Beautiful Behaviors - January 2017



  • theamazingcassiebunny
    Thanks for the welcome! @aleahurst, I think most of us are our own worst critics. I am terrible about being kind to others but not to myself. Thanks for the reminder. :)
  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    @gatamadriz, nice to have you here! Say, do you know if the unsweetened almond milk very high in calories? It sounds like a good alternative for coffee cream.

    @theamazingcassiebunny, Hello Cassie! I deal with similar issues. I push myself to be gentle and positive on this thread because since gentle and positive is what I know I need, I'm figuring that it is what others may need as well. We all need to believe in ourselves until we include others in the same manner that we include ourselves.

    @BeautifulDestruction67, Namaste! I love that word because it reminds me of a very beautiful hearted lady who would say "Namaste. The spirit of God in me recognizes and honors the spirit of God in you." How beautiful it is to acknowledge the person's heart and not just their name.

    Hi Paige! Yes, weight goes up and down when we least expect it. My waistline expanded after three days of illness no appetite. I cannot explain that, but it happened. Stay calm and stick to your plan!

    Lea - stay calm and stick to your plan!

    My goals for the coming day:
    1. Refill the bat's water on the back step. He's obviously thirsty.
    2. Start the day with a 5 minute deep breathing exercise and visualizing myself at a huge banquet where everyone eats what they want in reasonable quantities.
    3. Find a time to check on a neighbor.
    4. Stay within 500 calories of my diet
    5. Walk 4 blocks or the equivalent.

    Peace and joy to all. Have a wonderful evening.


    Hi aleahurst,
    Almond milk is between 35 and 40 calories, unsweetened for and 8 ounce serving. It's a total deal.
  • paigern82
    paigern82 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks, you guys, for the support and encouragement!

    Went shopping today and did quite a bit of food prep - so I'm ready for the first of this week. I am really enjoying all of the healthy food I'm eating!

    Two days at the gym! Only two more days this week to equal 4 days - that is the goal.

    Lea - sounds like you have an animal house!! They must feel the warm welcome! lol. Hummus and veggies is a favorite of mine. Along with brie cheese on apple slices!

    I'm working today - hope most of the rest of you have a wonderful day off for MLK!!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Paige - I wish I had the ability to prep food after shopping! Do you have a motivator that you can share?

    Thank you..

  • MehTaken
    MehTaken Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Shell. I've been going at this lifestyle commitment change since January 2nd of this year after losing 70lbs in 2013 and putting it all back on after two miscarriages. Nevertheless, I'm seeking friends to motivate, share, and experience this journey with. My stats: I'm 5'10, 261lbs. Starting weight was 272. Highest weight EVER was 295 (for one week back in 2009 after birthing my twins). Anyhoo, I look forward to keeping up with you all.
  • PuzzlePea
    PuzzlePea Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm new here but really looking forward to joining in discussions in a gentle community - as I've found that a lot of my road blocks in life have been because I felt threatened, harshly judged or just flat out overwhelmed.
    I'm a HUGE FAN of taking baby steps to a goal. Last year I decided that my life wasn't a race to the finish line. I will get to my goals in my own time so that I can KEEP them! I've done so many fad diets I could puke. I hate putting in effort only to completely abandon ship once the program is completed. I don't live on a program anymore. I'm take one day at a time and trying to always live "in the moment".

    I work from home most of the time, so I have to set my own daily schedule. It includes time for yoga, prepping food, meditation, walking my dogs, etc. Which really has made a huge difference in my life. Approaching one day at a time seems to be best for my brain type. Anyone else find that to be the case?
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good Morning!

    I just caught up on all that i've missed. Welcome to all of the new faces!!

    Update on nanny position: Praying for patience and guidance in choosing the best decision. I am unhappy with where I am at, but unfortunately I still am not able to afford to take this position.. it would be a little too much stress for finances, which is so sad.

    This weekend I have had some sort of stomach bug! It has not been fun. Yesterday I hardly ate anything at all. I also babysat, which drained most of my energy! The kids were patient and I tried to be as interactive with them as possible. It was hard though, because I did not get anything for it, but I did help my friend out. So I know I did a good deed, but I really needed the money.

    Today will be most of the same, I brought "bland" food items to eat. Also will be drinking LOTS of water.

    I am starting a bowling league tonight --- it will be good to get out and do something, meet new people, be social, etc. Just ho

    I hope you all have a fantastic Monday!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i'm ok, thanks! i've been off program for the last three days and avoiding the whole mfp site. :( i'm getting myself back on track today, and will check in again later or tomorrow. <3
  • DaizyBell
    DaizyBell Posts: 9 Member
    Hey All,

    I am Rona and I am 37 years old and living in Ireland.
    After being overweight for the last couple of years and finding it a struggle to lose the pounds because of Hypothyroidism, I finally decided to take charge this year and start a whole new lifestyle of healthy eating and looking after myself. I am looking for buddies to share and motivate each other on this weight loss journey.

    I am 15 stone 4 lbs (I think that is 214 lbs), and I am only 4`11 (feels ashamed :'( ). If I got down to 12 stone at least, I would be very happy. So I look forward to joining in the discussions and getting to know you all. Feel free to add me as well, thanks.

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    edited January 2017
    Having a rough day today. Reading these posts are helping!!

    My beautiful behavior today is: to not be so hard on myself. I have been doing well with this, but toxic environments have not made it easy.

