December 2016 Running Challenge



  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,145 Member
    edited December 2016
    01/12 3.12 miles
    02/12 3 miles
    03/12 3 miles
    13/12 3 miles
    14/12 3 miles - there was a full moon tonight, it was lovely
    16/12 3.25 miles
    17/12 3 miles
    20/12 3 miles
    21/12 3 miles


  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    12/1 - 4.2 miles
    12/2 - 35 min elliptical (hills), weight machines
    12/3 - rest (too busy with kids' bday party!)
    12/4 - 4.32 miles
    12/5 - 35 min elliptical (hills), weight machines
    12/6 - 4.21 miles
    12/7-12/11 - unable to exercise due to migraine
    12/12 - 35 min elliptical (hills), weight machines
    12/13 - 4.27 miles
    12/14 - 35 min elliptical (hills), weight machines
    12/15 - 20 min circuit training
    12/16 - 20 min circuit training, 2.3 mile walk/run
    12/17 - rest
    12/18 - rest
    12/19 - 1.4 miles
    12/20 - 35 min elliptical, weight machines
    12/21 - 3.1 miles

    Conpleted: 23.8 miles/ 40 miles (59%)
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    Thanks, @skippygirlsmom . Pictures were taken by my husband. It could be so annoying at the moment but I've got to appreciate it more.

    @shanaber Thanks! And yes, my quads hurt too but it was more towards the side, so I was not sure if they were the IT bands or quads. I do usually get more DOMS like feeling on my quads from running (or, just walking) downhill. I wonder if the hike I had a week before helped.
  • Strandbergm
    Strandbergm Posts: 11 Member
    Update: 31.3/50 complete
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    edited December 2016
    122116 - 9 miles on treadmill at about an 8:45 pace. Felt good.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Speaking of sweaty treadmill runs... I ran 6.5 miles tonight. Played around with speed to keep it from getting too boring. Stayed mostly at 5.3 or higher, even got myself up to 6.2 for a good while. That got my HR up. :smile:
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    December Goal: Trim my Thanksgiving turkey thighs and mashed potato/pumpkin pie paunch

    12/1 rest
    12/2 4.25
    12/3 3.05
    12/4 2.40 + strength/core training
    12/5 rest
    12/6 3.80
    12/7 6.42
    12/8 2.20 + core/strength training
    12/9 snorkel 2 hours
    12/10 rest
    12/11 6.17
    12/12 4.10
    12/13 lazy
    12/14 snorkel 15 MINUTES!
    12/15 3.60
    12/16 1.25 + core/strength training
    12/17 3.80
    12/18 rest
    12/19 6.40 (1/10th mile for each birthday....)
    12/20 lazy
    12/21 3.50

    Total: 50.94

    Upcoming Races:
    12/7/16: Races For Awareness Virtual 10k for Outrun The Sun Skin Cancer Awareness

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and total to date:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I'd love to read Matt Fitzgerald's book. Alas, while for most of my life I used to live for reading, and worked in and managed bookshops, these past few years I've lost my attention span. :disappointed:

    I can read forums, Facebook, and webpages for hours on end, but just don't have the patience for books.

    Plus, now I'm even more suspicious that no-one can explain this thing. :neutral:

    Sorry, did I also explain that I'm a diehard skeptic? :smile:

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    01 Dec – 6.2 km Lake Wendouree
    03 Dec – 5.4 km including Albert Melbourne parkrun with my nephew
    04 Dec – 21.2 km Carman’s Women’s Half Marathon 2:07:59.4
    07 Dec – 5.8 km
    08 Dec – 4.3 km jog to Body Balance
    09 Dec – 4.2 km
    10 Dec – 2.6 km
    11 Dec – 10 km
    12 Dec – 6.8 km
    13 Dec – 7 km
    14 Dec – 9.2 km
    15 Dec – 8.3 km
    16 Dec – 1.7 km testing new Garmin
    17 Dec – 7.6 km including parkrun
    18 Dec – 14.8 km
    20 Dec – 10.1 km
    21 Dec – 5.1 KM
    22 Dec – 7 km

    Total: 137.6 km
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I used the treadmill setting on my garmin but I don't know what difference that makes. I noticed when I was walking the garmin was adding distance veeeerrry slowly,like I was barely moving. But then running it picked up more distance. My cadence was strangely low and my stride longer. I haven't been on a treadmill for 15 years and never as a runner so all new to me :D

    Running at the 6mph felt pretty tough compared to outside. But I swear it was 85 degrees in that fitness room.

    Yeah...same thing happened to me when I was working in Chicago. It was super hot in the hotel fitness room as soon as I walked in. I ended up cutting my run short because I ran out of water and felt like I was running in the Texas heat without any sprinklers to run through. FitnessCenters should be cold so you don't die of heat once you start exercising. I hate dreadmills too.. I feel like I go slow, and it's such a different feeling when your run is trying to avoid being thrown off the machine instead of moving forward.

