Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    @shkycush6 – that’s so interesting! I’ve never heard of that. LOL. Sounds like you had a blast at the Dells. I am going to great wolf lodge with my niece next weekend. Should be fun.
    @tazzy2911 – that looks yummy!
    @kristinak48 – welcome! I am also a Midwesterner  Grew up in Indiana and now live in Chicago.
    @sherilynca – welcome! This group is great for motivation! Lots of positive people that are willing to give you a pep talk when you are struggling. And it’s just fun 
    @gemwolf110 – I love the Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD. It has three levels. I’ve done levels one and two before, but starting off at level 1 for now. But trust me level 1 is no joke! I like it because it’s a mix of weight lifting and cardio. I need to do some Zumba soon! I used to go to Zumba classes when I was in college with some friends.
    @janetay01 – yes, Game of Thrones is wonderful. You should definitely watch it. That’s awesome that you’re making a blanket for Alistair. Both of my grandmothers made quilts and I still have a ton of them to this day. I agree with you on the bread thing. I refuse to cut it out. I’m not going to go my entire life without ever eating bread again so I might as well figure out how to work it into my diet now.
    @jdelaroy – GREAT job on 20 minutes without stopping! That’s impressive! Hope you have a nice, relaxing time at Winter Park.
    @Rachel0778 – Work it girl!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Tazzy: Pizza & chips look yummy!! I just pinned a cauliflower pizza crust recipe… I think I might try this weekend! Looked delicious! Bentley is sliding all over the back yard! =) She ventures around the fence line as that is where there is the least ice! We are in melt down mode here now… 40’s… “The January thaw” so it can freeze again and be ice all over! =)

    Cauliflower Pizza Crust… in case anyone else wants to try it…

    Kristina: Welcome! Wedding plans! Oh… I just love hearing about them! How exciting! Hope you post often!

    Sherri: Welcome, hope you can post often and share with us on your journey!

    Dulsysaylor: Welcome… sounds like you have come a long way! Welcome and continue to share your journey!

    Gem: Thanks for the fitbit invite and challenge! ! I did add and few people to the challenge… they are all in this group… Jen, Cari, Gillian and Dana… How exciting 8 days off!! Skiing or snowboarding sound awesome! Jealous!

    Janetay: I don’t like that MFP adds the calories for you saying you have so many left… I’d rather it gave you the total of what you ate and just below added you earned so many from exercise… That way it is easier to stick to what your goal is and not eat back calories…

    Jdelaroy: We are going to Rocky Mountain National Park, Glenwood Springs, Vail, Winter Park… all over that area. I haven’t been to RMNP yet… so I was planning on a couple days… anyone else have input on that? Enjoy Winter Park this weekend! It will be so awesome!!! Nice job on the running. I did the 20 minutes on Saturday and my legs killed me Monday! ;) I know the feeling!

    Jen1977: Happy early Birthday!!

    So I as well had not so great of a day yesterday. The scale didn’t budge so I won’t balk too much, but it was treat day at work and I put in 10 hours and really didn’t feel like hitting the gym… I really need to keep working on getting in my workout in the morning! Planning on hitting the gym tonight after work. Pre-logged most of my day, so today is looking brighter! Plus this 40 degree weather feels like a God send, slight change from the 20s… =)
  • HG3185
    HG3185 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for posting. I am looking for the exact same thing as finding motivational friends and "checking in" with others has always helped me stay focused as I am being held accountable. I ultimately have 83 more pounds to lose to hit my final goal but for now I have about thirty to get to my first major goal.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Shy, that dog skidding around on the ice is hilarious! I was sliding around walking from the car to my work this morning, almost biffed it 3 x!! Icy sucks! All this talk of Colorado has me wishing I was planning a vacation there this year... alas, we are going on that Alaska cruise instead! (which I'm pumped about of course)!

    Quick update - yesterday was day 1 of making my exercise cals 1 calorie, and I really like it so far! I upped my daily cals to 1600 and that seemed to be quite perfect, didn't feel deprived/restricted. I did go over a few, but I did 45 mins of sweaty cardio at the gym, so was all good! I like it that I'm not tempted to eat more because I have those exercise cals sitting there waiting to be used.

    Pre-planned dinner for tonight, chicken breasts, rice and spinach salad. So I'm feeling like I'm on a good roll for once! Feels like first time this year that I am feeling on track!! So I'm happy!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel: Glad you are having a great day, looking pretty and all! I curled my hair too but after an hour it is straight again! LOL! Way to feel the burn.. you are rocking it lady!! Proud of you!

    Kelly: Meat raffles, I thought were a Wisconsin thing… But Rachel said they have ‘em in MN too! =) I’m surprised they haven’t made their way to Chicago or Indiana! Great Wolf is fun too! I love zumba too.. I wish I could find a good class nearby! My hubby and I were just discussing GoT last night… might be or new series!

    Welcome HG! Share often!

