Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Hey ladies, I have been reading the new posts but haven't been commenting! Sorry!!

    @BW_NOT great quote, love it!

    @Rachel0778 what is derby?!

    @jdelaroy chin up, we all have bad days (or weeks!) mine is normally when TOM is in town-hubby knows not to cross me!!!

    @janetay01 hope bedtime goes more smoothly tonight!

    @kaavery120188 pizza sounds good! Haven't had a takeaway pizza in ages...I had been eating the frozen pizzas but I'm back making my own diy pizza now-on ww pitta's not take out but it's really tasty for small calories!

    Getting on well back at ww-another 2lbs off this week so happy out! This week was all about portion control-some great tips and eye openers from my leader!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Maritill It is never to late. Wow, that had to be a hard struggle. If you can recover from that, then you can do this.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Maritill wrote: »
    Is it too late to join this group? I am just getting back into logging, exercising after a year off because of brain cancer surgery & recovery. It's gone for good we hope.

    @maritill it's never too late to join this group! Just log in, share comments, up and downs, we're all on the same path trying to lose weight and get healthy.
    Glad you beat the brain cancer-that must have been a very difficult and stressful time. My sister had brain surgery last year (not for cancer) and it was a very worrying time (which of course led to lots of stress eating and drinking!)
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @janetay01 – sorry you had a lousy day! Hopefully today is a better one for you :smile:
    @jdelaroy – I haven’t had sunflower seeds in ages. May have to pick some up. Congrats on the loss. A pound is a pound in the right direction! Hope you have a good day today!
    @Rachel0778 – we had freezing rain here too. No fun! The pup is at daycare today and I’m going to get a workout in tonight (maybe yoga?) so we’ll both be pooped!
    @Maritill – never too late to join! Welcome!
    @tazzy2911 – I used to make my own pizzas on pita bread all the time. Need to start doing that again! Great job on the two pound loss! Glad you have a supportive leader. I need to work on portion control as well.
    I just finished logging all of my meals for the rest of the week. Hopefully I can stick to it! Last night I had a couple glasses of wine which put me over my limit (didn’t log it, oops). Which I am feeling guilty about today. Hopefully logging everything will help keep me on track!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @kaavery120188 - pre-logging certainly seems to help me keep on track. I think by logging all my planned meals and standard everyday stuff, it lets me see what I've got left to be flexible with. I'm having a battle at the moment though with evening snacking - I don't think I'm hungry particularly - just very susceptible to grabbing something at 9.30/10pm. Need to keep busy!

    @tazzy2911 - well done on the further loss, you are really rocking this right now.

    @Maritill - never too late - welcome! That's a lot that you've had to contend with - but great news if it is gone completely.

    Rachel - I know what you mean about the lack of activity and routine - it is a lovely idea in one way but it leaves me feeling lethargic if I'm not careful. Boo hiss about derby being cancelled - we've got a delightful combination here of frost overnight and rain during the day, making the roads fairly lethal!

    Jen - thanks for your comments. We did bedtime last night and as predicted, he was fine - played me well for a couple of extra stories, then rolled over and was asleep in about five minutes. So sorry you are having a rough time - try and find some time for yourself and recharge the batteries then chat it through with your boyfriend. I had a stupid argument with my husband after 'the bedtime fiasco' (as I'm now referring to it :) ) on Monday and it was all because I was tired, fed up and grumpy and picked a fight with him. After a decent nights sleep and a better day yesterday, we were able to discuss sensibly and sort it out. Stick with it and hope today is a better day.

    So, yesterday was a better day and working from home now for the rest of the week so I get away from everyone at work and hopefully actually get some work done. Hopefully will get a workout in at lunchtime to make up for the total lack of movement otherwise and then I shall finish work a little early and get the fire lit before I go to get Alistair - it's freezing here right now!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 No catching up on sleep for me. Between GoT, and the dog waking us up. I think I got 4 and a half hours of sleep. Sorry to hear that Derby was cancelled. Great job coming up with an alternative.

    BW_not Perseverance is my word for the year! no giving up here.

    @tazzy2911 I don't want to use ToM as an excuse for the emotions. I am sure it is probably part of it though. Maybe the BF will figure it out, and learn to be extra nice then.

    @kaavery120188 Great job being prepared for the week and logging your meal. We all need an occasional slip up. No need to feel guilty, that was the day before. I am sure you did the best you could for you at that moment in time.

    @janetay01 It is amazing how quickly our little ones move on, and how they know just how and when to tug on your heart string for something a little extra. I doubt we will ever regret those little extras. The BF and I ended up discussing it via Email. We communicate very well through email. Plus it gives you a minute to slow down and look at what you are really saying. So a lot of the mean and nasty, just because I am mad and hurt stuff stays out of the conversation.

