Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Just for today: 1/13/17

    -I will not overeat while I babysit!!! This is a big struggle, because there is always good food at someone else's house!!!
    --Fold and put away laundry (before I babysit)
    ---Drink water!!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,520 Member
    From yesterday R 1/12/17:
    1) Meditate in afternoon - YES - this will eventually become habit again, at least on weekdays :smile:
    2) Drink 8 - 10 cups of water - YES - 10 glasses :smile:
    3) Log all food, including lunch with former colleague at Crystal Café (make healthy choices) - YES - went online to review café menu before, made my healthier choice, and stuck with it when I got there. Even though I love chai coffee or tea, I ordered herbal tea. :smile:
    4) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES - 28 flights and 10,000 steps w/o the treadmill :smile:
    5) Floss - YES - I did it, even though I hate it, but I know how good it feels when I'm done :smiley:
    6) Bedtime no later than 10:30, lights and TV OFF!! Yes and No - in bed and TV off 10:20, read for 20 minutes to decompress; unfortunately, woke at 12:38 a.m. when hubby got home from 2nd shift :smile:

    Just for F 1/13/17:
    1) Meditate in afternoon
    2) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    3) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    4) Eat early supper before going to nieces' bball games
    5) Floss
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2017
    1. get to the gym :) Already done!
    2. log all food (went to Chili's today for lunch, and did ok! :)
    3. drink water :)
    4. light dinner since I ate more for lunch :)
    5. clean up sewing area :/ But ... I did sew 6 more chemo hats!

    JFT, Friday
    1. Having a ice storm, so watch what I eat today!
    2. drink water
    3. stay inside and stay safe.
    4. sew more chemo hats
    5. work on year end tax stuff
    6. organize kitchen drawers

    I am so a stress, emotional eater. It is the hardest thing to conquer, but I just keep trying!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for today, Thursday, 1/12
    1. Try to add foods to my meal plan slowly on this new short term maintenance plan they put me on :)
    2. HYDRATE! My fingers are like little sausages! :( I don't know what my issue with drinking WATER is! Sausage fingers again today! UGH!
    3. Bring hand weights upstairs to at least tone upper body until i get the boot off. :( I AM going to do this TONIGHT! I brought work home with me every night this week and worked 12 hour days. Tonight I am leaving work as soon as I can and I am taking care of ME.
    4. Unplug one hour before bed and read, journal and unwind :/ See above.
    5. Get my handouts done today. Get halogen stuff done. :/ This will have to wait until next week because I just got another project dropped on me, on top of the other projects I've been working on.
    6. At least one random act of kindness. A little something can change a person's whole day. :)

    This week I will...
    1. finish the 2017 budget
    2. Let someone know I'm thinking of them by sending them a handwritten letter
    3. Schedule a massage :D Done. Going next Wednesday. Cannot WAIT!

    I'm literally exhausted today. I think I had my 40 hours in by noon on Wednesday, and it is now Friday. I just want to go home, but someone added another meeting to my calendar for 2:00-3:00 p.m. It's been a very long week, so I am not going to make much for goals today. I'm just too tired. I am salary, so it doesn't matter how many hours i work, same pay.

    JFT - Friday, 1/13
    • Be smart and select healthy foods today.
    • Drink 60 oz of water
    • Leave work as soon as I get Monday's class prep done and get my meetings done.
    • Meditate for 15 minutes when I get home. (Try anyway,,,never done this before and can't usually turn my brain off, but I'm going to try anyway!)
    • Hand weights and floor exercises tonight. Either that, or go to the gym and ride the stationary bike.
    • Read tonight, find a quiet place and snuggle up with a book.
    • Unplug and go to bed early. Journal.

    This week I will...
    1. finish the 2017 budget (I have one more day! Better get this done tomorrow!)
    2. Let someone know I'm thinking of them by sending them a handwritten letter. (I have one more day on this too! Better get 'er done tonight or tomorrow!)

    Have a GREAT Friday everyone!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,520 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just for today, Thursday, 1/12
    I'm literally exhausted today. I think I had my 40 hours in by noon on Wednesday, and it is now Friday. I just want to go home, but someone added another meeting to my calendar for 2:00-3:00 p.m. It's been a very long week, so I am not going to make much for goals today. I'm just too tired. I am salary, so it doesn't matter how many hours i work, same pay.

    @OConnell5483 I can relate to this, in my past corporate life. You can do this, one day at a time! Just think of your massage coming up, and enjoy your weekend! :smile:
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »

    Goals for 1/12/2017
    X- Water: 100oz
    X- Food: LOG IT ALL
    - Activity: 45 minutes
    X- No snacking after baby bed time
    X- Spend a little time outside

    Well. I did alright yesterday. I didn't get any exercise, or log any "active minutes" with my Fitbit, because I was busy shoveling the laundry mountain through the wash and getting it put away. I had 2 weeks worth of me and baby laundry to get through. Makes me super happy hubby does his own!

