "it's still 40 degrees out and everything is gettin' slushy!" Dufur
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Sherry, you can talk my eyes off if you want… I grew up in a frugal household, but more because my mom believed in it… so we made our own clothes, grew our food, canned, made gifts….

    Computer - so a few years back when I could not afford a computer I used the one at the library, they had 10 set up for use with your library card… any chance that your library has one? I see Barbie beat me to that idea!

    Newbies – welcome, we are sometimes a bit overwhelming as this is an extremely active thread, but welcoming and supportive, just dive right in.

    Evening snacking is not something I ever really got in the habit of but tea – hot or cold decaf herbal tea is my snack time friend it is available in a ton of flavors.

    Rita – what a talented DH

    Heather – great pictures, as too my phone, I have a pretty good deal for this area – CA is expensive.

    Becca – In California you can notify the DMV and report your concern, they will require the person on their next birthday to come in for a vision, written and driving test. It is sorta anonymous, in that they don’t tell the person who reported it unless the person asks…

    NYKaren – you are doing great! Each and everything you pass on, eat less of, is a win!

    Beth – that is great news about your mom, stage one is the best catching stage.

    So – all my clients will have good Christmases I’ll have all the orders done by tomorrow night ( I think) but then I have to work on mine, I have done some, but just not enough… I think I’ll get it done, but it will be the last minute… And my tree is not finished being decorated, and my cards are not done…. But this year is not as stressful as last year, and it is because of 2 things, I have been included in a couple of Christmas friend gatherings and I have a place to go for Christmas eve and Christmas day… compared to last year when I was feeling so un-loved. This is a huge positive change and I am so grateful!

    One of those friend gatherings was today and I thought of you all and Heather specifically – it was at a pasta heavy Italian restaurant, I checked it out on line, and from the appetizer menu I had steamed clams – it was one of the cheapest things on the menu and I was thrilled, 20-30 clams in a broth with wine, tomatoes and parsley…filling, cheap and excellent on calories until I added the 2 pieces of bread but even with that not bad and especially when I was so full at dinner time that I just had some sautéed vegies.

    December Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it.
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle - Done


    Kim from N. California
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey again...lol...no, I'm not done yet!....

    Guess what???....I went down to The Dalles this afternoon to pick up a few things I can't get up here and stopped by Goodwill....you know how yesterday (I think it was yesterday, lol) I said I thought I could finally go down to a size 26 jeans??....well, I tried two pair on, just out of curiosity, and was shocked again for the second time in two weeks....both pair of 26's were too big!!!...not just one, but BOTH PAIR!!....so i know it wasn't a fluke thing like they were just sized bigger like some brands are....I was amazed they were too big!!....I stood there at first with my mouth all agape, chin on the floor, eyes wide....then I tried the second pair, totally different brand and style, and had my proof!...I quickly got dressed and handed those off to the attendant to be put back and tried to find a pair of 24's just to check, darned if I couldn't find any....bummer, but I was so happy I had a s*** eatin' grin on my face when I walked out with a belt to help keep my too-big jeans up until after the first of the year when I get my next check.....I really wasn't expecting that....I figured one size down, OK, I could see that....but two sizes???...I've never dropped two sizes like that before....*jumping up and down waving arms like a raving lunatic...* YAY!!!!....I might actually have to splurge on myself and buy a couple pair of NEW jeans....that's right, I said NEW....but maybe, we'll see....it might be a moot point to buy new if I keep losing weight like this and have to drop another size again soon....kinda be a waste of money I think....might be smarter to wait till I reach my goal to buy new....oh heck, I dunno...I want to treat myself to something tangible but not expensive....I don't really need anything (except a newer better car) and don't really want anything....what I was really wanting, I got with those new boots....I know!!! I got it!!!....a new toaster!!!....don't laugh now, a toaster is one thing I don't have in here cuz the toaster I had at the house was a big four slice sucker that would take up almost all my counter space in here so I got rid of it.....that would be perfect, lol...a decent one that has big enough slots to do bagels (love my bagels like I love my tubers!) but not so cheap that it would be a POS and burn up in a couple of months....

    Sherry in "new toaster time!" Dufur
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2016
    Leonora: Thanks for your advice on eye surgery. Tomorrow is the day we'll meet with the surgeon and find out what she has in mind. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in WA: It is hard going through the steps to get a diagnosis and then a plan for how to live with medical condition. You'll feel better about things when you know more. Waiting is hard. :heart:

    Joyce: Congratulations on walking! I'm sorry your DH is sick. :flowerforyou:

    Beth: I love soup, too. Congratulations on holding your weight steady at the most challenging season of the year when everyone has goodies and wants to share. :bigsmile:

    Marcelyn: Perhaps you could drop some of your gift baskets off at a local shelter or nursing home. Keep just the bit you want to savor and let others enjoy the excess. :smiley:

    Sherry: I'd recommend being candid with the webmaster and letting him know that you're not in a position to buy a laptop at this point. Is there a local library that has computers available for public use? (((HUGS))) It looks like Barbie had the same idea.

    My son made a Skype call to us this evening and we had a lovely long chat. It is good that he called, because we asked him if our gift had been delivered and he found it outside on the porch by the front door. He's planning to leave for Kentucky tomorrow to spend Christmas with his wife's family. I would not have been good to leave our gift on the outside of the house for a week. A package on the front steps would an excellent target for theft.

    Tomorrow we go to the eye doctor to discuss cataract surgery for DH. His vision has really deteriorated in the last weeks and he is more than ready to be able to see better.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    You know....oh, no, I'm not done yet still....lol....