    I was fortunate yesterday in the sense, I think the BF realized I was having a rough go, and he offered an olive branch. We worked it out, I am kind of a putz when I am tired to put it nicely.

    Yesterday ended up being pretty darn awesome. My two youngest ones joined a club after school on Tuesdays, and my oldest is also in a club at her school. Yesterday was the first day for the little ones. I had almost an hour a half after work all to myself. No kids BF at work, and the Mom, was doing her OT. I spent the hour in my room eating a late lunch and reading my book. So freaking nice. I haven't read a new book in almost a year. We were supposed to go to the gym last night, but the BF ended up working late (trying to cram 6 days of work into 3.5 days) So no gym, we watched Game of Thrones instead. I managed to get my minimum steps in, and ran for 20 minutes strait for the first time in decades during my lunch. Almost made it to my stretch goal of 15000 steps.
    managed to stay under calories, and not eat exercise calories back. Woot woot.

    Momma bragging time: My oldest was offered the chance to do an internship her senior year through her school in the field of her choice, for school credit. She was offered this because of her awesome grades. She has some pretty bad learning disabilities, but has always worked really hard in school. So nice to see her being recognized for her hard work.

    Ok, I think my book is over. Happy hump day.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @Maritill! That's great news on your recovery!

    @tazzy2911 Congrats on the loss! Derby is short for Roller Derby (I'm part of a local team). UK has got a really good team, you can see a lot of their stuff on youtube if you're curious :)

    @kaavery120188 Week long logging is some serious dedication! Great job on mapping out your week for success!

    @janetay01 Glad the rest of the week is at home for you so you can stay away from the terrible commute and awful roads!

    @jdelaroy I'm so glad you got some relaxation time to yourself. I absolutely adore GoT! What season are you on? Congrats on your daughter's opportunity, that is so exciting!

    I'm having a rough body image day today. I could see very faint new stretch marks on my inner thighs (likely from the holiday gain) and I haven't been able to make any progress in the last few weeks because I keep de-railing myself on the weekends. I'm also still bloated from all the overindulgences I ate on Sunday, ugh. I'm trying to get my head in the game, but every weekend seems to spiral into the same junk food a polooza. I need to figure out why I was able to be so successful last year and what is different right now that is keeping me from getting back into it.

    In better news, my coworkers and I signed up for a 6 week challenge through work where they offer us a twice weekly personal trainer and before and after fitness assessments for a nominal fee. It will be nice to have a group to workout with and a trainer to hopefully keep me accountable with both food and activity.

    I'm hoping to sneak away for a lunchtime yoga class. I'm hoping it helps with my body love, which is seriously lacking right now.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 We just finished episode 4 in season 5. I am sorry you are having a down day. You are beautiful, intelligent, hard working, and a little bloat will not last! Yoga sounds like a good thing. I am jealous of the work program. If you want to compare stretch marks I would win. My stretch marks, have stretch marks.
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @janetay01 – Agree, I think pre-logging helps me be flexible with everything else that comes up during the day. As far as snacking at night, I’ve heard brushing your teeth early helps so you don’t want to eat again. However it never worked for me. I just try and keep myself busy until I go to bed by reading a good book, catching up on chores or watching tv. Glad you had a better day and get to work from home this week! I looooovvveee Game of Thrones. I’m dying for the next season to start.
    @jdelaroy – glad you had a great day. And awesome about your daughter! She is definitely setting herself up for future success!
    @Rachel0778 - sorry you’re having a tough time. Weekends are really hard for me as well. I can’t really say that I’ve figured out a solution yet. That’s great that your work is offering you a personal trainer! Maybe that will help you get back on track! Don’t let yourself get too down. You are beautiful and strong, and you will get through this rough patch!

    Yesterday was a good day. Got my boot camp work out in and was under my calorie goal. And I'm not AS sore today as I was after my Sunday work out. I'm trying to do better about not keeping wine at the house because it always sounds so good after a stressful day. Now that I've got a few weeks of logging under my belt, I can tell I am not as hungry between snacks/meals and my body is happier. Weekends are my weakness though. I need to figure out what to do to set myself up for success.

    Have a great day all of you beautiful people!
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    Feeling so discouraged today. The scale keeps going up and down and I'm logging daily, drinking a gallon of water, sticking to my nutrition plan, exercising daily, and I am soooo frustrated.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @kaavery120188 You are doing fantastic, keep it up.