    We've had a busy day today, we went and got hair cuts, I got my car fixed, and we stopped for lunch at McDonald's. (Accounted for in my calories for the day, too). I just need to keep an eye on sodium for the day.

    Goals for 1/13/2017
    - Water: 100 oz
    - Food: 1400-1600 calories
    - Activity: 45 minutes
    - No snacking after baby bed time.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    JFT - Friday, 1/13
    1. Be smart and select healthy foods today. :)
    2. Drink 60 oz of water :)
    3. Leave work as soon as I get Monday's class prep done and get my meetings done. :s Worked late again. What a long week!
    4. Meditate for 15 minutes when I get home. (Try anyway,,,never done this before and can't usually turn my brain off, but I'm going to try anyway!) :( Nope
    5. Hand weights and floor exercises tonight. Either that, or go to the gym and ride the stationary bike. :(
    6. Read tonight, find a quiet place and snuggle up with a book. :( There is no quiet place in this house! ugh.
    7. Unplug and go to bed early. Journal. :(

    This week I will...
    1. finish the 2017 budget (I have one more day! Better get this done tomorrow!) ;) Made progress!
    2. Let someone know I'm thinking of them by sending them a handwritten letter. (I have on more day on this too! Better get 'er done tonight or tomorrow!)

    JFT - Saturday, 1/14
    1. Make smart food selections
    2. HYDRATE with WATER! not coffee. not sugar free hot chocolate. WATER!
    3. I will NOT log onto my work computer today. I will try my best to not think about work today. I will be in the present with my family today.
    4. Meal plan and make grocery list
    5. Grocery Shop
    6. Yoga and light hand weights
    7. I will try to find some quiet time to rejuvenate my mind; not sure how but I will try.
    8. As always, one random act of kindness. Put a smile on someone's face today.

    This week I will...
    1. finish the 2017 budget (I have one more day! Better get this done tomorrow!) Almost done!
    2. Let someone know I'm thinking of them by sending them a handwritten letter.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Just for today (Jan 13)
    1). Log my food ✔️
    2). Prepare weekend meals, prep veggies.✔️
    3). Wake up and 'hit' the treadmill.✔️
    4). Go for a walk outside.✔️
    5). Walk over 10,001 steps.✔️

    Just for today (Saturday/14)

    1) Walk well over 10,000 steps. (I'd like to see 12,000)
    2) Eat heathy all day.
    3) Clean the car.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. Having a ice storm, so watch what I eat today! :)
    2. drink water :/
    3. stay inside and stay safe. :):/
    4. sew more chemo hats :):) Got 9 more hats made!
    5. work on year end tax stuff :/
    6. organize kitchen drawers :/

    Didnt do so great yesterday. It was a dreary day -- ice outside, and no sun shining. I just felt lazy all day, and couldn't get out to move around. But, I did sew all day, but not much else got done!

    1. log ALL FOOD!! My stomach is upset, so be careful what I eat
    2. COncentrate on Water!!!!
    3. eat only planned food
    4. work on year end tax stuff! I NEED to get this done, but keep putting it off!
    5. clean up my sewing room
    6. finish up the last 8 chemo hats so they can be picked up next week
    7. organize 1 kitchen drawer

  • hbarnes1216
    hbarnes1216 Posts: 65 Member
    I really need to start doing this. Been sort of on and off since the beginning of the year. I've had some type of sinus cold and headache thing since Christmas plus the kids have been sick. Completely throws me off!

    Just for Today - Saturday 1/14

    1. Drink 80-100oz of water
    2. Track & not go over calorie goal
    3. Make a meal & workout plan for the next week
    4. Get the kids' room cleaned up
    5. Put away all clean laundry
    6. Possibly return library movies and books (depending on road conditions)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,520 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just for F 1/13/17:
    1) Meditate in afternoon - YES
    2) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES - 12 glasses
    3) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES - 30 flights
    4) Eat early supper before going to nieces' bball games - YES, but still had a (small) bag of popcorn at the games, which I logged
    5) Floss - YES, so tired at bedtime, but I did it!

    Just for 1/14/17 - keeping it simple for a Saturday:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - I don't know why but this is harder on weekends
    2) Go to Winter Market, cash in cans, run errands
    3) Pack up at least some Christmas decorations
    4) Floss
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited January 2017
  • mksafire
    mksafire Posts: 23 Member
    January 15th, 2017

    Current weight: 194.4

    Starting weight: 195
    Goal weight for Feb 1: 193
    Ultimate goal weight: 160

    - Strong
    - Flexible
    - Calm

    Daily Habits Goal:
    - 30 min workout in morning
    - Write/Journal 30 min a day
    - Meditate 20 min a day
    - Yoga every day
    - 7-8 hours sleep a night

    Goals for the next two week:
    - In bed by 9pm
    - 30 min physical activity a day
    - Coffee down to one cup

    Last week was fantastic. I downloaded a ton of fitness apps and tried them all out just 10 minutes at at time but it started pullling me in. I wanted to do more and more! It like my body is awakening. I really do love exercise but when you haven't done it in a while it is a pain and so hard to get your body to do anything. When I exercise in the morning I feel full of energy all day and can't stop moving so my physical activity just syrockets! That tells me that it is worth it to find that 10 minutes before everything else happens in the day to get my little workout in. I am also stoked about the weight loss this week.

