Creepiest MFPers?!?



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You know I used to get offended by these creepy messages but now I just roll with them and it's a lot easier. Me and @motorsheen are pretty much in love, me and @_unsteady_ meet once a week at the Dairy Queen, @Cutaway_Collar and I exchange closet selfies every morning and pick out each others outfits and @GnothiSeauton23 and I will be posting from a bath tub next week. They ain't all creepers!

    but you do know they are all two timing you??
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    lauamy96 wrote: »
    I try to be creepy but I'm also only like 35 inches tall so it goes unnoticed

    Do you have a flat head?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    You know I used to get offended by these creepy messages but now I just roll with them and it's a lot easier. Me and @motorsheen are pretty much in love, me and @_unsteady_ meet once a week at the Dairy Queen, @Cutaway_Collar and I exchange closet selfies every morning and pick out each others outfits and @GnothiSeauton23 and I will be posting from a bath tub next week. They ain't all creepers!

    but you do know they are all two timing you??

    It's not two timing if she joins in. ;)

    I mean creeping others besides her.. I guess I should show my self out now.
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I'm to the point that I keep conversations to a minimum as well as my friends list. I've had my share of creepers and I'm pretty done. Also, I'm not sharing personal information with anyone. If you can't message me here then we can't talk, sorry not sorry.

    ^^^ I second that
  • JLAJ81
    JLAJ81 Posts: 2,477 Member
    Now I feel like a real creeper:(
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    You want to blast the guy for being creepy but you gave him your number to text you while being in a relationship with another guy? Come on now... you liked the attention or you would have never given him the digits.

    Oh, so if I'm married, I can't give my number to another woman to text with?
  • JLAJ81
    JLAJ81 Posts: 2,477 Member
    Now I feel like a real creeper:(

    I don't feel bad at all. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. How am I supposed to know if you want me to send pics of my kitty if I don't put myself out there and ask.
    Wait...did you ask me that and I missed it? Crap I've been taking pics of my dog all hoping to get some kitty pics in return.
  • benjaminhk
    benjaminhk Posts: 353 Member
    lmxxox wrote: »
    Back when I first joined, I was sent a friend request by a guy that had a lot of the same goals as myself. We talked for weeks and weeks on end (motivating eachother, weightloss advice, our interests, etc. Nothing weird) and he asked if we could possibly text since myfitnesspal really doesn't have the ideal messaging system.

    I was a bit put off but said okay and we started texting. LITERALLY the first text and things get weird. He's calling me his baby, asking who else I was talking to on here, saying that nobody is as good for me as he is (I was in a relationship and he knew this), saying he wanted to break my boyfriend and I up. Legit a completely different dude than who i was conversing with on here. He would CALL ME at 4am to say good morning and ask me about the dreams i was having (funny enough I never answered any of his calls) and all that fun jazz.

    About a week later I just blocked his number and he tried messaging me on Facebook. And on Instagram. Which I told him neither of. The dude even messaged me on Pinterest which was hilarious.

    Haven't heard from him in over a year. I'm sure he still lurks about this website.

    But yeah, that's my 2:07am I can't sleep so let's tell stories story. Have you ever had a mfp creeper? I wanna hear about it!

    Just to be clear, there's the fun creepers and the make you feel like you need to shower creeper lol.

    You should sell this story to Lifetime. It would make a great made-for-TV movie. They'd have to spice it up a little by having point-of-view camera shots from right outside your bedroom window but otherwise this is plenty creepy.