90 Day Transformation Challenge - Jan 1 thru March 31



  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 1,045 Member
    astroamy wrote: »
    Happy New Year!!

    Introduction: My name is Amy and I am 48 years old, mom of 2 kids, live in a small town in New Mexico. I've been at this since Feb last year and have lost about 65 lbs, want to lose 20 more. I have been on a 2 week vacation oversees (Australia) visiting my in-laws for Christmas and have no doubt I gained, didn't manage to exercise much there for a variety of reasons and my sugar intake was high because Christmas.
    Nutrition goals: Main one is to control the sugar. I am going to limit added sugar to 20g/day. I would like to have my weekly average gross calories ~<1500.
    Fitness goals: Exercise 6 days a week, walk 2 miles on my "off day". 2 days-running, 2 days-swimming, 2-days weight training. This will be my biggest challenge.
    Measurements: I will report weight and measurements tomorrow. I haven't weighed myself today, was starting tomorrow. I am 5'8", wear M/L top, pant size 12.

    Ok, measurements (goals in parenthesis):
    Weight: 185.5
    Chest: 42.5
    Waist: 37.5
    Hips: 45
    Thigh: 22.5
    Calf: 15.5

    Goal weight for challenge: 168.5
    I won't put goals for my measurements because I find those go down somewhat randomly.
  • dfabiano972
    dfabiano972 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm excited to challenge myself over the next 90 days with all of you. I'm a 44 year old mother of 1 and wife. I've put on so much weight over the past 2 years and have gotten way off track. I want to make reasonable but challenging goals for myself. I didn't put the weight on overnight and I don't expect it to come off overnight either. It's going to take dedication, hard work, preparation and will power.

    Nutrition goals for this 90 days-Clean eating with meal prepping (lean turkey, chicken and white fish, good green veggies), no alcohol, no eating out, no sugar, lower dairy intake, 1 gallon of water per day-no exceptions
    Fitness goals for 90 days – Beginning with cardio to get me back on track, then working up to adding weight training-Upper, lower, full body, upper then lower--2 days of weight training rest but staying active with cardio, bike riding, walking, etc.
    Beginner stats – measurements, weight and/or pics – I will update stats tomorrow morning

  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hi all, I would like to join in too.

    Introduction: My name is Cindy, age 52. I joined MFP 5 years ago now and roller-coasted since. At the time I was 50 lbs more than now and had just quit smoking after 30 years plus a sedentary lifestyle & was basically forced by the ensuing medical issues. I have not been active on the boards in a couple of years and am hoping that some new active friends and public postings will motivate me once again. Anyone, feel free to add me.

    Nutrition goals for this 90 days: This is generally my failure. I LOVE to eat. So goals are: Severely limit refined carbs, green smoothies once a day for a meal replacement, and a vegetarian day once every 3. No more than 500+/or- net 1500 calories per day. I find that If I stick to this, I have success.

    Fitness goals for 90 days – My issues here tend to be over-doing not under. My plan is to try and stick to my spring HM/late summer HIM training plan and No MORE. More = injury, I must remember that.

    Beginner stats – Current 5' 6" tall and muscular 175.5 lbs this am. What is truly unacceptable is my stomach at 36" which is where I'm holding all my fat.

    Goal: I would really like to be 160-165 lbs if most of it come off my tummy. That 10-15 lbs should be doable by March IF I focus.
    So hoping we can reach goals together :)
  • damachine60
    damachine60 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, hope I am not too late tot join. I'm Janique. I'm 43 yo and have been yo yo ing for a number of years. In October I started trying to work out at least 5 days a week, in Nov I started working on healthier eating and in December I tried to integrate the two. Hopefully I am in a good place to start the year off right.

    Nutrition goals for this 90 days BE SPECIFIC!: Getting in at least 120 gram of protein daily
    Fitness goals for 90 days – AGAIN SPECIFIC! Completing T25 workout program, drop 21 pounds
    Beginner stats – measurements, weight and/or pics : weight 171, waist 40, hips 45-hope to drop 5 inches in each area!

    Looking forward to starting! Join me!
  • Ecticon
    Ecticon Posts: 6 Member

    Ok, measurements
    Weight: 234.5
    Chest: 47
    Waist: 48
    Hips: 42
    Thigh: 24.5
    Calf: 18.5
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    Hi all! I will be 42 in five days. I am ready for a transformation.

