55-65 year old women's success?



  • sakura56
    sakura56 Posts: 1 Member
    Posting for the first time today ... 60, about to take early retirement and want to lose about 80 pounds to make sure I enjoy myself. All help and support gratefully received!
  • Tanga1950
    Tanga1950 Posts: 2 Member
    Sakura, good luck to you. I too have recently retired and have finally admitted to myself that this extra weight I am carrying around is stopping me from doing the things I want. Time to take action! Ideally, I need to lose more than 40 lbs, but I am setting small goals of 5 lbs or so. That way the whole process is not too daunting.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    sdpatterson, agree w/GaleHawkins on the sugar. I try to eat very little w/added sugar (there are a few exceptions). I cut back on sugar (natural & added) back in 2015; lost 11 lbs (I was aiming for seven or eight). Cut back on the overly processed foods and that helped cut back on it. Good luck on your journey.

    Saakura, Welcome to our group!!

  • sdpatterson1234
    sdpatterson1234 Posts: 21 Member
    Griffinca2 Thanks for the information I really appreciate it I'm always open to any suggestions.
  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    Just finished reading through many of the posts on this thread - you are all so inspirational!

    I lost 65 pounds with Weight Watchers about 20 years ago, but have let 45 of those pounds creep back on over the last 10 years. Fairly fit - I run, cycle, swim, snowshoe, etc - but know all of those will be easier if I carried a few less pounds. Turn 60 in December and plan on retiring in the following January, so my goal is to get that weight back off before then. I plan on having a heck of a time once I retire!! So looking forward to having the time to get involved in organizations as a volunteer that I just don't have the time to commit to right now.

    Have been a member of MFP off and on for the past two years, but that has been halfhearted at best. Hoping that joining some challenges and groups will give me the accountability that I need.
  • sallyobrien22951
    sallyobrien22951 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi can I join
  • sallyobrien22951
    sallyobrien22951 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 56 and 5 ft 1 and 201 lbs!
    I don't even know how to track calories
    I just joined today
    I want to post here for accountability
    Good luck to all
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2017
    HI - This is the first time posting on this thread; I recognize "spikeyhair" from the other thread we are both on ... WOMEN 50+ whatever month we're in - (it changes at the end of the month through a 'link' that is posted by one of the ladies ...); thread is very much like this one after reading through some of the posts. Feel free to come check this other thread out as well. I am planning on 'bookmarking' this thread as well.

    GRITSandSLUTS (Acronyms for) Girls Raised In The South and Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress
    I'm definitely the first; but, not so much the 2nd.
    The ladies on WOMEN 50+ are my WINOS (Women In Need Of Support)

    Lenora (SW GA)
  • MaxandGracie
    MaxandGracie Posts: 3 Member
    How do I bookmark this discussion?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2017
    Eleted - Don't know if you can do this or not; but, earlier you talked about posture. Mine is not all that great; and, I really have to make myself 'aware' of not allowing my shoulders to 'droop'. I remember my Mother making me stand up next to the wall; and flattening out my posture, keeping my head, neck, shoulders back, butt, and legs and stand there. I would also have to walk with a book balanced on my head. Now, one of the things I will do is lay flat on the floor, and gravity will make you align your body up with being in a position of good posture. Lay there and breath in-and-out and 'think' about 'how your body feels' in this position. It is my daily 'meditation' position. Of course, sometimes I have to turn over and crawl on my hands and knees to get to a chair or the sofa to pull myself up. Then, when I do 'get up' ... I think about 'how it felt to be laying flat on the floor' and I try to have that same feeling while walking.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2017
    MaxandGracie - Up at the top of the posting there is an outline of a star; click on it and it will turn yellow; after that, every time you want to find this thread, then click on the gray star between the gray bell and gear; and, a drop down screen will show up and show a list of all 'links/threads' you have been in, then just click on it and it will take you there and it will take you back to your 'last' post; then you can read from that point up to the last post of the day. I'm on another very 'large' thread (WOMEN 50+ [whatever month it is]) and the last day of the month one of the women will post a 'link' that will take you to the next month's postings. We are a really 'chatty' thread made up of women over the age of 50; but, we will let anybody in; but, like I said, it is intended for 'women'. We talk about most things; the only things that we don't 'openly' discuss is 'politics' and 'religious ideologies' - we can do that in a 'private message' to someone in the group if we need to. Whenever we 'change' the month; we have to 'bookmark' the 'new' page.