    I was just pondering public computers and libraries and I just remembered something that may make that idea more time consuming and difficult.....library public computers won't let you or are not set up to upload pictures from a flash drive or CD....they don't have CD drives so people can't load software to them and they don't have USB ports so people don't load virus infected files from flash drives....they are set up for internet access only and usually operate as a "terminal" on a server network....they are not like your typical desk top computer....I was just thinking in order to do this on one I would have to take the pics with my iPhone, email myself the pics, then copy the pics straight from email into the blogs somehow.....that's gonna take additional time and if they have time limit on their use that might really mess me up.....hmmmmm, I'm gonna have to check out what they have and how they are set up here.....or at the County library in The Dalles if they don't have any here.....I'll have to see....this is getting more complicated.....

    Honestly, I don't really know that much about technology....I am at a disadvantage there......but I do know a lot about computer basics like the different types, the different networks, how they generally work and what they are for, the basics on how to operate them and stuff like that but writing program code of any kind, processor speeds, or even what a "quad-core processor" is or how it works, and other technical stuff like that you can forget it....I'm dumb as a rock when it comes to technical stuff....I know enough basics about hardware and software to get along OK, but beyond that is beyond me....I didn't even know very much about these tablets except that they are kinda like overgrown smartphone without the ability to use them as an actual phone, although you can put them on wireless phone service with a phone number like an actual phone but you can't talk on it like a phone....they are a strange animal...but even though mine is just a weak-a** cheapo POS (compared to iPad air and stuff like that) it serves my needs for the most part and I am basically happy with it and it was affordable for me....I just wish I could do the blogs on it....lol....where is Santa Claus when I need him??...he could bring me a laptop, lol....I've been a good girl, lol....

    Sherry in "back to pondering my problem" Dufur
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hey now....
    what do you ladies think, should I make that investment for something I may only use once or twice a week for maybe a couple hours worth of work??....or should I skip it, bow out gracefully and put that money away as a start toward my Subaru I want to get that would be more useful to me??? It's gonna have to be one or the other, not both....I can't afford both....so if you have any ideas, thoughts, solutions, snide comments (lol!!) or what have you....please let it fly......

    Sherry in "MFP's Vehicle Safety Director" Dufur

    Sherry - when I was broke and unemployed, I used to visit the local library and use their computers - for free - to search for work.... is there a library in The Dalles? Do they have computers? You might could be able to visit the library twice a week to update the blogs... thus saving your funds for the delights of reliable transportation... Just a thought.

    Clearly, a though everyone else had, before me... lol. Just remember - the Dalles might not have the same restrictions on the computers that they had in the big city... you might be able to upload from a flash drive... go to the Library and check it out. Who knows, you might find another great movie to watch... you can check those out at the library, too.


    Re in TX
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    OK....no, I am still, again, not done yet....lmao!!!

    Just one more post, then I'll shut up >:)

    Rita - I think the shelf that your DH made is beautiful and unique....he really has some talent with woodworking and I think that's great!! I love it when people create beautiful things with their own two hands....it shows creativity, imagination and passion....all admirable qualities in a person....tell him for me that he rocks!!!! Machine made stuff just has NO heart!

    Joyce - sweetie!!!! YAY FOR BEING UP WALKING!!! Sorry to shout but am so happy you are up and moving!!! Just don't overdo it....baby steps!.....but woman, you just keep truckin' right along!!! I'm sorry your DH is so sick....just make sure he stays hydrated as it coming out both ends as they say will dehydrate him very quickly.....lots of fluids if he can keep it down to keep his inards moisturized is the ticket....he'll eat when he feels ready....

    Well now...I logged my food and exercise in MFP tonight (I always do it at night when I know I am done for the day), synced my fitbit before starting the sleep mode on it and somehow for some unknown reason fitbit and MFP are talking to each other again like they are supposed to....I didn't do anything to either one since I uninstalled and reinstalled the fitbit app but it still wasn't working at that point....maybe one app was mad at the other app for misbehaving and gave it the silent treatment and is now "over" it....lol....gotta love technology!!....oh well, at least they are cooperating with each other now....yay, no more double-logging, glad that didn't last long....lol...

    OK, time to go to bed and yep, time for emails....I gotta get up at 7 as the TV tech (no, I'm not gonna get excited yet) is supposed to be here between 8 and 12 and I want to be up, medicated, showered and dressed by 8, just in case....wish me luck, cross your fingers, say a prayer or two or whatever you want to do to encourage the powers that be to grant me TV service this time dangit....I need all the help I can get!!...goodnight all....sweet dreams!!

    Sherry in "OK, I really am done now...lol!" Dufur
  • Bobspeg
    Bobspeg Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all. I have been tracking food and calories on MFP since August, but this is my first time posting. I have over 100 lbs to lose, and since Aug down 30 lbs. Thanksgiving killed me, and had a hard time getting back on track. Looking for tips to NOT do the same at Christmas. My downfall is always breads, not sugars. (Stuffing and rolls more than pies and cakes). Any ideas are welcome!!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning all, steady she goes is the key to this time of year.

    I love the suggestion of tea at night to stop the mindless nibbling. I also love hearing everyone picking out good choices at restaurants yeah Kim I love success stories like Sherry not fitting into those jeans, girl don't buy new--cause you are shrinking, stick with good will and get yourself a belt with a lot of notches, you are on track :D

    Joyce I am so sorry Charlie feeling poorly just when you start to feel better, stay rested as best you can.

    Beth good to have it caught in an early stage, and isn't it great to see your kid home from college? I am picking up DD tonite at the train and we're coming home to decorate the tree together- something we've always loved doing together-trying not to gush all over her, but it was pretty great to have her home at thanksgiving, hoping for the same kind of happy family time. But we've both got to work and she's gonna be home bored for much of the time. Ah well

    Steady the ship and pass up on the store bought cookies today-that is the goal o:)