    Beginner stats –298lbs
    Nutrition goals: 10 cups of water per day and stay under calorie goal of 1600.
    Fitness goals for 90 days: 45 mins of exercise 5 days per week
    Goal: Lose 25lbs
  • dcsnow99
    dcsnow99 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, I am a 35yo mom of with two kids. I saw this challenge and think it will help me stay on track with my goal to be more fit and eat better in 2017. The last year and a half has been fairly difficult, I got an injury that limited my ability to exercise for several weeks and took months to recover from. I also had some other health issues and lost my father in the Spring and grandmother just a few weeks ago. Between the lack of exercise and overeating from grief my weight has been climbing. I was able to lose some of the weight this fall but gained about 5 pounds in December (hopefully its mostly water)

    My Goals for this challenge:
    Eating: No eating after 8pm, watch my portions, especially snacks (they tend to turn into large meals calorie wise) eat more fruits and veggies Try to log my food intake at least 3 days a week. Drink atleast 64oz of water a day.
    Fitness: work out for 2.5 hours a week, get a wake-up workout done 5 days a week (8-15min)

    I would like the above to result in a 0.5 lb loss per week.

    Beginner stats-
    Current weight-157.4
    Bust: 34in
    Waist: 28-3/4in
    Hips: 41-1/2in

  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    butters1 wrote: »
    Hi all, I would like to join in too.

    Introduction: My name is Cindy, age 52. I joined MFP 5 years ago now and roller-coasted since. At the time I was 50 lbs more than now and had just quit smoking after 30 years plus a sedentary lifestyle & was basically forced by the ensuing medical issues. I have not been active on the boards in a couple of years and am hoping that some new active friends and public postings will motivate me once again. Anyone, feel free to add me.

    Nutrition goals for this 90 days: This is generally my failure. I LOVE to eat. So goals are: Severely limit refined carbs, green smoothies once a day for a meal replacement, and a vegetarian day once every 3. No more than 500+/or- net 1500 calories per day. I find that If I stick to this, I have success.

    Fitness goals for 90 days – My issues here tend to be over-doing not under. My plan is to try and stick to my spring HM/late summer HIM training plan and No MORE. More = injury, I must remember that.

    Beginner stats – Current 5' 6" tall and muscular 175.5 lbs this am. What is truly unacceptable is my stomach at 36" which is where I'm holding all my fat.

    Goal: I would really like to be 160-165 lbs if most of it come off my tummy. That 10-15 lbs should be doable by March IF I focus.
    So hoping we can reach goals together :)

    Did HIM and I'M races myself and you are sooooo right, more isn't better! Glad to have you aboard!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello! I would love to join! I hope it's not too late! I am back up to 154 after losing 51 pounds and being down to 135. I am crushed but after this past year and knowing I let stress get the best of me, I am ready to be back and get back down to 130s.

    I am going to be keeping my calories between 1200-1500 per day. I am going to be running 3+ times a week getting in at least 10 miles a week running. I will try to lift 1-2 times a week if I can, but running is my stress reliever and if I had to pick I would choose to run.

    I am doing this! I did it in 2014, I am going to do it again now. I don't know why my eating habits went back to being crappy, but I know I'm not ever wanting to go back to the 180s where I was before I lost 51 pounds. I need these 20 back off!

    I look forward to doing this challenge with all of you!!!

  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    Jan 2 update - rower complete and food prepped for next 5 days. Hit my macros today! Good start to the new year.

    Challenge Goal Tally To Date
    Strength: 1/38
    Cardio: 1/26
    Stretch: 0/13
    Rest: 0/13
    Macros: 1/77 (77/90 = 85%)

  • hbarnes1216
    hbarnes1216 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a 30 year old SAHM with 2 kids. I lost about 20lbs after having baby #2 last January.

    Nutrition: Stay within 1200-1300 calories daily. Drink 80-100oz daily.
    Exercise: Workout/DVDs 3-4 times per week with an increase to 5 times per week by the end of this challenge.
    Beginner Stats: (1/2/17) 133.0 lbs
    Goals: Lose about 10lbs but also concentrating on how clothes fit.
  • pytnurse
    pytnurse Posts: 10 Member
    Please add me....goal for 90 days is 25lbs, overall goal is 40. Starting weight is 210.
    I WILL get 10,000 steps daily.
    I WILL cut out added sugar.
    I WILL plan my meals.
  • pytnurse
    pytnurse Posts: 10 Member
    Forgot to introduce myself.....49yo nurse, mom of two adult children. I want to be healthy and look good in jeans!
  • Martb80
    Martb80 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone, I'd like to join this group. I am a 36 year old female. I have struggled with my weight for the past year or so. I went from 145 lbs to my current weight of 169lbs. I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

    my nutrition goal is to eat from 1350 to 1550 calories a day. Incorporate more veggies and fruits to my diet and drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. I am also trying to stay away from fast foods and junk food. I plan to track my meals daily.