    Hope you will check us out sometime. I was happy to see that there is another thread; which might be a little different from the one I am on.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    griffinca2 - I grew up in Forsyth ... I am assuming (maybe incorrectly) that you live in the Griffin, GA area from your User Name. I now live in a small town in SW GA (Dawson - about 25 miles N/NW of Albany, GA; where I used to live). Lived in Macon, GA for 2 years and then DH got transferred back down to Albany; things changed within the company and he ended up 'painting houses' for a living. He has never had to 'advertise' ... all his business is 'by word of mouth'. He's made a good living for the past 30 years as a 'sober, dependable painter'. Does mostly 'repaints' of houses and small businesses. He's done painting on larger 'new' houses; but, he'd rather turn them down because it is too difficult to be there 'in between other workers' and to 'be back between another group of workers' ... then to finally come back to touch up areas messed up by other workers. He and his crew usually are working on 2 or 3 different jobs in various stages of the painting process. He has a lot of repeat business and several of them call him yearly to come wash they houses down and to see if the washing does the trick or it if needs a fresh coat of paint on it. Also pressure washes driveways and walks. This week, for a couple who are redoing an older home; he has taken off all the door knobs and plates because he rubbed on with brass polish and discovered they were all 'solid brass'. At one time, my kitchen had 7 or 8 sets of door knobs and plates. The weather was just too bad for them to be done outside. Our weather here is anywhere from maybe 'cold' a few days during January and February, to warm and balmy to 'hotter than Hades'. We've had 3" of snow on the ground, a real rarity; to wearing shorts on Christmas Day.

    While things continuously change, I think we are always 'where we are supposed to be' at any particular time, so that 'we'll be where we can meet the people we have who have become our friends'. I cannot worry about all the "What if's" in life ... it is the 'what is it now' ... 'where I am now' that matters. Can't worry about yesterday, that is water under the bridge; try not to worry about tomorrow because that is not a promise for me, I try to 'live in the moment' because today is [the] Present.

    God Bless!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Eleted
    Eleted Posts: 121 Member
    Grits and Sluts. Welcome. My reference weeks ago about posture was regarding a members talking about teaching Urban Poling. It sounded intriguing utilizing poles in a walking routine. I had made an assimption that it might improve posture when I walk. U r right about our mothers nagging about standing up straight. Turns out that it is so important. It is easy to hunch forward as we walk.
    JOYCE MOUL:: YOU ROCK! Welcome to this thread. Would you please share with us what worked for you?
    GRIFFINCA. YES, sugar is not good. I am struggling with that.
    Happy Day All!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    I am 56 and 5 ft 1 and 201 lbs!
    I don't even know how to track calories
    I just joined today
    I want to post here for accountability
    Good luck to all

    Welcome Sally, here is a great thread to learn about using MFP to track calories.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce - Thanks! I like to 'rock' and 'roll' - just don't want any 'rolls' ... especially not what they call 'love handles'. LOL! I was thinking "Griffin, GA ... not California.

    I was ordered by my GYN into a MD-ordered/MD-run Center For Weight Loss Program and have been in it about 16 months. Starting weight on a 5'4" frame ... heaviest 200lb. That's what I weighed with my youngest son got married, 2 years ago this May. Seeing pictures of me in a 'size 18' dress, made me 'burst into tears' when I saw wedding pictures. My mother was overweight after she had a really bad auto collision back in 1953. I certainly did not what to do the yo-yoing she did and fight my weight; so I knew I had to make a 'life-style' change and I have been tracking what I eat and drink and my exercise since about June (2 years ago). I do eat pretty much what I want; but, I am on a very restrictive caloric intake (for me to be able to lose). I take a lot of medication; have a few health issues - one I cannot take any of the cholesterol-lowering medications because I have an allergic or inter-action to them. So to try to get it down, diet was the only way. I have Bipolar Disorder; but, my 'mantra' is "I don't suffer from mental illness; I enjoy every minutes of it!" With the proper dosage of medication ... I'm as sane and stable as anybody ... 'if that is really possible'. I do think that people misunderstand this disorder; but, like 'cancer' ... until people feel comfortable about 'coming out of the 'M' closest' ... it will remain a complete mystery. I hate that - on TV - any time someone does something to hurt others ... it is ALWAYS blamed on being bipolar and not taking medication for it. I also have epilepsy with seizures that are sort of 'here and there'. I've just gotten off a 6-month driving restriction.

    I'm married, to the same man, for 44+ years, have two grown sons (40 and 38); two DsnL (both 38); 3 biological granddaughters 20, 16, and 10. When youngest son got married we got a 'package deal' with another GD who is 11; but, both of them are in the 5th grade. Oldest DGD is a Senior at the University of West Georgia, 16-year-old is a sophomore in HS. She doesn't seem to have any desire to 'drive' although her parents DID make her get her Learner's License, in the event of an emergency ... she could drive IF she had to.

    I track everything that passes my lips, I do not 'eat back my exercise points'. I like to swim and walk in the pool in warm weather, and since I live in SW GA ... the weather here can range from being really nice and sunny to a few days here and there of being cold; to being "Hotter than Hades".

    I'm an art major; but, now I just draw and paint for my pleasure at my leisure. How about you?

  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Grits, Welcome to our group (and I do live in the Middle GA area) Moved here in 1994 because of the 1st BRAC Dept of Def did; hubby & I met while on active duty w/the Navy. No snow, but the weather has gravitated from warm to cold to warm again. B)

    Sally, Welcome to our group as well. We're here to motivate and encourage one another. Thing to remember is that to create an eating plan you can stick to and modify as you go along. It's not a "diet" or "project" w/an end date; it needs to be a lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Don't keep "goodies" off your list, just include them as part of your eating plan; and if you mess up (and you will) just start over. You only fail if you quite. Good luck on your journey, and we're here if you need to vent. B)
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