    @missjazminenicole Keep up the great work. If you are getting discouraged and weighing yourself daily, Stop. Your body will fluctuate between 2-3 pounds a day. If you really want to weigh yourself daily, then keep track of it on a spread sheet or app. What you want to look for then is that the overall trend is showing a decline in weight.
    On Sunday I weighed 206.8, Monday 204.2, Tuesday 205.8, Today 205.6. So the general trend is a steady decline where I have a dip and then back up, but not as high, and now I am going down again. Also, as a woman if your menstrual cycle is regular you will hold water/get bloated every other week because of the dumb thing. Other things can also change what you are weighing. How much salt did you eat the day before (more salt=more water retention) If you had a hard workout, your body will hold water to help repair itself, the last time you had a bowel movement. So don't get discouraged. You are taking the right steps, sometimes it just take time for your body to catch up. I am not a crazy health nut. I eat whatever food I want, I guess at proportion sizes, I usually walk every day, but make it to the gym about 1-2 times a week, I rarely do any other exercise. But I am eating a lot less then I used to, I do allow myself to mess up, and I keep going. I told myself that if I go more than 2 weeks without losing weight, and I am doing everything right, then I will start weighing my food, but until then I just do the best I can. Sorry for the book, I just don't want you to give up on yourself.
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    @jdelaroy thank you for taking the time to say all of that. I won't give up. I've been at it for over a year now consistently. It's just hard right now because I've lost progress that I made due to a couple of short lived pregnancies and so emotionally, it's taxing and then I just feel like I felt when I started, which is crazy obsessive over it all. I'll feel better when I get back down to where I was and I don't know if it's helping the state of mind that I have the pressure of this diet bet. Instead of it feeling motivating, it feels stressful right now.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello lovely ladies! It's been days since I've posted - my desk has been wild this week! My boss just left for Nashville this morning, so I had time to breath and catch up on the posts - I'm way behind!

    Gem - nice new fridge! Looks great, now just fill it up with fruit and veggies! :) That is exciting you got your wedding bands already. We had a small wedding, got married on a Wed afternoon between Christmas and New Year's, with 50 people there. It was awesome, no stress and inexpensive. We bought a house instead of having a big wedding, but truthfully I wasn't a big wedding person anyway. Whatever you choose will be amazing!

    Jane - I think that's awesome you might have another baby. Like my grandma said "love multiplies", so if you are blessed with another one, there's more than enough love for both of your kids. And don't feel like a bad mom!! a 3 hour commute would make any one of us snap!

    Jen - Glad your daughter is feeling better, it will take time to make new best friends, but she will! And nice she got that offer because she's been doing so well in school! Proud mama!

    Kelly - nice to meet you and know your real name now. :) I love pizza and wine too, they are definitely my downfall. Yikes! I've got a few of those Biggest Loser DVD's too, haven't done one in a while. I told my hubs to do one that other day because he started snoring again (which means he's gained!) LOL! I'm sure he was thinking oh that's rich, fluffy over here telling me to work out more! haha!! yes i'm a bit fluffy, but I'm trying!

    Rachel - my anniversary dinner was awesome, sounds like yours was too! I am totally with you on the weekend derailing, what is up with us right now?! Sounds like that 6 week challenge will do the trick for you. i'm going to look up that summer body challenge that was mentioned here... maybe that will kick me into gear.

    I've been thinking about my goals, and trying to figure out why I'm not succeeding like I did before on MFP. The biggst thing is because I'm not logging everything. I log breakfast, lunch and snacks, then I get home and things go to pot! So one goal is meal planning healthy meals. I upped my cals to 1600/day for now, I think I've been feeling restricted after the holidays and then blow everything out of the water. Speaking of water, that is another goal this week, hydration, hydration, hydration!!!

    Do you guys every wonder really how accurate the exercise cals are? I decided that for a week I'm going to trial entering my exercise as 1 calorie and see how I feel. I think sometimes I give myself more leeway with food intake because of my exercise cals... If I've done some exercise, I am not going to worry about going over my calories too much, but I just want to see if it changes anything for me.

    Anyway, happy hump day!! Going to the gym after work to sweat!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @bluepoppies777 welcome back! Very quiet around here today so I have some time to reply! yay! The exercise calories are TOTALLY crazy and inaccurate, in my opinion. I try to use the "calories burned" feature on my fit bit. I just look at the number before and after and subtract. I used to wear a timex heart rate monitor with a chest strap that is supposed to be really accurate, but I feel like my fit bit works just as well and is not as burdensome. I know a lot of people do the one calorie thing. I would definitely try that and see how it works for you.