    My fitness goal is to workout at the gym 4 to 5 days a week for 30 min to an hour and to include weight training 3 days a week.

    Beginning weight-169 lbs
    Goal weight-139
  • LAXDad26
    LAXDad26 Posts: 3 Member
    Please count me in.

    My 90 day goals are as follows:

    1) lose 1.5 pounds per week
    2) work out 3x+ per week
    3) 10,000 steps per day, 5 days or more per week

    If I hit my goals, I will have lost 18 pounds. More detail and measurements coming later.

  • hayb54
    hayb54 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hey guys!☺
    23 year old student, 5ft7 and started out a few years ago at 285, now I'm 230 as of this morning. Have hovered around 220 and 250 for about two years but would love to get into the 100s- something I've never done before!!

    My nutrition goals are 1500 call a day, mostly protein and 80g of carbs a day. I'm doing a No Junk Jan were I ban myself from any takeout this month (something I struggle when studying with
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Emily, 24 years old, in my final year as a student! I'm 5'5'' and currently 144lbs. At my heaviest I was 158lbs, I managed to drop to 130lbs about 18 months ago, I looked and felt better and healthier than I have in my whole life so I've decided to make this my goal. Ideally I'm aiming to achieve this by March 17th (my 25th birthday!) but my absolute essential goal date is July 9th, as this is my graduation ball and I want to feel amazing! I've not got a tape measure atm but I'll update later with measurements :smile:

    My nutrition goals are to eat 1200-1400 calories per day, I'm sticking with the MFP macro ratio and goals, but carbs must be healthy whole grains, nothing overly processed or sugary! I'm cutting out alcohol, (apart from this Friday, I have a big night out planned with some friends!)

    I've ordered a new recipe book called Salad Love, I have a couple of go-to salads that get boring pretty quick, this book has a different salad for every weekday of the year and I'm hoping it'll spice up my lunch time leaves and make me more excited about leafy lunches.

    My exercise goals are to achieve 3 1/2 hours of cardio per week, plus 1 strength training routine with hand weights and my yoga mat each day.

    I'm heading back to university tomorrow so I'm going to start my health drive from then, excited to get going with you all!

    Em x

  • JamieSagers
    JamieSagers Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Im Jamie. I will be turning 40 in May and want to be a fabulous 40 and the best shape of my life. Goal: 40 pds less than I am now and I will make it happen! I have done it before, 4x actually. I have 5 children, my youngest just turned a year and being so busy I havent gotten the baby weight off, yet. Oh I will!
    Lift- M,W,F- follow Venus factor weight program
    CARDIO-T,Th,S- at gym or home...goal: sweat.

    Food: start eating at 12 stop at 8. Log all food, cal goal: 1300/day except for eatup day 1x week at 1700 cals. Drink my water daily and meal prep for success every monday.

    Stats: 5'3, 173pds measurements: waist:36, hips 41, thigh 23.

    Friend me. Change is happening people. Back to my fitness instructor body, here I come, will be your cheerleader too! Lets be finishers, not just starters.
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    Happy New Year! This group sounds wonderful. I moved to the midwest 4 years ago and started gaining weight. I am just shy of a 20 pound gain...eeks. I need to take back control of me. I also suffer with migraines and know eating badly is not helping. I need accountability and hope participating will help me reach my goals. I am 51, married with 2 children. My husband is joining me in improving our eating habits. (Thank goodness - that should help) We just started today doing the Perricone 3 day diet together to jump start ourselves in eating healthy.

    Strength- attend a weight class 2-3x a week
    Cardio- spin class 2-3x a week
    Flexibility- 2x a week- Barre/Yoga/Pilates
    Nutrition- Increase fruits and vegetables 5-6 servings a day, Protein with every meal. NO! late night snacking. Increase water intake. Track everything I eat

    Current Measuremants:
    Weight: 132.6
    Waist: 28in
    Chest: 33in
    Hips: 37in
    Bicep unflexed: 9.5in
    Thigh: 19 in

    Off to Spin class...