Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Have been a horrible tracker lately. I would really just like to track everything Monday-Friday this week.

    1. Finish and pre-track exercise plan for the week :)
    2. Track all food :)
    3. 40 situps at home :(
    4. 2+ hours Latin social dancing :smiley: danced really hard for 4 hours
    5. 10+ cups water :)

    1. Track all food
    3. 60 situps
    4. Swim a mile
    5. 10+ cups water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Ok, so I made it through until 4pm yesterday before cracking and eating office snacks. That was totally emotional driven - I had just discovered yet another problem I was going to have to sort out and it was like 'oh sod it....'

    Went downhill from there really, I ended up ordering unhealthy options in my evening out and went for wine even though I wasn't supposed to.

    Having said that, let's look at the positives:
    - I made it to 4pm without cracking - a massive improvement on recently!
    - I did switch to low cal g&t halfway through my evening
    - Lunch was very low calorie

    Today I'm really going to do it! Not going out this evening so all I need to do is resist the snacks in the office.

    Trying something new: I'll buy a 100 cal chocolate bar to eat at the end of the day if I've managed not to eat them. If I have eaten them, i have to throw it in the bin.... let's see if this works!

    So that's my only commitment for the day: DON'T EAT THE SNACKS!!!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 thanks for your support - comforting to know I'm not the only one struggling! Good luck for your weigh in - hopefully it's not as bad as you expect. I weighed in this morning and it was less than I expected - the way I've been eating it could well have been half a stone... but was about 4 lb in the end. You might be lucky too! My weigh in wasn't too far away from a stone barrier that I don't want to go back over though so that's quite motivating to try harder!

  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    Tonight I am going to go to bed early and get a good night sleep.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited December 2016

    1. Track all food :)
    3. 60 situps :(
    4. Swim a mile :( decided that sleep was a more urgent health need than exercise
    5. 10+ cups water :)

    1. Track all food
    2. Under 75G carbs
    3. 60 situps
    4. Weight workout
    5. 10+ cups water
  • kipwi
    kipwi Posts: 11 Member
    1.) don't eat any of the cookies and treats in the break room!
    2.) come home for lunch instead of going out
    3.) power through leg day!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Track all food :smile:
    2. Under 75G carbs :smile:
    3. 60 situps :smile:
    4. Weight workout : also did an hour of belly dancing
    5. 10+ cups water :) 14

    1. Track all food
    2. Under 100 G carbs
    3. 40 sit-ups
    4. Swim a mile
    5. At least two hours Latin social dance
    6. 12+ cups water
  • Tnguy865
    Tnguy865 Posts: 45 Member
    Dailey core de force workout , weight and stretching. Cut out breads and refined sugars ! Stay mentally tuff !oh get my water in , is a must !
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today I'm going to be good - not going out today, so can give myself a rest from all the December eating!

    Commitments are:

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - No alcohol
    - Stay within calories. It's probably the only day over the holidays that this will be possible, so bloody do it!!!
    - plan when to do things over the holidays
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Well, you know I've been bad when I don't log on here for 4 days! UGH. I take a few steps forward and immediately go back 5. Holidays are really hard to not overeat...

    Just For Today: Tuesday, 12/27:
    1. Eat only what is on my plan and journal EVERY bite. Yes, only one tiny cookie DOES count!
    2. 30 minutes of activity today
    3. Smile and try not to be irritated with colleagues or students today. It's not their fault I'm tired because I stayed up too late last night.
    4. Hide all holiday baked goods out of my sight when I get home tonight. Better yet, have husband hide them from me.
    5. HYDRATE with WATER!
    6. Pack tomorrow's breakfast and lunch, tonight.
    7. Gratitude journal

    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just For Today: Tuesday, 12/27:
    1. Eat only what is on my plan and journal EVERY bite. Yes, only one tiny cookie DOES count! :s
    2. 30 minutes of activity today :s
    3. Smile and try not to be irritated with colleagues or students today. It's not their fault I'm tired because I stayed up too late last night. :)
    4. Hide all holiday baked goods out of my sight when I get home tonight. Better yet, have husband hide them from me. :s
    5. HYDRATE with WATER! :/
    6. Pack tomorrow's breakfast and lunch, tonight. :/
    7. Gratitude journal :/

    Wow. Zero of 7. A new low for me! Trying desperately to get back on track and having a horrible time. But here goes...trying again today.

    JFT - Wednesday, 12/28
    1. Eat only what is on my plan and journal EVERY bite.
    2. 30 minutes of activity today
    3. Smile and try not to let small stuff annoy me today.
    4. Ask my husband to hide Christmas cookies and goodies from me. Out of sight, out of mind.
    5. HYDRATE with WATER!
    6. Get ready for tomorrow, tonight.
    7. Gratitude journal

    Have a great day everyone!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    OK, back to tracking and setting goals today!