    Joy: That dog looks like me here too!! Yikes! Almost nit it on my deck steps letting the pooch out this morning! Alaska cruise!! I’m so jealous! How about you come to Colorado with me and I’ll come on the cruise with you! ;) That will be amazing!!! We’ve always talked about doing it… When do you go? I think I might need to use 1 Calorie too! That is a good idea! Way to meal plan… Chad texted and said he could pick up a pizza for dinner… I declined… That’s a NSV for me! =)
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @Rachel0778 roller derby looks great...they actually have a team in my area but I'd probably break my neck if I did it!!! :p
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @ShyCush6 way to go on turning down the pizza!!! That's serious will power!!
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    @Rachel0778 - I have my kids, and I am pretty selfish with my time with them, so I have a few friends coming over for drinks for a bit after work and that is it.
    @HG3185 - Welcome to the group!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Shy, I don't think I've ever said no to pizza in my life. Not even once! LOL! So good for you! Going on the cruise in August!!!!! I told myself this morning to not think about the 35+ lbs I want to lose... just think of ONE POUND. Then think of the next. Don't want to get overwhelmed, throw in the towel and eat the world (and all pizzas), and then be mad at myself. I can do one pound at a time!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Shy, that is you talking to me! HA!!! Yes, you can come on the cruise and I will go with you to Coloradoooo!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Shy - well done for turning down the pizza. Not sure I could have been that strong!

    Joy - glad you feel like you've found a way to handle the extra calories and feel like you are on track. Your supper sounds yummy - keep doing good things!

    @HG3185 - welcome!

    Rachel - glad you are feeling better, enjoy your training day!

    @pudgy1977 - happy birthday!! I turned 40 last year - it's turned out to be a pretty cool age so far, enjoy it!

    Jen - half a cheeseburger? Nope, don't think I could have done that either - view it like my bread and butter pudding earlier this week, enjoy and move on! That's amazing endurance for running - go you :). Enjoy Winter Park!

    Thank goodness it's friday - again, it feels like a long week but it's nearly weekend and the sun is (almost) shining here. All the standard Saturday stuff planned here - food shop and swimming with Alistair plus the added excitement of going out to get new tyres fitted on my car!!! Expensive and I've been putting it off but really needs to be done so one more thing ticked off the 'to do list'. Hope the weekend is good to you all and keep up the good work team - we are really hitting it hard this year!

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Normally, I would have did it before I started, I was just starving by the time we got home. It was mostly mindless eating. Yesterday, wasn't much better. You are no slug and glad you are feeling beautiful and a little Sassy today. My work would flip if I wore something besides jeans. I have worn slacks once or twice and the first thing my boss asks is if I have an interview somewhere.

    @kaavery120188 I am so excited, I bet I drive everyone crazy at work today. Just 7ish more hours.

    @ShyCush6 RMNP is beautiful. I don't make it up there often. Last time we went camping up there it was in August, was a gorgeous day. Woke up to 6 inches of snow on the ground. I was the only one smart enough to have brought warm clothes and a coat with me. I laughed my *kitten* off at all the boys. They kept telling me I was stupid to bring it all. We have a saying in CO, and it is even more true when you are in the mountains. "Don't like the weather? Wait 10 minutes it will change." I rarely don't have a coat in my car.

    @pudgy1977 Happy 40th Birthday. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and this year bring you many great rewards, and a lot of joy.

    @bluepoppies777 One pound at a time is exactly right. I would like to lose between 60-80 pounds, but right now my goal is to lose 5 pounds. That is a small number, I can do that. Then I can be happy and be proud of myself. Then set a new goal of 5 pounds... and so forth. Woo hoo, Colorado is the place to come visit. Although a cruise would be good too.

    @janetay01 Yep, I am not going to get bummed about it. I learned a lesson fast food cheeseburgers are gross, not worth the aftermath. Next time I was just ask the BF to bbq me one and I will stick to the chicken at fast food places. Great job getting your errands done.

    I had a really tame night last night the BF had to work late (got home at 930) and I didn't have anything besides shopping and packing to get done. I did those things. Shy made the mistake of inviting me to do a Fitbit challenge. I hate losing, and had nothing else to do. My living room and kids saw me walking back and forth. Ended up with 22000 steps. Almost 10k more than I had planned. I also got asked to be a team leader for the Amazing Race winter challenge. Pretty excited about it, but bummed I have to leave my old team to do it.

    Ladies have a fantastic weekend, breathe and remember our words! I challenge each of you to do a new to you exercise, video, or walk a walk you haven't walked before.
  • jcarrasquel
    jcarrasquel Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm new and restarting my weight loss journey. I'm trying to lose around 20 kilos (or 50 pounds). I'm not setting a time frame, but I want to be consistently losing weight. Any support would be great since I'm not getting support at home. My profile is open and anyone can add me and I'll accept as long as you're supportive. I hope I can find some people to join me in losing weight, even if it's a pound a week. I have very little motivation to do this on my own.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Happy Birthday Jen!! The Big 4-0!
  • karobines
    karobines Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm Robin. I started MFP 10 days ago and am down 4lbs. I'm a former Weight Watcher and gained about 30lbs in the last year and a half, and I'd like to get back to a comfortable, sustainable weight. I'm excited to see where MFP takes me - so far I love the accountability and am obsessed with tracking. Just got a food scale so I can be more accurate, because I know I'm probably under guessing weights of things. Also joined a gym in September of last year and it's become one of my habits, I love going now. I need to make some changes to my routines so I can start targeting my problematic spots better.

