Beautiful Behaviors - January 2017



  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good Morning!

    Jess - enjoy your day off! Happy that your fridge is going to be here soon, you will feel so much better!! Being successful two out of the three days is a NSV! It's so exciting to see your growth!

    I am still getting better about this, i've slipped quite a few times this week (clearly still finding comfort in food when times get tough!). So until I have completed this baby step, it will still be to stay within my calorie allotment. Also to drink all of my water! By not giving up, that is motivating me every day. Because I have wanted to give up so many times. I won't get to where I want to be by giving up!

    Happy Friday!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Libby, attitude is everything, and yours is great! As long as you don't stop trying, you're succeeding. We'll get there together!
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Lea - think of those rest times and recharging - I definitely need down time to recharge my battery! :)

    Jess - congrats on the refrigerator - step by step it is coming together!!

    Libby - I am the same way - have eaten out a couple of times this week but still kept within my calorie count by eating smaller portions and ordering smart! Hang in there - the payoff will be big!

    Today, I need to drink more water - definitely feeling dehydrated. This happens frequently at work because I get focused and forget to drink until i'm actually thirsty.

    Staying motivated by taking inventory of how I am feeling now that I'm eating healthier: more energy, proud, less GI issues, less wheezing, enjoying the taste of food I've prepared, etc. Focusing on the good things that are happening.

    Another thing is that I look at sweeting, fried foods, fast foods (all of my former standbys and go to's) as something that will make me sick and unhealthy no matter how good they may taste.

    Glad you all liked the Dash Diet

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    paigern82 wrote: »

    Staying motivated by taking inventory of how I am feeling now that I'm eating healthier: more energy, proud, less GI issues, less wheezing, enjoying the taste of food I've prepared, etc. Focusing on the good things that are happening.
    love this!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Hope you ALL have had great days to. Thanks for the reassurance! <3

    I have not been very good with drinking my water today. It has become a fear almost, to get up from the desk for even just a couple minutes. I know that I shouldn't let that have any effect on my health and should continue to drink water. Today it has just been a bit more challenging!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member

    Good afternoon! Since I just woke from a 14 hour "recharge" (thank you for the word "recharge" Paige), this is my morning check in!

    New refrigerator, Jess! What a wonderful opportunity to fill it with nutrient-dense foods. What if the Jess in the mirror next week, says thank you to the Jess of today for the gift of self control? How would that set with you?

    Libby, your struggle and Jess' together, reminds me of an exercise that I learned during a difficult time. I'd like to share it with you to use when you find yourself at the end of a bowl of comfort food. And by the way, I use this, too:

    Stand before a mirror. Smile. Say out loud, "I love you". Do this once a day.

    It has done wonders for me that I didn't know needed done. And, it reinforced the need to tell others of my love for them. My son, my mother, certain friends and people at my church, all people already known, loved, and never told so.

    SunnySunny, hi!

    Let's see. I will take inventory today as well. Will report back on that later.

    My focus is
    1. Take inventory of my health and diet needs, last year, today, and to the future.
    2. Visualize my lungs healing
    3. Drink at least 8 cups of water

    Have a wonderful day.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Libby, do you have a water pitcher that can be kept in your work area? Sometimes when our gut says, "don't get up", there is a reason that our subconscious has picked up, that our mind does not yet know.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    I do have a mini fridge in the next room, with water. So I tend to go and grab a few. I just grabbed three, so i'll drink one and then drink the other two when I go to work at my other job tonight!! ;) I usually have three water bottles filled, just for that reason. I try to get 100oz in though! I am probably able to do it tonight when I go home to relax. I can feel right now that I have not taken in enough. Crazy how it gets used to it (something I should take into consideration when trying to eat better... my body is able to do it, just my mind that needs help! :))
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Libby good for you! Sit tight with your water bottles. You may not understand why you need to stay at your desk, but my vote is for you to listen to your instincts.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    I am celebrating (just in my head) every little win. Reject chocolate dessert in favour of a fruit salad..Fistpump. salad instead of chips... Fistpump.

    Whilst not giving up if I go in a different way.... Ate the chips....Oh , not going to help...But that doesn't mean eat all the bread , now that I have blown it.

    Happy days.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, Lea, hi, @harribeau2012 .

    I did a lot of moving of boxes and furniture today, so I think I did ok in the exercise department. trying to get a rein on the fooding while i enter my bewitching hours....
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    That's two steps forward, harribeau2012.

    Good for you!
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    That's two steps forward, harribeau2012.

    Good for you!

    Thank you. My son just complained that there was no bread in the house but that if he bought any I would eat it all (carbjunki). I pointed out that he wouldn't suggest an alcoholic keep booze in the house and ration him/herself AND EXPECT THAT TO ACTUALLY HAPPEN so why does he bring in a loaf of bread and expect me to only have a slice. He went and bought a loaf.

    I am resisting right now BUT IT'S THERE.

    So far I am winning. My new winter coat doesn't even close right now. Winning.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    you will be strong, and you will keep winning, harribeau
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    @harribeau2012, omg your self control and willpower
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Libby - we all need breaks - especially from the computer. Take the pee break, stretch your shoulders and hips, take some deep breaths, and then right back to it!! It will actually improve your productivity.

    Lea - I like the positive affirmation! I try to look i the mirror and see what is good and improving - not what is bad.

    @harribeau2012 - great job. Maybe - instead of saying you "rejected" someting. Say, "I chose myself" or "I opted in favor of health" - turn it into a positive! And bread is the ban of my existence, too! I could eat my weight in bread for sure!! Think of it as bad for your health. Like putting something in your system that will make your system upset and unhealthy! Unless it is whole grain bread instead of processed white bread - then a portion a day is actually good for you - it is about moderation and selecting the right form.

    Jess - when is your bewitching hour? Lol - mine is when I get home from work - I start grazing. I think this habit comes from childhood when I came home from school and my mom had plenty of chips and unhealthy snacks to munch on! My mom and I are twin junk food junkies. She is trying to do better too!

    Lost 5 lbs so far on this journey to health - so I'm a little ahead for now. Ate out a total of 3 dinners this week, but made healthy selections and stayed within my calorie goals. Joining a gym today and working out with a friend of mine. Goal is to get up there three times this week.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    5 pounds, wow Paigern82!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Go Paige! That's awesome. and i love that nobody here cares how long it took, a week or a month or three. the focus is on beautiful behaviors becoming habits, and you're rocking it!

    my tough time is when i get home from work too. i want to have dinner right away and i get home about 4, so it's kind of early, but i usually do it anyway. then i'm faced with the whole night ahead, and grazing is a definite danger for me then.

    happy saturday, everyone. i was back in the car dealer on this snowy morning, only to find out after an hour drive and an hour wait that they ordered the wrong part. :/ Luckily I didn't attack their free snack basket this time, although I did allow myself a hot chocolate.

    now that we have a refrigerator, i bought us some fresh fruit and veggies and cheese. it'll be a few months before the kitchen fully appears, but we are doing fine and the frig will definitely help.

    i'll be doing a lot of moving things today, so i expect to burn a lot of calories again. what are you doing today, movement-wise?

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    2000 calories is not enough! I'm freezing cold!

    Any way.

    Jess - I'm envious of that hot chocolate. You didn't go into munchies heaven, you just stuck with one good thing. Good for you.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i'm binging on raw cashews and grapes. i only bought healthy food today, but i'm eating it all at once! aaaggghhhh must.... drink..... water....