    @Jessiquoi -- Keep pushing!! You are doing wonderful. We are ALL here for you, no matter what!! <3
  • DaizyBell
    DaizyBell Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2017
  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Having a pain day here, have a rare form of fibromyalgia which comes and goes for no apparent reason. So beautiful behavior of the day: Move, breathe in and out, make myself a lavender, mint and eucalyptus epsom salt bath and admire my newly organized closets!

  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Hi all and Happy Monday!

    Today is a good day so far. Did my yoga, short one today. And decided to get my annoying chores done early (my beautiful behavior) to allow the rest of the day to be beautiful and hopefully annoyance free.

    Wish the best to everyone here.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    @daizybell, Welcome!! You are in the right place. There is lots of encouragement, support and NO JUDGING. We all have bad days. You can do this!
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    Hope you all have an amazing Monday. Fresh week to make the right choices.
  • BeautifullyBroken50
    aleahurst wrote: »
    Paige - I wish I had the ability to prep food after shopping! Do you have a motivator that you can share?

    Thank you..


    I'm not a big fan of cooking especially after a busy day of work in retail. I usually take one of my days off and make meals for a few days and prep other things. Or I will write a menu out for several days and plan accordingly. I make my list for the week before I go based on those meals.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited January 2017
    @MehTaken - Hello Shell! It sounds like you've been through a lot! Good to have you here.

    @PuzzlePea - Welcome! Yes, I am a huge fan of baby steps also. Sometimes I just have to stop and remember that I only have to use self control in the current moment. Let tomorrow and yesterday take care of themselves!

    @daisybell - Hi Rona! Glad to have you here. Ireland is a land of beauty, according to my mother's family. My mom's family claims ties to both Ireland and the indigenous U.S. tribes. She'll be jealous.

    @woznube7 - Libby, there is a good job waiting just for you. I'll keep praying that you will know it when you see it. Your services are of great value. Hope you "strike" tonight and burn 3000 calories! Have fun.

    Jess - We need you. We need your creative questions. We need your encouragement. None of those things are dependent on how many thousands of calories you consumed in one day. Anyway, I wonder if you can beat the five king sized Hershey's milk chocolate with almonds that I used to consume daily, just in order to deal with the stress of a job. Did I mention that I'm retired? Oh yeah. Guess I did.

    @BeautifulDestruction67 - menu planning may be the key. Cooking is not my best skill, but sometimes enjoy it anyway.

    Hello to @lulalacroix and @TeachingT !

    I could not complete one of yesterday's goals. That of checking on a neighbor. I have a neighbor with an obvious disability. I'm uncertain about how to go check on him without giving the impression that he is needy, which I think would be insulting. I just want to make sure he is okay because he rarely comes out of his house these days. Any ideas, anyone?

    May your Monday be happy!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning everyone! Welcome to our newest members of the tribe.

    I fell off the wagon so hard this weekend, I couldn't raise my head enough to get online and ask for help. From the moment I came home from food shopping, I did nothing but eat. Granted, most of it was whole, clean food, but the quantities were... well, much more than needed to sustain life. I grazed my way through the weekend, and I barely moved or drank water. That is the past. Today is regroup day. I will track all my food, drink my water and, being at the office, try to make 4000 steps.

    I can't think of anything specific that could have triggered this episode except having the food in the house. Grazing is my downfall. I have to get back to not eating between meals, because once I start, it's hard for me to stop.

    Thank you for the messages. I'm so glad to have this "place" to come back to!

    What are your triggers? How do you avoid them?

    have a beautiful day,
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good morning!

    Bowling was cancelled last night (or it hasn't started yet, I am not sure which?) so I went over and spent a few hours with my friend before they move to Kentucky (today). Thank goodness for skype! I will miss them, very much!

    Lea - Needed to hear those words. I had a REALLY rough day yesterday and felt defeated.

    Jess - Especially when you feel that way, come to us. I have felt that way more times than not!! With being back in a "routine" a bit, you can get all of your steps and regroup. :) You slipped, that is ok!! We are helping you back up!

    My triggers: When i'm feeling sad/lonely... I tend to overeat or make bad choices. Also when i'm stressed. As well as when I get "paid" then I think I have money and want to go and eat fast food. I don't need to do that! So i've been trying to save money and buy healthier choices, with a little lee-way for treats/slips if need be. This is my first week with trying that. By not feeling good, i've gotten my calories back under control. Thank goodness!

    One of my very best friends has lost almost 100lbs. She does the ketosis? I am happy she has found what works for her, but am embarrassed at the same time. She now weighs as much as I do, and is almost at her 'goal". While I know she has worked hard, I have a bad habit of comparing myself to people and wish that I could have the success she has had!! I am working on it! :)

    My beautiful behavior for today: Love myself.
    SMART Goal: Drink my water, eat my soup, stay within calories! Take it easy (I can't seem to sit still even when feeling ill, so I have cleaned a ton. I folded my laundry, but have yet to put it away (this is a big step though!) My apartment is clean!)
    Personal goal: Apply to jobs, keep working hard, remember to go to class this week!
    Just for today: I will work on my mental health

  • ThisTimeItSticks
    ThisTimeItSticks Posts: 4 Member
    Blimey this is an active thread! How do I get notifications so I can keep up rather than coming back after three pages of updates I've missed! @aleahurst about a week ago you asked me about my fruit and veg goal? I'm classing one bit of fruit/veg as one piece, regardless of size :smiley: I eat a lot of fruit/veg anyway so its just a matter of turning to that instead of the sweeties!

    I will have to catch up this evening after work; don't talk too much for a few hours :smiley: haha