    1. under 100G carbs
    2. weight workout
    3. 60 situps
    4. ten pushups (need to be back in practice for Zumba Strong)
    5. at least an hour of Latin social dance (bachata)
    6. 10+ cups water
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    JFT - Wednesday, 12/28
    1. Eat only what is on my plan and journal EVERY bite. :)
    2. 30 minutes of activity today :( Had physical therapy on my ankle and foot yesterday and could hardly move! Still hurting today. So, I will give myself a break on this one. Maybe tonight?
    3. Smile and try not to let small stuff annoy me today. :)
    4. Ask my husband to hide Christmas cookies and goodies from me. Out of sight, out of mind. :D
    5. HYDRATE with WATER! ;) Kinda...not as much as I should have but I did stop the coffee earlier in the day.
    6. Get ready for tomorrow, tonight. :) Got to work in time for my morning meeting and didn't get held up trying to pack a lunch. Yea! Good thing, because it was with my boss.
    7. Gratitude journal o:) Done deal! Felt good to think about happy things that have been happening rather than focusing on the bad. The bad gets way too much of my energy some days!

    Just for Today: Thursday 12/29
    1. Eat only what is on my plan. No CRAP shall pass these lips. LOL!
    2. Hydrate!
    3. Compliment my colleagues. Lift them up, not put them down like so many others are doing right now. Negativity helps nobody and solves nothing. Do not get caught up in it. Happy thoughts!
    4. Activity for 30 minutes tonight
    5. Set up my work station at home tonight so I can work from my home office tomorrow.
    6. Bed one hour early to wind down, unplug and journal or read.

  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    I know you can do it!
  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    I am going to stick to trying to accomplish one goal each day until I know that I am able to successfully do it! Then I will gradually increase my goals list.

    My goal for Friday December 29, 2016 is to walk 5000 steps!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. under 100G carbs :neutral:
    2. weight workout :smiley:
    3. 60 situps :smiley: 80
    4. ten pushups (need to be back in practice for Zumba Strong) :(
    5. at least an hour of Latin social dance (bachata) :smiley: 3 hours of bachata and salsa
    6. 10+ cups water :smiley: 14+

    1. under 100G carbs
    2. belly dance for 60 minutes
    3. ten pushups
    4. 10+ cups water
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I am going to stick to trying to accomplish one goal each day until I know that I am able to successfully do it! Then I will gradually increase my goals list.

    My goal for Friday December 29, 2016 is to walk 5000 steps!

    This is a great idea! I oftentimes feel I'm setting myself up for failure because I set so many goals for myself! Good luck with the 5000 steps! I haven't hit 5000 steps in a day all week, so maybe this should be mine also! :blush:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Today: Thursday 12/29
    1. Eat only what is on my plan. No CRAP shall pass these lips. LOL! :smile: Did it! Not easy with a triple layer chocolate pie in my freezer, but I did it!
    2. Hydrate! :neutral: I need to up my game on this one today. I can do better.
    3. Compliment my colleagues. Lift them up, not put them down like so many others are doing right now. Negativity helps nobody and solves nothing. Do not get caught up in it. Happy thoughts! :smiley: Was a great day!
    4. Activity for 30 minutes tonight :neutral: My bad.
    5. Set up my work station at home tonight so I can work from my home office tomorrow. :smiley: Working in my sweats as I type this! Love work-from-home days.
    6. Bed one hour early to wind down, unplug and journal or read. :neutral: I did read, but I worked at home until about 9:00, so I didn't go to bed and wind down early. So....kind of?

    Just for Today: Friday, 12/31
    1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
    2. Eat within my meal plan and journal every single bite.
    3. Take something out of freezer and actually cook a healthy meal tonight instead of grabbing something quick and easy
    4. Work my 8 hours today and then quit for the week. Salary does not mean you absolutely HAVE to work a ton of overtime every week. Start your holiday weekend at 3:00 today.
    5. Write a letter and mail it to someone I haven't talked to in awhile. It's a lost art and who doesn't love getting something in the mail other than bills?
    6. One random act of kindness today
    7. 5000 steps on my FitBit today. No excuses!
    8. Bed one hour early and wind down, unplug, read and journal.

    Happy Friday everyone!
    Tracie in WI
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    No alcohol, day 3? I got this!!!!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. under 100G carbs :)
    2. belly dance for 60 minutes :)
    3. ten pushups :)
    4. 10+ cups water :)

    1. under 100G carbs
    2. swim...or maybe take a rest day (sort, getting a ton of exercise over the weekend)
    3. ten pushups
    4. prep food for the weekend
    5. 10+ cups water