    Anyhoo, nice to be here!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Tazzy: It was really yummy pizza too… I am pretty proud! Instead I had a bowl of cereal… I didn’t feel like cooking once I got home from the gym and he was still out with the guys from work!

    Jen1977: I am so selfish when I have my daughter… we have 50/50 custody and I drop everything when I have her. My friends don’t understand how it works sometimes… they would do anything for a break from their kids for a day! They grow up too fast not to give ‘em all our attention…

    Joy (aka fluffy): =) ! I like the thought of fat being fluffy… it sounds so much cuter! You have a great positive outlook… If I have a fail day… it’s usually because of pizza!! LOL! One pound at a time is right! The scale was down one this morning! YAY! Well Colorado is in June! Get your *kitten* together! LOL!

    Janetay: I with you TGIF!!! New tires always does feel good! I think I just feel safer when I get them! Enjoy your weekend, sounds like a nice one in the works!

    Jddelroy: I will pack all kinds of warm clothes for the mountains! My husband said the same thing when we went to Yellowstone and I was very warm the whole trip! LOL! I have a goal of 10 lbs for me as well. Start small and build up! Way to go on the fitbit challenge… You guys really made me step up my game!

    Welcome JCarrasquel! Hope you post often!

    Welcome Robin! Post often… sounds like you are on the right track and we’d love to hear about your journey!

    So I managed to get a workout after work and then pranced around my kitchen, cause I hate losing fitbit challenges either! LOL! Guess what.. I lost!! =( But I did manage to get in 16K! Which I am happy with!! I also hit the gym this morning! Yay! And now that I upgraded my membership so I can bring Lexi whenever I want… I now get Hydro Massage, tanning beds and Light Therapy… I have never done a red light therapy… supposedly it relieves tension in your muscles and joints, helps your skin elasticity and reduce cellulite… HMMMM… not sure what I think of that machine yet. I might try it once. Anyone else ever heard of it? Tanning beds, I won’t use but the Hydro Massage I am looking forward to. I might try it tonight after work when I go in and lift some!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes I'm back.. again. I really need to stop running away from the fat. I have tried ignoring it, hiding it (not enough spanx in the world), bribing it (chocolate is not my friend) and pleading with it. But it's not going away. I need some motivation, seriously.
    On a brighter note, I did lose 20 pounds last year, so it's not all bad.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,390 Member
    It's been a while since I posted on this site, I've been doing well despite my changing the rate of loss to 1/2 lb/wk instead of my usual 1 lb/wk. I just had more of an appetite during these cold wet winter days. I put it back to 1 lb/wk today. Despite that i did lose 2 more lbs recently, yay for me. My hubby was in hospital with high heart rate week before last but thankfully came home after a week & is doing well. All last week he wanted me to be near by so I was going to the gym every day since it's 3 min from our house. I think that helped me lose wt. We made some pork ribs a few days ago. I cooked them in slow oven for 3hrs, then hubby put them on the grill. They were awesome but both of us felt sick after, I think because we're not used to eating fat anymore.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,325 Member
    Hey, all!
    Hope everyone has had a great weekend! For those that asked...the doctor gave me two more weeks in the cast & then he'll put me in a boot for a while so we can rehab the ankle sprain he just decided I also have. Pain is generally better (sometimes it gripes a lot...but mostly not) but it makes sleeping hard, I'm usually awake between 4:30 and 5:15 with no hope for more sleep! I should be on my feet again around the 2nd. I tried a weigh-in on Sat...knowing that I have no idea what my cast weighs and was down at least two pounds from the last time, with the cast and that's about 2.5 less than before the 5 ish pounds down in four weeks!

    On the pizza discussion: I turn down pizza for three words: Pizza Hut, Cici's. I find both gross and have no problem saying no. We have several local places that have tasty, non-greasy pizza that is amazing, so I try to avoid it!

    Regarding GoT...sorry guys, I can't do it. Read the first book not long after it came out (yes, that was a LOOOONNNGG time ago...20 years or so). Liked it but got very peeved when I had to wait more than 12 years for the sequel. And then I didn't like it much. I can live without stories where the worthwhile people all end up persecuted or murdered and the worthless ones prosper and do the murdering. Too depressing for me.

    @gemwolf110, Have an excellent vacation!!! And good luck on the interviews...I'm applying for my boss's job this week (she retired & we've had an interim for 5 months), so I'm with you on the stress of interviews (and I don't even have an interview yet!). Good luck!

    @bluepoppies777, I love the kittens! When I was a kid, this woman my mom knew had a fridge magnet of a big, wooly sheep that said "Ewes not fat, ewes fluffy" that I always is even better with kittens!

    Welcome new people! Have an awesome week!