Looking for women who need to lose 30-50 pounds and would love a weight loss buddy!?!



  • quartknee11
    quartknee11 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 21 and also at my highest (nearing 200 lbs). So I actually have about 60-70 to lose. I'm starting 100% tomorrow. I already ate terribly today but will be eating right the rest of the day and going to the gym after work. I'm going to add you and everyone else as well. The support from everyone will be a big help I think :)
  • Haleycz496
    Haleycz496 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me! 23 and the highest I've ever weighed as well (college killed me)! I have about 40 to lose!
  • monicamartinez2004
    monicamartinez2004 Posts: 12 Member
    @quartknee11 you can do this! I remember being 21 5'8 and weighing in around and 180's throughout the years my weight slowly creeped up on me. I remember telling myself that there was no way in hell I would ever let myself get over 200lbs! I hit my highest of 233 this year!
    I don't feel like me! I never have energy, I get exhausted going up stairs etc. I know if I don't start taking control it the number on the scale will only increase! Let's do this and take control!
    Lots of love! Monica

  • auranya
    auranya Posts: 56 Member
    50lb also to lose here.
  • sydney_bosque
    sydney_bosque Posts: 42 Member
    Please add me! I'm also 27 and the heaviest I've ever been. I blame it on having kids, but it's really just my lack of motivation. I have decided to get my pre-baby body back before we have another one, so I'm hoping to lose about 20 lbs before April, but my goal is 50 lbs total. I just want to start making healthy choices now so I don't end up one of those fat moms that's got a great personality and flabby arms :(

    I weighed 220 before vacation in December. Oddly enough, I came back and weighed 214. Not complaining! But I'm also not satisfied until I get back into the 100s at least.
  • sydney_bosque
    sydney_bosque Posts: 42 Member
    @quartknee11 you can do this! I remember being 21 5'8 and weighing in around and 180's throughout the years my weight slowly creeped up on me. I remember telling myself that there was no way in hell I would ever let myself get over 200lbs! I hit my highest of 233 this year!
    I don't feel like me! I never have energy, I get exhausted going up stairs etc. I know if I don't start taking control it the number on the scale will only increase! Let's do this and take control!
    Lots of love! Monica

    This is exactly me. I'm 5'8 and always hovered around 170-180. My mom always told me I should be 135 (ha), but I was a comfortable size 8 all through college. Now two babies later and I am well into the 200s; where I swore I would never be. I know I will never be 135, but I also have had to stop blaming my build for my weight. Which my dad does. At some point, it's just because I eat too much chocolate lol.
  • mellicopter699
    mellicopter699 Posts: 3 Member
    Im looking to lose 25lbs! Always happy to add new friends!!
  • Insain1
    Insain1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey add me. Im looking to lose weight again ive put on over a stone and need motivation to lose it. I usually go solo and just log food but could do with motivation now.
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    Feel free to add me! I turned 30 in December and I am also at the highest weight I have ever been. I have about 65lbs to lose.
  • MyLifeMyYear2017
    MyLifeMyYear2017 Posts: 35 Member
    Tried to message you.
  • darkuslouise
    darkuslouise Posts: 1 Member
    I too have about 40 lbs to lose. Have been busy taking care of my wonderful family and forgot to take care of me.LOL Lets do this!!! :)
  • KetoKattt
    KetoKattt Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 31 and want to lose 60 this year! Feel free to add :)
  • Shellsbells1985
    Shellsbells1985 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm down 13lbs already but got another 28 to go before I re-evaluate and see if I want to lose more. Feel free to add me - the more motivation the better! We got this. X
  • irishcailin2012
    irishcailin2012 Posts: 47 Member
    You can add me too. Messaged you but saying error. I too am the heaviest I've ever been and this has to be the year I change, we can all do it together
  • Candiceremaley
    Candiceremaley Posts: 11 Member
    I need to lose about 50 lbs this is gonna be the year I do it. I've tried before and kept failing, but this time I even quit smoking so with eating right and using my fitness pal and exercise I think I'll do it i started last week and I measure my belly last week it was 42 inches now it's 39.5. So I have to be doing something right
  • misserin122
    misserin122 Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm turning 26 in a few weeks and I'm the heaviest I've ever been, as well. I have about 50 lbs to lose and always happy to add new friends. :)
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    I am in too! I've lost 40 lbs so far just by going to the gym. I need to lose about 30lbs more! Let's do it! Feel free to add me.
  • meem548
    meem548 Posts: 82 Member
    Happy to meet some new people too! Need to kick start my weight loss again. Have to wear a swimsuit next month! :neutral:
  • dvine0722
    dvine0722 Posts: 8 Member
    Add me too.. looking to lose 55lbs
  • TMW2119
    TMW2119 Posts: 178 Member
    You can add me. 35 years old and really uncertain of how many pounds I want to lose. I've lost 13 so far on a 1200 calorie daily intake. The weight loss, while needed, is a bi-product of attempting to lower my cholesterol. I will worry about the lbs once I've got that number under control.