Looking for women who need to lose 30-50 pounds and would love a weight loss buddy!?!



  • amjelot
    amjelot Posts: 8 Member
    I have about 45-50 lbs to lose. I'm 34, and I started the year at 187. I've gained and lost weight a ton of times over the past few years - I was down to 150 in 2015 and then started nursing school and gained it right back. Time to get serious and make time to exercise! Add me if you want :) seeing all the friends tracking meals in my news feed encourages me to keep going too!
  • tawnya253
    tawnya253 Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone can add me. I can always use more motivation and help along the way
  • cereen
    cereen Posts: 3 Member
    Hi , I am around 5 7 , started at 188(all time highest) have been around 168 , after moving to us gained 20 lbs . Trying to go down by 40 pounds . I am 37 . It's been a 10 days started , increased water intake to 3 lay, eliminated coffee and tea and increases steps, down by 6 pounds . Add me too
  • jessandjerry2014
    jessandjerry2014 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm game! I'm 31 and the heaviest I have ever been. I need to drop at least 40lbs.
  • LLKaufmann
    LLKaufmann Posts: 1 Member
    I will be 57 this summer and I am at my heaviest weight. I want to lose about 20 pounds but I'm trying my best NOT to step on a scale. I want to feel the difference in the fitting of my clothes and how I feel. Sometimes we get stuck on the number and not the way our bodies should feel/look. Please add me to the group. Good luck everyone - we can do it!!
  • blonde8
    blonde8 Posts: 1 Member
    I've 34lb to loose and would love to know how many calories you all allow yourself,x
  • jhsleboda
    jhsleboda Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me if you'd like. I lost 50 lbs in 2014-2015 using MFP - unfortunately after a stressful year I've put 20 back on. I'd like to lose 30-40 lbs- currently 190, 5'5". Good luck :)
  • laurenprz7
    laurenprz7 Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 27 and I'm the heaviest I've EVER been. I decided to make 2017 the year to get back into shape and make it all about me. My #1 priority is to lose weight! I love this app but would love some mfp friends to encourage each other along the way! Let me know! :)
    I just turned 27 and I'm the heaviest I've EVER been. I decided to make 2017 the year to get back into shape and make it all about me. My #1 priority is to lose weight! I love this app but would love some mfp friends to encourage each other along the way! Let me know! :)

  • wonderland01
    wonderland01 Posts: 18 Member
    I am looking to lose 40lbs. Feel free to add me! Definitely need motivation.
  • Motherofship
    Motherofship Posts: 122 Member
    My goal is to lose 30! I have been on MFP for a few years but never made it stick for more than a few months. I finally realized adding friends and being active in community would be a good way to stay focused, so anyone and everyone is welcome to add me!
  • caitlinmimi
    caitlinmimi Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I've just started as well and would love some friends. I'm 26, 5'5" female. Also at the heaviest I've been at 190 pounds, and determined to change that! Want to lose about 40 pounds.
  • abchab
    abchab Posts: 6 Member
    Me too! I'm in England, 18 pounds gone but another 22 to go... Please do add me as I've been on here for ages but just never really used the community!
  • slefko
    slefko Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! 26, looking to lose about 50 pounds or so. Heaviest I've ever been and not too happy about it!
  • rebeccarmackay
    rebeccarmackay Posts: 1 Member
    Looking to lose 50+ pounds! Feel free to add, could always use some extra motivation and support!
  • prettyshambolic
    prettyshambolic Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 26 and need to lose 50 more pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • Dia_DoesThis
    Dia_DoesThis Posts: 20 Member
    wann2119 wrote: »
    You can add me. 35 years old and really uncertain of how many pounds I want to lose. I've lost 13 so far on a 1200 calorie daily intake. The weight loss, while needed, is a bi-product of attempting to lower my cholesterol. I will worry about the lbs once I've got that number under control.
    wann2119 wrote: »
    You can add me. 35 years old and really uncertain of how many pounds I want to lose. I've lost 13 so far on a 1200 calorie daily intake. The weight loss, while needed, is a bi-product of attempting to lower my cholesterol. I will worry about the lbs once I've got that number under control.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    edited January 2017
    I just turned 27 and I'm the heaviest I've EVER been. I decided to make 2017 the year to get back into shape and make it all about me. My #1 priority is to lose weight! I love this app but would love some mfp friends to encourage each other along the way! Let me know! :)

    I too am at my heaviest and decided to start doing something about it late last year as it's starting to a take a bit of a toll on my back/joints after an injury last year, I have set up a weigh-in group for Friday's if you or anyone else is interested and feel free to add me too. I am hoping to lose 20kg (around 45 pounds) in the next couple of months.

  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    add me too hun i need to lose well over 30lbs
  • SkyFerret
    SkyFerret Posts: 53 Member
    Yep yep! Have 30lbs to drop, at least to start out with. At 35 it's not going to be easy, but I can do this!
  • Hi all, I am 26 and hit my highest weight of 236 this summer. I have since gotten down to 211 but I have a long ways to go. I would love to have my confidence back, I would love to not get out of breathe, I would love to enjoy getting dressed up again...the list goes on. Please feel free to add me, I am not new to mfp but I am brand new to the community side of it and I would love to connect with others!
  • KingsMom0413
    KingsMom0413 Posts: 4 Member
    im in! add me
  • dahlgrenmad
    dahlgrenmad Posts: 33 Member
    It's great to have you join. This is a friendly and supportive group.
  • arosas30
    arosas30 Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just turned 32 on the 7th, started a Keto diet on the 9th, first goal is 50lbs
    Feel free to add for support!
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Anyone who wants to add me feel free, I didn't post much for a long time and think i lost some friends lol. Lost around 40 lbs already, trying to lose the last 40 or so. I'm 36
  • dahlgrenmad
    dahlgrenmad Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats on getting down 40. That's a major accomplishment!

  • dahlgrenmad
    dahlgrenmad Posts: 33 Member
    I don't want to sound stupid, but what is a Keto diet?
  • hoping32
    hoping32 Posts: 33 Member
    I am starting keto tomorrow. Feel free to add me
  • katelaurel390
    katelaurel390 Posts: 88 Member
    You can add me too! I'm 26 and have about 50 pounds to lose. Looking for more friends on here to motivate each other. :)
  • oct131920
    oct131920 Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2017
    I just turned 27 and I'm the heaviest I've EVER been. I decided to make 2017 the year to get back into shape and make it all about me. My #1 priority is to lose weight! I love this app but would love some mfp friends to encourage each other along the way! Let me know! :)

    I'm 24 and 185 lbs I want to get down to 135. I'm serious about losing this weight because I'm getting married in Aug and I want to look great in my dress! We got the same goal
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    I would like to lose 20-30lbs!