    @BeeerRunner, @midwesterner85 and @greenolivetree - this is one reason I hate running on the treadmill in a hotel gym or even in my regular gym. It doesn't seem to make any difference how cool the room is I still get hot, much hotter than I do when I run outside. I think it must have something to do with how the ambient air movement outside cools our bodies or maybe it is all just in my head :wink:

    Tim Noakes book 'Waterlogged' is really interesting for discussing the science behind sweating and cooling the body, which goes some way to explain why we all feel so terrible on a treadmill (I think there ARE people who enjoy treadmills, I just haven't met them yet)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    12/1- 7.04
    12/2- 4.01
    12/3- 10.01
    12/4- REST
    12/5- 5.32
    12/6- 5.01
    12/7- 3.01
    12/8- 8.04
    12/9- 5.0
    12/10- 11.0
    12/11- Rest
    12/12- 5.21
    12/13- 5.01
    12/14- 5.4
    12/15- 4.0 after a 30 min eliptical workout.
    12/16- 6.03
    12/17- 12.06
    12/18- REST much needed rest
    12/19- 5.01
    12/20- 6.17
    12/21- 6.7
    12/22- 3.0 plus 30 minute elliptical workout

    Total: 117.36

    Nominal mileage goal: 100 miles
    Real goal, get into the swing of Marathon training, and get used to doing 3 days a week of some strength/core while running 35+ MPW

    Today's notes: Went pretty well off script today. Was supposed to run 3 miles, then do a bunch of dips and bicep curls. I really wasn't feeling like doing the upper body stuff, so I hopped on the Lateral X machine for 30 minutes to work my leg muscles some more. Nice thing about that machine, I always feel wobbly when I step off, it's a good workout for my quads, glutes, hamstrings, etc...
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 5.35 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/2 - 5 miles. Pleasant for December, about 35°
    12/3 - Bodypump class, then 2.25 miles on treadmill
    12/4 - Planned rest day.
    12/5 - 5.11 miles avoiding slippery spots.
    12/6 - Bodypump class, then 2.3 miles on treadmill.
    12/7 - 4 miles on the 'mill.
    12/8 - 4.6 more 'mill miles (Trek class was I had to run solo)
    12/9 - Unplanned rest day.
    12/10 - 2.3 miles on the treadmill, then Bodypump.
    12/11 - 4.5 'mill miles.
    12/12 - Rest day.
    12/13 - Bodypump, then 2.25 miles on treadmill.
    12/14 - 4 miles on treadmill.
    12/15 - 5.3 miles on treadmill (Trek class). Hamstrings are SORE.
    12/16 - Recovery day. Yesterday's run/class really beat me up. Hamstrings and hip hurt this morning.
    12/17 - 2.5 'mill miles, then Bodypump.
    12/18 to 20 - Nada. Dad in hospital with hiatal hernia, so no time to squeeze in a workout.
    12/21 - 4 miles on treadmill, then short upper body weight workout.
    12/22 - 5 miles on treadmill (Trek class). Lots of incline today.

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    12/1: 5 miles
    12/2: 4 miles
    12/3: 4 miles
    12/4: 11 miles
    12/5: 5 miles
    12/6: 7 miles
    12/7: rest day
    12/8: 4 miles
    12/9: rest day
    12/10: 5 miles
    12/11: 11 miles
    12/12: 4 miles
    12/13: 4 miles
    12/14: rest day
    12/15: 4 miles
    12/16: rest day
    12/17: 5 miles
    12/18: 9 miles
    12/19: 4 miles
    12/20: rest day
    12/21: 6.2 miles

    TOTAL: 92.2 miles

    I have been insanely busy lately with all the craziness of the holidays and some changes at work that I've barely been able to squeeze in some running, let alone keep up with this thread. Today is my last day of work until January 3, so hopefully I'll be able catch up soon. Hope you all are having a good holiday season!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited December 2016
    I didn't mind the treadmill other than being hot. I may hop on yet again but we've been so busy. We came to Mayo with 1 opening appointment with gastroenterology and we walked out with about 15 other appts. They are giving the hubs a full once over and covering all his medical conditions, not just the Crohn's we came for. So diabetes and kidney stones and also checks for skin cancer and bone density since medications he takes can cause problems there. So numerous tests, labs and even just education classes to help him manage and understand his health conditions. We will most like have to return in a few weeks though. It's been exhausting for sure. I'm okay other than back pain (darn car ride and hotel bed/pillows) but my husband is literally trashed. He's fallen asleep in the lobby, the cafeteria, and on an exam table. And snored! :p Keep running you guys and I hope to be burning rubber in January!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member

    I have been insanely busy lately with all the craziness of the holidays and some changes at work that I've barely been able to squeeze in some running, let alone keep up with this thread. Today is my last day of work until January 3, so hopefully I'll be able catch up soon. Hope you all are having a good holiday season!

