90 Day Transformation Challenge - Jan 1 thru March 31



  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    I will be weighing in tomorrow because I was weighed last week at my physical which was on a Tues. I will update then however, I am looking forward to it! Feeling confident!
  • Scotty17
    Scotty17 Posts: 23 Member
    After week #1
    Lost 1.6 lbs
    Steps were good at 63,000 for the week
    My calorie counts were good just working on the chocolate addiction!
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    thanks for the meditation ideas - I tried the counting and it helped - I've decided to go with number of breaths rather than time frame...I'll try the body scan routine today-keeping the mind busy on me and not the outside world sounds good

    I haven't lost any weight but I've been consistent with the exercise
    adding a 2nd walk in the afternoon this week
    on the negative side I found the bag of home made chocolate chip cookies in the freezer-no regrets - it was a nice break from the day and the hubby joined me. I know the sugar rush isn't helping....I notice too much sugar and the joints ache - especially the hands and knees.
  • syclops
    syclops Posts: 90 Member
    Today I have burned 1,300 cals and consumed 715. I killed it during my exercise sessions, but plan on improving my endurance and strength even more over the next two weeks! Good luck everyone! Have fun and beat your goals!

    I wont weigh in until Friday...stay tuned!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,808 Member
    got a good workout in yesterday, two actually, first was 38 minutes if legs, then a few hours later i did 36 minutes on the treadmill burning 505 calories total. hopefully will get a good workout tonight too, planning on doing chest and back
  • JacquiMarie70
    JacquiMarie70 Posts: 62 Member
    Karbum wrote: »
    YAY!!!!! I am down 4.6 in week one!!! Feels so amazing to be back on track!!! Very thankful for this group!!!

    That's amazing!
  • JacquiMarie70
    JacquiMarie70 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2017
    I start my barre class today and I'm so excited!!
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you!!! To be fair, I have had barely any carbs other than tons of avacados :)
    Karbum wrote: »
    YAY!!!!! I am down 4.6 in week one!!! Feels so amazing to be back on track!!! Very thankful for this group!!!

    That's amazing!

  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    I lost 4 lbs since last wednesday!! Yay!
    I am so excited!!

  • DoritoDavis
    DoritoDavis Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like to join but have been on holiday. I am starting tomorrow.

    Nutrition: 1200 (or more if exercise allows - measured by Garmin watch). Increase my protein and veg intake. Limit sugar/ carbs. No junk Jan. Also no alcohol when I'm just staying in.

    Exercise: 3x a week. 150 intensity minutes a week (measured by my watch). This will mainly be spinning. I've been struggling with aching joints so avoiding running.

    Stats: 11st, 5ft 4.

    Goal: increase fitness and loose 2lb a week. 20lbs by end March.

    I've got my 10th wedding anniversary and a wedding in March. Also a big birthday in November.

    So I'm 3 lbs down and 3 work out done (all be it very short ones - 20 mins). Best of all I have resisted all junk.... so far and no alcohol. I have also logged everyday. So far this week (3 days in) I am up to 83 intensity minutes out of my 150 minute goal. Therefore I am on track
  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    syclops wrote: »
    Today I have burned 1,300 cals and consumed 715. I killed it during my exercise sessions, but plan on improving my endurance and strength even more over the next two weeks! Good luck everyone! Have fun and beat your goals!

    I wont weigh in until Friday...stay tuned!

    715 calories is way too low! Be careful!
  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    Traveling for work this week...bananas! So far on target. Have a great week everyone!
  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    How's everyone doing so far this week?! Weekend fast approaching!
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    Week is going great! Not even stressed about the weekend because I planned out my meals and snacks
    hooey78 wrote: »
    How's everyone doing so far this week?! Weekend fast approaching!

    Week is going great! Not even stressed about the weekend. I planned out my meals and snacks.... and wine lol
  • kellyalwayshikes
    kellyalwayshikes Posts: 3 Member
    Day 10 of eliminating all toxic foods (for me) and feeling pretty darn good. Had a bit of a setback with a nasty bug but I believe I have squashed it, and I'll be back at the gym and running the trails tomorrow!
    Week One: I lost 2.2 pounds which I am celebrating as it seems that I am a constant up and down, yo-yo scale person. The Elimination Program I am doing asked us not to weigh in everyday but just once a week. That has been agonizing for me but glad to see a marked difference on the scale and the best part, the crazy bloating I have been experiencing for the past 3-4 months is subsiding. That's a huge praise! So back to the gym to make it count and on the trails so I can build up some miles and run this Half Marathon in March.
    Sounds like everyone is doing what needs to be done! Congrats to all and their weight loss but most of all, to committing to make a change and challenge yourself. Nothing like a goal to keep us motivated. Cheers!
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    been slow this week - recovering from shoulder injury and the knee starts acting up :( on the flip side - this is a good reminder of why I need to loose the weight :) I didn't exercise yesterday (giving everything a break LOL) but I did manage to walk past the gourmet donut shop WITHOUT going in! No weight loss, I need to focus on food quantities a little more
  • syclops
    syclops Posts: 90 Member
    hooey78 wrote: »
    syclops wrote: »
    Today I have burned 1,300 cals and consumed 715. I killed it during my exercise sessions, but plan on improving my endurance and strength even more over the next two weeks! Good luck everyone! Have fun and beat your goals!

    I wont weigh in until Friday...stay tuned!

    715 calories is way too low! Be careful!

    That was only half way through the day. Plenty of "good" calories were consumed! ;)
  • syclops
    syclops Posts: 90 Member
    Good start to the program. Calories in check, exercise (always in check) but still weighed in at the same weight. Its ok...although it does not reflect on the scale, I can tell other places already.

    Ready to get my second workout in, in a few hours. More cardio and some weights! I turn 46 tomorrow...or affectionately known as "I have my 4-years-from 50" birthday" tomorrow. I would like to think I LOOK younger than 46!
  • hooey78
    hooey78 Posts: 83 Member
    Day 10 of eliminating all toxic foods (for me) and feeling pretty darn good. Had a bit of a setback with a nasty bug but I believe I have squashed it, and I'll be back at the gym and running the trails tomorrow!
    Week One: I lost 2.2 pounds which I am celebrating as it seems that I am a constant up and down, yo-yo scale person. The Elimination Program I am doing asked us not to weigh in everyday but just once a week. That has been agonizing for me but glad to see a marked difference on the scale and the best part, the crazy bloating I have been experiencing for the past 3-4 months is subsiding. That's a huge praise! So back to the gym to make it count and on the trails so I can build up some miles and run this Half Marathon in March.
    Sounds like everyone is doing what needs to be done! Congrats to all and their weight loss but most of all, to committing to make a change and challenge yourself. Nothing like a goal to keep us motivated. Cheers!

    Congratulations! Sounds like you are losing at a healthy rate. Keep it up!