Confessions: The "Fattest Thing" You've Ever Done



  • uggins311
    uggins311 Posts: 2,204 Member
    i have ripped many pants in the back and threw my back out sneezing once... that was impressive
  • Taylor076097
    Taylor076097 Posts: 265 Member
    Shame eating, that's what my sister and I call it. What's more shameful is that it was usually planned. Going to a drive in when the weather was nice. Orderings corndogs, cheese cubes, fries, fried pickles, then going across the street for ice cream.
    Also on a road trip we went thru long John silver's for lunch, and ordered an additional family pack of hush puppies to eat with our meals. So bad. I get sick now if I even eat anything from a drive thru. In hindsight we were spiltting the food.. so it's only half as shameful right?
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    When my grandma died, I asked my colleague who was heading out to the store to grab me a pack of peanut butter m&ms. He, being the sweetheart that he is, brought me the XXL bag of peanut butter m&ms. I ate the entire thing in a day.

    From there, stress-eating was born. Only once in the last 6 months have I sat down and eaten an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's...
  • Ben_there_done_that
    Ben_there_done_that Posts: 732 Member
    I ate half of a pie by myself, in one sitting. That was last night.
  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member
    I've pretty sure the only reason I don't eat entire bags of Reese's Peanutbutter cups, normal or the smaller funzie is because of the wrappers; they are annoying, and have successfully prevent me from eating pounds of them at once...

    Then some jerk came up with the idea of 'mini' Reese's peanutbutter cups that don't have wrappers, are like popcorn shrimp in size, AND come in a GIANT bag if you want them...

    So, maybe not the 'fattest' thing I've done... but I have eaten a whole 'Giant' bag of them in under about 30min.... handfull after handfull... oyie.

    Evil. Just evil.

    yet.... I'd totally do it again.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    OK see these?
    These are easter eggs where I'm from.. they're filled with candy and made of chocolate...

    I've eaten 6 of these in 2 days.. 6...

    Bad *kitten*!!!!

    Ive made about 20 cupcakes with my daughter saying they were for her. She had one....
  • A friend asked me to bake a cake for him..... so I did. Then I ate it.
  • flyvemus
    flyvemus Posts: 1 Member
    About a month ago I had a full plate of leftovers from our christmas dinner. We're talking roast duck, mashed potatoes, two kinds of creamed cabbage and a thick gravy. A couple of hours later I went to McDonalds and ordered 4 cheeseburgers, thinking my brother and I could have two each. Turns out he didn't want any, so I just ate all 4 of them in one sitting. It was glorious and I could probably even have gone for a 5th of 6th. Probably won't do it again though, not sure the shame I felt afterwards was worth it...
  • Ate an 18" pepperoni and mushroom pie, a dozen buffalo wings, and half a meatball parm by myself watching football while recovering from a hangover several years ago.

    This past Christmas, made a double batch of macaroni and cheese for the family party, *had* to taste test and proceeded to eat about 4.5 cups. Then drove to the party, proceeded to eat a full round of appetizers, then a full dinner with half a pound of ham and yet another cup of mac and cheese, among other things. Oh, and washed all that down with about 6 beers.
  • roamingtiger
    roamingtiger Posts: 747 Member
    One time I had a venti caramel frappuccino with extra caramel drizzle and a big twisty doughnut in one sitting. I cannot express how sick I was.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    I used to order half sheet cakes for my son's birthdays; I'd slice the party guests smaller pieces and quickly wrap up the rest as if we didn't have any cake left. In reality I'd hide the cake in the laundry room with a fork in the box so I could "do laundry", basically I'd clear the rest of the cake on my own. Now I only order cupcakes and only order the exact amount so I don't fall back into my old habit because damn I love cake.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    OK see these?
    These are easter eggs where I'm from.. they're filled with candy and made of chocolate...
    I've eaten 6 of these in 2 days.. 6...
    That is seriously epic.

  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    edited January 2017
    i can eat half a very large pizza pretty routinely now *cringe*
    oh i forgot that family sized mac and cheese? ya that's all for me. but i'm proud of that one and will not change my ways.
    and the family sized stauffers bake.. i'll share if i have to.
  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    edited January 2017
    Back when I used to have a mega cheat days after a competition or reaching my goal -
    I'd easily finish off a Dominos meal deal (Large pizza or two.. and garlic bread)..
    I recon that on a bad cheat day I would probably topple 10k kcal easy - and the rest!

    Though, I don't have cheat days anymore - I just have the occasional treat if I'm going out!
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    Spnneil06 wrote: »
    ordered two drinks so it didn't look like all the food was for me!

    I did something similar. But I pretended to talk on the phone with someone so the person in the drivethru thought the meal was for someone else. There was noone on the other end of the line and I was asking "did you want regular or curly fries...". AND then, I've been in weird hangover moods where I would get one thing from taco bell and then go to Jack in the box to get something else that sounded good. I would hide the bag from the other fast food joint before getting to the window. I did both of those things almost 5 years ago. It's been a while thank goodness but that was a very low point.
  • letme1
    letme1 Posts: 522 Member
    Golden Corral,,,, nothing else to say, lol
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    edited January 2017
    When I first moved to university, I made friends but most of them were in relationships - couple this with the fact that I used to be pretty shy, and as a result I used to hole up in my bedroom and eat:
    - Multipacks of Hula Hoops - every single pack in the multipack - almost as soon as I'd got back from shopping
    - Entire boxes of Jaffa Cakes - again after shopping (both of these habits were self-soothing)

    Once I bought a box of Milk Tray and scoffed the lot...

    A few years later, everyone was out of the house on Hallowe'en (rare occurrence in a house of 6), so I put on Hocus Pocus and ordered a bunch of Pizza Hut desserts and a 2l Fanta for myself. The guy was like, "ooh are you having a party?" and I was like "...yes...?"

    When I lived in London sometimes I didn't bother to make myself breakfast, so I'd pick up a pack of four iced donuts on the way in to work and polish them off as soon as I got there (worked alone in my own office.. used to lock the door... typical food hiding behaviour!!!)

    I'm a horrible secret eater, I really am!!
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    edited January 2017
    I knocked a drink off my desk with my *kitten*.
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    It was October 31, 2012. All my friends went out in tiger onesies and others in risque "cat" costumes -- which were really just lingerie and cat ears. "Hey, Alicia! Come with us!" they beckoned. "No, no... I'm fine. Thanks. Have fun!"
    The dorm room was cleared and I was left to my own devices. My home church mailed me a box full of notes of encouragement laid on a bed of snack size candy bars (a whole box of them!). I sat on the floor with my legs straddled and the box on the floor between them. I watched TV and mindlessly ate basically the entire box.

    FORTUNATELY, after I started reading the calories on the backs of the empty wrappers, I was horrified and went for a run around the track just outside my dorm hall. The sugar hyped me up enough to run 6 miles without stopping -- my PR. Although, I got plantar fasciitis as a result...