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90 Day Transformation Challenge - Jan 1 thru March 31



  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Update to Jan 3rd:
    Nutrician: Good days only 1/3. Slow start due to holiday. Should improve.
    Excercise: 2/3 days. ok with this.
    Weight: SW 175.5. CW 174.0. Likely a fluke.

    Today should be the start of a good streak. Hit the grocery yesterday for lots of healthy items. And it's a run day...love those!

    Hope everyone is making progess on your goals.

  • Frozenflames
    Frozenflames Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'd love to join this challenge. It's perfect timing for me, as I'll be standing next to my sister on her wedding day on March 24th. I'm soooo thrilled to be her Maid of Honor and be a huge part of her special day, but maybe a little less huge!

    I currently weigh 194 lbs (measurements to come). Realistically I think I can lose 20 lbs in time for the wedding. My nutrition goal is to stay around 1200 calories and limit carbs (cutting bad carbs completely). I will be eating lean meats and fish, and TONS of veggies.

    I slipped a disc in my back a year ago (hence the weight gain), and I'm still recovering, but I'm much better, and my PT says I can begin a regular work our regimen. I already do yoga every day for my back, and I plan on adding strength training and 1/2 hr of cardio 4 times a week. I'm horribly out of shape, so I'll have to build up the cardio starting at 1/2 hour and increasing from there.

    I can't wait to take my dress in for alterations once I lose some lbs!!
  • pslindeman
    pslindeman Posts: 47 Member
    One day at a time - you got this!
  • pslindeman
    pslindeman Posts: 47 Member
    I started one week ago today! My plan is lose 20 pounds by eating lean protein, lots of veggies and fruit and complex carbs-I've eliminated all bad carbs-plus working out daily from walking-to circuit training to intense cardio-In 8 days I've lost 2.3 pounds.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,857 Member
    i have not worked out in 2 days :( i decided to take monday off, then yesterday i didnt dorkout because i had an aweful side ache that i could barely stand up straight with, i still have it today, but hopefully its gone this afternoon so i can get my workout in. (and before anyone panics, the side aches are NOT appendicitis.ive had them since i was a kid, Its gas build up in my intestines, nothing anyone can do about it)

    monday i ate not the best, but other than that, im sticking to my calories
  • pslindeman
    pslindeman Posts: 47 Member
    Maybe just walk if your side still hurts - all exercise counts
  • fabrizio559
    fabrizio559 Posts: 23 Member
    This is a great challenge for me as I turn 40 on 1-6-17 and Transformation Challenge is just what I need.

    1. Nutrition Goals: Keep calories in the 1800 range while using portion control, avoiding sugar and reducing carbs
    2. Fitness Goals: upping my step count to 10,000 while trying to work through hyper mobility diagnosis starting with anaerobic exercises. For cardio, biking 30 minutes (starting every other day working up to every day as my
    3. Stats:
    - weight: 260.
    - msmts: 40-42-55

    For health reason my main concern is my legs, so hopefully as the weight comes off I will see a big change there.
    Looking forward 2017!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,857 Member
    it hurts so bad to even walk, but i got my 10,000 steps in yesterday since im back at work, i walk alot at work as a school nurse
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    edited January 2017
    Nutrition goals for this 90 days BE SPECIFIC! = Eat meat. I'm anemic and my GP wants me to eat fish 4 nights a week and red meat or turkey for 3 nights each week. I would also like to aim to eat under maintenance for the full 3 months.

    Fitness goals for 90 days – AGAIN SPECIFIC! Work out and burn at least 3000calories per week. 3-5days per week. Start lifting again and increase weights over each month of the challenge.

    Beginner stats – measurements, weight and/or pics – WHAT GETS MEASURED GETS IMPROVED =218 around the 1st of Jan, pretty sure I'm holding water weight though, due to all the salt i ate over the holiday break. Should weigh about 210-212. hoping to get to get back down to that by the end of the week. IF i do, i'm hoping to get to 180 by the end of the challenge. I have my measurements in a word doc, but i'm on my phone atm. but i'd like to also go down a size. Will post measurements when I have the chance.
  • lanna91
    lanna91 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    I would like to join too! i started yesterday technically.
    I am a 25 year old financial adviser. I would like to compete in another NPC Bikini Competition. i haven't in 4 years and feel the pull to try and get back on stage and down to where i was when i was competing in my off season which is about 20 pounds, and 30 pounds to get on stage.

    Nutrition Goals: 1800 calories 158 protein, 180 carbs, 50 fat. my goals are to stay within these macros 5+/- on any given day. Yesterday i didnt hit it quite right but i think by the end of the week i should be doing better.