    I hear you! I skipped my run yesterday because my husband surprised me with TSO tickets (well worth the skip!). I did a quick mile with Stella this morning and plan on a few more solo this afternoon. Last day of work before the holiday, so I plan to head out early and hopefully hit a bit of the bike path before it gets dark. Although, for those of us in the northern hemisphere, we are working with the shortest amounts of daylight here. On the bright side (yeah, pun intended), the days will start to get longer...hooray!

    We will be driving to Pittsburgh tomorrow evening to spend Christmas with my family. I think I will try to knock out my long run tomorrow morning so I don't have to worry about fitting it in while there. My mom's area does have some pretty nice bike trails though, so I am sure I will be hitting them. I plan to get at least 25 miles in over Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Just not sure yet how and when they will get done. I feel like e rebel without a plan and I love it! LOL.

    I haven't really been keeping up with my ticker. I am just north of 100 miles for the month and probably in reasonably good shape to make my goal of 160. If I don't get a chance to check in until next Monday, have a great weekend everyone and happy holidays!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @greenolivetree Glad to hear they can offer some help!
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    December goal: 100 miles
    12/1: 3.25 miles
    12/2: 2.75 miles
    12/3: 3.15 miles (m)
    12/4: Rest Day
    12/5: 5 miles (2 + 3 treadmill)
    12/6: 4 miles (m)
    12/7: 4 miles
    12/8: 4.35 miles (m)
    12/9: Rest Day
    12/10: 3.5 miles
    12/11: 5 miles (m)
    12/12: 4 miles
    12/13: 4 miles (m)
    12/14: 5 miles (m)
    12/15: 4 miles (m)
    12/16: Rest Day
    12/17: 3 miles (m)
    12/18: 7 miles (m)
    12/19: 3.5 miles (m)
    12/20: 4 miles
    12/21: 3.5 miles
    12/22: 3.5 miles (m)

    My Total/December: 76.5 miles
    Mike's Total: 47 miles

    @mom3over40 Congrats on a race well run! :)

    @Orphia You know, my husband spent 17 years running bookstores. We were big readers for years, but now he barely reads any books at all. I read less than I used to mostly due to not having time for it, but he really has a hard time getting into a book, even if it is something he is interested in. I wonder if that is a common thing for former booksellers.

    @greenolivetree Sounds like the Mayo visit was fruitful. Too bad it was also so exhausting. You and hubby take care!

    @skippygirlsmom I can SO relate to that picture! :)

    Have a fabulous rest of the day everyone!

    Completed Races:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX (35:34.2) *PR

    Upcoming Races:
    1/22 Choco Loco 10K, Houston, TX

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - love that picture!
    @orphia - I still love reading when I have time, but now I also am always listening to books. I even listen to books while running some of the time. Fiction/mystery books, not running books while running. I think that most of the world has lost attention span. I can tell you as a teacher, it seems like every year it just goes down. Teachers do not just stand and talk to kids anymore, like it was many years ago. Kids have to be doing something to learn. Adults too I suppose.

    Day 29 of Holiday Streak. Ran intervals this morning. Then took a long relaxing hot bath with epsom salt. Feel like such a bum, lol. Still some wrapping to do.
    Tomorrow is a rest day (so 1 mile for streak). Then Christmas Eve will be a long bike ride with 1 mile. Then not sure on Christmas day how far I will go.

    12/1 - 3.2 miles
    12/2 - 1.5 miles
    12/3 - 45 miles biking + 1 mile run
    12/4 - 27 miles biking + 1 mile run
    12/5 - 4 miles
    12/6 - 4 miles
    12/7 - 1 mile on treadmill for streak (after strength training)
    12/8 - 4.47 miles
    12/9 - 1 mile on treadmill for streak (after strength training)
    12/10 - 77 miles bike and 1 mile run for streak!
    12/11 - 27 miles biking and 1 mile run for streak
    12/12 - 4 miles
    12/13 - 5 miles
    12/14 - 2.1 miles - day 21 streak + strength training
    12/15 - 4.5 miles
    12/16 - 1.5 miles
    12/17 = 44 miles biking + 1 mile run
    12/18 - 27 miles biking + 1 mile run
    12/19 - 4 miles
    12/20 - 6.07 miles
    12/21 - 5.02 miles
    12/22 - 5.4 miles

    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for December
    12/1 6 miles - 6
    12/2 4 miles - 10
    12/3 12 miles - 22
    12/4 REST DAY
    12/5 5 miles - 27
    12/6 4 miles - 31
    12/7 REST DAY
    12/8 3.5 miles - 34.5
    12/9 REST DAY
    12/10 26.4 - 60.9
    12/11 REST DAY
    12/12 REST DAY
    12/13 REST DAY
    12/14 REST DAY
    12/15 4 miles - 64.9
    12/16 REST DAY
    12/17 REST DAY
    12/18 REST DAY
    12/19 6.5 miles 71.4
    12/20 6.2 miles 77.6
    12/21 4 miles - 81.6
    12/22 8 miles - 89.6


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12 << 1:35:55 2 in AG & 25 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10 << 2:44:41
    Kentucky Derby Marathon - 4/29