Beautiful Behaviors - January 2017



  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i have been getting a lot of friend requests from people who are reading our posts and liking what they read. if you're "lurking" out there, introduce yourself and say hi! we don't bite. :)
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i just have to say... i am so coooooooooooold! we are living with space heaters only, and the big one (that i call the dragon) just went out, and john is at home depot. i don't know how to turn it back on. my bad. i'm freezing. should use up some calories trying to maintain body heat lol.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Does shivering count as burning calories? hehe

    I just turned the little heater at work by my desk, because I am also cold!!! The one training room needs a new furnance, so they have the doors open to take the heat and it's taking all of mine!

    I bought breakfast sandwiches to eat, and then a birdseye pasta/broccoli and cheese steamfresh to have for lunch. And I am working on three water bottles! I do have a snickers, because I know i'll want something sweet. Moderation, right? As long as it fits in my calories! Eventually i'll only want it once in a while. So for now, i'll just feed in moderation!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i'm sitting here so cold i can't think straight. i just ordered a hot pasta dish for lunch just to get something hot in me. wish me luck on my portion control!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good luck!!! You can do it!
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Did pretty good on the day in downtown Tampa - we found a fresh market to eat at - had a salad with avocado, black beans, and corn and I used salsa as the dressing instead of a creamy ranch. Walked all over downtown Tampa and froze my behind off :s waiting for Usher but it was well worth it. I'm still thawing.

    Did NOT get my food planning and prep done this weekend (nor laundry for that matter!). So when I get off work today, I've got to hit the grocery store for a few staples and get home and get organized for the week.

    Jess, I crochet too!! :) My therapy! Jess - have you tried dividing the nuts into snack bags - and only eating one? I'm focusing on moving more this week too.

    Libby - congrats on the interview. Good luck - hope you get the job! I remember my days in school which just ended a year ago when I finished my doctorate - don't envy you girl! What is your study snack? Mine was always popcorn!

    Lea - thank you so much - so nice to hear. The serenity prayer always works for me - some things - like blown electrical equipment - are just out of my control! lol. Don't be afraid of the oxygen - it is a wonderful thing to take a hit of from time to time, for certain!

    Welcome @dlm4mom

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    paige, putting the nuts in snack bags is a great idea, and one that i will try as soon as i can find my ziplocks :D
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    My go to is chips! Yikes! I have bought wheat thins and the veggie sticks for an alternative!! I'll have to pack a sandwich - for Wednesday nights (class is during dinner time and I'll just wanna go home and sleep!!)

    I have about 600 cals left for the day! I'm currently on lunch and wasn't even hungry. Still eating. I should be content until I get home. First time I've felt this way in a while! Yay!
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    I limit my time in the forums to browsing the first page of recent discussions and those I am following.

    So much time wasted going from one page to the next just to see "what's up" and then restarting all over again - and barely participating. *kitten*, I actually have to behave like an adult and quit procrastinating. Damn you, ego!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hahaha, @MsAmandaNJ . you can easily get lost in the forums, can't you? i like to have one thread that people come to daily and make friends who you connect with. it's worked for me before, and so far it's working here too. :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    FYI Paige - reported that a first happened this week: it snowed in every single state, including Alaska and Hawaii, with only one exception. Yep, the snow passed right over Florida without a single flake!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    what a wonderful thought that shivering might burn calories!!! I'm saying yes. I did get on the scale this morning and it was as expected. However--today was my day off and I cooked all day and was not as far over as I could have been.
    My goal for this week is to 1) have my phone on me all the time to measure steps 2) to figure out some way to add steps to the things I do every day 3) to try to make reasonable meal choices and very difficult # 4) no fast food. I love cheeseburgers and fries and i am 59 years old so it's not an adolescent craving.
    This is a happy group--makes me happy
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Paige--what about Usher? I bet you danced off some calories for sure. You lucky girl
  • ThisTimeItSticks
    ThisTimeItSticks Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'd love to join in with this please? I'm not focusing on my weight (despite the calorie tracking and weighing in) so much as trying to be kinder to myself; I'm moving more because its better for me, not because it'll help lose weight.

    I'm only on day 2 (of the final attempt, cos it'll work this time!) so any and all support is gratefully received and given

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @dim4mom, I am also 59. great goals!
    @ThisTimeItSticks, welcome!
    lea, lucky you without the snow!

    good morning, everyone! it's still friggin cold here in MD, but it is starting to warm up a bit. whoop-di-doo, it's in the upper 20s! :neutral:

    I have to do some rethinking about my goal for this week. I just can't get the steps in on the days I am home and it's so cold out. the workmen are all over the house, and it's dangerous for me to take a walk inside while they're sheetrocking and installing plumbing and stuff. I'm disappointed in yesterday's measly 935 steps. I'm in the office only 30 minutes today and I've already beat that!

    I am only in the office 2 days/week, and so ignoring the days I'm home won't work for me. for those that are new to the thread, my home is currently a construction site and will be for a while. the good part is that there are steps, and I do them frequently going up to my bedroom or the bathroom that's working, and I'm happy about that, fitness wise. I also stayed within my calories and drank a shipload of water, so it wasn't a total loss yesterday.

    today I'll see if I can actually make up for yesterday's walking, or lack thereof, and then i'll come up with an alternate goal. I'm open to suggestions!

    are you familiar with the term SMART goals? I want to make sure my goals are SMART, and the A - achievable just doesn't fit for me trying to walk a lot on the days I'm home until it warms up.

    SMART goals = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. It's the difference between saying "I want to drink more water" and "I will drink 80 oz of water each day"

    what's one SMART goal you are gunning for today?

    have a beautiful day,
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good morning!

    My "shark week" is here. Last night I ended up going to a friend's house to watch the football game and made a bad dinner food choice! I did so well, until then. And then I could tell my tummy was acting funny... so I knew that by having these cravings, it was overdue! Bout time it showed up.

    So... now I am hoping to take back control! I ALWAYS get that way, right before it starts. Yay for being a woman! :)

    It is raining and above 30 in MI for a change. The WET heavy snow was on my car this morning.

    My kitties are back from the vet. The boy, was jumping everywhere and licking his owie... pretty much doing everything he isn't supposed to do! I'll be able to supervise later, after work. Nothing from the interview yet, but not getting worried!

    Jess -- love this: SMART! Always like having different views/ideas/etc. I am having trouble with A = Achievable at the moment, as well. Going to aim to achieve my goals today:
    Drink water, eat within the allotted calories, and MOVE my booty.

    Welcome @ThisTimeItSticks !!!

    @dlm4mom, "it's not an adolesent craving" -- you said exactly the description that I needed. Because it's not, anymore! I understand exactly what you mean!

    Lea --- aren't you sad that you missed out on the snow?? hehehe
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    libby, what is your "shark week"? explain! :)
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    The lovely little friend that comes for a visit every 28 days. hehe I tend to want to EAT ALL THE FOOD and kind of relate to a shark during the week or so. :wink:
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Welcome, @ThisTimeItSticks

    I went to Mom's and stepped on her scale. I have not gained or lost since December 12. I count this as a blessing. We went through two holidays and I did fine.

    SMART goals = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. It's the difference between saying "I want to drink more water" and "I will drink 80 oz of water each day"

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lea, great job handling the holidays!