    Fitness goals: i would like to get the splits, and some variation of a hand stand doing my aerial yoga daily, or as close to as i can. I will also be doing fasted cardio for 45 minutes 5 days a week for january, then up to 6 days in feb. I will also being doing 5 days of weight training.

    stats: currently: 5'5". 162 lbs. not completely sure on my measurements but will take them and photos tonight.
    goal weight: 135-140 lbs.
    goal stage weight: 125 lbs
  • lucky31charm
    lucky31charm Posts: 11 Member
    Nutrition goals: Eat less sweets and drink less sodas and juices. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day and track calories daily
    Fitness goals for 90 days – Walk at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week
    Beginner Stats:
  • sjharrit
    sjharrit Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I would love to join. I am getting married on 26th May and my dress shows my arms and back.

    Nutrion Goals - Complete Dry January, drink more water and try and aim to achieve the Lean in 15 Joe Wicks method of carbohydrates on training days only.

    Fitness Goals - I joined an expensive gym in December and have been using it 4 times a week and want to continue this. The aim is to swim once or twice a week, attend yoga on a Friday night when my son is with his dad and do a spinning class and HIT session on a Sat and Sun.

    Stats: Height 5ft 4 and weight is 12 stone.
    I would love to be 10stone by the end of May but would be happy with 10stone 5 and continue to work to 10 stone before our honeymoon in August.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    still working through a shoulder pain but walking with my hand in a coat pocket keeps it from swinging so keeps pain to a minimum - pt and 2 walks before lunch doing good today :smiley:
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    I also want to join! I will do all of my measurements tonight.

    I just joined Orange Theory Fitness- I want to go minimum 3 times a week

    Stick to my 1200 calories and DRINK MORE WATER!!
  • rpwpyw
    rpwpyw Posts: 6 Member
    Well, I'm a little late to join but better late than never as the saying goes. two years ago I started a fitness program of exercise and improved diet. ( I had a 50 year high school reunion to attend that June) yes, I am 70 years old now. after about a year I became more popped with other projects that my husband and I had started and became inconsistent ant first and then down right lazy with the exercise and nutrition. anyway I have gained back about 25 of the 35 pounds I lost. I do not have the energy I had, I am more depressed, I have joint pain and KNOW I need to get back in the habit of exercise and better nutrition.
    Nutrition goals: 8 glasses of water a day. protein 40% fat30% and carb 30% of an 1100 Calorie diet

    Fitness goal: walk 2 1/2 to 3-1/2 miles 4-5 times a week
    flexability and strength exercise 30-45 minutes 3-4 days a week

    Stats: I have been afraid to look. will check soon.
  • sjharrit
    sjharrit Posts: 11 Member
    Here are my stats
    Height 5ft 4
    Weight 12st
    Bust 38
    Chest 34
    Waist 34
    Hip 38
    Thigh 21
    Upper Arm 11
  • xpaulie1991
    xpaulie1991 Posts: 2 Member
    Could use some extra motivation so why not!

    Nutrition goals: Attempt to cut by staying around 2000 kcals/day. May adjust depending upon results.
    Fitness goals: Drop down to at least 10% bf. I would also like to add at least 5kg on each lift, more on the big muscle groups.
    Base stats: 85kg, 6,2", 14% bf and waist is currently a 34. Not sure on my other measurements.

    I'm starting this late so I'll probably do it for a few days into April.

    Good luck everyone!
  • suzannekty
    suzannekty Posts: 1 Member

    My name is Suzanne. I am a few days late starting this challenge. I went to a nutritionist today and have some pretty specific goals. I am pre-diabetic. I have sleep apnea. I have foot problems. All these things can be avoided by fixing my diet and exercise and maybe losing weight. Though weight loss is a goal, it can't be my main purpose. In the past when I have had trouble losing weight, I've given up. Avoiding diabetes has to be my main purpose. Weight loss will be a nice secondary benefit. Getting off the CPAP machine would be real nice, reduced foot pain, even nicer.

    Age: 56
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 198
    BMI: 35.7
    % body fat: 45
    Waist: 40.34"
    Hips: 50"
    (I'd like to take some other measurements and add them later.)

    Goals set with help of nutritionist:
    Use the nutritionist's meal plan as a guide (she was very reasonable and worked with my preferences)
    Keep regular records of food intake and exercise in myfitnesspal
    1200-1400 calories (at least 6 days per week)
    Walk or use stationary bike 15-30 minutes 3-5 days per week as a start. Increase time as my ability improves.

    My additional goal: decrease alcohol from 7 days per week to 3-4 days per week with a glass of wine being the usual and only have beer or mixed drink on the weekend if I go out.

    I have used myfitnesspal on my ipad in the past but have not been able to do much with the community groups. I don't know how to use my page or how to find my page, add groups or friends, etc. I'll have to explore the site more, now.

  • rpwpyw
    rpwpyw Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome to the group. I too am a new comer. I hope we can all encourage each other.