    @missjazminenicole don't be too hard on yourself. Some days are just harder than others. I totally agree with what was said above. I weigh myself daily (because that's what works for me) and my weight fluctuates 2-3 pounds depending on how much salt I had, water I had, if I had a bowel movement, etc. And it's is ESPECIALLY crazy when it's my TOM. It sounds like you have your head in the game and you know what you need to do, so just keep hustling. I know one thing that helps me when I'm feeling a little out of it mentally is meditation. I never thought I would really be into it, and I'm not an expert by any means, but sometimes I just take 5 minutes a day to listen to the silence and listen to my body. Then I might take a few more minutes to think through what is stressing me out and try and look at it from different perspectives. Keep your chin up, you can do this!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited January 2017
    [Reply Edited By MyFitnessPal Moderator]
    Gem: We should do challenges… Youguys can ride me when I don’t hit my goal then! ;) Love the new fridge!! How exciting!!

    Melanie: Thanks for the info about the Crystal Light! =) Sorry to hear the injury has been a pain in the kitten! So nice to have a hubby that doesn’t mind cooking! Our rule is first one home gets to cook and my hours changed a while back so he beats me home everyday… He has done an amazing job and even signed up for Pinterest and added things to the Dinner board quite often! Too funny… I want to move to Durango!! That’s my destination! And after all the talk about Colorado… I am vacationing there this summer! Going for a week! I can’t wait! And Yellowstone is amazing!!! I’ve been there 3x!! And I would go again!

    Jen1977: Love the tats!!! Very cool!! If I ever get one, I choose the feet! I just love them on feet!

    Brown Eyes: I added you on Fitbit!

    Janetay: Nice loss!!! Keep it up girl! We all have those days! Hope last night went better!! I agree pre-logging is awesome… I need to do more of it!

    Jdelaroy: Way to step girl!!! Yay! And nice loss! Great weekend!! Hope you have a better day today! Those damn sunflower seeds! Rachel is right… could have been Girl Scout Cookies! ;) Awesome reason to brag on the kiddo! That’s a such a great feeling! We don’t always feel like we did a great job but we must be doing something right! ;)

    Welcome Kballard!

    Rachel: Good to know about the lactic acid… Thanks! Glad you had a great date night and a wonderful weekend! I think I need to step on the GoT train… sounds like a great show! Sounds like a great time with co-workers and a trainer! Awesome!

    JenHul: Best of luck with the Challenge! You will rock it!!

    Kelly: A meat or cheese raffle is usually in a bar, they have them just to draw in customers… The bar buys a bunch of meat or cheese and sells 12-15 paddles for $1 each round. Then they pick a winner and the winner goes up and picks one piece or meat or cheese and they repeat this cycle until it is all gone. Some do money rounds or sell bigger packages for $2 rounds… it’s totally up to the bar having the meat raffle. It’s fun whether you win or not… but usually if you have a large group, someone at your table will win! I love pizza… one of my weekend failures always! LOL!

    Welcome Maritill! Never too late to join us!!

    Tazzy: Way to go on 2 more lbs!! You rock girl! Weird… my brother had brain surgery (not due to cancer) last February too. It is very stressful! He had an Acoustic Neuroma tumor. Love the pita bread idea… I have totally spaced doing that!

    Joy: I’m a bit fluffy too! Love that description! Glad you had a great anniversary!! I bought a heart rate monitor to help me with the calorie burn. That way I feel a little better about the calories for specific exercises.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So I've been away... Long weekend and a sick kiddo! Friday night Lexi and I just hung out and had a One Tree Hill marathon... Saturday morning we hit the gym together and she pushed me extra hard! Felt great!! Then we headed to WI Dells for waterpark fun for the evening. I relaxed in the hot tub and by the pool with a good book most of the night while Lexi and her friend had a blast! We stayed until close and drove home. Slept in. Hit the gym Sunday and then she got sick. =( Monday I stayed home with her and the roads were crap (freezing rain!) so I went to the basement on the elliptical. My driveway is a skating rink! Tuesday she was still feeling icky and school was canceled. Thank God, it is finals week and I hated to see her suffer through her finals sick. She's feeling better today and had her first two tests. Said they went well and is now sleeping or so she says! I did manage a 2nd elliptical workout yesterday but time to hit the gym and get in some other stuff! My eating has been alright, nothing special and my workouts seem to follow that path! I was kind of sore after Sat. morning. I need to take that kid with me more often! I can't let her show up her ol' mom! Hope you all are having a great week!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited January 2017
    This is me in WISCONSIN!!! =)
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    edited January 2017

    My diy pitta pizza and homemade oven chips. It was yum! And that was just half the pizza! All for about 500 calories.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @ShyCush6 I love the dog sliding!! :D I assume Bentley is not venturing out for a skate!!?!!