    This week I am focusing on getting better sleep. I have a big problem with stress and anxiety and one way I want to combat this is with a ton of sleep. When I'm fully charged nothing really gets to me. I really need that patience in my life and especially at work. I am going to keep up with the physical activity and this means commiting to a short 10 minute workout in the morning along with my lunch break walk. If I can get that in no matter what happens in my day later or at work I will still have had my "me time" in and my body will be tuned up and ready. In the evenings I am going to start incorporating a stretching/yoga session with my partner. He has been having a lot of back problems and I think instead of watching tv we can stretch together and that would help him get motivated to stretch and I want to do that every evening anyways so it's a win-win. I am not going to focus on that for the next two week but instead just focus on getting to bed at 9 and keep it simple.

    Today my goal is to:
    - Do a yoga session right after sending this message (recovery days are yoga workouts)
    - Get a walk outside and brave the cold
    - Limit my coffee and start trying out the coffee alternatives (right now I am testing out Dandy Blend)

    So here we go. Another day to work on my goals. Let's do this!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,520 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just for 1/14/17 - keeping it simple for a Saturday:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - I don't know why but this is harder on weekends - YES 8 glasses :smiley:
    2) Go to Winter Market, cash in cans, run errands - YES some with hubby :smiley:
    3) Pack up at least some Christmas decorations - YES emptied / packed up 3 boxes :smile:
    4) Floss - YES even though it was very late in the evening, I did it :smile:

    Just for 1/15/17 Sunday:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Put decorations boxes away in basement & pack up additional stuff
    3) Wash towels
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 or 11:00 (may watch football highlights, or skip altogether)
    5) Floss
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    1) Walk well over 10,000 steps. (I'd like to see 12,000) ✔️
    2) Eat heathy all day.✔️
    3) Clean the car.❌

    Didn't get to the car. Maybe I'll have time today.

    January 15, Sunday
    1). 100 more steps then yesterday
    2). Prep for slow cooker meal for Monday and left overs for Tuesday.
    3). Grocery Shop and only get what's on my list.
    4). Give myself a pedicure.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. log ALL FOOD!! My stomach is upset, so be careful what I eat :)
    2. COncentrate on Water!!!! :/
    3. eat only planned food :)
    4. work on year end tax stuff! I NEED to get this done, but keep putting it off! :):)
    5. clean up my sewing room :):)
    6. finish up the last 8 chemo hats so they can be picked up next week :):)
    7. organize 1 kitchen drawer :/

    Ice storm again yesterday, so cooped inside! But ... I really watched what I ate. Drinking water is still a challenge, so I am going to try and mix some flavors into a pitcher of water, and see if that will help me with getting in the water.

    I have 26 chemo hats sewn, 9 heart-shaped pillows for chemo patients, and 6 fleece hats all made, and ready to be picked up for the cancer center at the hospital. So feel good about that!
    ALso, got the W2s, finished, and some of the year end taxes at least started! Always a big job, and something I postpone.
    My weight was only down .6 lb, so time to really evaluate my week. I did not get nearly enough exercise in, and had a couple days where I way overate! So hoping to make improvements this week, and meet the goals I have set.
    Today we are going over to visit a friend that has ALS, so a day to count my many blessings of being able to get up and walk around, and be independent. THis friend is only 73, and is pretty much wheelchair bound for the past 5 years. So our health is everything.

    So JFT, Sunday
    1. log all food
    2. Concentrate on water. Mix some crystal lite flavoring in a pitcher of water.
    3. get some sewing done
    4. organize at least ONE kitchen cabinet

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    edited January 2017
    Late for the New Year, but think I might enjoy joining in this as well.
    My life can get pretty hectic at times, so I struggle at keeping it simple.
    Been focusing on more sleep, more water, and less calories. I kind of dislike exercising and sweating.
    Just for today: some good stretching and a few weight bearing exercises.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. Plan and pre-track exercise for the week
    2. Track all food
    3. Weight/cardio workout
    4. 8+ cups water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - No alcohol
    - Stay within calories with mini deficit

    - Meditate
    - 30 min lunch break
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Listen to music to boost mood
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Had a little stomach bug over the weekend (on the mend, I hope!)

    Just for today: 1/16/2017

    Stay w/in calories (been eating less, since it doesn't wanna settle nicely!)
    Drink Water
    Take it easy!